예제 #1
 public function authenticateLogin()
     $error = false;
     if (isset($_POST['log']) && $_POST['log'] == '' || isset($_POST['pwd']) && $_POST['pwd'] == '') {
         $error = true;
     if (class_exists("MM_CorePageEngine") && $error) {
         MM_Messages::addError("Please enter your username and password.");
         if (!defined("DOING_AJAX") || !DOING_AJAX) {
         } else {
             MM_Session::value('redirect_to', MM_CorePageEngine::getUrl(MM_CorePageType::$LOGIN_PAGE));
             return true;
예제 #2
  * This function keeps default core page from being trashed
 public function trashPostHandler($post_id)
     if (MM_CorePage::isDefaultCorePage($post_id)) {
         MM_Messages::addError("MemberMouse default core pages cannot be deleted.");
     if (MM_CorePageEngine::isCorePage($post_id)) {
         // We don't want non-default core pages sitting in the trash to retain their associations because it
         // can cause issues with other non-default core pages that are currently published, so let's treat even
         // sending a non-default core page to trash just the same as permanently deleting the page altogether
예제 #3
 public static function getPluginWarnings()
     $problemPlugins = array();
     $problemPlugins["W3 Total Cache"] = "w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php";
     $problemPlugins["WP Super Cache"] = "wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php";
     $plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
     foreach ($problemPlugins as $name => $location) {
         if (in_array($location, $plugins)) {
             if (!MM_Messages::isMessageHidden($location)) {
                 $hideWarningUrl = MM_Messages::getHideMessageUrl(self::constructPageUrl(), $location);
                 MM_Messages::addError("<i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i> <strong>MemberMouse Warning</strong>: The <em>{$name}</em> plugin is known to cause issues with MemberMouse. <a href='https://membermouse.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/319203-plugins-that-cause-problems' target='_blank'>Learn more</a> | <a href='{$hideWarningUrl}'>Hide this warning</a>");
     // check if client is using Visual Composer
     $visualComposerPlugin = "js_composer/js_composer.php";
     if (in_array($visualComposerPlugin, $plugins)) {
         if (!MM_Messages::isMessageHidden($visualComposerPlugin)) {
             $hideWarningUrl = MM_Messages::getHideMessageUrl(self::constructPageUrl(), $visualComposerPlugin);
             $visualEditorMsg = "<p><i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i> <strong>MemberMouse Warning: Visual Composer</strong></p>";
             $visualEditorMsg .= "<div style=\"margin-left:20px;\"><i class=\"fa fa-caret-right\"></i> ";
             $visualEditorMsg .= "You're using Visual Composer. To avoid issues make sure to follow the instructions in this article when <a href='http://membermouse.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/792249' target='_blank'>using SmartTags</a> | <a href='{$hideWarningUrl}'>Hide this warning</a>";
             $visualEditorMsg .= "</div>";
     // check if client is using WP Engine
     if (class_exists("WPE_API", false) || defined("WPE_APIKEY") || defined("WPE_ISP")) {
         if (!MM_Messages::isMessageHidden("wp-engine-warning")) {
             $hideWarningUrl = MM_Messages::getHideMessageUrl(self::constructPageUrl(), "wp-engine-warning");
             MM_Messages::addError("<i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i> <strong>MemberMouse Warning</strong>: You're using WP Engine. Follow the instructions in this article to <a href='http://membermouse.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/356866-configuring-wp-engine-hosting' target='_blank'>work with WP Engine to ensure your server is configured to allow MemberMouse to run properly</a>. | <a href='{$hideWarningUrl}'>Hide this warning</a>");
     // TODO this code can be removed after no active license is on a version less than 2.2.4
     $captchaSiteKey = MM_OptionUtils::getOption(MM_OptionUtils::$OPTION_KEY_CAPTCHA_KEY);
     $captchaPrivateKey = MM_OptionUtils::getOption(MM_OptionUtils::$OPTION_KEY_CAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY);
     $mmVersion = MemberMouse::getPluginVersion();
     // check if client is using recaptcha and on version 2.2.4 of MM
     if ($mmVersion == "2.2.4" && !empty($captchaSiteKey) && !empty($captchaPrivateKey)) {
         if (!MM_Messages::isMessageHidden("recaptcha-upgrade-warning")) {
             $hideWarningUrl = MM_Messages::getHideMessageUrl(self::constructPageUrl(), "recaptcha-upgrade-warning");
             MM_Messages::addError("<div style='width:750px;'><i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i> <strong>MemberMouse Warning</strong>: It appears that you're currently using reCaptcha. In this version of MemberMouse reCaptcha has been upgraded and your <strong>action is required</strong> to ensure your checkout process continues to function correctly. <a href='http://membermouse.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/718512#recaptcha-upgrade' target='_blank'>Watch this video for details</a>. | <a href='{$hideWarningUrl}'>Hide this warning</a></div>");
예제 #4
파일: index.php 프로젝트: huynp/Critical
 public function showNotices()
     // check to see if cache is being used
     $writeableDir = MM_PLUGIN_ABSPATH . "/com/membermouse/cache";
     $usingDbCache = false;
     if (class_exists("MM_Session")) {
         $usingDbCache = MM_Session::value(MM_Session::$KEY_USING_DB_CACHE);
         if (empty($usingDbCache)) {
             $usingDbCache = false;
     if (!isset($_GET['module']) || $_GET['module'] != MM_MODULE_REPAIR_INSTALL) {
         $cacheRepairUrl = MM_ModuleUtils::getUrl(MM_MODULE_GENERAL_SETTINGS, MM_MODULE_REPAIR_INSTALL);
         if (!file_exists($writeableDir) || is_dir($writeableDir) && !is_writeable($writeableDir)) {
             MM_Messages::addMessage("Currently MemberMouse can't utilize the cache. <a href='{$cacheRepairUrl}'>Click here to correct this.</a>");
             if (!file_exists($writeableDir)) {
                 //if the cache directory is missing, attempt to create it silently if possible
         } else {
             if ($usingDbCache) {
                 //this means the dbcache is in use, but the cache is now writeable, show banner and see if refresh is available
                 MM_Messages::addMessage("Currently MemberMouse can't utilize the cache. <a href='{$cacheRepairUrl}'>Click here to correct this.</a>");
                 $lastAuth = MM_OptionUtils::getOption(MM_OptionUtils::$OPTION_KEY_LAST_CODE_REFRESH);
                 $minInterval = time() - 60;
                 //(1 min)
                 if (class_exists("MM_MemberMouseService") && (empty($lastAuth) || $lastAuth <= $minInterval)) {
                     $refreshSuccess = MM_MemberMouseService::authorize();
                     MM_OptionUtils::setOption(MM_OptionUtils::$OPTION_KEY_LAST_CODE_REFRESH, time());
     // check to see if this is a beta version
     if (MM_IS_BETA == true) {
         $mmVersion = self::getPluginVersion();
         $msg = "<div style='width:750px;'><em class='mm-beta'>beta</em><strong>MemberMouse {$mmVersion}</strong>";
         $msg .= "<div style='margin-left:20px; margin-top:5px; line-height:22px;'>This is a Beta version of MemberMouse.<br/>";
         $msg .= "<i class=\"fa fa-caret-right\"></i> <a href='http://membermouse.com/beta-release-notes.php?version={$mmVersion}' target='_blank'>Beta {$mmVersion} Release Notes</a><br/>";
         $msg .= "<i class=\"fa fa-caret-right\"></i> Email <a href='mailto:beta@membermouse.com'>beta@membermouse.com</a> for support or questions on the beta version</div>";
         $msg .= "</div>";
     // check to see if there's a new version of MM available
     if (class_exists("MM_MemberMouseService")) {
         // check if there's an upgrade available
         $crntMajorVersion = self::getPluginVersion();
         $upgradeVersion = MM_OptionUtils::getOption(MM_OptionUtils::$OPTION_KEY_UPGRADE_NOTICE);
         if (!empty($upgradeVersion)) {
             if (version_compare($upgradeVersion, $crntMajorVersion, ">") || MM_IS_BETA == true && version_compare($upgradeVersion, $crntMajorVersion, "==")) {
                 // verify that customer is on PHP 5.3+
                 if ((double) phpversion() < 5.3) {
                     $phpWarning = "<div style='width:750px;'><i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i> <strong>Warning:</strong> A new version of MemberMouse is available. In order to upgrade to the latest version of MemberMouse you will need to upgrade to PHP 5.3 or higher.</div>";
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "plugins.php") === false && !(isset($_GET["action"]) && $_GET["action"] == "upgrade-plugin")) {
                         MM_Messages::addMessage("<a href='https://membermouse.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/319210-membermouse-versions' target='_blank'>MemberMouse {$upgradeVersion}</a> is available! <a href='plugins.php?plugin_update=membermouse&version={$upgradeVersion}'>Please update now</a>.");
         // check if plugin needs to be upgraded
         global $wpdb;
         $sql = "SELECT count(u.wp_user_id) as total FROM " . MM_TABLE_USER_DATA . " u, " . MM_TABLE_MEMBERSHIP_LEVELS . " m WHERE ";
         $sql .= "u.membership_level_id = m.id AND (u.status = '" . MM_Status::$ACTIVE . "' OR u.status = '" . MM_Status::$PENDING_CANCELLATION . "') ";
         $result = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
         if ($result) {
             $activeMembers = intval($result->total);
             $memberLimit = intval(MM_MemberMouseService::getMemberLimit());
             $upgradeUrl = MM_MemberMouseService::getUpgradeUrl();
             if ($memberLimit != -1 && $activeMembers > $memberLimit) {
                 MM_Messages::addMessage("MemberMouse is currently over the limit of " . number_format($memberLimit) . " members and will be deactivated within a week of going over the limit. Please <a href='{$upgradeUrl}' target='_blank'>upgrade your account</a> to avoid any service interruptions.");
         // check to see if in Safe Mode
         $safeMode = MM_SafeMode::getMode();
         if ($safeMode == MM_SafeMode::$MODE_ENABLED) {
             $safeModeUrl = MM_ModuleUtils::getUrl(MM_MODULE_GENERAL_SETTINGS, MM_MODULE_SAFE_MODE);
             MM_Messages::addError("<i class=\"fa fa-life-saver\"></i> MemberMouse Safe Mode is Enabled. <a href='{$safeModeUrl}'>Safe Mode Settings</a>");
         //check to see if payment subsystem is in test mode or if test data is being used.
         $testPaymentSrvcEnabled = class_exists("MM_TestPaymentService") && MM_TestPaymentService::isSiteUsingTestService();
         $testDataEnabled = MM_OptionUtils::getOption(MM_OptionUtils::$OPTION_KEY_USE_CHECKOUT_FORM_TEST_DATA) == "1" ? true : false;
         if ($testPaymentSrvcEnabled || $testDataEnabled) {
             $errorMsg = "<i class=\"fa fa-flask\"></i> <strong>MemberMouse Testing Enabled</strong>";
             $errorMsg .= "<div style='margin-left:20px;'>";
             if ($testPaymentSrvcEnabled) {
                 $paymentSettingsUrl = MM_ModuleUtils::getUrl(MM_MODULE_PAYMENT_SETTINGS, MM_MODULE_PAYMENT_METHODS);
                 $errorMsg .= "<i class=\"fa fa-caret-right\"></i> Test Payment Service is enabled. ";
                 $errorMsg .= "All charges will be processed by the test payment service. ";
                 $errorMsg .= "<a href='{$paymentSettingsUrl}'>Payment Method Settings</a><br/>";
             if ($testDataEnabled) {
                 $testDataSettingsUrl = MM_ModuleUtils::getUrl(MM_MODULE_PAYMENT_SETTINGS, MM_MODULE_TEST_DATA);
                 $errorMsg .= "<i class=\"fa fa-caret-right\"></i> Test Data is enabled. All checkout forms will be prepopulated with test data. <a href='{$testDataSettingsUrl}'>Test Data Settings</a>";
             $errorMsg .= "</div>";
     // check PHP version
     if ((double) phpversion() < 5.3) {
         $phpWarning = "<div style='width:750px;'><i class=\"fa fa-exclamation-triangle\"></i> <strong>Warning:</strong> Your webserver is running PHP ";
         $phpWarning .= phpversion();
         $phpWarning .= ", which is an obsolete version of PHP. MemberMouse isn't compatible with versions of PHP lower than 5.3 and you will experience issues ";
         $phpWarning .= "using the MemberMouse plugin. Please contact your hosting provider and request a more recent version of PHP. ";
         $phpWarning .= "For more information, <a href='http://membermouse.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/534052' target='_blank'>click here</a>.</div>";
     // check to see if any trouble plugins are activated
     // get error messages
     $errors = MM_Messages::get(MM_Session::$KEY_ERRORS);
     $output = "";
     if (is_array($errors) && count($errors) > 0) {
         $output .= "<div class=\"error\">";
         foreach ($errors as $msg) {
             $output .= "<p>{$msg}</p>";
         $output .= "</div>";
     // get notices
     $messages = MM_Messages::get(MM_Session::$KEY_MESSAGES);
     if (is_array($messages) && count($messages) > 0) {
         $output .= "<div class=\"updated\">";
         foreach ($messages as $msg) {
             $output .= "<p>{$msg}</p>";
         $output .= "</div>";
     echo $output;