$man->ManufacturerID = $tmpl->ManufacturerID; $man->GetManufacturerByID(); $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . ": [{$man->Name}] {$tmpl->Model}<br>\n"; break; case "ChassisSlots": if ($dev->DeviceType == 'Chassis') { $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . " " . $dev->{$row}["Field"] . "<br>\n"; } break; case "Model": $template = new CDUTemplate(); $manufacturer = new Manufacturer(); $template->TemplateID = $pdu->TemplateID; $template->GetTemplate(); $manufacturer->ManufacturerID = $template->ManufacturerID; $manufacturer->GetManufacturerByID(); $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . ": [{$manufacturer->Name}] {$template->Model}<br>\n"; break; case "NumOutlets": $template = new CDUTemplate(); $powerConn = new PowerConnection(); $template->TemplateID = $pdu->TemplateID; $template->GetTemplate(); $powerConn->PDUID = $pdu->PDUID; $connList = $powerConn->GetConnectionsByPDU(); $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . ": " . count($connList) . "/" . ($template->NumOutlets + 1) . "<br>\n"; break; case "Uptime": $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . ": " . $pdu->GetSmartCDUUptime() . "<br>\n"; break; case "PanelID":
// // URL: /api/v1/manufacturer // Method: POST // Params: none // Returns: true/false on update operation // $app->post('/manufacturer/:manufacturerid', function ($manufacturerid) use($app, $person) { $man = new Manufacturer(); $man->ManufacturerID = $manufacturerid; $response['error'] = true; $response['errorcode'] = 404; if (!$person->SiteAdmin) { $response['errorcode'] = 403; $response['message'] = __("Unauthorized"); } else { if (!$man->GetManufacturerByID()) { $response['message'] = __("Manufacturer not found with id: ") . " {$manufacturerid}"; } else { foreach ($app->request->post() as $prop => $val) { $man->{$prop} = $val; } if (!$man->UpdateManufacturer()) { $response['message'] = __("Manufacturer update failed"); } else { $response['error'] = false; $response['errorcode'] = 200; } } } echoResponse(200, $response); });
} echo ' </div> <div> <div><label for="TemplateID">', __("Device Class"), '</label></div> <div><select name="TemplateID" id="TemplateID"> <option value=0>', __("Select a template..."), '</option>'; foreach ($templateList as $tempRow) { // $devarray is helping to remove invalid device templates from child devices if (in_array($tempRow->DeviceType, array_keys($devarray))) { if ($dev->TemplateID == $tempRow->TemplateID) { $selected = " selected"; } else { $selected = ""; } $mfg->ManufacturerID = $tempRow->ManufacturerID; $mfg->GetManufacturerByID(); print "\t\t\t\t<option value=\"{$tempRow->TemplateID}\"{$selected}>{$mfg->Name} - {$tempRow->Model}</option>\n"; } } echo ' </select> </div> </div> <div> <div><label for="Height">', $dev->ParentDevice == 0 ? __("Height") : __("Number of slots"), '</label></div> <div><input type="number" class="required,validate[custom[onlyNumberSp]]" name="Height" id="Height" value="', $dev->Height, '"></div> </div> <div> <div><label for="Position">', __("Position"), '</label></div> <div><input type="number" class="required,validate[custom[onlyNumberSp],min[1],max[', $cab->CabinetHeight, ']]" name="Position" id="Position" value="', $dev->Position, '"></div> </div> ';
/** * Compute the device class of a device * * @param DeviceTemplate $devTemplates * @param Device $device * @return (string|string)[] Manufacturer, Model */ function getDeviceTemplateName($devTemplates, $device) { // Compute the device class of a device $retval = array('_NoDevModel', '_NoManufDefined'); $templID = $device->TemplateID; if ($templID != 0) { // Data validation error if (!isset($devTemplates[$templID])) { $devTemplates[$templID] = new DeviceTemplate(); $devTemplates[$templID]->TemplateID = $templID; $devTemplates[$templID]->ManufacturerID = 0; $devTemplates[$templID]->Model = __("Template Missing"); } $manufacturer = new Manufacturer(); $manufacturer->ManufacturerID = $devTemplates[$templID]->ManufacturerID; $retcode = $manufacturer->GetManufacturerByID(); if ($retcode) { $manufName = $manufacturer->Name; } else { $manufName = '_NoManufDefined'; } $retval = array($manufName, $devTemplates[$templID]->Model); } return $retval; }
function UpdateManufacturer() { $this->MakeSafe(); $sql = "UPDATE fac_Manufacturer SET Name=\"{$this->Name}\", GlobalID={$this->GlobalID}, SubscribeToUpdates={$this->SubscribeToUpdates} WHERE ManufacturerID={$this->ManufacturerID};"; $old = new Manufacturer(); $old->ManufacturerID = $this->ManufacturerID; $old->GetManufacturerByID(); $this->MakeDisplay(); class_exists('LogActions') ? LogActions::LogThis($this, $old) : ''; return $this->query($sql); }
/** * Compute the device class of a device * * @param DeviceTemplate $devTemplates * @param Device $device * @return (string|string)[] Manufacturer, Model */ function getDeviceTemplateName($devTemplates, $device) { // Compute the device class of a device $retval = array('_NoDevModel', '_NoManufDefined'); $templID = $device->TemplateID; if ($templID != 0) { $manufacturer = new Manufacturer(); $manufacturer->ManufacturerID = $devTemplates[$templID]->ManufacturerID; $retcode = $manufacturer->GetManufacturerByID(); if ($retcode) { $manufName = $manufacturer->Name; } else { $manufName = '_NoManufDefined'; } $retval = array($manufName, $devTemplates[$templID]->Model); } return $retval; }
$ct = new CDUTemplate(); $sen = new SensorTemplate(); $tList = $t->GetTemplateShareList(); $c = curl_init('https://repository.opendcim.org/api/template'); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "/tmp/repocookies.txt"); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "/tmp/repocookies.txt"); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("UserID: " . $config->ParameterArray["APIUserID"], "APIKey: " . $config->ParameterArray["APIKey"], "Content-Type: application/json")); foreach ($tList as $temp) { if ($temp->ManufacturerID != $m->ManufacturerID) { $m->ManufacturerID = $temp->ManufacturerID; $m->GetManufacturerByID(); } $temp->ManufacturerID = $m->GlobalID; $tp = new TemplatePorts(); $tp->TemplateID = $temp->TemplateID; $tpList = $tp->getPorts(); // Convert the base template object to an associative array for easier manipulation $postData["template"] = json_decode(json_encode($temp), true); $postData["templateports"] = array(); foreach ($tpList as $tport) { array_push($postData["templateports"], json_decode(json_encode($tport), true)); } $tpp = new TemplatePowerPorts(); $tpp->TemplateID = $temp->TemplateID; $tppList = $tpp->getPorts(); $postData["templatepowerports"] = array();