/** * Initialize the admin-side functions. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function admin_init() { $hook = MS_Controller_Plugin::admin_page_hook('protection'); $this->run_action('load-' . $hook, 'admin_page_process'); $this->run_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $hook, 'enqueue_scripts'); $this->run_action('admin_print_styles-' . $hook, 'enqueue_styles'); }
/** * Prepare html fields. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return array */ function prepare_fields() { $invoice = $this->data['invoice']; $currency = MS_Plugin::instance()->settings->currency; $user_name = ''; $transaction_link = ''; $user_id = 0; $user_list = array(); if ($invoice->id) { $member = $invoice->get_member(); $user_id = $member->id; $user_name = $member->name; $transaction_link = sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('billing', array('show' => 'logs', 'invoice' => $invoice->id)), __('Show Transactions', 'membership2')); } else { $user_list = MS_Model_Member::get_usernames(null, MS_Model_Member::SEARCH_ALL_USERS); } $fields = array('link_transactions' => array('id' => 'link_transactions', 'title' => $transaction_link, 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TEXT, 'wrapper_class' => 'ms-transactions-link'), 'txt_user' => array('id' => 'txt_user', 'title' => __('Invoice for member', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TEXT, 'value' => sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('add-member', array('user_id' => $user_id)), $user_name)), 'txt_membership' => array('id' => 'txt_membership', 'title' => __('Payment for membership', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TEXT), 'txt_created' => array('id' => 'txt_created', 'title' => __('Invoice created on', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TEXT), 'txt_separator' => array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_SEPARATOR), 'status' => array('id' => 'status', 'title' => __('Invoice status', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'field_options' => MS_Model_Invoice::get_status_types(true), 'value' => $invoice->status), 'user_id' => array('id' => 'user_id', 'title' => __('Invoice for member', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'value' => $invoice->user_id, 'field_options' => $user_list), 'membership_id' => array('id' => 'membership_id', 'title' => __('Payment for membership', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'value' => $invoice->membership_id, 'field_options' => $this->data['memberships']), 'amount' => array('id' => 'amount', 'title' => sprintf(__('Amount (%s)', 'membership2'), $currency), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER, 'value' => MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->amount), 'config' => array('step' => 'any', 'min' => 0)), 'discount' => array('id' => 'discount', 'title' => sprintf(__('Discount (%s)', 'membership2'), $currency), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_NUMBER, 'value' => MS_Helper_Billing::format_price($invoice->discount), 'config' => array('step' => 'any', 'min' => 0)), 'due_date' => array('id' => 'due_date', 'title' => __('Due date', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_DATEPICKER, 'value' => $invoice->due_date), 'description' => array('id' => 'description', 'title' => __('Description', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'class' => 'widefat', 'value' => $invoice->description), 'notes' => array('id' => 'notes', 'title' => __('Notes', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT_AREA, 'class' => 'widefat', 'value' => $invoice->get_notes_desc()), 'invoice_id' => array('id' => 'invoice_id', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $invoice->id), '_wpnonce' => array('id' => '_wpnonce', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => wp_create_nonce($this->data['action'])), 'action' => array('id' => 'action', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN, 'value' => $this->data['action']), 'separator' => array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_SEPARATOR), 'execute' => array('id' => 'execute', 'title' => __('Execute status change actions on Save (add/remove membership)', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'value' => true), 'cancel' => array('id' => 'cancel', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'title' => __('Cancel', 'membership2'), 'value' => __('Cancel', 'membership2'), 'url' => esc_url_raw(remove_query_arg(array('action', 'invoice_id'))), 'class' => 'wpmui-field-button button'), 'submit' => array('id' => 'submit', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SUBMIT, 'value' => __('Save Changes', 'membership2'))); if ($invoice->id > 0) { $fields['user_id']['type'] = MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN; $fields['membership_id']['type'] = MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_HIDDEN; $fields['txt_membership']['value'] = $this->data['memberships'][$invoice->membership_id]; $fields['txt_created']['value'] = MS_Helper_Period::format_date($invoice->invoice_date); } else { unset($fields['txt_user']); unset($fields['txt_membership']); unset($fields['txt_created']); unset($fields['txt_separator']); } return apply_filters('ms_view_billing_edit_prepare_fields', $fields, $this); }
/** * Create view output. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string */ public function to_html() { $code_list = MS_Factory::create('MS_Addon_Invitation_Helper_Listtable'); $code_list->prepare_items(); $title = __('Invitations', 'membership2'); $add_new_button = array('id' => 'add_new', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'url' => MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url(MS_Addon_Invitation::SLUG, array('action' => 'edit', 'invitation_id' => 0)), 'value' => __('Add New Code', 'membership2'), 'class' => 'button'); ob_start(); ?> <div class="wrap ms-wrap"> <?php MS_Helper_Html::settings_header(array('title' => $title, 'title_icon_class' => 'wpmui-fa wpmui-fa-ticket')); ?> <div> <?php MS_Helper_Html::html_element($add_new_button); ?> </div> <form action="" method="post"> <?php $code_list->display(); ?> </form> <p><em> <?php _e('By default all Memberships are protected and require an invitation code to register.<br>You can manually change this for individual memberships via a new setting in the "Payment Options" settings of each membership.', 'membership2'); ?> </em></p> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); return apply_filters('ms_addon_invitation_view_list_to_html', $html, $this); }
/** * Create view output. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return string */ public function to_html() { $coupon_list = MS_Factory::create('MS_Addon_Coupon_Helper_Listtable'); $coupon_list->prepare_items(); $title = __('Coupons', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); $add_new_button = array('id' => 'add_new', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'url' => MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('coupons', array('action' => 'edit', 'coupon_id' => 0)), 'value' => __('Add New Coupon', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'class' => 'button'); ob_start(); ?> <div class="wrap ms-wrap"> <?php MS_Helper_Html::settings_header(array('title' => $title, 'title_icon_class' => 'wpmui-fa wpmui-fa-credit-card')); ?> <div> <?php MS_Helper_Html::html_element($add_new_button); ?> </div> <form action="" method="post"> <?php $coupon_list->display(); ?> </form> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); return apply_filters('ms_addon_coupon_view_list_to_html', $html, $this); }
/** * Initialize the admin-side functions. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function admin_init() { $hook = MS_Controller_Plugin::admin_page_hook('billing'); $this->run_action('load-' . $hook, 'admin_billing_manager'); $this->run_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $hook, 'enqueue_scripts'); $this->run_action('admin_print_styles-' . $hook, 'enqueue_styles'); }
/** * Returns the contens of the dialog * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return object */ public function get_contents($data) { $subscription = $data['model']; $gateways = MS_Model_Gateway::get_gateway_names(); $invoices = $subscription->get_invoices(); $pay_details = array(); $inv_details = array(); foreach ($subscription->get_payments() as $payment) { if (isset($gateways[$payment['gateway']])) { $gateway = $gateways[$payment['gateway']]; } else { $gateway = '(' . $payment['gateway'] . ')'; } $pay_details[] = array('title' => __('Recorded Payment', 'membership2'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TABLE, 'value' => array(0 => array('Payment Date', $payment['date']), 1 => array('Payment Gateway', $gateway), 2 => array('Amount', $payment['amount']), 3 => array('External ID', $payment['external_id'])), 'field_options' => array('head_col' => true)); } $invoice_list = array(); foreach ($invoices as $invoice) { if (isset($gateways[$invoice->gateway_id])) { $gateway = $gateways[$invoice->gateway_id]; } else { $gateway = '(' . $invoice->gateway_id . ')'; } $transaction_log = sprintf(' <small>- <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></small>', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('billing', array('show' => 'logs', 'invoice' => $invoice->id)), __('Show Transaction', 'membership2')); $invoice_list[] = $invoice->id; $inv_details[$invoice->id] = array('title' => sprintf(__('Invoice %s', 'membership2'), $invoice->id), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TABLE, 'value' => array(0 => array('Invoice ID', $invoice->id . $transaction_log), 2 => array('Create Date', $invoice->invoice_date), 1 => array('Payment Gateway', $gateway), 2 => array('Due Date', $invoice->due_date), 3 => array('Regular amount', $invoice->amount), 4 => array('Total billed', $invoice->total), 5 => array('Status', $invoice->status), 6 => array('Notes', $invoice->description), 7 => array('Checkout IP', $invoice->checkout_ip), 8 => array('Checkout Date', $invoice->checkout_date)), 'field_options' => array('head_col' => true)); if ($invoice->amount == $invoice->total) { unset($inv_details[$invoice->id]['value'][3]); $inv_details[$invoice->id]['value'] = array_values($inv_details[$invoice->id]['value']); } } $transaction_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('billing', array('show' => 'logs', 'invoice' => implode(',', $invoice_list))); $transaction_log = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'value' => __('Show all Transactions for this subscription', 'membership2'), 'url' => $transaction_url, 'target' => '_blank'); ob_start(); ?> <div class="wpmui-grid-8 ms-payment-infos"> <div class="col-5"> <?php foreach ($inv_details as $detail) { MS_Helper_Html::html_element($detail); } ?> </div> <div class="col-3"> <?php MS_Helper_Html::html_element($transaction_log); MS_Helper_Html::html_separator(); foreach ($pay_details as $detail) { MS_Helper_Html::html_element($detail); } ?> </div> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); return apply_filters('ms_view_member_payment_to_html', $html); }
public function column_members($item, $column_name) { $html = ''; if (!$item->is_system()) { $count = $item->get_members_count(); $url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('members', array('membership_id' => $item->id)); $html = sprintf('<a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>', intval($count), $url); } return $html; }
/** * Show manual purchase/payment information. * * Returns a default messsage if gateway is not configured. * * @hook ms_controller_gateway_purchase_info_content * * @since 1.0.0 * @return string The payment info. */ public function purchase_info_content() { static $Processed = false; /** * If some plugin calls `the_content()` multiple times then this * function will also run multiple times. * We want to process the details only once, so we have this condition! */ if (!$Processed) { $Processed = true; do_action('ms_gateway_manual_purchase_info_content_before', $this); if (empty($this->payment_info)) { $link = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings'); ob_start(); ?> <?php _e('This is only an example of manual payment gateway instructions', 'membership2'); ?> <br /> <?php printf(__('Edit it %shere%s', 'membership2'), '<a href="' . $link . '">', '</a>'); ?> <br /><br /> <?php _e('Name: Example name.', 'membership2'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Bank: Example bank.', 'membership2'); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Bank account: Example bank account 1234.', 'membership2'); ?> <br /> <?php $this->payment_info = ob_get_clean(); } $this->payment_info = wpautop($this->payment_info); if (!empty($_POST['ms_relationship_id'])) { $subscription = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Relationship', $_POST['ms_relationship_id']); $invoice = $subscription->get_current_invoice(); $this->payment_info .= sprintf('<div class="ms-manual-price">%s: <span class="ms-price">%s%s</span></div>', __('Total value', 'membership2'), $invoice->currency, $invoice->total); // The user did make his intention to pay the invoice. Set status // to billed. $invoice->status = MS_Model_Invoice::STATUS_BILLED; $invoice->save(); } } return apply_filters('ms_gateway_manual_purchase_info_content', $this->payment_info); }
/** * Hook to add custom transaction status. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function after_load() { parent::after_load(); $this->id = self::ID; $this->name = __('PayPal Standard Gateway', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); $this->group = 'PayPal'; $this->manual_payment = false; // Recurring charged automatically $this->pro_rate = false; if ($this->active && $this->is_live_mode() && strpos($this->merchant_id, '@')) { $settings_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings', array('tab' => MS_Controller_Settings::TAB_PAYMENT)); lib2()->ui->admin_message(sprintf(__('Warning: You use your email address for the PayPal Standard gateway instead of your Merchant ID. Please check %syour payment settings%s and enter the Merchant ID instead', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="' . $settings_url . '">', '</a>'), 'err'); } }
public function render_tab() { $fields = $this->prepare_fields(); ob_start(); ?> <div class="ms-addon-wrap"> <?php MS_Helper_Html::settings_tab_header(array('title' => __('Redirect Settings', 'membership2'), 'desc' => array(__('Specify your custom URLs here. You can use either an absolute URL (starting with "http://") or an site-relative path (like "/some-page/")', 'membership2'), sprintf(__('The URLs you specify here can always be overwritten in the %slogin shortcode%s using the redirect-attributes. Example: <code>[%s redirect_login="******" redirect_logout="/good-bye/"]</code>.', 'membership2'), sprintf('<a href="%s#ms-membership-login" target="_blank">', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('help', array('tab' => 'shortcodes'))), '</a>', MS_Helper_Shortcode::SCODE_LOGIN)))); foreach ($fields as $field) { MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field); } ?> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); echo $html; }
/** * Returns the HTML code of the Settings form. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return string */ public function render_tab() { $fields = $this->prepare_fields(); $manage_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings', array('tab' => MS_Addon_Attributes::ID)); ob_start(); ?> <div class="ms-addon-wrap"> <?php MS_Helper_Html::settings_tab_header(array('title' => __('Custom Membership Attributes', 'membership2'), 'desc' => sprintf(__('You can manage custom attributes in %sthe plugin settings%s.', 'membership2'), '<a href="' . $manage_url . '">', '</a>'))); echo '<div class="ms-attributes">'; foreach ($fields as $field) { MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field); } echo '</div>'; ?> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); echo $html; }
/** * Show manual purchase/payment information. * * Returns a default messsage if gateway is not configured. * * * Hooks Actions: * * * ms_controller_gateway_purchase_info_content * * @since 1.0.0 * @return string The payment info. */ public function purchase_info_content() { do_action('ms_gateway_manual_purchase_info_content_before', $this); if (empty($this->payment_info)) { $link = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings'); ob_start(); ?> <?php _e('This is only an example of manual payment gateway instructions', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> <br /> <?php printf(__('Edit it %shere%s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="' . $link . '">', '</a>'); ?> <br /><br /> <?php _e('Name: Example name.', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Bank: Example bank.', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Bank account: Example bank account 1234.', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> <br /> <?php $this->payment_info = ob_get_clean(); } if (!empty($_POST['ms_relationship_id'])) { $subscription = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Relationship', $_POST['ms_relationship_id']); $invoice = $subscription->get_current_invoice(); $this->payment_info .= sprintf('<br />%s: %s%s', __('Total value', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), $invoice->currency, $invoice->total); // The user did make his intention to pay the invoice. Set status // to billed. $invoice->status = MS_Model_Invoice::STATUS_BILLED; $invoice->save(); } return apply_filters('ms_gateway_manual_purchase_info_content', wpautop($this->payment_info)); }
/** * Overrides parent's to_html() method. * * Creates an output buffer, outputs the HTML and grabs the buffer content before releasing it. * Creates a wrapper 'ms-wrap' HTML element to contain content and navigation. The content inside * the navigation gets loaded with dynamic method calls. * e.g. if key is 'settings' then render_settings() gets called, if 'bob' then render_bob(). * * @since 1.0.0 * @api * * @return string */ public function to_html() { $form_fields = $this->prepare_fields(); $setup_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('setup'); ob_start(); // Render tabbed interface. ?> <div class="ms-wrap wrap"> <form class="ms-welcome-box" action="<?php echo esc_url($setup_url); ?> " method="POST"> <h2 class="ms-welcome-title"> <?php _e('Welcome!', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> </h2> <div class="ms-welcome-text"> <?php _e('Hello and welcome to <strong>Membership2</strong> by WPMU DEV. Please follow this simple set-up<br />wizard to help us determine the settings that are most relevant to your needs. Don\'t worry, you<br />can always change these settings in the future.', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?> </div> <div class="ms-welcome-image-box"> <img src="<?php echo esc_attr(MS_Plugin::instance()->url); ?> app/assets/images/welcome.png" class="ms-welcome-image" /> </div> <?php foreach ($form_fields as $field) { MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field); } ?> </form> </div> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Outputs the options form on admin * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $instance The widget options */ public function form($instance) { $title = __('Login', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); $redirect_login = ''; $redirect_logout = ''; $shortcode_args = ''; if (isset($instance['title'])) { $title = $instance['title']; } if (isset($instance['redirect_login'])) { $redirect_login = $instance['redirect_login']; } if (isset($instance['redirect_logout'])) { $redirect_logout = $instance['redirect_logout']; } if (isset($instance['shortcode_args'])) { $shortcode_args = $instance['shortcode_args']; } $placeholder_login = MS_Model_Pages::get_url_after_login(); if (strlen($placeholder_login) > 55) { $parts = explode('://', $placeholder_login); $placeholder_login = $parts[0] . '://' . substr($parts[1], 0, 5) . '…' . substr($parts[1], -38); } $placeholder_logout = MS_Model_Pages::get_url_after_logout(); if (strlen($placeholder_logout) > 55) { $parts = explode('://', $placeholder_logout); $placeholder_logout = $parts[0] . '://' . substr($parts[1], 0, 5) . '…' . substr($parts[1], -38); } $field_title = array('id' => $this->get_field_id('title'), 'name' => $this->get_field_name('title'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'title' => __('Title:', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'value' => $title, 'class' => 'widefat'); $field_redirect_login = array('id' => $this->get_field_id('redirect_login'), 'name' => $this->get_field_name('redirect_login'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'title' => __('Show this page after login:'******'value' => $redirect_login, 'placeholder' => $placeholder_login, 'class' => 'widefat'); $field_redirect_logout = array('id' => $this->get_field_id('redirect_logout'), 'name' => $this->get_field_name('redirect_logout'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'title' => __('Show this page after logout:', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'value' => $redirect_logout, 'placeholder' => $placeholder_logout, 'class' => 'widefat'); $field_shortcode_args = array('id' => $this->get_field_id('shortcode_args'), 'name' => $this->get_field_name('shortcode_args'), 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_TEXT, 'title' => __('Shortcode Options:', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'desc' => sprintf(__('Arguments to pass to the %slogin shortcode%s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), sprintf('<a href="%s#ms-membership-login" target="_blank">', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('help', array('tab' => 'shortcodes'))), '</a>'), 'value' => $shortcode_args, 'placeholder' => 'header="no"', 'class' => 'widefat'); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field_title); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field_redirect_login); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field_redirect_logout); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field_shortcode_args); }
/** * Returns the HTML code of the Settings form. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return string */ public function render_tab() { $groups = $this->prepare_fields(); ob_start(); ?> <div class="ms-addon-wrap"> <?php MS_Helper_Html::settings_tab_header(array('title' => __('Custom Membership Attributes', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'desc' => __('Define custom fields that are available in the Memberships Edit-Page.', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN))); foreach ($groups as $key => $fields) { echo '<div class="ms-group ms-group-' . esc_attr($key) . '">'; foreach ($fields as $field) { MS_Helper_Html::html_element($field); } echo '</div>'; } MS_Helper_Html::html_separator(); $help_link = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('help', array('tab' => 'shortcodes')); printf('<p>%s</p><ul><li>%s</li><li>%s</li><li>%s</li><li>%s</li></ul>', __('How to use custom attribute values:', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), sprintf(__('Via the %sshortcode%s %s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="' . $help_link . '#ms-membership-buy">', '</a>', '<code>[<b>' . MS_Addon_Attributes::SHORTCODE . '</b> slug="slug" id="..."]</code>'), sprintf(__('Via WordPress filter %s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<code>$val = apply_filters( "<b>ms_membership_attr</b>", "", "slug", $membership_id );</code>'), sprintf(__('Get via php function %s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<code>$val = <b>ms_membership_attr</b>( "slug", $membership_id );</code>'), sprintf(__('Set via php function %s', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<code><b>ms_membership_attr_set</b>( "slug", $val, $membership_id );</code>')); ?> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); echo $html; }
/** * Return the HTML form. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return string */ public function to_html() { $fields = $this->get_fields(); // TODO: Fix that condition again. $has_more = true; $title = __('Protection Messages', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); if (isset($this->data['membership'])) { $membership = $this->data['membership']; } else { $membership = false; } if ($membership instanceof MS_Model_Membership) { $settings_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings', array('tab' => MS_Controller_Settings::TAB_MESSAGES)); $desc = sprintf(__('Here you can override %sdefault settings%s for this membership.', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="' . $settings_url . '">', '</a>'); } else { $desc = ''; } ob_start(); MS_Helper_Html::settings_tab_header(array('title' => $title, 'desc' => $desc)); ?> <form class="ms-form" action="" method="post"> <?php $subtitle = apply_filters('ms_translation_flag', __('Content protection message', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'message-protected'); MS_Helper_Html::settings_box($fields['content'], $subtitle, '', 'open'); $subtitle = apply_filters('ms_translation_flag', __('Shortcode protection message', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'message-shortcode'); MS_Helper_Html::settings_box($fields['shortcode'], $subtitle, '', 'open'); if ($has_more) { $subtitle = apply_filters('ms_translation_flag', __('More tag protection message', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'message-more_tag'); MS_Helper_Html::settings_box($fields['more_tag'], $subtitle, '', 'open'); } ?> </form> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); return $html; }
public function column_user($item, $column_name) { $member = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Member', $item->user_id); $html = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('add-member', array('user_id' => $item->user_id)), $member->username); return $html; }
/** * Display Username column. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param mixed $member The table item to display. */ public function column_username($member) { $actions = array(); $actions['edit'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('add-member', array('user_id' => $member->id)), __('Subscription Details', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN)); $actions['profile'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', admin_url('user-edit.php?user_id=' . $member->id), __('Edit Profile', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN)); $html = sprintf('%1$s %2$s', $member->username, $this->row_actions($actions)); return $html; }
/** * Checks, if some BuddyPress pages overlap with M2 membership pages. * * In some cases people used the same page-ID for both BuddyPress * registration and M2 registration. This will cause problems and must be * resolved to have M2 and BuddyPress work symbiotically. * * @since */ protected function collission_check() { $buddy_pages = MS_Factory::get_option('bp-pages'); if (!is_array($buddy_pages)) { // Okay, no BuddyPress pages set up yet. return; } $duplicates = array(); foreach ($buddy_pages as $type => $page_id) { $collission = MS_Model_Pages::get_page_by('id', $page_id); if ($collission) { $title = $collission->post_title; if (!$title) { $title = $collission->post_name; } $duplicates[] = sprintf('%s - %s', $page_id, $title); } } if (count($duplicates)) { $msg = sprintf('%s<br><br>%s', sprintf(__('BuddyPress uses a page that is also used as a Membership page by Membership 2.<br>Please assign a different page for either %sMembership 2%s or %sBuddyPress%s to avoid conflicts.', 'membership2'), '<a href="' . MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings') . '">', '</a>', '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=bp-page-settings') . '">', '</a>'), implode('<br>', $duplicates)); lib3()->ui->admin_message($msg, 'error'); } }
/** * Initialize the admin-side functions. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function admin_init() { $hook = MS_Controller_Plugin::admin_page_hook('help'); $this->run_action('admin_print_scripts-' . $hook, 'enqueue_scripts'); }
/** * Add redirect settings tab in settings page. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $tabs The current tabs. * @return array The filtered tabs. */ public function settings_tabs($tabs) { $tabs[self::ID] = array('title' => __('Redirect', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), 'url' => MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings', array('tab' => self::ID))); return $tabs; }
/** * Adds CSS and JS for Membership special pages used in the front end. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return void */ public function enqueue_scripts() { do_action('ms_controller_frontend_enqueue_scripts', $this->get_signup_step(), $this->get_action(), $this); $is_ms_page = MS_Model_Pages::is_membership_page(); $is_profile = self::ACTION_EDIT_PROFILE == $this->get_action() && MS_Model_Pages::is_membership_page(null, MS_Model_Pages::MS_PAGE_ACCOUNT); if ($is_ms_page) { $data = array('ms_init' => array('shortcode'), 'cancel_msg' => __('Are you sure you want to cancel?', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN)); lib2()->ui->css('ms-styles'); lib2()->ui->js('jquery-validate'); lib2()->ui->js('ms-public'); MS_Controller_Plugin::translate_jquery_validator(); if ($is_profile) { $data['ms_init'][] = 'frontend_profile'; } lib2()->ui->data('ms_data', $data); } }
/** * Load Membership manager specific scripts. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function enqueue_scripts() { $data = array('ms_init' => array(), 'lang' => array('msg_delete' => __('Do you want to completely delete the membership <strong>%s</strong> including all subscriptions?', 'membership2'), 'btn_delete' => __('Delete', 'membership2'), 'btn_cancel' => __('Cancel', 'membership2'), 'quickedit_error' => __('Error while saving changes.', 'membership2'))); $step = $this->get_step(); switch ($step) { case self::STEP_WELCOME_SCREEN: break; case self::STEP_ADD_NEW: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_membership_add'; $data['initial_url'] = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url(); break; case self::STEP_OVERVIEW: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_membership_overview'; break; case self::STEP_PAYMENT: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_membership_payment'; $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings_payment'; break; case self::STEP_EDIT: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_membership_payment'; $tab = $this->get_active_edit_tab(); switch ($tab) { case self::TAB_TYPE: add_thickbox(); $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_membership_add'; break; case self::TAB_UPGRADE: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_membership_upgrade'; break; case self::TAB_MESSAGES: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings_protection'; break; case self::TAB_EMAILS: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings_automated_msg'; break; } do_action('ms_controller_membership_enqueue_scripts_tab-' . $tab, $this); break; case self::STEP_MS_LIST: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_membership_list'; $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings_setup'; break; } lib3()->ui->data('ms_data', $data); wp_enqueue_script('ms-admin'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-validate'); do_action('ms_controller_membership_enqueue_scripts', $this); do_action('ms_controller_membership_enqueue_scripts-' . $step, $this); }
/** * Output column content * * @since 1.0.0 * @param object $item The item that is displayed. * @return string The HTML code to output. */ public function column_invoice($item, $column_name) { if ($item->invoice_id) { $invoice_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('billing', array('action' => 'edit', 'invoice_id' => $item->invoice_id)); $html = sprintf('<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', $invoice_url, $item->invoice_id); } else { $html = '-'; } return $html; }
/** * Load Membership admin scripts. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function enqueue_scripts() { $active_tab = $this->get_active_tab(); do_action('ms_controller_settings_enqueue_scripts_' . $active_tab); $plugin_url = MS_Plugin::instance()->url; $version = MS_Plugin::instance()->version; $initial_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url(); $data = array('ms_init' => array(), 'initial_url' => $initial_url); $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings'; switch ($active_tab) { case self::TAB_PAYMENT: add_thickbox(); $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings_payment'; break; case self::TAB_MESSAGES: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings_protection'; break; case self::TAB_EMAILS: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings_automated_msg'; break; case self::TAB_GENERAL: $data['ms_init'][] = 'view_settings_setup'; break; } lib3()->ui->data('ms_data', $data); wp_enqueue_script('ms-admin'); }
/** * Add 'Unprotected' node. * * @since 1.0.0 * */ private function add_unprotected_node() { global $wp_admin_bar; if (MS_Plugin::is_enabled()) { return; } if (MS_Plugin::is_wizard()) { return; } $link_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings'); $wp_admin_bar->add_node(apply_filters('ms_controller_adminbar_add_unprotected_node', array('id' => 'ms-unprotected', 'title' => __('Content Protection is disabled', 'membership2'), 'href' => $link_url, 'meta' => array('class' => 'ms-unprotected', 'title' => __('Content of this site is unprotected', 'membership2'), 'tabindex' => '1')))); }
/** * Adds Dashboard navigation menus. * * @since 1.0.0 */ public function add_menu_pages() { global $submenu; $limited_mode = false; $view = MS_Model_Settings::get_special_view(); if ($view) { // A special view is displayed. Do not display other menu items. $pages = array(); $limited_mode = true; } elseif (MS_Plugin::is_wizard()) { // Submenus definition: Wizard mode $pages = $this->get_setup_menu_pages(); $limited_mode = true; } else { // Submenus definition: Normal mode $pages = $this->get_default_menu_pages(); if (MS_Plugin::is_network_wide() && !is_network_admin()) { $limited_mode = true; } } /** * Allow Add-ons and other plugins to add menu pages. * * A menu item is defined by an array containing the following members: * 'title' => '...', * 'slug' => '...', * 'function' => callback * * @var array */ $pages = apply_filters('ms_plugin_menu_pages', $pages, $limited_mode, $this); $page_keys = array_keys($pages); $slug = ''; if (isset($page_keys[0]) && $pages[$page_keys[0]]) { $slug = $pages[$page_keys[0]]['slug']; } if (empty($slug)) { self::$base_slug = self::MENU_SLUG; } else { self::$base_slug = self::MENU_SLUG . '-' . $slug; } /* * Create primary menu item: Membership. * * The menu title is not translatable because of a bug in WordPress core * https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/18857 * Until this bug is closed the title (2nd argument) can't be translated */ add_menu_page('Membership 2', 'Membership 2', $this->capability, self::$base_slug, null, 'dashicons-lock'); // Create submenus foreach ($pages as $page) { if (!is_array($page)) { continue; } if (empty($page['link'])) { $menu_link = false; } else { $menu_link = $page['link']; } $slug = self::MENU_SLUG; if (!empty($page['slug'])) { $slug .= '-' . $page['slug']; } add_submenu_page(self::$base_slug, strip_tags($page['title']), $page['title'], $this->capability, $slug, array($this, 'handle_submenu_request')); /* * WordPress does not support absolute URLs in the admin-menu. * So we have to manny modify the menu-link href value if our slug * is an absolute URL. */ if ($menu_link) { $item = end($submenu[self::$base_slug]); $key = key($submenu[self::$base_slug]); $submenu[self::$base_slug][$key][2] = $menu_link; } } do_action('ms_controller_plugin_add_menu_pages', $this); // Setup the rest of the plugin after the menu was registered. do_action('ms_plugin_admin_setup'); }
/** * Prepare the HTML fields that can be displayed * * @since 1.0.0 * * @return array */ protected function prepare_fields($data) { // List of known Membership types; used to display the nice-name $ms_types = MS_Model_Membership::get_types(); $ms_paytypes = MS_Model_Membership::get_payment_types(); // Prepare the "Memberships" table $memberships = array(array(__('Membership name', 'membership2'), __('Membership Type', 'membership2'), __('Payment Type', 'membership2'), __('Description', 'membership2'))); foreach ($data->memberships as $item) { if (!isset($ms_types[$item->type])) { $item->type = MS_Model_Membership::TYPE_STANDARD; } switch ($item->pay_type) { case 'recurring': $payment_type = MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_RECURRING; break; case 'finite': $payment_type = MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_FINITE; break; case 'date': $payment_type = MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_DATE_RANGE; break; default: $payment_type = MS_Model_Membership::PAYMENT_TYPE_PERMANENT; break; } $memberships[] = array($item->name, $ms_types[$item->type], $ms_paytypes[$payment_type], $item->description); } // Prepare the "Members" table $members = array(array(__('Username', 'membership2'), __('Email', 'membership2'), __('Subscriptions', 'membership2'), __('Invoices', 'membership2'))); foreach ($data->members as $item) { $inv_count = 0; if (isset($item->subscriptions) && is_array($item->subscriptions)) { foreach ($item->subscriptions as $registration) { $inv_count += count($registration->invoices); } } $members[] = array($item->username, $item->email, count($item->subscriptions), $inv_count); } $settings = array(); foreach ($data->settings as $setting => $value) { switch ($setting) { case 'addons': $model = MS_Factory::load('MS_Model_Addon'); $list = $model->get_addon_list(); $code = ''; foreach ($value as $addon => $state) { if ($state) { $code .= __('Activate: ', 'membership2'); } else { $code .= __('Dectivate: ', 'membership2'); } $code .= $list[$addon]->name . '<br/>'; } $settings[] = array(__('Add-Ons', 'membership2'), $code); break; } } if (empty($settings)) { $settings[] = array('', __('(No settings are changed)', 'membership2')); } // Prepare the return value. $fields = array(); // Export-Notes $notes = ''; if (isset($data->notes)) { if (is_scalar($data->notes)) { $notes = array($data->notes); } $in_sub = false; $notes = '<ul class="ms-import-notes">'; foreach ($data->notes as $line => $text) { $is_sub = strpos($text, '- ') === 0; if ($in_sub != $is_sub) { $in_sub = $is_sub; if ($is_sub) { $notes .= '<ul>'; } else { $notes .= '</ul>'; } } if ($in_sub) { $text = substr($text, 2); } $notes .= '<li>' . $text; } $notes .= '</ul>'; } $fields['details'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TABLE, 'class' => 'ms-import-preview', 'value' => array(array(__('Data source', 'membership2'), $data->source . '   <small>' . sprintf(__('exported on %1$s', 'membership2'), $data->export_time) . '</small>'), array(__('Content', 'membership2'), sprintf(_n('%1$s Membership', '%1$s Memberships', count($data->memberships), 'membership2'), '<b>' . count($data->memberships) . '</b>') . ' / ' . sprintf(_n('%1$s Member', '%1$s Members', count($data->members), 'membership2'), '<b>' . count($data->members) . '</b>'))), 'field_options' => array('head_col' => true, 'head_row' => false, 'col_class' => array('preview-label', 'preview-data'))); if (!empty($notes)) { $fields['details']['value'][] = array(__('Please note', 'membership2'), $notes); } $batchsizes = array(10 => __('Small (10 items)'), 30 => __('Normal (30 items)'), 100 => __('Big (100 items)')); $fields['batchsize'] = array('id' => 'batchsize', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_SELECT, 'title' => __('Batch size for import', 'membership2'), 'desc' => __('Big batches will be processed faster but may result in PHP Memory errors.', 'membership2'), 'value' => 30, 'field_options' => $batchsizes, 'class' => 'sel-batchsize'); $fields['clear_all'] = array('id' => 'clear_all', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'title' => __('Replace current content with import data (removes existing Memberships/Members before importing data)', 'membership2'), 'class' => 'widefat'); $fields['memberships'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TABLE, 'class' => 'ms-import-preview', 'value' => $memberships, 'field_options' => array('head_col' => false, 'head_row' => true, 'col_class' => array('preview-name', 'preview-type', 'preview-pay-type', 'preview-desc'))); $fields['members'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TABLE, 'class' => 'ms-import-preview', 'value' => $members, 'field_options' => array('head_col' => false, 'head_row' => true, 'col_class' => array('preview-name', 'preview-email', 'preview-count', 'preview-count'))); $fields['settings'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_TABLE, 'class' => 'ms-import-preview', 'value' => $settings, 'field_options' => array('head_col' => true, 'head_row' => false)); $fields['sep'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_SEPARATOR); $fields['back'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'class' => 'wpmui-field-button button', 'value' => __('Cancel', 'membership2'), 'url' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $fields['skip'] = array('type' => MS_Helper_Html::TYPE_HTML_LINK, 'class' => 'wpmui-field-button button', 'value' => __('Skip', 'membership2'), 'url' => MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url(false, array('skip_import' => 1))); $fields['import'] = array('id' => 'btn-import', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_BUTTON, 'value' => __('Import', 'membership2'), 'button_value' => MS_Controller_Import::AJAX_ACTION_IMPORT, 'button_type' => 'submit'); $fields['download'] = array('id' => 'btn-download', 'type' => MS_Helper_Html::INPUT_TYPE_BUTTON, 'value' => __('Download as Export File', 'membership2'), 'class' => 'button-link'); return $fields; }
/** * Return the HTML form. * * @since 1.0.0 * @return string */ public function to_html() { $comm = $this->data['comm']; $fields = $this->get_fields(); $this->add_action('admin_footer', 'wp_footer'); $title = __('Automated Email Responses', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN); if (isset($this->data['membership'])) { $membership = $this->data['membership']; } else { $membership = false; } if ($membership instanceof MS_Model_Membership) { $settings_url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings', array('tab' => MS_Controller_Settings::TAB_EMAILS)); $desc = sprintf(__('Here you can override %sdefault messages%s for this membership.', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), '<a href="' . $settings_url . '">', '</a>'); } else { $desc = ''; } ob_start(); MS_Helper_Html::settings_tab_header(array('title' => $title, 'desc' => $desc)); ?> <form id="ms-comm-type-form" action="" method="post"> <?php MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['load_action']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['load_nonce']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['comm_type']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['switch_comm_type']); ?> </form> <?php MS_Helper_Html::html_separator(); if (!empty($fields['override'])) { MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['override']); } ?> <form action="" method="post" class="ms-editor-form"> <?php if (!empty($fields['membership_id'])) { MS_Helper_Html::html_separator(); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['membership_id']); } MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['action']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['nonce']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['type']); if (is_a($comm, 'MS_Model_Communication')) { printf('<h3>%1$s %2$s: %3$s</h3><div class="ms-description" style="margin-bottom:20px;">%4$s</div>', $comm->get_title(), __('Message', MS_TEXT_DOMAIN), MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['enabled'], true), $comm->get_description()); if ($comm->period_enabled) { echo '<div class="ms-period-wrapper clear">'; $fields['period_unit'] = $comm->set_period_name($fields['period_unit']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['period_unit']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['period_type']); echo '</div>'; } } MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['subject']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['email_body']); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['cc_enabled']); echo ' '; MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['cc_email']); MS_Helper_Html::html_separator(); MS_Helper_Html::html_element($fields['save_email']); ?> </form> <?php return ob_get_clean(); }
/** * Add link to settings page in plugins page. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array $links WordPress default array of links. * @return array Array of links with settings page links added. */ public function plugin_settings_link($links) { if (!is_network_admin()) { $text = __('Settings', 'membership2'); $url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings'); if ($this->settings->initial_setup) { $url = MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url(); } /** * Filter the plugin settings link. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param object $this The MS_Plugin object. */ $settings_link = apply_filters('ms_plugin_settings_link', sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $url, $text), $this); array_unshift($links, $settings_link); } return $links; }