예제 #1
$editor = new MWEditor($post->getVar('author'));
if ($editor->isNew()) {
    $user = new XoopsUser($post->getVar('author'));
$track = new MWTrackback($xoopsConfig['sitename'], $editor->getVar('name'));
$id = $track->post_id;
// The id of the item being trackbacked
$url = $track->url;
// The URL from which we got the trackback
$title = $track->title;
// Subject/title send by trackback
$excerpt = $track->excerpt;
// Short text send by trackback
$blog_name = rmc_server_var($_POST, 'blog_name', '');
if ($url == '' || $title == '' || $excerpt == '') {
    echo $track->recieve(false, __('Sorry, your trackback seems to be invalid!', 'mywords'));
$params = array('blogurl' => MWFunctions::get_url(), 'name' => 'Trackback', 'email' => '', 'url' => $url, 'text' => $excerpt, 'permalink' => $post->permalink());
$ret = RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.check.post.spam', $params);
if (!$ret) {
    echo $track->recieve(false, __('Sorry, your trackback seems to be SPAM', 'mywords'));
} else {
    $to = new MWTrackbackObject();
    $to->setVar('date', time());
    $to->setVar('title', $title);
    $to->setVar('blog_name', $blog_name);
    $to->setVar('excerpt', $excerpt);
    $to->setVar('url', $url);
    $to->setVar('post', $post->id());
    if ($to->save()) {