function updateOrCreateEmail($part = '', $opts, $cm = false) { // DB_DataObject::debugLevel(1); $template_name = preg_replace('/\\.[a-z]+$/i', '', basename($opts['file'])); if (!file_exists($opts['file'])) { $this->jerr("file does not exist : " . $opts['file']); } if (!empty($opts['master']) && !file_exists($opts['master'])) { $this->jerr("master file does not exist : " . $opts['master']); } if (empty($cm)) { $cm = DB_dataObject::factory('core_email'); $ret = $cm->get('name', $template_name); if ($ret && empty($opts['update'])) { $this->jerr("use --update 1 to update the template.."); } } $mailtext = file_get_contents($opts['file']); if (!empty($opts['master'])) { $body = $mailtext; $mailtext = file_get_contents($opts['master']); $mailtext = str_replace('{outputBody():h}', $body, $mailtext); } require_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php'; require_once 'Mail/RFC822.php'; $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext); $parts = $decoder->getSendArray(); if (is_a($parts, 'PEAR_Error')) { echo $parts->toString() . "\n"; exit; } $headers = $parts[1]; $from = new Mail_RFC822(); $from_str = $from->parseAddressList($headers['From']); $from_name = trim($from_str[0]->personal, '"'); $from_email = $from_str[0]->mailbox . '@' . $from_str[0]->host; if ($cm->id) { $cc = clone $cm; $cm->setFrom(array('bodytext' => $parts[2], 'updated_dt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $cm->update($cc); } else { $cm->setFrom(array('from_name' => $from_name, 'from_email' => $from_email, 'subject' => $headers['Subject'], 'name' => $template_name, 'bodytext' => $parts[2], 'updated_dt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'created_dt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); $cm->insert(); } return $cm; }
/** * Sends an e-mail * This messages needs to be saved into the 'sent items' folder * * @param SyncSendMail $sm SyncSendMail object * * @access public * @return boolean * @throws StatusException */ public function SendMail($sm) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): RFC822: %d bytes forward-id: '%s' reply-id: '%s' parent-id: '%s' SaveInSent: '%s' ReplaceMIME: '%s'", strlen($sm->mime), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->forwardflag ? isset($sm->source->itemid) ? $sm->source->itemid : "error no itemid" : false), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->replyflag ? isset($sm->source->itemid) ? $sm->source->itemid : "error no itemid" : false), Utils::PrintAsString(isset($sm->source->folderid) ? $sm->source->folderid : false), Utils::PrintAsString($sm->saveinsent), Utils::PrintAsString(isset($sm->replacemime)))); // by splitting the message in several lines we can easily grep later foreach (preg_split("/((\r)?\n)/", $sm->mime) as $rfc822line) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WBXML, "RFC822: " . $rfc822line); } $sourceMessage = $sourceMail = false; // If we have a reference to a source message and we are not replacing mime (since we wouldn't use it) if (isset($sm->source->folderid) && isset($sm->source->itemid) && (!isset($sm->replacemime) || $sm->replacemime === false)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): We have a source message and we try to fetch it")); $parent = $this->getImapIdFromFolderId($sm->source->folderid); if ($parent === false) { throw new StatusException(sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Could not get imapid from source folderid '%'", $sm->source->folderid), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_ITEMNOTFOUND); } else { $this->imap_reopen_folder($parent); $sourceMail = @imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, $sm->source->itemid, FT_UID) . @imap_body($this->mbox, $sm->source->itemid, FT_PEEK | FT_UID); $mobj = new Mail_mimeDecode($sourceMail); $sourceMessage = $mobj->decode(array('decode_headers' => false, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'include_bodies' => true, 'rfc_822bodies' => true, 'charset' => 'utf-8')); unset($mobj); //We will need $sourceMail if the message is forwarded and not inlined // If it's a reply, we mark the original message as answered if ($sm->replyflag) { if (!@imap_setflag_full($this->mbox, $sm->source->itemid, "\\Answered", ST_UID)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Unable to mark the message as Answered")); } } // If it's a forward, we mark the original message as forwarded if ($sm->forwardflag) { if (!@imap_setflag_full($this->mbox, $sm->source->itemid, "\\Forwarded", ST_UID)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Unable to mark the message as Forwarded")); } } } } ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): We get the new message")); $mobj = new Mail_mimeDecode($sm->mime); $message = $mobj->decode(array('decode_headers' => true, 'decode_bodies' => true, 'include_bodies' => true, 'rfc_822bodies' => true, 'charset' => 'utf-8')); unset($mobj); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): We get the From and To")); $Mail_RFC822 = new Mail_RFC822(); $toaddr = ""; $this->setFromHeaderValue($message->headers); $fromaddr = $this->parseAddr($Mail_RFC822->parseAddressList($message->headers["from"])); if (isset($message->headers["to"])) { $toaddr = $this->parseAddr($Mail_RFC822->parseAddressList($message->headers["to"])); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): To defined: %s", $toaddr)); } unset($Mail_RFC822); // overwrite CC and BCC with the decoded versions, because we will parse/validate the address in the sending method if (isset($message->headers["cc"])) { $message->headers["cc"] = $message->headers["cc"]; } if (isset($message->headers["bcc"])) { $message->headers["bcc"] = $message->headers["bcc"]; } $this->setReturnPathValue($message->headers, $fromaddr); $finalBody = ""; $finalHeaders = array(); // if it's a S/MIME message I don't do anything with it if (is_smime($message)) { $mobj = new Mail_mimeDecode($sm->mime); $parts = $mobj->getSendArray(); unset($mobj); if ($parts === false) { throw new StatusException(sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Could not getSendArray for SMIME messages"), SYNC_COMMONSTATUS_MAILSUBMISSIONFAILED); } else { list($recipients, $finalHeaders, $finalBody) = $parts; $this->setFromHeaderValue($finalHeaders); $this->setReturnPathValue($finalHeaders, $fromaddr); } } else { // // // // I don't mind if the new message is multipart or not, I always will create a multipart. It's simpler $finalEmail = new Mail_mimePart('', array('content_type' => 'multipart/mixed')); if ($sm->replyflag && (!isset($sm->replacemime) || $sm->replacemime === false)) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Replying message")); $this->addTextParts($finalEmail, $message, $sourceMessage, true); if (isset($message->parts)) { // We add extra parts from the replying message add_extra_sub_parts($finalEmail, $message->parts); } // A replied message doesn't include the original attachments } else { if ($sm->forwardflag && (!isset($sm->replacemime) || $sm->replacemime === false)) { if (!defined('IMAP_INLINE_FORWARD') || IMAP_INLINE_FORWARD === false) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Forwarding message as attached file - eml"); $finalEmail->addSubPart($sourceMail, array('content_type' => 'message/rfc822', 'encoding' => 'base64', 'disposition' => 'attachment', 'dfilename' => 'forwarded_message.eml')); } else { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Forwarding inlined message"); $this->addTextParts($finalEmail, $message, $sourceMessage, false); if (isset($message->parts)) { // We add extra parts from the forwarding message add_extra_sub_parts($finalEmail, $message->parts); } if (isset($sourceMessage->parts)) { // We add extra parts from the forwarded message add_extra_sub_parts($finalEmail, $sourceMessage->parts); } } } else { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): is a new message or we are replacing mime")); $this->addTextPartsMessage($finalEmail, $message); if (isset($message->parts)) { // We add extra parts from the new message add_extra_sub_parts($finalEmail, $message->parts); } } } // We encode the final message $boundary = '=_' . md5(rand() . microtime()); $finalEmail = $finalEmail->encode($boundary); $finalHeaders = array('Mime-Version' => '1.0'); // We copy all the non-existent headers, minus content_type ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Copying new headers")); foreach ($message->headers as $k => $v) { if (strcasecmp($k, 'content-type') != 0 && strcasecmp($k, 'content-transfer-encoding') != 0 && strcasecmp($k, 'mime-version') != 0) { if (!isset($finalHeaders[$k])) { $finalHeaders[ucwords($k)] = $v; } } } foreach ($finalEmail['headers'] as $k => $v) { if (!isset($finalHeaders[$k])) { $finalHeaders[$k] = $v; } } $finalBody = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n" . $finalEmail['body']; unset($finalEmail); } unset($sourceMail); unset($message); unset($sourceMessage); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Final mail to send:")); foreach ($finalHeaders as $k => $v) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WBXML, sprintf("%s: %s", $k, $v)); } foreach (preg_split("/((\r)?\n)/", $finalBody) as $bodyline) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WBXML, sprintf("Body: %s", $bodyline)); } $send = $this->sendMessage($fromaddr, $toaddr, $finalHeaders, $finalBody); if ($send) { if (isset($sm->saveinsent)) { $this->saveSentMessage($finalHeaders, $finalBody); } else { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "BackendIMAP->SendMail(): Not saving in SentFolder"); } } unset($finalHeaders); unset($finalBody); return $send; }
/** * * * * * FIXME !!!! -- USE Pman_Core_Mailer !!!!! * * * * */ function buildMail($templateFile, $args) { $args = (array) $args; $content = clone $this; foreach ((array) $args as $k => $v) { $content->{$k} = $v; } $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); //?? is this really the place for this??? if (!$ff->cli && empty($args['no_auth']) && !in_array($templateFile, array('password_reset', 'password_welcome'))) { $content->authUser = $this->getAuthUser(); if (!$content->authUser) { return PEAR::raiseError("Not authenticated"); } } // should handle x-forwarded... $content->HTTP_HOST = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : (isset($ff->HTTP_HOST) ? $ff->HTTP_HOST : 'localhost'); /* use the regex compiler, as it doesnt parse <tags */ $tops = array('compiler' => 'Flexy', 'nonHTML' => true, 'filters' => array('SimpleTags', 'Mail')); if (!empty($args['templateDir'])) { $tops['templateDir'] = $args['templateDir']; } require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php'; $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy($tops); $template->compile("mail/{$templateFile}.txt"); /* use variables from this object to ouput data. */ $mailtext = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content); $htmlbody = false; // if a html file with the same name exists, use that as the body // I've no idea where this code went, it was here before.. if (false !== $template->resolvePath("mail/{$templateFile}.html")) { $tops['nonHTML'] = false; $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy($tops); $template->compile("mail/{$templateFile}.html"); $htmlbody = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content); } //echo "<PRE>";print_R($mailtext); //print_R($mailtext);exit; /* With the output try and send an email, using a few tricks in Mail_MimeDecode. */ require_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php'; require_once 'Mail.php'; $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext); $parts = $decoder->getSendArray(); if (PEAR::isError($parts)) { return $parts; //echo "PROBLEM: {$parts->message}"; //exit; } list($recipents, $headers, $body) = $parts; $recipents = array($this->email); if (!empty($content->bcc) && is_array($content->bcc)) { $recipents = array_merge($recipents, $content->bcc); } $headers['Date'] = date('r'); if ($htmlbody !== false) { require_once 'Mail/mime.php'; $mime = new Mail_mime(array('eol' => "\n")); $mime->setTXTBody($body); $mime->setHTMLBody($htmlbody); // I think there might be code in mediaoutreach toEmail somewhere // h embeds images here.. $body = $mime->get(); $headers = $mime->headers($headers); } return array('recipients' => $recipents, 'headers' => $headers, 'body' => $body); }
/** * ---------------- Global Tools --------------- */ function toData() { $templateFile = $this->template; $args = (array) $this->contents; $content = clone $this->page; foreach ($args as $k => $v) { $content->{$k} = $v; } $content->msgid = empty($content->msgid) ? md5(time() . rand()) : $content->msgid; $ff = HTML_FlexyFramework::get(); $http_host = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] : 'pman.HTTP_HOST.not.set'; if (isset($ff->Pman['HTTP_HOST'])) { $http_host = $ff->Pman['HTTP_HOST']; } $content->HTTP_HOST = $http_host; // this should be done by having multiple template sources...!!! require_once 'HTML/Template/Flexy.php'; $tmp_opts = array('site_prefix' => false); if (!empty($this->templateDir)) { $tmp_opts['templateDir'] = $this->templateDir; } $fopts = HTML_FlexyFramework::get()->HTML_Template_Flexy; if (!empty($fopts['DB_DataObject_translator'])) { $tmp_opts['DB_DataObject_translator'] = $fopts['DB_DataObject_translator']; } if (!empty($fopts['locale'])) { $tmp_opts['locale'] = $fopts['locale']; } // local opt's overwrite if (!empty($this->locale)) { $tmp_opts['locale'] = $this->locale; } $htmlbody = false; $html_tmp_opts = $tmp_opts; $htmltemplate = new HTML_Template_Flexy($html_tmp_opts); if (is_string($htmltemplate->resolvePath('mail/' . $templateFile . '.body.html'))) { // then we have a multi-part email... if (!empty($this->html_locale)) { $html_tmp_opts['locale'] = $this->html_locale; } $htmltemplate = new HTML_Template_Flexy($html_tmp_opts); $htmltemplate->compile('mail/' . $templateFile . '.body.html'); $htmlbody = $htmltemplate->bufferedOutputObject($content); $this->htmlbody = $htmlbody; // for the html body, we may want to convert the attachments to images. // var_dump($htmlbody);exit; if ($this->replaceImages) { $htmlbody = $this->htmlbodytoCID($htmlbody); } if ($this->css_embed) { $htmlbody = $this->htmlbodyCssEmbed($htmlbody); } } $tmp_opts['nonHTML'] = true; //print_R($tmp_opts); // $tmp_opts['force'] = true; $template = new HTML_Template_Flexy($tmp_opts); $template->compile('mail/' . $templateFile . '.txt'); /* use variables from this object to ouput data. */ $mailtext = $template->bufferedOutputObject($content); //print_r($mailtext);exit; //echo "<PRE>";print_R($mailtext); /* With the output try and send an email, using a few tricks in Mail_MimeDecode. */ require_once 'Mail/mimeDecode.php'; require_once 'Mail.php'; $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext); $parts = $decoder->getSendArray(); if (PEAR::isError($parts)) { return $parts; //echo "PROBLEM: {$parts->message}"; //exit; } $isMime = false; require_once 'Mail/mime.php'; $mime = new Mail_mime(array('eol' => "\n", 'html_charset' => 'utf-8', 'text_charset' => 'utf-8', 'head_charset' => 'utf-8')); // clean up the headers... $parts[1]['Message-Id'] = '<' . $content->msgid . '@' . $content->HTTP_HOST . '>'; if ($htmlbody !== false) { // got a html headers... if (isset($parts[1]['Content-Type'])) { unset($parts[1]['Content-Type']); } $mime->setTXTBody($parts[2]); $mime->setHTMLBody($htmlbody); // var_dump($mime);exit; foreach ($this->images as $cid => $cdata) { $mime->addHTMLImage($cdata['file'], $cdata['mimetype'], $cid . '.' . $cdata['ext'], true, $cdata['contentid']); } $isMime = true; } if (!empty($this->attachments)) { //if got a attachments $header = $mime->headers($parts[1]); if (isset($parts[1]['Content-Type'])) { unset($parts[1]['Content-Type']); } if (!$isMime) { if (preg_match('/text\\/html/', $header['Content-Type'])) { $mime->setHTMLBody($parts[2]); $mime->setTXTBody('This message is in HTML only'); } else { $mime->setTXTBody($parts[2]); $mime->setHTMLBody('<PRE>' . htmlspecialchars($parts[2]) . '</PRE>'); } } foreach ($this->attachments as $attch) { $mime->addAttachment($attch['file'], $attch['mimetype'], !empty($attch['name']) ? $attch['name'] : '', true); } $isMime = true; } if ($isMime) { $parts[2] = $mime->get(); $parts[1] = $mime->headers($parts[1]); } $ret = array('recipents' => $parts[0], 'headers' => $parts[1], 'body' => $parts[2], 'mailer' => $this); if ($this->rcpts !== false) { $ret['recipents'] = $this->rcpts; } // if 'to' is empty, then add the recipents in there... (must be an array? if (!empty($ret['recipents']) && is_array($ret['recipents']) && (empty($ret['headers']['To']) || !strlen(trim($ret['headers']['To'])))) { $ret['headers']['To'] = implode(',', $ret['recipents']); } // add bcc if necessary.. if (!empty($this->bcc)) { $ret['bcc'] = $this->bcc; } return $ret; }
<?php require_once 'include/mimeDecode.php'; $mailtext = file_get_contents("testing/samples/messages/smime001.txt"); $decoder = new Mail_mimeDecode($mailtext); $parts = $decoder->getSendArray(); if ($parts === false) { printf("ERROR splitting message\n"); } else { list($recipents, $headers, $body) = $parts; printf("RECIPIENTS\n"); print_r($recipents); printf("\nHEADERS\n"); print_r($headers); printf("\nBODY\n"); print_r($body); printf("\n"); //$mail = Mail::factory('smtp'); //$mail->send($recipents,$headers,$body); }