  * check customer registration and carry on the registration process if it is not completed 
  * Returns True if valid, false otherwise.
  * @param string $email_address
  * @return int
 public function checkRegister($refno, $email, $isChangeEmail)
     (string) ($refno = preg_replace('/X/', '', $refno));
     $customermgr = new Manager_Core_Customer();
     $customer = $customermgr->getCustomerByEmailAddress($email);
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $mac = new Application_Core_Security($params->myhomelet->activation_mac_secret, false);
     $digest = $mac->generate(array('email' => $email));
     $activationLink = 'refno=' . $refno . '&' . 'email=' . $email . '&' . 'mac=' . $digest;
     $customerMap = new Datasource_Core_CustomerMaps();
     if ($customer) {
         if (!$customerMap->getMap(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $refno)) {
             $customermgr->linkLegacyToNew($refno, $customer->getIdentifier(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER));
         if (!$customer->getEmailValidated()) {
             $mail = new Application_Core_Mail();
             $mail->setTo($email, null);
             $mail->setFrom('*****@*****.**', 'HomeLet');
             $mail->setSubject('My HomeLet account validation');
             $mail->applyTemplate('core/account-validation', array('activationLink' => $activationLink, 'homeletWebsite' => $params->homelet->domain, 'firstname' => $customer->getFirstName(), 'templateId' => 'HL2442 12-12', 'heading' => 'Validating your My HomeLet account', 'imageBaseUrl' => $params->weblead->mailer->imageBaseUrl), false, '/email-branding/homelet/portal-footer.phtml', '/email-branding/homelet/portal-header.phtml');
             $mail->applyTextTemplate('core/account-validationtxt', array('activationLink' => $activationLink, 'homeletWebsite' => $params->homelet->domain, 'firstname' => $customer->getFirstName(), 'templateId' => 'HL2442 12-12', 'heading' => 'Validating your My HomeLet account'), false, '/email-branding/homelet/portal-footer-txt.phtml', '/email-branding/homelet/portal-header-txt.phtml');
             // Send email
             return 1;
         } else {
             return 0;
     } else {
         if ($isChangeEmail) {
             $cMap = $customerMap->getMap(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $refno);
             if ($cMap) {
                 $customer = $customermgr->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $cMap->getIdentifier());
                 $legacyids = $customerMap->getLegacyIDs($customer->getIdentifier());
                 foreach ($legacyids as $legacyid) {
                     if ($legacyid != $refno) {
                         $customer = $customermgr->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $legacyid);
                 return 0;
         $oldCustomer = $customermgr->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $refno);
         $mail = new Application_Core_Mail();
         $mail->setTo($email, null);
         $mail->setFrom('*****@*****.**', 'HomeLet');
         $mail->setSubject("Don't forget to register your My HomeLet account");
         $mail->applyTemplate('core/partial-registration', array('activationLink' => $activationLink, 'homeletWebsite' => $params->homelet->domain, 'firstname' => $oldCustomer->getFirstName(), 'templateId' => 'HL2469 12-12', 'heading' => 'Get even more with your My HomeLet account', 'imageBaseUrl' => $params->weblead->mailer->imageBaseUrl), false, '/email-branding/homelet/portal-footer.phtml', '/email-branding/homelet/portal-header.phtml');
         $mail->applyTextTemplate('core/partial-registrationtxt', array('activationLink' => $activationLink, 'homeletWebsite' => $params->homelet->domain, 'firstname' => $oldCustomer->getFirstName(), 'templateId' => 'HL2469 12-12', 'heading' => 'Get even more with your My HomeLet account'), false, '/email-branding/homelet/portal-footer-txt.phtml', '/email-branding/homelet/portal-header-txt.phtml');
         // Send email
         return 2;
예제 #2
  * Create possessions subform
  * @return void
 public function init()
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tenants_insurance_quote');
     $possession = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_SpecPossessions($pageSession->PolicyNumber);
     $maximumReached = $possession->countPossessions() == $possession->maxPossessions;
     if (isset($pageSession->CustomerRefNo)) {
         $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
         $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $pageSession->CustomerRefNo);
         switch ($customer->getTitle('title')) {
             case 'Mr':
             case 'Sir':
                 $this->gender = 'male';
             case 'Mrs':
             case 'Ms':
             case 'Miss':
                 $this->gender = 'female';
                 $this->gender = 'unknown';
     // Add taking items from house element
     $this->addElement('radio', 'away_from_home', array('label' => 'Would you like to cover your belongings that you take away from the home?', 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => array('yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), 'separator' => '', 'label_placement' => 'prepend', 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => array('isEmpty' => 'Please select whether you take items away from the home', 'notEmptyInvalid' => 'Please select whether you take items away from the home'))))));
     // Add possessions cover select element
     $this->addElement('select', 'possessions_cover', array('label' => 'Cover level', 'required' => false, 'multiOptions' => array('' => '--- please select ---', '1000' => html_entity_decode('£', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '1000', '2000' => html_entity_decode('£', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '2000', '4000' => html_entity_decode('£', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '4000', '6000' => html_entity_decode('£', ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '6000'), 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => array('isEmpty' => 'Please select a level of cover', 'notEmptyInvalid' => 'Please select a level of cover')))), 'attribs' => array('class' => 'form-control')));
     // Add above x amount element
     $this->addElement('radio', 'above_x', array('label' => 'Would you like to cover any individual items that can be taken out and about that are worth more than £1,000?', 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => array('yes' => 'Yes', 'no' => 'No'), 'separator' => '', 'label_placement' => 'prepend', 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => array('isEmpty' => 'Please select if you would like to cover any individual items with a value of more than £1,000', 'notEmptyInvalid' => 'Please select if you would like to cover any individual items with a value of more than £1,000'))))));
     // Add possessions cover select element
     $this->addElement('select', 'possession_categoryId', array('label' => 'Category', 'required' => false, 'multiOptions' => $possession->listCategories(), 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => array('isEmpty' => 'Please select a category', 'notEmptyInvalid' => 'Please select a category')))), 'attribs' => array('class' => 'form-control')));
     // Add fields for new possession types and values (the visible fields associated with the "Add possession" button)
     $this->addElement('text', 'possession_description', array('required' => false, 'filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => array('isEmpty' => 'Please enter a description of the possession', 'notEmptyInvalid' => 'Please enter a description of the possession'))), array('regex', true, array('pattern' => '/^[0-9a-z\\ \\-\\,\\(\\)\\.\']{3,}$/i', 'messages' => 'Possession description must contain at least three alphanumeric characters and only basic punctuation (space, hyphen, comma, round brackets, full stop and single quote)'))), 'attribs' => array('data-validate' => 'validate', 'data-required' => 'required', 'class' => 'form-control')));
     $this->addElement('text', 'possession_value', array('label' => "Item value", 'required' => false, 'validators' => array(array('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => array('isEmpty' => 'Please enter the value of the possession', 'notEmptyInvalid' => 'Please enter the value of the possession'))), array('GreaterThan', true, array('min' => $params->uw->mv->tenantsp->specPossession, 'messages' => 'Possession value must be above £1,000'))), 'attribs' => array('data-required' => 'required', 'data-validate' => 'validate', 'data-type' => 'currency', 'class' => 'form-control')));
     // Add a filter suitable for currency input - this strips anything non-digit and non-decimal point such as pound
     //   symbols and commas
     $possessionValue = $this->getElement('possession_value');
     $possessionValue->addFilter('callback', function ($v) {
         return preg_replace('/[^\\d\\.]/', '', $v);
     if ($maximumReached) {
         // Disable the possessions entry forms
         $this->possession_description->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
         $this->possession_jewellery->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
         $this->possession_value->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
     // Set custom subform decorator
     $this->setDecorators(array(array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'subforms/possessions.phtml'))));
     // Strip all tags to prevent XSS errors - done iteratively so not to overwrite any existing filters
     foreach ($this->getElements() as $element) {
     $this->setElementDecorators(array(array('ViewHelper', array('escape' => false)), array('Label', array('escape' => false))));
     $view = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam('bootstrap')->getResource('view');
     $view->headScript()->appendFile('/assets/tenants-insurance-quote/js/possessions.js', 'text/javascript');
예제 #3
 public function saveAction()
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $password1 = $this->getRequest()->getPost('password1');
         $password2 = $this->getRequest()->getPost('password2');
         if ($password1 != $password2) {
             $return['status'] = 'error';
             $return['errorMessage'] = 'Passwords do not match. Please re-enter';
         } else {
             $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
             $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tenants_insurance_quote');
             $legacyCustomerReference = $pageSession->CustomerRefNo;
             // This will create a customer record as we don't currently have one (only a legacy one)
             $customerID = $customerManager->linkLegacyToNew($legacyCustomerReference, null, Model_Core_Customer::TENANT);
             // Now we need to retreive the newly created customer and update the password
             $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $customerID);
             // Email the new customer to give them their details
             $metaData = array('name' => $customer->getFirstName(), 'quoteNumber' => $pageSession->PolicyNumber);
             // Log the customer in
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
             $adapter = $customerManager->getAuthAdapter(array('password' => $this->getRequest()->getPost('password1'), 'email' => $customer->getEmailAddress()));
             $result = $auth->authenticate($adapter);
             if (!$result->isValid()) {
                 // This really shouldn't ever happen as we've just created the customer!!
             } else {
                 $storage = $auth->getStorage();
                 $storage->write($adapter->getResultRowObject(array('title', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email_address', 'id')));
             $emailer = new Application_Core_Mail();
             $emailer->setTo($customer->getEmailAddress(), $customer->getFirstName() . ' ' . $customer->getLastName())->setSubject('Homelet - Saved Tenants Contents Insurance Quote')->applyTemplateWithoutFooter('tenantsinsurancequote_saved', $metaData);
             $return['status'] = 'saved';
         echo Zend_Json::encode($return);
  * Pull in the sub forms that comprise My HomeLet registration
  * @return void
 public function init()
     // Switch my homelet subform
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         // We have an identified, logged-in customer
         $this->addSubForm(new Account_Form_Subforms_LoggedIn($auth), 'subform_logged_in');
     } else {
         // Grab the legacy customer from the session
         $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('landlords_insurance_quote');
         $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
         $legacyCustomer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $pageSession->customerRefNo);
         // Do we have a new customer?
         $newCustomer = $customerManager->getCustomerByEmailAddress($legacyCustomer->getEmailAddress());
         if ($newCustomer instanceof Model_Core_Customer) {
             $this->addSubForm(new Account_Form_Subforms_Login(), 'subform_login');
         } else {
             $this->addSubForm(new Account_Form_Subforms_Register(), 'subform_register');
예제 #5
 public function getCustomer($refno)
     $insLegacyCustomerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
     $customer = $insLegacyCustomerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $refno);
     return $customer;
  * Edit account action
  * @return void 
 public function editAccountAction()
     $this->_setMetaTitle('My HomeLet | Edit Account');
     $this->_setBreadcrumbs(array('/' => 'Home', '/my-homelet' => 'My HomeLet', '/my-homelet/edit-account' => 'My Account Details'));
     $form = new Account_Form_EditAccount();
     // Populate the form with the security question options
     $securityQuestionModel = new Datasource_Core_SecurityQuestion();
     $securityQuestionOptions = $securityQuestionModel->getOptions();
     foreach ($securityQuestionOptions as $option) {
         $form->security_question->addMultiOption($option['id'], $option['question']);
     // Get the customer session
     $customerSession = $this->auth->getStorage()->read();
     // Retrieve the customer record
     $customermgr = new Manager_Core_Customer();
     $customer = $customermgr->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $customerSession->id);
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         // Set the current password for validation
         // Validate the form
         if ($form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
             // Update the customer
             if ($form->password->getValue() != '') {
                 // Set new password
             $this->view->accountUpdated = true;
     } else {
         // Populate the form with customers data
     $this->view->form = $form;
  * Exportable login status - generates a complete HTML5 mini-page for
  * embedding in a remote or a local iframe.  Note that URL to this action is
  * set in application/routes/config/account.ini as /my-homelet/login-status
  * @return void
 public function exportableLoginStatusAction()
     // No layout desired, outputs a complete HTML5 page.
     // Ensure cross-site origin is allowed
     //header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
     // Pass in the base URL to the view so links are absolute to the HLF
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $this->view->hlfBaseUrl = $params->homelet->domain;
     // Check if user logged in
     $this->view->loggedIn = false;
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         // Logged in
         $this->view->loggedIn = true;
         // Get customer's name
         // Get the customer session
         $customerSession = $auth->getStorage()->read();
         // Retrieve the customer record
         $customermgr = new Manager_Core_Customer();
         $customer = $customermgr->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $customerSession->id);
         $this->view->firstName = htmlentities($customer->getFirstName());
  * Helper function to populate the zend form elements with database data
  * @param Zend_Form $pageForm form definition for this step
  * @param int $stepNum current step number
  * @return void
 private function _formStepCommonPopulate($pageForm, $stepNum)
     $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tenants_insurance_quote');
     // First of all check that this form should be viewable and the user isn't trying to skip ahead
     $this->view->stepNum = $stepNum;
     $this->view->stepMax = $this->_stepMax;
     // Check to see if the user is trying to skip ahead in the quote
     $tooFarAhead = false;
     if ((!isset($pageSession->completed) || is_null($pageSession->completed)) && $stepNum != 1) {
         $tooFarAhead = true;
         $lastCompleted = 1;
     } elseif ($stepNum > 1) {
         // Check to see if any pages previous to the one the user's trying to get to are incomplete
         $tooFarAhead = false;
         for ($i = 1; $i < $stepNum; $i++) {
             if (!isset($pageSession->completed[$i]) || !$pageSession->completed[$i]) {
                 $tooFarAhead = true;
                 $lastCompleted = $i;
     if ($tooFarAhead) {
         // Drop user onto page that needs completing
         $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl('/tenants/insurance-quote-b/step' . $lastCompleted);
         return false;
     // Now check to see if they need to login (using an existing email address without being logged in)
     if ($stepNum > 1) {
         // Before we do ANYTHING we need to check to see if the email address entered matches a customer record
         // we already have - if it does we need to ask them to login before they proceed.
         $customerReferenceNumber = $pageSession->CustomerRefNo;
         $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
         $legacyCustomer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $customerReferenceNumber);
         $emailAddress = $legacyCustomer->getEmailAddress();
         $customer = $customerManager->getCustomerByEmailAddress($emailAddress);
         if ($customer) {
             // There is already a customer entry for this email address - so we need to see if they are logged in
             // if not we need to force them to login
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
             /*if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
             					$loggedInEmail = $auth->getStorage()->read()->email_address;
             					if ($loggedInEmail != $customer->getEmailAddress()) {
             						// They are logged in but not who they should be to do this quote
             						$this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl('/account/login?refer=tenants-insurance&step='. $stepNum);
             						return false;
             				} else {
             					// They aren't logged in and need to
             					$this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl('/account/login?refer=tenants-insurance&step='. $stepNum);
             					return false;
     // Echo out some debug info if not in production mode
     Application_Core_Logger::log("Policy Number : " . $this->_policyNumber);
     Application_Core_Logger::log("Customer Ref No : " . $this->_customerReferenceNumber);
     Application_Core_Logger::log("agentSchemeNumber : " . $this->_agentSchemeNumber);
     $formData = array();
     // If step 1 and not in session (so producing a quick quote) - we need to pre-populate
     // a few bits if the customer is already logged into the site
     if ($stepNum == 1 && !isset($pageSession->CustomerRefNo)) {
         $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
         $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
         if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
             // Customer is logged in and starting a new quote - so we need to pre-populate the customers details from stored details
             $customerID = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
             $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
             $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $customerID);
             // Get the customer's legacy record too as DoB is only in the old system
             $legacyCustomer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $customerID);
             $formData['title'] = $customer->getTitle();
             $formData['first_name'] = $customer->getFirstName();
             $formData['last_name'] = $customer->getLastName();
             $formData['phone_number'] = $customer->getTelephone(Model_Core_Customer::TELEPHONE1);
             $formData['mobile_number'] = $customer->getTelephone(Model_Core_Customer::TELEPHONE2);
             $formData['email_address'] = $customer->getEmailAddress();
             // Fetch DoB from old customer manager
             $formData['date_of_birth_at'] = $legacyCustomer->getDateOfBirth();
     // Only populate from DB if we are in session and have a reference number
     if (isset($pageSession->CustomerRefNo)) {
         $customerReferenceNumber = $pageSession->CustomerRefNo;
         $policyNumber = $pageSession->PolicyNumber;
         // Populate $formData with data from model, if available
         switch ($stepNum) {
             case 1:
                 // Personal Details section
                 $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
                 $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $customerReferenceNumber);
                 $titleOptions = TenantsInsuranceQuoteB_Form_Subforms_PersonalDetails::$titles;
                 if (in_array($customer->getTitle(), $titleOptions)) {
                     $formData['title'] = $customer->getTitle();
                 } else {
                     $formData['title'] = "Other";
                     $formData['other_title'] = $customer->getTitle();
                 $formData['first_name'] = $customer->getFirstName();
                 $formData['last_name'] = $customer->getLastName();
                 $formData['phone_number'] = $customer->getTelephone(Model_Core_Customer::TELEPHONE1);
                 $formData['mobile_number'] = $customer->getTelephone(Model_Core_Customer::TELEPHONE2);
                 $formData['email_address'] = $customer->getEmailAddress();
                 $dob = $customer->getDateOfBirthAt();
                 if (null != $dob && '0000-00-00' != $dob) {
                     $formData['date_of_birth_at'] = Application_Core_Utilities::mysqlDateToUk($dob);
                 // Data Protection section
                 $dpaManager = new Manager_Core_DataProtection();
                 $dpaItems = $dpaManager->getItems($customerReferenceNumber, Model_Core_DataProtection_ItemEntityTypes::INSURANCE);
                 foreach ($dpaItems as $currentItem) {
                     switch ($currentItem->constraintTypeId) {
                         case Model_Core_DataProtection_ItemConstraintTypes::MARKETING_BY_PHONEANDPOST:
                             if ($currentItem->isAllowed) {
                                 $formData['dpa_phone_post'] = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $formData['dpa_phone_post'] = 1;
                         case Model_Core_DataProtection_ItemConstraintTypes::MARKETING_BY_SMSANDEMAIL:
                             if ($currentItem->isAllowed) {
                                 $formData['dpa_sms_email'] = 0;
                                 // For Redmine Ref #8003, "Updated marketing preference questions on online quotes"
                             } else {
                                 $formData['dpa_sms_email'] = 1;
                                 // For Redmine Ref #8003, "Updated marketing preference questions on online quotes"
                         case Model_Core_DataProtection_ItemConstraintTypes::MARKETING_BY_THIRDPARTY:
                             if ($currentItem->isAllowed) {
                                 $formData['dpa_resale'] = 1;
                             } else {
                                 $formData['dpa_resale'] = 0;
                 // Contents Insurance section
                 $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $this->_policyNumber);
                 // If we've retrieved this quote we need to setup some session variables to match the quote (agent scheme number mostly)
                 $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('homelet_global');
                 $session->agentSchemeNumber = Manager_Core_Agent::filterAsn($quoteManager->getAgentSchemeNumber());
                 $contentsSI = $quoteManager->getCoverAmount(Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote::CONTENTS);
                 // TODO: Remove the hard-coded contents insured splits - should be loaded from DB
                 if ($contentsSI == '5000' || $contentsSI == '7500' || $contentsSI == '10000' || $contentsSI == '15000') {
                     $formData['contents_cover_a'] = $contentsSI;
                 } else {
                     $formData['contents_cover_a'] = '15000+';
                     $formData['contents_cover_b'] = $contentsSI;
                 // Shares section
                 $sharersManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Sharers();
                 $existingSharers = $sharersManager->getSharers($policyNumber);
                 $formData['policy_sharers'] = 0;
                 if ($existingSharers) {
                     if ($existingSharers->getSharerOccupation(1) != '') {
                         $formData['policy_sharers'] = 1;
                         $formData['policy_sharer1_occupation'] = $existingSharers->getSharerOccupation(1);
                     if ($existingSharers->getSharerOccupation(2) != '') {
                         $formData['policy_sharers'] = 2;
                         $formData['policy_sharer2_occupation'] = $existingSharers->getSharerOccupation(2);
                 for ($i = 1; $i <= $pageForm->maxSharers; $i++) {
                     $formData["policy_sharer{$i}_occupation"] = $existingSharers->getSharerOccupation($i);
                 // Decide max number of sharers allowed based on contents insured value
                 $contentsAmount = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $contentsSI, 'precision' => 0));
                 $sharersAllowed = $sharersManager->getNoOfSharersAllowed($contentsAmount);
                 // Push this into Javascript on the page
                 $this->view->headScript()->appendScript("var sharersAllowed = {$sharersAllowed};");
                 // Initial Disclosure Agreement section
                 // As we have a customer reference number they must have saved step 1 at some point which means
                 // they must have agreed to the IDD section
                 $formData['idd'] = 1;
             case 2:
                 // Unspecified Possessions section
                 $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $this->_policyNumber);
                 $unspecSI = $quoteManager->getCoverAmount(Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote::UNSPECIFIEDPOSSESSIONS);
                 // If step has been completed before we can assume some defaults that we'll over-write later
                 if (isset($pageSession->completed[2]) && $pageSession->completed[2] == true or $quoteManager->getPropertyPostcode() != '') {
                     $formData['away_from_home'] = 'no';
                     $formData['above_x'] = 'no';
                     $formData['bicycle'] = 'no';
                 // TODO: Re-factor this so that it doesn't use hardcoded pricing breaks anymore
                 if ($unspecSI > 0) {
                     $formData['away_from_home'] = 'yes';
                     $formData['possessions_cover'] = $unspecSI;
                 //TODO: This should be talking to the quote manager NOT directly to the datasource
                 $possessions = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_SpecPossessions($pageSession->PolicyNumber);
                 if ($possessions->countPossessions() > 0) {
                     $formData['above_x'] = 'yes';
                 // Bicycle section
                 //TODO: This should be talking to the quote manager NOT directly to the datasource
                 $bicycle = new Datasource_Insurance_Policy_Cycles($this->_customerReferenceNumber, $this->_policyNumber);
                 if ($bicycle->countBikes() > 0) {
                     $formData['bicycle'] = 'yes';
             case 3:
                 // Insured Address section
                 // Fetch previously stored address
                 $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $this->_policyNumber);
                 $addressArray = $quoteManager->getPropertyAddress();
                 if ($addressArray['postcode'] != '') {
                     if (strpos($addressArray['address1'], ',') !== false) {
                         $formData['ins_house_number_name'] = preg_replace('/,.*$/', '', $addressArray['address1']);
                     } else {
                         $formData['ins_house_number_name'] = preg_replace('/ .*$/', '', $addressArray['address1']);
                     $formData['ins_postcode'] = $addressArray['postcode'];
                     // Look up address again to populate dropdown
                     $postcodeLookup = new Manager_Core_Postcode();
                     $addresses = $postcodeLookup->getPropertiesByPostcode(preg_replace('/[^\\w\\ ]/', '', $formData['ins_postcode']));
                     $addressList = array('' => '--- please select ---');
                     $filterString = is_numeric($formData['ins_house_number_name']) ? $formData['ins_house_number_name'] . ", " : $formData['ins_house_number_name'];
                     foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                         $addressList[$address['id']] = $address['singleLineWithoutPostcode'];
                         if (stripos($address['singleLineWithoutPostcode'], $filterString) === 0) {
                             $addressID = $address['id'];
                     // Add some validation
                     $ins_address = $pageForm->getSubForm('subform_insuredaddress')->getElement('ins_address');
                     $validator = new Zend_Validate_InArray(array('haystack' => array_keys($addressList)));
                     $validator->setMessages(array(Zend_Validate_InArray::NOT_IN_ARRAY => 'Insured address does not match with postcode'));
                     $ins_address->addValidator($validator, true);
                     // Set the address to selected
                     $addressID = null;
                     // Make sure we don't use this again for the correspondance address!
                     // Upsell Message section
                     $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('tenants_insurance_quote');
                     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('homelet_global');
                     $agentSchemeNumber = $session->agentSchemeNumber;
                 // Correspondance Address section
                 $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
                 $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $this->_customerReferenceNumber);
                 $addressLine1 = $customer->getAddressLine(Model_Core_Customer::ADDRESSLINE1);
                 $addressPostcode = $customer->getPostCode();
                 if ($addressPostcode != '') {
                     if (strpos($addressLine1, ',') !== false) {
                         $formData['cor_house_number_name'] = preg_replace('/,.*$/', '', $addressLine1);
                     } else {
                         $formData['cor_house_number_name'] = preg_replace('/ .*$/', '', $addressLine1);
                     $formData['cor_postcode'] = $addressPostcode;
                     // TODO: Surely if this postcode and house number matches the previous one
                     // we can just tick the YES box and hide the correspondance address form??
                     $postcodeLookup = new Manager_Core_Postcode();
                     $addresses = $postcodeLookup->getPropertiesByPostcode(preg_replace('/[^\\w\\ ]/', '', $formData['cor_postcode']));
                     $addressList = array('' => '--- please select ---');
                     $filterString = is_numeric($formData['cor_house_number_name']) ? $formData['cor_house_number_name'] . ", " : $formData['cor_house_number_name'];
                     foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                         $addressList[$address['id']] = $address['singleLineWithoutPostcode'];
                         if (stripos($address['singleLineWithoutPostcode'], $filterString) === 0) {
                             $addressID = $address['id'];
                     $cor_address = $pageForm->getSubForm('subform_correspondencedetails')->getElement('cor_address');
                     $validator = new Zend_Validate_InArray(array('haystack' => array_keys($addressList)));
                     $validator->setMessages(array(Zend_Validate_InArray::NOT_IN_ARRAY => 'Insured address does not match with postcode'));
                     $cor_address->addValidator($validator, true);
                 if ($addressPostcode != '' && $addressArray['postcode'] != '') {
                     if ($cor_address->getValue() == $ins_address->getValue()) {
                         $formData['cor_same_address'] = 'yes';
                     } else {
                         $formData['cor_same_address'] = 'no';
                 // Letting Agent section
                 // If the agent scheme number is not our default one - load the agent details
                 $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
                 $agentSchemeNumber = Manager_Core_Agent::filterAsn($quoteManager->getAgentSchemeNumber());
                 // How did you hear about us section
                 $marketQuestion = new Manager_Core_ManagementInformation();
                 $formData['how_hear'] = $marketQuestion->getMarketingAnswers($this->_policyNumber);
                 //Campaign code section
                 $webLeadManager = new Manager_Core_WebLead();
                 $webLeadSummary = $webLeadManager->getSummary($this->_webLeadSummaryId);
                 $formData['campaign_code'] = $webLeadSummary->promotionCode;
                 // Start and end date
                 $startDate = $quoteManager->getStartDate();
                 if ($startDate != '' && $startDate != '0000-00-00') {
                     $formData['policy_start'] = substr($startDate, 8, 2) . '/' . substr($startDate, 5, 2) . '/' . substr($startDate, 0, 4);
             case 4:
                 // Important Information section
                 // If this page has previously passed validation, we know what the answers
                 //   given must have been without hitting the DB (as anything else refers)
                 if (isset($pageSession->completed[$stepNum]) && $pageSession->completed[$stepNum]) {
                     $formData['declaration1'] = 'no';
                     $formData['declaration2'] = 'no';
                     $formData['declaration3'] = 'no';
                     $formData['declaration4'] = 'no';
                     $formData['declaration_confirmation'] = 'yes';
                     // If the step is completed we can also assume they said yes to the declaration agreement
                     $formData['declaration_statement'] = 1;
             case 5:
                 // Not sure if we should really be loading payment methods back in
                 // surely it would be best to just let them choose again
             case 'dd':
                 $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $this->_policyNumber);
                 $this->view->payMonthly = strtolower($quoteManager->getPayBy()) == 'monthly';
         // Populate the quick quote box
         $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_TenantsContentsPlus_Quote(null, null, $this->_policyNumber);
         $premiums = $quoteManager->calculatePremiums();
         $fees = $quoteManager->getFees();
         $this->view->premiums = $premiums;
         $this->view->fees = $fees;
     } else {
         // Not in session but there are some defaults we need to set for step 1
         // TODO: Write the javascript better so we don't need to do fudges like this
         $this->view->headScript()->appendScript("var sharersAllowed = 0;");
     return true;
  * This method is called when the Reference Subject completes an email link.
 public function emailLinkEndAction()
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('referencing_global');
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $referenceManager = new Manager_Referencing_Reference();
     $reference = $referenceManager->getReference($session->referenceId);
     $customerId = $reference->customer->customerId;
     $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
     $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $customerId);
     $customerEmail = $customer->getEmailAddress();
     $recipientName = $customer->getFirstName() . ' ' . $customer->getLastName();
     //Generate the security token to be appended to the URL.
     $hashingString = $params->pll->emailLink->security->securityString;
     $securityManager = new Manager_Core_Security($hashingString);
     $customerToken = $securityManager->generate(array('refNo' => $reference->externalId, 'customerId' => $customerId));
     //Prepare the meta data.
     $metaData = array();
     $metaData['firstName'] = $customer->getFirstName();
     $metaData['lastName'] = $customer->getLastName();
     $metaData['linkUrl'] = $params->pll->emailLink->email->linkEndUrl;
     $metaData['linkUrl'] .= '?';
     $metaData['linkUrl'] .= "refNo={$reference->externalId}";
     $metaData['linkUrl'] .= '&';
     $metaData['linkUrl'] .= "customerToken={$customerToken}";
     //Send email to landlords
     $emailer = new Application_Core_Mail();
     $emailer->setTo($customerEmail, $recipientName);
     //Set the email from details.
     $emailFrom = $params->pll->emailLink->email->from;
     $emailFromName = $params->pll->emailLink->email->fromname;
     $emailer->setFrom($emailFrom, $emailFromName);
     //Set the subject line
     $addressLine1 = $reference->propertyLease->address->addressLine1;
     $town = $reference->propertyLease->address->town;
     $postCode = $reference->propertyLease->address->postCode;
     $emailer->setSubject("Re: {$addressLine1}, {$town}, {$postCode}");
     //Apply template and send.
     $emailer->applyTemplate('landlordsreferencing_emaillinkend', $metaData, false);
     //Delete session
     $this->view->fractionComplete = 95;
예제 #10
  * Helper function to populate the zend form elements with database data
  * @param Zend_Form $pageForm form definition for this step
  * @param int $stepNum current step number
  * @return void
 private function _formStepCommonPopulate($pageForm, $stepNum)
     $this->view->stepNum = $stepNum;
     $this->view->stepMax = $this->_stepMax;
     // Check to see if the user is trying to skip ahead in the quote
     $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('landlords_insurance_quote');
     $tooFarAhead = false;
     if ((!isset($pageSession->completed) || is_null($pageSession->completed)) && $stepNum != 1) {
         $tooFarAhead = true;
         $lastCompleted = 1;
     } elseif ($stepNum > 1) {
         // Check to see if any pages previous to the one the user's trying to get to are incomplete
         $tooFarAhead = false;
         for ($i = 1; $i < $stepNum; $i++) {
             if (!isset($pageSession->completed[$i]) || !$pageSession->completed[$i]) {
                 $tooFarAhead = true;
                 $lastCompleted = $i;
     if ($tooFarAhead) {
         // Drop user onto page that needs completing
         $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl('/landlords/insurance-quote/step' . $lastCompleted);
         return false;
     if ($stepNum > 1) {
         // Before we do ANYTHING we need to check to see if the email address entered matches a customer record
         // we already have - if it does we need to ask them to login before they proceed.
         $customerReferenceNumber = $this->_customerReferenceNumber;
         $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
         $legacyCustomer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $customerReferenceNumber);
         $emailAddress = $legacyCustomer->getEmailAddress();
         $customer = $customerManager->getCustomerByEmailAddress($emailAddress);
         if ($customer) {
             // There is already a customer entry for this email address - so we need to see if they are logged in
             // if not we need to force them to login
             $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
             $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
             if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
                 $loggedInEmail = $auth->getStorage()->read()->email_address;
                 if ($loggedInEmail != $customer->getEmailAddress()) {
                     // They are logged in but not who they should be to do this quote
                     $this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl('/account/login?refer=landlords-insurance&step=' . $stepNum);
                     return false;
             } else {
                 // TODO: Check that removing the login redirection will not break other processes
                 // They aren't logged in and need to
                 /*$this->_helper->redirector->gotoUrl('/account/login?refer=landlords-insurance&step='. $stepNum);
                 		return false;*/
     $formData = array();
     // If step 1 and not in session (so producing a quick quote) - we need to pre-populate
     // a few bits if the customer is already logged into the site
     if ($stepNum == 1 && !isset($pageSession->CustomerRefNo)) {
         $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
         $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('homelet_customer'));
         if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
             // Customer is logged in and starting a new quote - so we need to pre-populate the customers details from stored details
             $customerID = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
             $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
             $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $customerID);
             $formData['title'] = $customer->getTitle();
             $formData['first_name'] = $customer->getFirstName();
             $formData['last_name'] = $customer->getLastName();
             $formData['phone_number'] = $customer->getTelephone(Model_Core_Customer::TELEPHONE1);
             $formData['mobile_number'] = $customer->getTelephone(Model_Core_Customer::TELEPHONE2);
             $formData['email_address'] = $customer->getEmailAddress();
             $formData['date_of_birth_at'] = $customer->getDateOfBirthAt();
     if (isset($this->_quoteID) && $this->_quoteID > 0) {
         $quoteManager = new Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote($this->_quoteID);
         $premiums = $quoteManager->calculatePremiums();
         if ($premiums != '') {
             $this->view->premiums = array('annual' => $premiums['totalGrossAnnualPremium'] + $premiums['totalGrossAnnualIPT'], 'monthly' => $premiums['totalGrossMonthlyPremium'] + $premiums['totalGrossMonthlyIPT']);
             $this->view->premiumsFull = $premiums;
         $fees = $quoteManager->getFees();
         $this->view->fees = $fees;
         switch ($stepNum) {
             case 1:
                 $customerManager = new Manager_Core_Customer();
                 $customer = $customerManager->getCustomer(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $quoteManager->getLegacyCustomerReference());
                 // Populate the customer details
                 $titleOptions = LandlordsInsuranceQuote_Form_Subforms_PersonalDetails::$titles;
                 if (in_array($customer->getTitle(), $titleOptions)) {
                     $formData['title'] = $customer->getTitle();
                 } else {
                     $formData['title'] = "Other";
                     $formData['other_title'] = $customer->getTitle();
                 $formData['first_name'] = $customer->getFirstName();
                 $formData['last_name'] = $customer->getLastName();
                 $formData['phone_number'] = $customer->getTelephone(Model_Core_Customer::TELEPHONE1);
                 $formData['mobile_number'] = $customer->getTelephone(Model_Core_Customer::TELEPHONE2);
                 $formData['email_address'] = $customer->getEmailAddress();
                 $dob = $customer->getDateOfBirthAt();
                 if (null != $dob && '0000-00-00' != $dob) {
                     $formData['date_of_birth_at'] = Application_Core_Utilities::mysqlDateToUk($dob);
                 // Populate the correspondence address details
                 $formData['cor_address_line1'] = $customer->getAddressLine(Model_Core_Customer::ADDRESSLINE1);
                 $formData['cor_address_line2'] = $customer->getAddressLine(Model_Core_Customer::ADDRESSLINE2);
                 $formData['cor_address_line3'] = $customer->getAddressLine(Model_Core_Customer::ADDRESSLINE3);
                 $formData['cor_address_postcode'] = $customer->getPostcode();
                 $formData['country'] = $customer->getCountry();
                 // Populate the insured property address details
                 $properties = $quoteManager->getProperties();
                 if (count($properties) > 0) {
                     $formData['ins_address_line1'] = $properties[0]['line_1'];
                     $formData['ins_address_line2'] = $properties[0]['line_2'];
                     $formData['ins_address_line3'] = $properties[0]['town'];
                     $formData['ins_address_postcode'] = $properties[0]['postcode'];
                     $formData['owned_for'] = $properties[0]['ownership_length_id'];
                     $formData['no_claims'] = $properties[0]['no_claims_years_id'];
                     $formData['tenants_type'] = $properties[0]['tenant_type_id'];
                     $formData['have_letting_agent'] = $quoteManager->getAgentSchemeNumber() != Manager_Core_Agent::filterAsn($quoteManager->getAgentSchemeNumber()) ? 'yes' : 'no';
                     $formData['through_letting_agent'] = $properties[0]['letting_agent_managed'] ? 'yes' : 'no';
                     // Check to see if this postcode is in a flood risk area - if it is then populate the exclude flood cover data
                     // Populating this will also cause the question to be shown on the front end
                     $landlordsRiskAreas = new Datasource_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_RiskAreas();
                     $riskAreas = $landlordsRiskAreas->getByPostcode($properties[0]['postcode']);
                     if ($riskAreas['floodArea'] == '600') {
                         $formData['exclude_flood_cover'] = $properties[0]['exclude_flood_cover'] ? 'no' : 'yes';
                         // Backwards true/false stuff - I'm sooo sorry :(
                 // Populate agent details if one has been chosen
                 $agentSchemeNumber = Manager_Core_Agent::filterAsn($quoteManager->getAgentSchemeNumber());
                 $defaultASN = $this->_params->homelet->defaultAgent;
                 if ($formData['have_letting_agent'] == 'yes') {
                     $agents = new Datasource_Core_Agents();
                     $agent = $agents->getAgent($agentSchemeNumber);
                     $formData['letting_agent_name'] = $agent->name;
                     $formData['letting_agent_town'] = $agent->town;
                     $formData['letting_agent_asn'] = $agent->agentSchemeNumber;
                     // Fix for Redmine Ref. #10511:
                     $agentDropdown = $pageForm->subform_lettingagent->letting_agent;
                     $agentDropdown->setMultiOptions(array($agent->agentSchemeNumber => $agent->name . ', ' . $agent->town));
                     $formData['letting_agent'] = $agent->agentSchemeNumber;
                 // Load the policy start date
                 $startDate = $quoteManager->getStartDate();
                 if ($startDate != '' && $startDate != '0000-00-00') {
                     $formData['policy_start'] = substr($startDate, 8, 2) . '/' . substr($startDate, 5, 2) . '/' . substr($startDate, 0, 4);
                 // If step1 has been marked complete - we can assume they said yes to the IDD question
                 $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('landlords_insurance_quote');
                 if (isset($pageSession->completed[$stepNum]) && $pageSession->completed[$stepNum] == true) {
                     $formData['idd'] = true;
                 // Data Protection section
                 $customerReferenceNumber = $customer->getIdentifier(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER);
                 $dpaManager = new Manager_Core_DataProtection();
                 $dpaItems = $dpaManager->getItems($customerReferenceNumber, Model_Core_DataProtection_ItemEntityTypes::INSURANCE);
                 foreach ($dpaItems as $currentItem) {
                     switch ($currentItem->constraintTypeId) {
                         case Model_Core_DataProtection_ItemConstraintTypes::MARKETING_BY_PHONEANDPOST:
                             if ($currentItem->isAllowed) {
                                 $formData['dpa_phone_post'] = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $formData['dpa_phone_post'] = 1;
                         case Model_Core_DataProtection_ItemConstraintTypes::MARKETING_BY_SMSANDEMAIL:
                             if ($currentItem->isAllowed) {
                                 $formData['dpa_sms_email'] = 0;
                                 // For Redmine Ref #8003, "Updated marketing preference questions on online quotes"
                             } else {
                                 $formData['dpa_sms_email'] = 1;
                                 // For Redmine Ref #8003, "Updated marketing preference questions on online quotes"
                         case Model_Core_DataProtection_ItemConstraintTypes::MARKETING_BY_THIRDPARTY:
                             if ($currentItem->isAllowed) {
                                 $formData['dpa_resale'] = 1;
                             } else {
                                 $formData['dpa_resale'] = 0;
             case 2:
                 // If step2 has been marked complete - we can assume they said no to the questions unless
                 // they've been set in the quote manager
                 if (isset($pageSession->completed[$stepNum]) && $pageSession->completed[$stepNum] == true) {
                     $formData['need_building_insurance'] = 'no';
                     $formData['need_contents_insurance'] = 'no';
                 if ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::BUILDING_COVER)) {
                     $formData['need_building_insurance'] = 'yes';
                     $productMeta = $quoteManager->getProductMeta(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::BUILDING_COVER);
                     $formData['building_built'] = $productMeta['build_year'];
                     $formData['building_bedrooms'] = $productMeta['bedroom_quantity'];
                     $formData['building_type'] = $productMeta['building_type'];
                     $formData['building_insurance_excess'] = $productMeta['excess'];
                     $formData['building_accidental_damage'] = $productMeta['accidental_damage'];
                     $quote = $quoteManager->getModel();
                     if ((int) $productMeta['rebuild_value'] > 0) {
                         // There's a manually entered rebuild value - need to work out if it is because they
                         // chose £500k+ - or if it's because we don't have a dsi
                         $premiums = $quoteManager->calculatePremiums();
                         if ($premiums['calculatedDSIValue'] > 0) {
                             $formData['override_dsi'] = 1;
                         $formData['building_value'] = $productMeta['rebuild_value'];
                 if ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::CONTENTS_COVER) || $quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::UNFURNISHED_CONTENTS_COVER)) {
                     $formData['need_contents_insurance'] = 'yes';
                     if ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::CONTENTS_COVER)) {
                         $formData['property_furnished'] = 'yes';
                         $productMeta = $quoteManager->getProductMeta(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::CONTENTS_COVER);
                         $formData['contents_amount'] = $productMeta['cover_amount'];
                         $formData['contents_excess'] = $productMeta['excess'];
                         $formData['contents_accidental_damage'] = $productMeta['accidental_damage'];
                     } else {
                         $formData['property_furnished'] = 'no';
             case 3:
                 if (isset($pageSession->completed[$stepNum]) && $pageSession->completed[$stepNum] == true) {
                     $formData['need_emergency_assistance'] = 'no';
                     $formData['need_prestige_rent_guarantee'] = 'no';
                     $formData['need_legal_expenses'] = 'no';
                     $formData['need_boiler_heating'] = 'no';
                 // If we have contents/buildings cover then EAS is already included for free so we can hide the form
                 if ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::BUILDING_COVER) || $quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::CONTENTS_COVER)) {
                     // Change the subforms view script to one that just says it's already included for free
                     // yeah yeah.. this aint pretty :(
                     $emergencyAssistanceForm = $pageForm->getSubForm('subform_emergencyassistance');
                     $emergencyAssistanceForm->setDecorators(array(array('ViewScript', array('viewScript' => 'subforms/emergency-assistance-free.phtml'))));
                     if ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::BOILER_HEATING)) {
                         $formData['need_boiler_heating'] = 'yes';
                 } else {
                     // We can allow stand-alone EAS - so we hide the boiler and heating section
                     // yes... this is waaay too complex... I know :(
                     if ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::EMERGENCY_ASSISTANCE)) {
                         $formData['need_emergency_assistance'] = 'yes';
                 if ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::RENT_GUARANTEE)) {
                     $formData['need_prestige_rent_guarantee'] = 'yes';
                     $productMeta = $quoteManager->getProductMeta(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::RENT_GUARANTEE);
                     $formData['rent_amount'] = $productMeta['monthly_rent'];
                 } elseif ($quoteManager->hasProduct(Manager_Insurance_LandlordsPlus_Quote::LEGAL_EXPENSES)) {
                     $formData['need_legal_expenses'] = 'yes';
             case 4:
                 if (isset($pageSession->completed[$stepNum]) && $pageSession->completed[$stepNum] == true) {
                     // Load underwriting answers from the database as they've already been answered
                     $answersManager = new Manager_Insurance_Answers();
                     $quote = $quoteManager->getModel();
                     $policyNumber = $quote->legacyID;
                     $customerReferenceNumber = $quote->legacyCustomerID;
                     $answers = $answersManager->getUnderwritingAnswers($policyNumber);
                     foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                         switch ($answer->getQuestionNumber()) {
                             case '53':
                                 $formData['declaration1'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '54':
                                 $formData['declaration2'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '55':
                                 $formData['declaration2b'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '56':
                                 $formData['declaration2c'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '57':
                                 $formData['declaration2d'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '58':
                                 $formData['declaration3'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '59':
                                 $formData['declaration4'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '60':
                                 $formData['declaration6'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '61':
                                 $formData['declaration7'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '62':
                                 $formData['declaration8'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '63':
                                 $formData['declaration9'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                             case '64':
                                 $formData['declaration10'] = $answer->getAnswer();
                     // Also need to see if they said yes or no to bank interest on the propery…
                     $bankInterestManager = new Manager_Insurance_LegacyBankInterest();
                     $bankInterestArray = $bankInterestManager->getAllInterests($policyNumber, $customerReferenceNumber);
                     $model = array();
                     if (!empty($bankInterestArray)) {
                         $formData['declaration11'] = 'yes';
                     } else {
                         $formData['declaration11'] = 'no';
                     // They must have agreed to the declaration or they wouldn't have been able to continue
                     $formData['declaration_confirmation'] = 'yes';
             case 5:
                 // Payment Selection section
                 if (isset($pageSession->paymentSelectionDetails) && is_array($pageSession->paymentSelectionDetails)) {
                     $formData = $pageSession->paymentSelectionDetails;
     return true;