예제 #1
 * A callback function to map the MDB2 datatype "openads_varchar" into
 * the MySQL nativetype "VARCHAR".
 * @param MDB2   $db         The MDB2 database reource object.
 * @param string $method     The name of the MDB2_Driver_Datatype_Common method
 *                           the callback function was called from. One of
 *                           "getValidTypes", "convertResult", "getDeclaration",
 *                           "compareDefinition", "quote" and "mapPrepareDatatype".
 *                           See {@link MDB2_Driver_Datatype_Common} for the
 *                           details of what each method does.
 * @param array $aParameters An array of parameters, being the parameters that
 *                           were passed to the method calling the callback
 *                           function.
 * @return mixed Returns the appropriate value depending on the method that
 *               called the function. See {@link MDB2_Driver_Datatype_Common}
 *               for details of the expected return values of the five possible
 *               calling methods.
function datatype_openads_varchar_callback($db, $method, $aParameters)
    // Lowercase method names for PHP4/PHP5 compatibility
    $method = strtolower($method);
    switch ($method) {
        case 'getvalidtypes':
            // Return the default value for this custom datatype
            return '';
        case 'convertresult':
            // Convert the nativetype value to a datatype value using the
            // built in "text" datatype
            return $db->datatype->convertResult($aParameters['value'], 'text', $aParameters['rtrim']);
        case 'getdeclaration':
            // Prepare and return the MySQL specific code needed to declare
            // a column of this custom datatype
            $name = $db->quoteIdentifier($aParameters['name'], true);
            $datatype = $db->datatype->mapPrepareDatatype($aParameters['type']);
            $declaration_options = $db->datatype->_getDeclarationOptions($aParameters['field']);
            $value = $name . ' ' . $datatype;
            if (isset($aParameters['field']['length']) && is_numeric($aParameters['field']['length'])) {
                $value .= '(' . $aParameters['field']['length'] . ')';
            $value .= $declaration_options;
            return $value;
        case 'comparedefinition':
            // Return the same array of changes that would be used for
            // the built in "text" datatype
            return $db->datatype->_compareTextDefinition($aParameters['current'], $aParameters['previous']);
        case 'quote':
            // Convert the datatype value into a quoted nativetype value
            // suitable for inserting into MySQL using the built in
            // "text" datatype
            return $db->datatype->quote($aParameters['value'], 'text');
        case 'mappreparedatatype':
            // Return the MySQL nativetype declaration for this custom datatype
            return 'VARCHAR';