private function home() { $mtype = Lua::get('mtype'); $where = ""; $url = "./model.htm"; if ($mtype) { $where .= "and mtype='{$mtype}'"; $url = "./model.htm?mtype={$mtype}"; } $cid = Lua::get('cid'); if ($cid) { $where .= " and cid='{$cid}' "; $url = $mtype ? "./model.htm?mtype={$mtype}&cid={$cid}" : "./model.htm?cid={$cid}"; } $count = Doo::db()->count("select count(*) from lua_model where id>0 {$where}"); $tpp = 20; $limit = ($this->page - 1) * $tpp . ',' . $tpp; $list = Lua::get_more("select * from lua_model where id>0 {$where} order by id desc limit " . $limit); $page = Lua::page($url, $this->page, $count, $tpp); $channels = $this->_channel(); include Lua::display('model', $this->dir); }
private function user() { $id = Lua::get('id'); $db = $this->_model($id); $url = "./member.htm?action=user&id={$id}"; $txt = Lua::get('txt'); $and = ""; if ($txt) { $and = " where u.username like binary '%{$txt}%' "; $url = "./member.htm?action=user&id={$id}&txt={$txt}"; } $show = Lua::get_more("select name,fieldname from lua_member_model_field where systemname='" . SYSNAME . "' and model_id='{$id}' and status='1' order by vieworder asc,id desc"); $count = Doo::db()->count("select count(*) from " . $db['tablename'] . " v left join lua_member u on u.uid=v.vuid {$and}"); $tpp = 20; $limit = ($this->page - 1) * $tpp . ',' . $tpp; $list = Lua::get_more("select v.*,u.* from " . $db['tablename'] . " v left join lua_member u on u.uid=v.vuid {$and} order by u.uid desc limit " . $limit); $page = Lua::page($url, $this->page, $count, $tpp); $groups = Lua::get_more("select * from lua_member_model_group where systemname='" . SYSNAME . "' and model_id='{$id}' order by vieworder asc,id desc"); $gps = array(); foreach ($groups as $v) { $gps[$v['id']] = $v['name']; } include Lua::display('member_user', $this->dir); }
private function home($isdel = 0) { $catid = Lua::get('catid'); $this->_condition($catid); $Ftree = $this->_tree($this->cate_db['upid']); $Stree = $this->_tree($this->cate_db['id']); $and = ""; $rec = Lua::get('rec'); if ($rec) { $rec = "&rec=1"; $isdel = 1; } // 下级模型数据处理 $tableid = Lua::get('tableid'); $tid = Lua::get('tid'); $table_db = $this->_table_db($tableid); $db = $nav = array(); $suffix = ""; if ($table_db) { if (empty($tid)) { Lua::admin_msg('提示信息', '数据错误,请检查ID值'); } $father_db = $this->_table_db($table_db['upid']); $db = $this->_db($father_db, $tid); $this->mode_db = $table_db; $nav = $this->_next_mods($this->mode_db['upid']); $suffix = "&tableid={$tableid}&tid={$tid}"; $and = " and " . $father_db['subid'] . "='{$tid}' "; } $mods = $this->_next_mods($this->mode_db['id']); // end if ($this->mode_db['model_type'] == 1) { // 单页面模式 if ($this->cate_db['add_perm'] == 0) { Lua::admin_msg('提示信息', '此栏目不允许添加内容'); } $tpl = "content_single"; $rs = Lua::get_one("select * from " . $this->mode_db['tablename'] . " where catid='{$catid}'"); if (empty($rs)) { $rs = Lua::db_array($this->mode_db['tablename']); $hash = FILE_HASH; } else { $hash = $rs['hash']; } $fields = $this->_fields($this->mode_db); if (empty($father_db)) { $father_db['subid'] = ''; } $action = "save_single&catid={$catid}" . $suffix . $this->lua_url; } else { // 列表模式 $url = "./content.htm?catid={$catid}" . $suffix; $range = range(1, 9); $tpl = "content"; $fields = $this->_fields($this->mode_db, 1); // soso $txt = Lua::get('txt'); if ($txt) { $and .= " and subject like binary '%{$txt}%' "; $url .= "&txt={$txt}"; } $topped = Lua::get('topped'); if ($topped) { $and .= " and topped='{$topped}' "; $url .= "&topped={$topped}"; } $commend = Lua::get('commend'); if ($commend) { $and .= " and commend='{$commend}' "; $url .= "&commend={$commend}"; } $catids = array(); $catidb = array(); $father = array(); if ($Stree) { foreach ($Stree as $v) { $catids[] = $v['id']; $catidb[$v['id']] = $v; } } if ($this->cate_db['add_perm'] == 1) { $and .= " and catid='{$catid}' "; $father = Lua::get_one("select * from lua_" . $this->lua . " where id='" . $this->cate_db['upid'] . "'"); } else { if ($catids) { $and .= " and catid in (" . implode(',', $catids) . ")"; } } // end $count = Doo::db()->count("select count(*) from " . $this->mode_db['tablename'] . " where isdel='{$isdel}' {$and}"); $tpp = 20; $limit = ($this->page - 1) * $tpp . ',' . $tpp; $list = Lua::get_more("select * from " . $this->mode_db['tablename'] . " where isdel='{$isdel}' {$and} order by vieworder desc,id desc limit " . $limit); $page = Lua::page($url . $this->lua_url . $rec, $this->page, $count, $tpp); // 检查是否存在批量上传插件 $pbu = 0; $plugin_batch_upload = LUA_ROOT . SYSNAME . '/plugin/batch/table/' . $tableid . '.txt'; if (file_exists($plugin_batch_upload)) { $pbu = 1; } $same = $this->_same($this->cate_db['model_id']); } include Lua::display($tpl, $this->dir); }
private function any() { $tableid = Lua::get('tableid'); $db = array(); if ($tableid) { $db = $this->_table($tableid); } if ($db) { $url = "./piece.htm?action=any&tableid={$tableid}"; $fields = $this->_fields($db['tablename']); $count = Doo::db()->count("select count(*) from " . $db['tablename']); $tpp = 30; $limit = ($this->page - 1) * $tpp . ',' . $tpp; $pri = $this->_pri($fields); $list = Lua::get_more("select * from " . $db['tablename'] . " order by {$pri} desc limit " . $limit); $page = Lua::page($url, $this->page, $count, $tpp); } include Lua::display('piece_any', $this->dir); }