예제 #1
  * 控制器执行主逻辑函数
 public function invoke($uri = null)
     // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑
     // 解析文件路径,若返回false,则错误处理
     $urlManager = new MUrlManager();
     $path = $urlManager->parsePathFromUrl($uri);
     $root = $urlManager->parseRootFromUrl($uri);
     if ($path == false || $root == false) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PATH_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_411);
     // 解析路径
     $path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($path);
예제 #2
  * 控制器执行主逻辑函数
  * @param null $uri
  * @param null $absolutePath
  * @throws MAuthorizationException
  * @throws MFileopsException
 public function invoke($uri = null, $absolutePath = null)
     // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑
     $params = $_REQUEST;
     // 检查参数
     if (isset($params) === false || $params == null) {
         throw new MAuthorizationException(Yii::t('api', 'Invalid parameters'));
     // 获取用户数据,如user_id
     $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser();
     $this->userId = $user["user_id"];
     $includeDeleted = false;
     // 处理删除的同样也需要返回
     if (isset($params["include_deleted"])) {
         $includeDeleted = $params["include_deleted"];
     $this->locale = "bytes";
     if (isset($params["locale"])) {
         $this->locale = $params["locale"];
     $includeDeleted = MUtils::convertToBool($includeDeleted);
     $urlManager = new MUrlManager();
     $path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($urlManager->parsePathFromUrl($uri));
     $this->root = $urlManager->parseRootFromUrl($path);
     if ($path === false) {
         $path = "/";
     $pathPart = explode('/', $path);
     // 根目录
     if (count($pathPart) <= 2) {
         $response = $this->handleRootPath($includeDeleted);
     } else {
         $response = $this->handleNotRootPath($path, $includeDeleted);
     echo json_encode($response);
예제 #3
  * 控制器执行主逻辑函数
 public function invoke($uri = null)
     // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑
     $urlManager = new MUrlManager();
     $root = $urlManager->parseRootFromUrl($uri);
     if ($root == false) {
         $path = MiniHttp::getParam("path", "");
         if (empty($path)) {
             throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PATH_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_411);
     // 初始化创建文件公共类句柄
     $createFileHandler = MFilesCommon::initMFilesCommon();
     if (count($_FILES) == 0) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PARAMS_ERROR . "5"), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400);
     $keys = array_keys($_FILES);
     if (count($keys) != 1) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PARAMS_ERROR . "6"), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400);
     $key = $keys[0];
     // 检查请求参数$_FILES
     if (isset($_FILES[$key]) === false) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PARAMS_ERROR . "7"), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400);
     // 检查文件上传过程是否有错
     if ($_FILES[$key]["error"] != 0) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PARAMS_ERROR . "8"), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400);
     $fileName = $_FILES[$key]["name"];
     $type = MiniUtil::getMimeType($fileName);
     $size = $_FILES[$key]["size"];
     $tmpName = $_FILES[$key]["tmp_name"];
     // 验证文件是否已经上传成功
     if (file_exists($tmpName) === false) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500);
     // 检查文件上传错误
     if (filesize($tmpName) != $size) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', "The file upload error!"), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400);
     if ($this->isBreakpointUpload()) {
         $filesController = new MFilePutController();
     } else {
         $signature = MiniUtil::getFileHash($tmpName);
         // 解析路径
         $path = MiniHttp::getParam("path", "");
         $path = MiniUtil::specialWordReplace($path);
         $parentPath = dirname($path);
         $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser();
         $parentFile = MiniFile::getInstance()->getByPath($parentPath);
         if (!empty($parentFile) && $parentFile['is_deleted'] == 1) {
             $values = array();
             $values['is_deleted'] = false;
             MiniFile::getInstance()->updateByPath($parentPath, $values);
         } else {
             if (!MiniUtil::isRootPath($parentPath, $user["id"])) {
                 MiniFile::getInstance()->createFolder($parentPath, $user['id']);
         $createFileHandler->size = $size;
         $createFileHandler->parent_path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($parentPath);
         $createFileHandler->file_name = MiniUtil::specialWordReplace($fileName);
         $createFileHandler->root = $root;
         $createFileHandler->path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($path);
         $createFileHandler->type = $type;
         // 文件不存在,保存文件
         $createFileHandler->saveFile($tmpName, $signature, $size);
         // 保存文件meta
         // 处理不同端,不同返回值
         if (MUserManager::getInstance()->isWeb() === true) {
예제 #4
  * 控制器执行主逻辑函数
  * @return mixed $value 返回最终需要执行完的结果
 public function invoke($uri = null)
     // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑
     $params = $_REQUEST;
     // 检查参数
     if (isset($params) === false || $params == null) {
         throw new Exception(Yii::t('api', 'Invalid parameters'));
     // 文件大小格式化参数
     $locale = "bytes";
     if (isset($params["locale"])) {
         $locale = $params["locale"];
     $url = $uri;
     $url_manager = new MUrlManager();
     $this->_root = $url_manager->parseRootFromUrl($uri);
     $path = $url_manager->parsePathFromUrl($uri);
     $path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($path);
     $originalPath = $path;
     // 检查共享
     $share_filter = MSharesFilter::init();
     //        $share_filter
     // 获取用户数据,如user_id
     $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser();
     $device = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentDevice();
     $this->_user_id = $user["user_id"];
     $user_nick = $user["user_name"];
     $user_device_id = $device["device_id"];
     $this->_user_device_name = $device["user_device_name"];
     $rev = $params["rev"];
     $rev = intval($rev);
     $path = "/{$this->_user_id}{$path}";
     // 该文件是否具有此版本
     $file_meta = MFileMetas::queryFileMeta($path, MConst::VERSION);
     if ($file_meta == false || empty($file_meta)) {
         throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', '    Unable to find the revision at that path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404);
     if (MUtils::isExistReversion($rev, $file_meta[0]["meta_value"]) == false) {
         throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', '    Unable to find the revision at that path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404);
     // 查询版本信息
     $version = MiniVersion::getInstance()->getVersion($rev);
     if ($version == null) {
         throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', '    Unable to find the revision at that path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404);
     $size = $version["file_size"];
     $file_hash = $version["file_signature"];
     // 查询文件信息
     $query_db_file = MFiles::queryFilesByPath($path);
     if ($query_db_file === false || empty($query_db_file)) {
         throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'not existed'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404);
     if ($query_db_file[0]["file_type"] == MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) {
         // 文件夹不需要版本
         throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'folder not existed version'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_403);
     if ($rev !== $query_db_file[0]["version_id"]) {
         // 更新文件版本
         $updates = array();
         $updates["version_id"] = $rev;
         $updates["file_update_time"] = time();
         $updates["file_size"] = $size;
         $updates["event_uuid"] = MiniUtil::getEventRandomString(MConst::LEN_EVENT_UUID);
         $ret = MFiles::updateFileDetailById($query_db_file[0]["id"], $updates);
         if ($ret === false) {
             throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500);
         $file_detail = new MFiles();
         $file_detail->file_name = $query_db_file[0]["file_name"];
         // 保存事件
         $context = array("hash" => $file_hash, "rev" => (int) $rev, "bytes" => (int) $size);
         // 增加修改事件
         $ret = MiniEvent::getInstance()->createEvent($this->_user_id, $user_device_id, MConst::MODIFY_FILE, $path, serialize($context), $updates["event_uuid"]);
         if ($ret === false) {
             throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500);
         $this->handleFileMeta($path, $rev, $user_nick, $this->_user_device_name, $query_db_file[0]["file_size"]);
     // TODO
     $mime_type = $version["mime_type"];
     $response = array();
     $response["size"] = MUtils::getSizeByLocale($locale, $size);
     $response["is_deleted"] = true;
     $response["bytes"] = intval($size);
     $response["thumb_exists"] = MUtils::isExistThumbnail($mime_type, $size);
     $response["path"] = $originalPath;
     $response["root"] = $this->_root;
     $response["is_dir"] = false;
     $response["mime_type"] = $mime_type;
     $response["modified"] = MUtils::formatIntTime(time());
     $response["rev"] = strval($rev);
     $response["revision"] = $rev;
     echo json_encode($response);
예제 #5
  * 获取文件以前版本的mtadata
  * @param null $uri
  * @throws MException
  * @throws MFilesException
 public function invoke($uri = null)
     // 解析url地址,获取root和path,path必须指向一个文件
     $urlManager = new MUrlManager();
     $path = $urlManager->parsePathFromUrl($uri);
     $root = $urlManager->parseRootFromUrl($uri);
     if ($path == false) {
         throw new MException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PATH_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_411);
     $path = "/" . $path;
     // Default is 10. Max is 1,000.
     $revLimit = 10;
     if (isset($_REQUEST["rev_limit"]) != false) {
         $revLimit = $_REQUEST["rev_limit"];
     $revLimit = $revLimit <= 1000 ? $revLimit : 1000;
     // 文件大小格式化参数
     $locale = "bytes";
     if (isset($_REQUEST["locale"])) {
         $locale = $_REQUEST["locale"];
     // callback -
     // TODO 实现callback
     $callback = NULL;
     // 获取用户数据,如user_id
     $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser();
     $device = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentDevice();
     $userId = $user["user_id"];
     $userNick = $user["user_name"];
     $userDeviceId = $device["device_id"];
     // 查询文件
     $fileDetail = MFiles::queryAllFilesByPath("/" . $userId . $path);
     if ($fileDetail === false || count($fileDetail) == 0) {
         throw new MException(Yii::t('api', MConst::NOT_FOUND), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404);
     // 判断文件类型,如不是文件则返回错误
     if ($fileDetail[0]["file_type"] != 0) {
         throw new MException(Yii::t('api', "Not Acceptable"), MConst::HTTP_CODE_406);
     $fileMeta = MFileMetas::queryFileMeta("/" . $userId . $path, MConst::VERSION);
     if ($fileMeta == false || empty($fileMeta)) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t("api", MConst::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500);
     // 文件版本历史
     $versions = unserialize($fileMeta[0]["meta_value"]);
     $count = 1;
     // 计数器
     // 轮询
     $response = array();
     foreach ($versions as $k => $v) {
         $var = array();
         $var["rev"] = strval($v["version_id"]);
         $var["revision"] = (int) $v["version_id"];
         $var["bytes"] = 0;
         $var["size"] = "0 bytes";
         $var["thumb_exists"] = false;
         $var["modified"] = MUtils::formatIntTime(microtime(true) * 10000);
         $var["mime_type"] = MConst::DEFAULT_FILE_MIME_TYPE;
         $var["path"] = $path;
         $var["is_dir"] = false;
         $var["root"] = $root;
         if ($v["type"] == MConst::DELETE) {
             $var["is_deleted"] = true;
         // 文件版本信息
         $fileVersion = MiniVersion::getInstance()->getVersion($v["version_id"]);
         if ($fileVersion == null) {
             $var["is_deleted"] = true;
         } else {
             $var['hash'] = $fileVersion["file_signature"];
             $var["bytes"] = (int) $fileVersion["file_size"];
             $var["size"] = MUtils::getSizeByLocale($locale, $fileVersion["file_size"]);
             $var["thumb_exists"] = $this->isExistThumbnail($fileVersion["file_size"], $fileVersion["mime_type"]);
             $var["modified"] = MUtils::formatIntTime($fileVersion["updated_at"]);
             $var["mime_type"] = is_null($fileVersion["mime_type"]) ? $var["mime_type"] : $fileVersion["mime_type"];
         array_push($response, $var);
         if ($count >= $revLimit) {
         $count += 1;
     echo json_encode($response);
예제 #6
  * 控制器执行主逻辑函数
 public function invoke($uri = null)
     // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑
     $params = $_REQUEST;
     // 检查参数
     if (isset($params) === false || $params == null) {
         throw new MAuthorizationException(Yii::t('api', 'Invalid parameters'));
     $url_manager = new MUrlManager();
     $path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($url_manager->parsePathFromUrl($uri));
     $root = $url_manager->parseRootFromUrl($uri);
     // 去掉问号后面参数
     if ($pos = strpos($this->_root, '?')) {
         $this->_root = substr($this->_root, 0, $pos);
     if ($pos = strpos($path, '?')) {
         $path = substr($path, 0, $pos);
     // 获取用户数据,如user_id
     $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser();
     $this->_user_id = $user["user_id"];
     $query = "";
     if (isset($params["query"])) {
         $query = $params["query"];
     if ($query === "") {
         throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'bad request 15'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400);
     $file_limit = 10000;
     if (isset($params["file_limit"])) {
         $file_limit = $params["file_limit"];
     $include_deleted = false;
     // 处理删除的同样也需要返回
     //        if(isset($params["include_deleted"])) {
     //            $include_deleted = $params["include_deleted"];
     //            if(is_string($include_deleted) === true) {
     //                if(strtolower($include_deleted) === "false") {
     //                    $include_deleted = false;
     //                } elseif(strtolower($include_deleted) === "true") {
     //                    $include_deleted = true;
     //                }
     //            }
     //        }
     $this->_locale = "bytes";
     if (isset($params["locale"])) {
         $this->_locale = $params["locale"];
     $callback = null;
     if (isset($params["callback"])) {
         $callback = $params["callback"];
     if (empty($path) || "/" . $this->_user_id == $path) {
         $path = '/' . $this->_user_id;
         $userFiles = array();
         $query_db_file = MFiles::searchFilesByPath($path, $query, $this->_user_id, $include_deleted);
         foreach ($query_db_file as $db_file) {
             // if(($db_file['parent_file_id'] == 0) and ($db_file['file_type'] != 4) and ($db_file['file_type'] != 2)){
             $userFiles[] = $db_file;
             // }
         $retval = $this->handleSearchRoot($path, $query);
         $files = array_merge($retval, $userFiles);
     } else {
         //            $files = array();
         $includeDeleted = false;
         $currentFile = MiniFile::getInstance()->getByPath($path);
         //            if (empty($currentFile)){
         //                throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api','not existed'),MConst::HTTP_CODE_404);
         //            }
         //            //查询文件类型
         //            $version = MiniVersion::getInstance()->getVersion($currentFile["version_id"]);
         //            $mimeType = null;
         //            if ($version != NULL)
         //            {
         //                $currentFile["signature"] = $version["file_signature"];
         //                $mimeType = $version["mime_type"];
         //            }
         //            // 组装子文件数据
         $childrenFiles = MiniFile::getInstance()->getChildrenByFileID($parentFileId = $currentFile['id'], $includeDeleted);
         $currentFileParts = explode('/', $path);
         $currentFileUserId = $currentFileParts[1];
         $files = $childrenFiles;
         //            $query = str_replace("%", "\\%", $query);
         //            $sql = ' file_name like "%' . $query . '%"';
         //            $sql = '';
         //            $files = array();
         //            foreach($childrenFiles as $childrenFile){
         //                $condition = $sql . 'file_path="' . $childrenFile['file_path'] . '" ';
         //                $file = MFiles::findAll($condition);
         //                $files = array_merge($files,$file);
         //            }
         //            $contents = array();
         //            if(!empty($childrenFiles)){
         //                foreach($childrenFiles as $childrenFile){
         //                    $content = array();
         //                    $version = MiniVersion::getInstance()->getVersion($childrenFile["version_id"]);
         //                    $mimeType = null;
         //                    if ($version != NULL){
         //                        $mimeType = $version["mime_type"];
         //                        $childrenFile["signature"] = $version["file_signature"];
         //                    }
         //                    $content = $this->assembleResponse($content, $childrenFile, $mimeType);
         //                    if(!empty($content) && $childrenFile['is_deleted'] == 0){
         //                        array_push($contents, $content);
         //                    }
         //                }
         //            }
         //            $response['contents'] = $contents;
     $result = array();
     $query = str_replace("%", "\\%", $query);
     $sql = ' file_name like "%' . $query . '%"';
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $condition = $sql . 'and file_path like"' . $file['file_path'] . '%" ';
         $file = MFiles::findAll($condition);
         if (empty($file)) {
         $result = array_merge($result, $file);
     //        $path        = "/{$this->_user_id}{$path}";
     //        $path        = MUtils::convertStandardPath($path) . "/";
     // 查询其 信息
     //        $operator = $this->_user_id;
     //        $sharefilter = MSharesFilter::init();
     //        $sharefilter->handlerCheck($this->_user_id, CUtils::removeUserFromPath($path));
     //        if($sharefilter->is_shared) {
     //            $operator = $sharefilter->master;
     //            $qpath = '/' . $sharefilter->master . $sharefilter->_path;
     //            $query_db_file = MFiles::searchFilesByPath($qpath, $query, $sharefilter->master, $include_deleted);
     //            // 判断搜索出来的文件是否有权限访问
     //            foreach($query_db_file as $index => $file) {
     //                // 列表权限,如果没有列表权限,则不进行显示
     //                try {
     //                    $sharefilter->hasPermissionExecute($file['file_path'], MPrivilege::RESOURCE_READ);
     //                }catch(Exception $e) {
     //                    unset($query_db_file[$index]);
     //                    continue;
     //                }
     //            }
     //        } else {
     //            $query_db_file = MFiles::searchFilesByPath($path, $query, $this->_user_id, $include_deleted);
     //        }
     // 查询根目录
     //        $retval = $this->handleSearchRoot($path, $query);
     //        $query_db_file = array_merge($query_db_file, $retval);
     // if (count($query_db_file) > $file_limit)
     // {
     // throw new MFileopsException(
     // Yii::t('api','Too many file entries to return'),
     // MConst::HTTP_CODE_406);
     // }
     //        $keys = array();
     $response = array();
     $filePaths = array();
     if (!empty($result)) {
         foreach ($result as $file) {
             if (in_array($file['file_path'], $filePaths)) {
             array_push($filePaths, $file['file_path']);
             $item = array();
             $version = MiniVersion::getInstance()->getVersion($file["version_id"]);
             $mimeType = null;
             $signature = null;
             if ($version != NULL) {
                 $mimeType = $version["mime_type"];
                 $signature = $version["file_signature"];
                 $file["signature"] = $signature;
             $item = $this->assembleResponse($item, $file, $mimeType);
             if (!empty($item)) {
                 array_push($response, $item);
     //        foreach($query_db_file as $key => $db_file) {
     //            if ($key >= $file_limit)
     //                break;
     //            $file_array = array();
     //            $mime_type = null;
     //            if($db_file["file_type"] == MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_FILE) {
     //                $version = MiniVersion::getInstance()->getVersion($db_file["version_id"]);
     //                if($version) {
     //                    $mime_type = $version["mime_type"];
     //                }
     //            }
     //            $file_array = $this->assembleResponse($file_array, $db_file, $mime_type);
     //            #这里对数据进行了二次过滤,如果路径是一致的,则过滤掉
     //            #TODO 这里的冗余数据初步分析是权限导致的,二次重构要去掉这个代码
     //            $path = $file_array["path"];
     //            if(!array_key_exists($path, $keys)){
     //                $keys[$path] = $file_array;
     //                array_push($response, $file_array);
     //            }
     //        }
     echo json_encode($response);
예제 #7
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see MIController::invoke()
 public function invoke($uri = NULL)
     // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑
     $hash = @$_REQUEST['hash'];
     if (empty($hash)) {
         $hash = MiniHttp::getParam("signature", "");
     // 接收参数
     if (empty($hash)) {
         throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PARAMS_ERROR . "Missing parameter 'hash'."), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400);
     // 解析文件路径,若返回false,则错误处理
     $urlManager = new MUrlManager();
     $path = $urlManager->parsePathFromUrl($uri);
     $root = $urlManager->parseRootFromUrl($uri);
     if ($path == false || $root == false) {
         $path = MiniHttp::getParam("path", "");
         $root = "miniyun";
         $this->isNewVersion = true;
         if (empty($path)) {
             throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::PATH_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_411);
     $path = MiniUtil::specialWordReplace($path);
     $pathInfo = MUtils::pathinfo_utf($path);
     $fileName = $pathInfo["basename"];
     $parentPath = $pathInfo["dirname"];
     // 检查是否在共享文件夹内, 如果在共享文件夹内,则进行权限检查
     $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser();
     $userId = $user["user_id"];
     $shareFilter = MSharesFilter::init();
     if ($shareFilter->handlerCheck($userId, $path)) {
         $userId = $shareFilter->master;
         $path = $shareFilter->_path;
         $filePath = "/" . $userId . $path;
         $shareFilter->hasPermissionExecute($filePath, MPrivilege::FILE_CREATE);
     // 检查版本是否存在
     if ($this->handleCheckFileVersion($hash, $fileName) == FALSE) {
     $this->handler = MFilesCommon::initMFilesCommon();
     $this->handler->parent_path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($parentPath);
     $this->handler->file_name = $fileName;
     $this->handler->root = $root;
     $this->handler->path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($path);
     $this->handler->type = MiniUtil::getMimeType($fileName);
     $this->handler->size = $this->size;
     $this->handler->file_hash = $hash;
     $this->handler->version_id = $this->version_id;
     // 保存文件meta
     if (MUserManager::getInstance()->isWeb() === true) {