function mainwp_group_updategroup() { $this->secure_request('mainwp_group_updategroup'); MainWP_Manage_Groups::updateGroup(); }
function new_menus() { if (MainWP_Utility::isAdmin()) { //Adding the page to manage your added sites/groups //The first page which will display the post area etc.. MainWP_Security_Issues::initMenu(); MainWP_Manage_Sites::initMenu(); MainWP_Post::initMenu(); MainWP_Page::initMenu(); MainWP_Themes::initMenu(); MainWP_Plugins::initMenu(); MainWP_User::initMenu(); MainWP_Manage_Backups::initMenu(); MainWP_Bulk_Update_Admin_Passwords::initMenu(); MainWP_Manage_Groups::initMenu(); MainWP_Settings::initMenu(); MainWP_Extensions::initMenu(); do_action('mainwp_admin_menu'); MainWP_Documentation::initMenu(); MainWP_Server_Information::initMenu(); MainWP_Child_Scan::initMenu(); MainWP_API_Settings::initMenu(); } }
public static function renderAllGroups() { if (!mainwp_current_user_can('dashboard', 'manage_groups')) { mainwp_do_not_have_permissions(__('manage groups', 'mainwp')); return; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <?php do_action('mainwp-pageheader-sites', 'ManageGroups'); ?> <div class="mainwp_info-box-blue"> <span><?php _e('In case you are managing large number of WordPress sites, it would be very useful for you to split them in different groups. Later, you will be able to make site selection by group which will speed up your work and make it much easier.', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> </div> <div class="mainwp_managegroups-outsidebox"> <div class="mainwp_managegroups-insidebox"> <h2 style="border-bottom: 1px Solid #e5e5e5;"><?php _e('Groups', 'mainwp'); ?> </h2> <input id="managegroups-filter" style="margin: 1em 0; width: 40%;" type="text" value="" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('Type here to filter groups', 'mainwp'); ?> " /> <span id="mainwp_managegroups-addnew-container"><a class="managegroups-addnew" href="javascript:void(0)"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <?php _e('Create New Group', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> <hr> <ul id="managegroups-list"> <li class="managegroups-listitem managegroups-group-add hidden"> <span class="mainwp_group-actions actions-input"><a href="#" class="managegroups-savenew"><i class="fa fa-floppy-o"></i> <?php _e('Save', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> | <a href="#" class="managegroups-cancel"><i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i> <?php _e('Cancel', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></span> <input type="text" style="width: 50%;" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('Enter Group Name', 'mainwp'); ?> " name="name" value="" /> </li> <?php echo MainWP_Manage_Groups::getGroupListContent(); ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="mainwp_managegroups-outsidebox"> <div class="mainwp_managegroups-insidebox" id="managegroups-sites-list"> <h2 style="border-bottom: 1px Solid #e5e5e5;"><?php _e('Child Sites', 'mainwp'); ?> </h2> <input id="managegroups_site-filter" style="margin: 1em 0; width: 40%;" type="text" value="" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('Type here to filter sites', 'mainwp'); ?> " /> <div style="float: right; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 1em;"><?php _e('Select: ', 'mainwp'); ?> <a href="#" onClick="return mainwp_managegroups_ss_select(this, true)"><?php _e('All', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> | <a href="#" onClick="return mainwp_managegroups_ss_select(this, false)"><?php _e('None', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></div> <div style="float: right; margin-top: 20px;"><?php _e('Display by:', 'mainwp'); ?> <a href="#" id="group_sites_by_name"><?php _e('Site Name', 'mainwp'); ?> </a> | <a href="#" id="group_sites_by_url"><?php _e('URL', 'mainwp'); ?> </a></div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <hr> <ul id="managegroups-listsites"> <?php echo MainWP_Manage_Groups::getWebsiteListContent(); ?> </ul> </div> </div> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <br/> <input type="button" name="Save selection" value="<?php _e('Save Selection', 'mainwp'); ?> " class="managegroups-saveAll button-primary button button-hero"/> <span id="managegroups-saved"><?php _e('Saved', 'mainwp'); ?> </span> </div> <?php do_action('mainwp-pagefooter-sites', 'ManageGroups'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery( document ).ready( function () { jQuery( '#group_sites_by_name' ).live( 'click', function ( event ) { //jQuery( this ).addClass( 'mainwp_action_down' ); //jQuery( '#group_sites_by_url' ).removeClass( 'mainwp_action_down' ); jQuery( '#managegroups-sites-list' ).find( '.website_url' ).hide(); jQuery( '#managegroups-sites-list' ).find( '.website_name' ).show(); return false; } ); jQuery( '#group_sites_by_url' ).live( 'click', function ( event ) { //jQuery( this ).addClass( 'mainwp_action_down' ); //jQuery( '#group_sites_by_name' ).removeClass( 'mainwp_action_down' ); jQuery( '#managegroups-sites-list' ).find( '.website_name' ).hide(); jQuery( '#managegroups-sites-list' ).find( '.website_url' ).show(); return false; } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-listitem' ).live( { mouseenter: function () { if ( jQuery( this ).find( '.text' ).is( ":visible" ) ) jQuery( this ).find( '.actions-text' ).show(); else jQuery( this ).find( '.actions-input' ).show(); }, mouseleave: function () { jQuery( this ).find( '.actions-text' ).hide(); jQuery( this ).find( '.actions-input' ).hide(); } } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-rename' ).live( 'click', function () { var parentObj = jQuery( this ).parents( '.managegroups-listitem' ); parentObj.find( '.text' ).hide(); parentObj.find( '.actions-text' ).hide(); parentObj.find( '.input' ).show(); parentObj.find( '.actions-input' ).show(); return false; } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-save' ).live( 'click', function () { var parentObj = jQuery( this ).parents( '.managegroups-listitem' ); var groupId = parentObj.attr( 'id' ); var newName = parentObj.find( '.input input' ).val(); var data = mainwp_secure_data( { action: 'mainwp_group_rename', groupId: groupId, newName: newName } ); ajaxurl, data, function ( pParentObj ) { return function ( response ) { if ( response.error ) return; response = jQuery.trim( response.result ); pParentObj.find( '.input input' ).val( response ); pParentObj.find( '.text' ).html( response ); pParentObj.find( '.input' ).hide(); pParentObj.find( '.actions-input' ).hide(); pParentObj.find( '.text' ).show(); pParentObj.find( '.actions-text' ).show(); } }( parentObj ), 'json' ); return false; } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-delete' ).live( 'click', function () { var confirmed = confirm( 'This will permanently delete this group. Proceed?' ); if ( confirmed ) { var parentObj = jQuery( this ).parents( '.managegroups-listitem' ); parentObj.css( 'background-color', '#F8E0E0' ); var groupId = parentObj.attr( 'id' ); var data = { action: 'mainwp_group_delete', groupId: groupId }; ajaxurl, data, function ( pParentObj ) { return function ( response ) { response = jQuery.trim( response ); if ( response == 'OK' ) pParentObj.animate( {opacity: 0}, 300, function () { pParentObj.remove() } ); } }( parentObj ) ); } return false; } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-addnew' ).live( 'click', function () { var addNewContainer = jQuery( '.managegroups-group-add' ); addNewContainer.find( 'input' ).val( '' );; } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-cancel' ).live( 'click', function () { var addNewContainer = jQuery( '.managegroups-group-add' ); addNewContainer.hide(); addNewContainer.find( 'input' ).val( '' ); } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-savenew' ).live( 'click', function () { var parentObj = jQuery( this ).parents( '.managegroups-listitem' ); var newName = parentObj.find( 'input' ).val(); var data = mainwp_secure_data( { action: 'mainwp_group_add', newName: newName } ); ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { try { resp = jQuery.parseJSON( response ); if ( resp.error != undefined ) return; } catch ( err ) { } response = jQuery.trim( response ); var addNewContainer = jQuery( '.managegroups-group-add' ); addNewContainer.hide(); addNewContainer.find( 'input' ).val( '' ); addNewContainer.after( response ); } ); return false; } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-radio' ).live( 'click', function () { var parentObj = jQuery( this ).parents( '.managegroups-listitem' ); var groupId = parentObj.attr( 'id' ); var data = { action: 'mainwp_group_getsites', groupId: groupId } ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { response = jQuery.trim( response ); if ( response == 'ERROR' ) return; jQuery( 'input[name="sites"]' ).attr( 'checked', false ); var websiteIds = jQuery.parseJSON( response ); for ( var i = 0; i < websiteIds.length; i++ ) { jQuery( 'input[name="sites"][value="' + websiteIds[i] + '"]' ).attr( 'checked', true ); } } ); } ); jQuery( '.managegroups-saveAll' ).live( 'click', function () { var checkedGroup = jQuery( 'input[name="groups"]:checked' ); var groupId = checkedGroup.val(); if ( groupId == undefined ) return; var allCheckedWebsites = jQuery( 'input[name="sites"]:checked' ); var allCheckedIds = []; for ( var i = 0; i < allCheckedWebsites.length; i++ ) { allCheckedIds.push( jQuery( allCheckedWebsites[i] ).val() ); } var data = mainwp_secure_data( { action: 'mainwp_group_updategroup', groupId: groupId, websiteIds: allCheckedIds } ); ajaxurl, data, function ( response ) { jQuery( '#managegroups-saved' ).stop( true, true ); jQuery( '#managegroups-saved' ).show(); jQuery( '#managegroups-saved' ).fadeOut( 2000 ); return; }, 'json' ); } ); } ); </script> <?php }