public function SaveUser() { $unicode = $this->get_unicode(); if (LEVEL < 4 || $this->data["reqdata"]["ivr"] == '-1' || empty($this->data["reqdata"]["ivr"])) { $this->sql = "SELECT `idivr` FROM `user` WHERE `id`=" . USERID; $ivr = parent::custom(); $idivr = $ivr[0]['idivr']; } else { $idivr = $this->data["reqdata"]["ivr"]; } if (isset($this->data["reqdata"]["apply"])) { $apply = 0; } else { $apply = 1; } $data = array("username" => $this->data["reqdata"]["username"], "password" => $this->data["reqdata"]["password"], "idparent" => USERID, "type" => 1, "balance" => $this->data["reqdata"]["bal"], "recharge_balance" => $this->data["reqdata"]["bal"], "idivr" => $idivr, "level" => LEVEL - 1, "unicode" => $unicode, "flag" => 1, "idtariff" => $this->data["reqdata"]["tariff"], "apply_setting" => $apply); parent::Save($data); $id = $this->last; if (LOGINTYPE != 0) { $this->sql = "UPDATE `user` SET `balance`=`balance`-" . $this->data['reqdata']['bal'] . ",`recharge_balance`=`recharge_balance`-" . $this->data['reqdata']['bal'] . " WHERE `id`='" . USERID . "'"; parent::custom(); } //Add Tariff in user_tariff table /* $tmp1=$this->data["reqdata"]["tariff"]; $this->sql="select idtariff,tariff_type from tariff where id_tariffname=".$this->data["reqdata"]["tariff"].""; $tariff=parent::custom(); $sql="INSERT INTO user_tariff(`iduser`,`idtariff`,`tariff_type`,`prefix`) values"; $q=""; foreach($tariff as $val) { if($val["tariff_type"]==1) $col='with_prefix'; if($val["tariff_type"]==2) $col='without_prefix'; $this->sql="SELECT $col as `col` FROM switch_settings"; $data=parent::custom(); $q.="('".$id."','".$val["idtariff"]."','".$val["tariff_type"]."','".$data[0]['col']."'),"; } $q=rtrim($q,','); $this->sql=$sql.$q; parent::custom(); */ //add balance to payment table $payment_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $desc = "Payment for account setup on " . $payment_date . " of balance " . $this->data["reqdata"]["username"]; $balance = array("iduser" => $id, "amount" => $this->data['reqdata']['bal'], "payment_date" => $payment_date, "description" => $desc, "usertype" => 1, "type" => 1, "flag" => 1, "created_by" => USERID); parent::RawSave('payment', $balance, 'id'); if (LOGINTYPE == 0) { $accountcode = $id; } else { $accountcode = $this->get_account_code($id); } parent::RawUpdate("user", array("accountcode" => $accountcode), $id, "id"); $this->response(); }