예제 #1
  * Parses $token->getTextToBeParsed() according to the following syntax rule:
  *      UrlPath ::= ["/"][PageUrlKey][QuerySeparator Parameters][Suffix]["/"] .
  * Uses $this->_schema URL settings (m_seo_schema_XXX tables), puts all found matches into $this->_parsedUrls.
  * @param Mana_Seo_Model_ParsedUrl $token
  * @return bool
 protected function _parseUrlPath($token)
     $pageToken = clone $token->setSlash(substr($token->getTextToBeParsed(), -1) == '/' ? '/' : '')->setTextToBeParsed(rtrim($token->getTextToBeParsed(), '/'));
     /* @var $mbstring Mana_Core_Helper_Mbstring */
     $mbstring = Mage::helper('mana_core/mbstring');
     // split by "/", split suffix
     $separator = $this->_schema->getQuerySeparator();
     $suffixes = $this->_scanSuffixes($pageToken, $this->_getAllSuffixes($pageToken));
     $tokens = $this->_scanUntilSeparatorOrSuffix($suffixes, $separator);
     // get all valid page URL key and suffix combinations (including home page) based on given URL path
     if ($tokens = $this->_getPageUrlKeysAndRemoveSuffixes($tokens)) {
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             if ($this->_parseParameters($token)) {
                 return true;
     // home page
     if ($mbstring->startsWith($separator, '/') && $mbstring->strlen($separator) > 1 && $mbstring->startsWith($pageToken->getTextToBeParsed(), $mbstring->substr($separator, 1))) {
         $pageToken->setTextToBeParsed($mbstring->substr($pageToken->getTextToBeParsed(), $mbstring->strlen($separator) - 1));
     if ($tokens = $this->_scanSuffixes($pageToken, $this->_getSuffixesByType($token, 'home_page'))) {
         foreach ($tokens as $token) {
             if ($this->_parseParameters($token)) {
                 return true;
     return false;