예제 #1
  * @param array $regimen            
  * @param string $templateId            
  * @param string $orderId            
  * @todo Move into a model
 private function _insertRegimens($regimen, $templateId, $orderId)
     // error_log( "------------------------------------------------ Patient Controller - _insertRegimens() ------------------------------------------");
     // error_log( "$regimen, $templateId, $orderId");
     $lookup = new LookUp();
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->drugid = $regimen["drugid"];
     $data->Amt = $regimen["regdose"];
     $data->Units = $regimen["regdoseunit"];
     $data->Route = $regimen["route"];
     $data->Day = $regimen["adminDay"];
     $data->InfusionTime = $regimen["infusion"];
     $data->FluidVol = $regimen["flvol"];
     $data->FlowRate = $regimen["flowRate"];
     $data->Instructions = $regimen["instructions"];
     $data->Status = $regimen["Status"];
     $data->Sequence = $regimen["sequence"];
     $data->AdminTime = $regimen["adminTime"];
     $data->FluidType = $regimen["fluidType"];
     $regimens = array();
     $regimens[0] = new stdClass();
     $regimens[0]->data = $data;
     $retVal = $lookup->getLookupInfoById($regimen["drugid"]);
     $DrugName = $retVal[0]["Name"];
     $DrugIEN = $retVal[0]["Lookup_Type_ID"];
     $DrugInfo = str_replace(">", ")", str_replace("<", "(", $DrugName));
     $DrugInfo1 = "{$DrugInfo} : {$DrugIEN}";
     $data->Drug = $DrugInfo1;
     // error_log("Patient Controller - _insertRegimens(); Drug Information : $DrugName; $DrugIEN; $DrugInfo; $DrugInfo1");
     // error_log("Patient Controller - _insertRegimens(); Regimen - \n\n" . json_encode($regimens[ 0 ]));
     // error_log("Patient.Controller._insertRegimens - Save Data");
     // error_log(json_encode($data));
     $retVal = $lookup->saveRegimen($regimens, $templateId, $orderId);
     if ($this->checkForErrors('Insert Template Regimens Failed. ', $retVal)) {
예제 #2
파일: Patient.php 프로젝트: bciv/COMS
 function updateOEMRecord($form_data)
     error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - Form Data = " . json_encode($form_data));
      *	Get and check all the data needed 
     $templateid = $form_data->{'TemplateID'};
     $oemrecordid = $form_data->{'OEMRecordID'};
     $order_id = $form_data->{'Order_ID'};
     $therapyid = $form_data->{'TherapyID'};
     $therapytype = $form_data->{'TherapyType'};
     $instructions = $form_data->{'Instructions'};
     $Status = $form_data->{'Status'};
     $admintime = $form_data->{'AdminTime'};
     $medid = $form_data->{'MedID'};
     $med = $form_data->{'Med'};
     $dose = $form_data->{'Dose'};
     $bsadose = $form_data->{'BSA_Dose'};
     $units = $form_data->{'Units'};
     $infusionmethod = $form_data->{'InfusionMethod'};
     // This is the VistA IEN for the Drug Route selected
     $fluidtype = $this->escapeString($form_data->{'FluidType'});
     $fluidvol = $form_data->{'FluidVol'};
     $flowrate = $form_data->{'FlowRate'};
     $infusiontime = $form_data->{'InfusionTime'};
     $id = $form_data->{'id'};
     $dose2 = $form_data->{'Dose'};
     $bsadose2 = $form_data->{'BSA_Dose'};
     $units2 = $form_data->{'Units'};
     $infusionmethod2 = $form_data->{'InfusionMethod'};
     $fluidtype2 = $this->escapeString($form_data->{'FluidType'});
     $fluidvol2 = $form_data->{'FluidVol'};
     $flowrate2 = $form_data->{'FlowRate'};
     $infusiontime2 = "";
     if (property_exists($form_data, 'InfusionTime2')) {
         $infusiontime2 = $form_data->{'InfusionTime2'};
     $Reason = $form_data->{'Reason'};
     if (0 == intval($Reason)) {
         if ("" != $Reason) {
             $retVal = $this->convertReason2ID($Reason);
             $Reason = 0;
             if (null != $retVal) {
                 $Reason = $retVal[0]["Reason"];
     $templateid    "TemplateID": "63008D40-88C2-4D9B-B87E-70EA48A17627",
     $oemrecordid    "OEMRecordID": "EE250B8C-03E2-42F7-BF00-5B33D08ED718",
     $order_id    "Order_ID": "E9831A22-E58F-4C23-B5A8-1FDBDD1D3DC0",
     $therapyid    "TherapyID": "",
     $therapytype    "TherapyType": "Pre",
     $instructions    "Instructions": "Patient to take 4mg by mouth prior to chemotherapy",
     $Status    "Status": "",
     $admintime    "AdminTime": "",
     $medid    "MedID": "280C5615-A204-E511-9B8C-000C2935B86F",
     $med    "Med": "DECADRON     (DEXAMETHASONE TAB )",
     $Reason    "Reason": "Change Administration Time",
     $dose    "Dose": "4000",
     $bsadose    "BSA_Dose": "",
     $units    "Units": "mg",
     $infusionmethod    "InfusionMethod": "ORAL (BY MOUTH) : 12",
     $fluidtype    "FluidType": "",
     $fluidvol    "FluidVol": "0",
     $flowrate    "FlowRate": "",
     $infusiontime    "InfusionTime": "",
         "id": null
     $retVal = array();
     if (empty($therapytype)) {
         $retVal['apperror'] = "Therapy Type not provided.";
         return $retVal;
     if (empty($therapyid)) {
         if ("Therapy" === $therapytype) {
             $q = "select Patient_Regimen_ID as Therapy_ID from Template_Regimen where Order_ID = '{$order_id}'";
         } else {
             $q = "select MH_ID as Therapy_ID from Medication_Hydration where Order_ID = '{$order_id}'";
         // error_log("Therapy ID not provided. Looking it up via $q");
         $retVal = $this->query($q);
         if (null != $retVal && array_key_exists('error', $retVal)) {
             $retVal['apperror'] = "Therapy ID not provided.";
             // error_log(sprintf("%s; %d; %s; \n %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, $retVal['apperror'], $q));
             return $retVal;
         $therapyid = $retVal[0]["Therapy_ID"];
         // error_log(sprintf("%s; %d; GOT Therapy ID - $therapyid; \n %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, $q));
     if (empty($oemrecordid)) {
         $retVal['apperror'] = "OEM Record ID not provided.";
         // error_log(sprintf("%s; %d; %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, $retVal['apperror']));
         return $retVal;
     if (empty($templateid)) {
         $retVal['apperror'] = "Template ID not provided.";
         // error_log(sprintf("%s; %d; %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, $retVal['apperror']));
         return $retVal;
     if (empty($med)) {
         $retVal['apperror'] = "Med not provided.";
         // error_log(sprintf("%s; %d; %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, $retVal['apperror']));
         return $retVal;
     if (empty($admintime)) {
         $admintime = '00:00:00';
     // error_log("All input validations passed...");
     $query = "select Lookup_Type_ID from LookUp where Lookup_ID = '{$medid}'";
     $medIEN = $this->query($query);
     if (null != $medIEN && array_key_exists('error', $medIEN)) {
         // error_log(sprintf("%s; %d; %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, json_encode($medIEN)));
         return $medIEN;
     $medIEN = $medIEN[0]["Lookup_Type_ID"];
     // error_log("Getting additional data via lookups...");
     // error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - 1 MedID = $medid");
     /****************** already have MedID passed as part of the form... **/
     $lookup = new LookUp();
     $info = $lookup->getLookupInfoById($medid);
     // error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - 2 getLookupInfoById($medid) - " . json_encode($info));
     if (null != $info && array_key_exists('error', $info)) {
         return $info;
     if (array_key_exists("id", $info[0])) {
         $medid = $info[0]['id'];
     } else {
         if ($med != $info[0]['Name']) {
             $record = $lookup->getLookupIdByNameAndType($med, 2);
             $medid = $record[0]['id'];
             // error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - 3 getLookupIdByNameAndType($med) - " . json_encode($record));
     // error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - 4 MedID = $medid");
      *	Update Template_Regimen (for Therapy meds) or Medication_Hydration and MH_Infusion (for Pre/Post therapy meds)
     // error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - 5 $therapytype - $infusionmethod");
     if ('Therapy' === $therapytype) {
         /* ------------ We're already passed the IEN of the Route of infusion ----------------
         			// Magic # "12" is for the Regimen Route Type
                     $infusionTypeid = $lookup->getLookupIdByNameAndType($infusionmethod, 12);
                     if ($infusionTypeid) {
                         $infusionTypeid = $infusionTypeid[0]["id"];
                     } else {
                         $infusionTypeid = null;
                     if (null == $infusionTypeid) {
         error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - infusionTypeid is NULL");
                         $retVal = array();
                         $retVal['error'] = "Insert int MH_ID for $type Therapy failed. The Route could not be determined.";
                         return $retVal;
         			------------ We're already passed the IEN of the Route of infusion ---------------- */
         // Magic # "11" is for the Medication Unit Measurement
         $unitid = $lookup->getLookupIdByNameAndType($units, 11);
         if ($unitid) {
             $unitid = $unitid[0]["id"];
         } else {
             $unitid = null;
         if (null == $unitid) {
             // error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - unitid is NULL");
             $retVal = array();
             $retVal['error'] = "Insert int MH_ID for {$type} Therapy failed. The unit id could not be determined.";
             return $retVal;
         // Route_ID ='$infusionTypeid',		No longer use GUID so need to update the VistA_Route field
         $query = "Update Template_Regimen \n            set Drug_ID = '{$medid}',\n            Admin_Time ='{$admintime}', \n            Instructions ='{$instructions}', \n            Status = '{$Status}',\n            VistA_RouteInfo = '{$infusionmethod}',\n            Regimen_Dose_Unit_ID ='{$unitid}', \n            Regimen_Dose ='{$dose}', \n            Flow_Rate ='{$flowrate}', \n            Fluid_Type ='{$fluidtype}', \n            Fluid_Vol ='{$fluidvol}', \n            BSA_Dose = '{$bsadose}', \n            Infusion_Time = '{$infusiontime}',\n            Reason = '{$Reason}'\n            where Patient_Regimen_ID = '{$therapyid}'";
         error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - Therapy - {$query}");
         $retVal = $this->query($query);
         if (null != $retVal && array_key_exists('error', $retVal)) {
             return $retVal;
     } else {
         if ('Pre' === $therapytype || 'Post' === $therapytype) {
             $query = "select * from MH_Infusion where MH_ID = '{$therapyid}'";
             error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - Pre/Post - {$query}");
             $infusionRecord = $this->query($query);
             if (null != $infusionRecord && array_key_exists('error', $infusionRecord)) {
                 return $infusionRecord;
             $query = "Update \n                Medication_Hydration set Drug_ID = '{$medid}',\n                Admin_Time ='{$admintime}', \n                Description ='{$instructions}',\n                Status = '{$Status}',\n                Reason = '{$Reason}'\n                where MH_ID = '{$therapyid}'";
             error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - Update - {$query}");
             $retVal = $this->query($query);
             if (null != $retVal && array_key_exists('error', $retVal)) {
                 return $retVal;
             // error_log(sprintf("%s %d %s, = Update - $query", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__));
             // error_log(sprintf("%s %d %s, = Walking Infusion Data; %d", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, count($infusionRecord)));
             for ($index = 0; $index < count($infusionRecord); $index++) {
                 if (1 == $index) {
                     $infusionmethod = $infusionmethod2;
                     $units = $units2;
                     $dose = $dose2;
                     $bsadose = $bsadose2;
                     $fluidtype = $fluidtype2;
                     $flowrate = $flowrate2;
                     $fluidvol = $fluidvol2;
                     $infusiontime = $infusiontime2;
                 /* ------------ We're already passed the IEN of the Route of infusion ----------------
                                 $infusionTypeid = $lookup->getLookupIdByNameAndType($infusionmethod, 12);
                                 if ($infusionTypeid) {
                                     $infusionTypeid = $infusionTypeid[0]["id"];
                                 } else {
                                     $infusionTypeid = null;
                                 if (null == $infusionTypeid) {
                                     $retVal = array();
                                     $retVal['error'] = "Insert into MH_ID for $therapytype Therapy failed. The Route could not be determined.";
                 error_log(sprintf("%s %d %s, = %s; $infusionmethod", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $retVal['error']));
                                     return $retVal;
                 				------------ We're already passed the IEN of the Route of infusion ---------------- */
                 $unitid = $lookup->getLookupIdByNameAndType($units, 11);
                 if ($unitid) {
                     $unitid = $unitid[0]["id"];
                 } else {
                     $unitid = null;
                 if (null == $unitid) {
                     $retVal = array();
                     $retVal['error'] = "Insert int MH_ID for {$therapytype} Therapy failed. The unit id could not be determined.";
                     // error_log(sprintf("%s %d %s, = %s; $units", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, $retVal['error']));
                     return $retVal;
                 // Infusion_Type_ID='$infusionTypeid',		No longer use GUID so need to update the VistA_Route field
                 $query = "Update MH_Infusion \n                set Infusion_Amt = '{$dose}',\n                BSA_DOSE ='{$bsadose}',\n                Infusion_Unit_ID='{$unitid}',\n                VistA_RouteInfo = '{$infusionmethod}',\n                Fluid_Type='{$fluidtype}',\n                Flow_Rate='{$flowrate}',\n                Fluid_Vol='{$fluidvol}',\n                Infusion_Time='{$infusiontime}'\n                where Infusion_ID ='" . $infusionRecord[$index]['Infusion_ID'] . "'";
                 error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - {$therapytype} - {$query}");
                 $retVal = $this->query($query);
                 if (null != $retVal && array_key_exists('error', $retVal)) {
                     // error_log(sprintf("%s %d %s, = Update Failed", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__));
                     // error_log(json_encode($retVal));
                     return $retVal;
             // error_log(sprintf("%s %d %s, = Walking Infusion Data Complete", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__));
     // error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - 6 Finishing Up...");
     $medName = $med . " : " . $medIEN;
     Cols are too small for Fluid Type and all other records are NULL
           FluidType = '$fluidtype',
           FluidVol = '$fluidvol',
           FlowRate = '$flowrate',
     $query = "UPDATE Order_Status\n   SET \n      Drug_Name = '{$medName}',\n      Drug_ID = '{$medid}',\n      Amt = '{$dose}',\n      Unit = '{$units}',\n      Route = '{$infusionmethod}',\n      flvol = '{$fluidvol}',\n      infusion = '{$infusiontime}',\n      bsaDose = '{$bsadose}'\n WHERE Order_ID = '{$order_id}'";
     // error_log("Patient.Model.updateOEMRecord - Order_Status - $query" );
     $retVal = $this->query($query);
     if (null != $retVal && array_key_exists('error', $retVal)) {
         return $retVal;