  * Return true when then $source does NOT contain all items in the parameterFilter
  * @param \Gems_Menu_ParameterCollector $source
  * @param boolean $raiseConditions
  * @param mixed $condition
  * @return boolean
 private function _applyParameterFilter(\Gems_Menu_ParameterCollector $source, $raiseConditions, &$condition)
     if ($this->_parameterFilter) {
         foreach ($this->_parameterFilter as $name => $testValue) {
             $paramValue = $source->getMenuParameter($name);
             if ($paramValue instanceof \MUtil_Lazy_LazyInterface) {
                 if ($raiseConditions) {
                     $paramValue = \MUtil_Lazy::rise($paramValue);
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($testValue)) {
                         $newCondition = new \MUtil_Lazy_Call('in_array', array($paramValue, $testValue));
                     } else {
                         $newCondition = \MUtil_Lazy::comp($testValue, '==', $paramValue);
                     if ($condition instanceof \MUtil_Lazy_LazyInterface) {
                         if ($condition instanceof \MUtil_Lazy_LazyAnd) {
                         } else {
                             $condition = new \MUtil_Lazy_LazyAnd($condition, $newCondition);
                     } else {
                         $condition = $newCondition;
             if (is_array($testValue)) {
                 if (!in_array($paramValue, $testValue)) {
                     if (\Gems_Menu::$verbose) {
                         // Mutil_Echo::backtrace();
                         \MUtil_Echo::r($name . ' => ' . print_r($testValue, true) . ' !== ' . $paramValue, $this->get('label') . ' (' . $this->get('controller') . '/' . $this->get('action') . ')');
                     return true;
             } else {
                 if ($testValue !== $paramValue) {
                     if (\Gems_Menu::$verbose) {
                         // Mutil_Echo::backtrace();
                         \MUtil_Echo::r($name . ' => ' . $testValue . ' !== ' . $paramValue, $this->get('label') . ' (' . $this->get('controller') . '/' . $this->get('action') . ')');
                     return true;
  * Adds columns from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function addBrowseTableColumns(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     // Signal the bridge that we need these values
     $controller = $this->request->getControllerName();
     $menuList = $this->menu->getMenuList();
     $menuList->addByController($controller, 'show-track')->addByController($controller, 'edit-track')->addParameterSources($bridge)->setLowerCase()->showDisabled();
     $bridge->setOnEmpty($this->_('No other assignments of this track.'));
     // If we have a track Id and is not excluded: mark it!
     if ($this->respondentTrackId && !$this->excludeCurrent) {
         $bridge->tr()->appendAttrib('class', \MUtil_Lazy::iff(\MUtil_Lazy::comp($bridge->gr2t_id_respondent_track, '==', $this->respondentTrackId), 'currentRow', null));
     // Add show-track button if allowed, otherwise show, again if allowed
     $bridge->addItemLink($menuList->getActionLink($controller, 'show-track'));
     parent::addBrowseTableColumns($bridge, $model);
     // Add edit-track button if allowed (and not current
     $bridge->addItemLink($menuList->getActionLink($controller, 'edit-track'));
  * Adds columns from the model to the bridge that creates the browse table.
  * Overrule this function to add different columns to the browse table, without
  * having to recode the core table building code.
  * @param \MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge
  * @param \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model
  * @return void
 protected function addBrowseTableColumns(\MUtil_Model_Bridge_TableBridge $bridge, \MUtil_Model_ModelAbstract $model)
     $br = \MUtil_Html::create('br');
     if ($this->showSelected) {
         $selectedClass = \MUtil_Lazy::iff(\MUtil_Lazy::comp($bridge->gto_id_token, '==', $this->tokenId), 'selectedColumn', null);
     } else {
         $selectedClass = null;
     $td = $bridge->tdh(\MUtil_Lazy::first($bridge->grc_description, $this->_('OK')));
     $td->appendAttrib('class', $selectedClass);
     if ($model->has('grr_name') && $model->has('gtf_field_name')) {
         $td = $bridge->tdh(\MUtil_Lazy::iif($bridge->grr_name, array($bridge->grr_name, $br)), \MUtil_Lazy::iif($bridge->gtf_field_name, array($bridge->gtf_field_name, $br)), $bridge->gto_round_description, \MUtil_Lazy::iif($bridge->gto_round_description, $br), \MUtil_Lazy::iif($bridge->gto_completion_time, $bridge->gto_completion_time, $bridge->gto_valid_from));
     } else {
         $td = $bridge->tdh($bridge->gto_round_description, \MUtil_Lazy::iif($bridge->gto_round_description, $br), \MUtil_Lazy::iif($bridge->gto_completion_time, $bridge->gto_completion_time, $bridge->gto_valid_from));
     $td->appendAttrib('class', $selectedClass);
     $td->appendAttrib('class', $bridge->row_class);
     // Apply filter on the answers displayed
     $answerNames = $model->getItemsOrdered();
     if ($this->answerFilter instanceof \Gems_Tracker_Snippets_AnswerNameFilterInterface) {
         $answerNames = $this->answerFilter->filterAnswers($bridge, $model, $answerNames);
     foreach ($answerNames as $name) {
         $label = $model->get($name, 'label');
         if (null !== $label) {
             // Was strlen($label), but this ruled out empty sub-questions
             $bridge->thd($label, array('class' => $model->get($name, 'thClass')));
             $td = $bridge->td($bridge->{$name});
             $td->appendAttrib('class', 'answer');
             $td->appendAttrib('class', $selectedClass);
             $td->appendAttrib('class', $bridge->row_class);
     $tokenUpper = $bridge->gto_id_token->strtoupper();
     if ($this->showTakeButton && ($menuItem = $this->menu->find(array('controller' => 'ask', 'action' => 'take', 'allowed' => true)))) {
         $source = new \Gems_Menu_ParameterSource();
         $source->offsetSet('can_be_taken', $bridge->can_be_taken);
         $link = $menuItem->toActionLink($source);
         if ($link) {
             $link->title = array($this->_('Token'), $tokenUpper);
         $td = $bridge->tdh($bridge->can_be_taken->if($link, $tokenUpper));
     } else {
         $td = $bridge->tdh($tokenUpper);
     $td->appendAttrib('class', $selectedClass);
     $td->appendAttrib('class', $bridge->row_class);
예제 #4
  * Returns a sequence of frist, previous, range, next and last conditional links.
  * The condition is them being valid links, otherwise they are returned as span
  * elements.
  * Note: This sequence is not added automatically to this object, you will have to
  * position it manually.
  * @param string $first Label for goto first page link
  * @param string $previous Label for goto previous page link
  * @param string $next Label for goto next page link
  * @param string $last Label for goto last page link
  * @param string $glue In between links glue
  * @param mixed $args \MUtil_Ra::args extra arguments applied to all links
  * @return \MUtil_Html_Sequence
 public function pageLinks($first = '<<', $previous = '<', $next = '>', $last = '>>', $glue = ' ', $args = null)
     $argDefaults = array('first' => '<<', 'previous' => '<', 'next' => '>', 'last' => '>>', 'glue' => ' ');
     $argNames = array_keys($argDefaults);
     $args = \MUtil_Ra::args(func_get_args(), $argNames, $argDefaults);
     foreach ($argNames as $name) {
         ${$name} = $args[$name];
     $div = \MUtil_Html::create()->sequence(array('glue' => $glue));
     if ($first) {
         // Can be null or array()
         $div[] = $this->firstPage((array) $first + $args);
     if ($previous) {
         // Can be null or array()
         $div[] = $this->previousPage((array) $previous + $args);
     $div[] = $this->rangePages($glue, $args);
     if ($next) {
         // Can be null or array()
         $div[] = $this->nextPage((array) $next + $args);
     if ($last) {
         // Can be null or array()
         $div[] = $this->lastPage((array) $last + $args);
     return \MUtil_Lazy::iff(\MUtil_Lazy::comp($this->pages->pageCount, '>', 1), $div);
예제 #5
  * Returns a sequence of frist, previous, range, next and last conditional links.
  * The condition is them being valid links, otherwise they are returned as span
  * elements.
  * Note: This sequence is not added automatically to this object, you will have to
  * position it manually.
  * @param string $first Label for goto first page link
  * @param string $previous Label for goto previous page link
  * @param string $next Label for goto next page link
  * @param string $last Label for goto last page link
  * @param string $glue In between links glue
  * @param mixed $args \MUtil_Ra::args extra arguments applied to all links
  * @return \MUtil_Html_Sequence
 public function pageLinks($first = '<<', $previous = '<', $next = '>', $last = '>>', $glue = ' ', $args = null)
     $argDefaults = array('first' => '<<', 'previous' => '<', 'next' => '>', 'last' => '>>', 'glue' => ' ');
     $argNames = array_keys($argDefaults);
     $args = \MUtil_Ra::args(func_get_args(), $argNames, $argDefaults);
     foreach ($argNames as $name) {
         ${$name} = $args[$name];
     $container = \MUtil_Html::create()->ul(array('class' => 'pagination pagination-sm pull-left'));
     if ($first) {
         // Can be null or array()
         $container[] = $this->firstPage((array) $first + $args);
     if ($previous) {
         // Can be null or array()
         $container[] = $this->previousPage((array) $previous + $args);
     $this->range = true;
     $container[] = $this->rangePages('', $args);
     $this->range = false;
     if ($next) {
         // Can be null or array()
         $container[] = $this->nextPage((array) $next + $args);
     if ($last) {
         // Can be null or array()
         $container[] = $this->lastPage((array) $last + $args);
     return \MUtil_Lazy::iff(\MUtil_Lazy::comp($this->pages->pageCount, '>', 1), $container);