예제 #1
     * Returns a LogEntry or EventLog array based on supplied parameters.
     * By default,fetch as many entries as pagination allows and order them in a descending fashion based on timestamp.
     * @todo Cache query results.
     * @param array $paramarry An associated array of parameters, or a querystring
     * @return array An array of LogEntry objects, or a single LogEntry object, depending on request
    public static function get($paramarray = array())
        $params = array();
        $fns = array('get_results', 'get_row', 'get_value');
        $select = '';
        // Put incoming parameters into the local scope
        $paramarray = Utils::get_params($paramarray);
        $select_fields = LogEntry::default_fields();
        if (!isset($paramarray['return_data'])) {
        foreach ($select_fields as $field => $value) {
            $select .= '' == $select ? "{log}.{$field}" : ", {log}.{$field}";
        // Default parameters.
        $orderby = 'ORDER BY timestamp DESC, id DESC';
        $limit = Options::get('pagination');
        // Get any full-query parameters
        $possible = array('orderby', 'fetch_fn', 'count', 'month_cts', 'nolimit', 'index', 'limit', 'offset');
        foreach ($possible as $varname) {
            if (isset($paramarray[$varname])) {
                ${$varname} = $paramarray[$varname];
        foreach ($paramarray as $key => $value) {
            if ('orderby' == $key) {
                $orderby = ' ORDER BY ' . $value;
        // Transact on possible multiple sets of where information that is to be OR'ed
        if (isset($paramarray['where']) && is_array($paramarray['where'])) {
            $wheresets = $paramarray['where'];
        } else {
            $wheresets = array(array());
        $wheres = array();
        $join = '';
        if (isset($paramarray['where']) && is_string($paramarray['where'])) {
            $wheres[] = $paramarray['where'];
        } else {
            foreach ($wheresets as $paramset) {
                // Safety mechanism to prevent empty queries
                $where = array('1=1');
                $paramset = array_merge((array) $paramarray, (array) $paramset);
                if (isset($paramset['id']) && is_numeric($paramset['id'])) {
                    $where[] = "id= ?";
                    $params[] = $paramset['id'];
                if (isset($paramset['user_id'])) {
                    $where[] = "user_id= ?";
                    $params[] = $paramset['user_id'];
                if (isset($paramset['severity']) && 'any' != LogEntry::severity_name($paramset['severity'])) {
                    $where[] = "severity_id= ?";
                    $params[] = LogEntry::severity($paramset['severity']);
                if (isset($paramset['type_id'])) {
                    if (is_array($paramset['type_id'])) {
                        $types = array_filter($paramset['type_id'], 'is_numeric');
                        if (count($types)) {
                            $where[] = 'type_id IN (' . implode(',', $types) . ')';
                    } else {
                        $where[] = 'type_id = ?';
                        $params[] = $paramset['type_id'];
                if (isset($paramset['module'])) {
                    if (!is_array($paramset['module'])) {
                        $paramset['module'] = array($paramset['module']);
                    $where[] = 'type_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT id FROM {log_types} WHERE module IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($paramset['module']), '?')) . ' ) )';
                    $params = array_merge($params, $paramset['module']);
                if (isset($paramset['type'])) {
                    if (!is_array($paramset['type'])) {
                        $paramset['type'] = array($paramset['type']);
                    $where[] = 'type_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT id FROM {log_types} WHERE type IN ( ' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($paramset['type']), '?')) . ' ) )';
                    $params = array_merge($params, $paramset['type']);
                if (isset($paramset['ip'])) {
                    $where[] = 'ip = ?';
                    $params[] = $paramset['ip'];
                /* do searching */
                if (isset($paramset['criteria'])) {
                    preg_match_all('/(?<=")(\\w[^"]*)(?=")|([:\\w]+)/u', $paramset['criteria'], $matches);
                    foreach ($matches[0] as $word) {
                        if (preg_match('%^id:(\\d+)$%i', $word, $special_crit)) {
                            $where[] .= '(id = ?)';
                            $params[] = $special_crit[1];
                        } else {
                            $where[] .= "( LOWER( message ) LIKE ? )";
                            $params[] = '%' . MultiByte::strtolower($word) . '%';
                 * Build the pubdate
                 * If we've got the day, then get the date.
                 * If we've got the month, but no date, get the month.
                 * If we've only got the year, get the whole year.
                 * @todo Ensure that we've actually got all the needed parts when we query on them
                if (isset($paramset['day'])) {
                    $where[] = 'timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?';
                    $start_date = sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d', $paramset['year'], $paramset['month'], $paramset['day']);
                    $start_date = HabariDateTime::date_create($start_date);
                    $params[] = $start_date->sql;
                    $params[] = $start_date->modify('+1 day')->sql;
                    //$params[] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $paramset['month'], $paramset['day'], $paramset['year'] ) );
                    //$params[] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( 23, 59, 59, $paramset['month'], $paramset['day'], $paramset['year'] ) );
                } elseif (isset($paramset['month'])) {
                    $where[] = 'timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?';
                    $start_date = sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d', $paramset['year'], $paramset['month'], 1);
                    $start_date = HabariDateTime::date_create($start_date);
                    $params[] = $start_date->sql;
                    $params[] = $start_date->modify('+1 month')->sql;
                    //$params[] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $paramset['month'], 1, $paramset['year'] ) );
                    //$params[] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( 23, 59, 59, $paramset['month'] + 1, 0, $paramset['year'] ) );
                } elseif (isset($paramset['year'])) {
                    $where[] = 'timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?';
                    $start_date = sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d', $paramset['year'], 1, 1);
                    $start_date = HabariDateTime::date_create($start_date);
                    $params[] = $start_date->sql;
                    $params[] = $start_date->modify('+1 year')->sql;
                    //$params[] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $paramset['year'] ) );
                    //$params[] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, $paramset['year'] + 1 ) );
                $wheres[] = ' (' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ') ';
        if (isset($index) && is_numeric($index)) {
            $offset = (intval($index) - 1) * intval($limit);
        if (isset($fetch_fn)) {
            if (!in_array($fetch_fn, $fns)) {
                $fetch_fn = $fns[0];
        } else {
            $fetch_fn = $fns[0];
        if (isset($count)) {
            $select = "COUNT({$count})";
            $fetch_fn = 'get_value';
            $orderby = '';
        if (isset($limit)) {
            $limit = " LIMIT {$limit}";
            if (isset($offset)) {
                $limit .= " OFFSET {$offset}";
        // If the month counts are requested, replace the select clause
        if (isset($paramset['month_cts'])) {
            // @todo shouldn't this hand back to habari to convert to DateTime so it reflects the right timezone?
            $select = 'MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) AS month, YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) AS year, COUNT(*) AS ct';
            $groupby = 'year, month';
            $orderby = ' ORDER BY year, month';
        if (isset($nolimit) || isset($month_cts)) {
            $limit = '';
        $query = '
			SELECT ' . $select . '
			FROM {log} ' . $join;
        if (count($wheres) > 0) {
            $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(" \nOR\n ", $wheres);
        $query .= !isset($groupby) || $groupby == '' ? '' : ' GROUP BY ' . $groupby;
        $query .= $orderby . $limit;
        // Utils::debug( $paramarray, $fetch_fn, $query, $params );
        $results = DB::$fetch_fn($query, $params, 'LogEntry');
        // If the fetch callback function is not get_results,
        // return an EventLog ArrayObject filled with the results as LogEntry objects.
        if ('get_results' != $fetch_fn) {
            return $results;
        } elseif (is_array($results)) {
            $c = __CLASS__;
            $return_value = new $c($results);
            $return_value->get_param_cache = $paramarray;
            return $return_value;
예제 #2
  * Assign values needed to display the logs page to the theme based on handlervars and parameters.
 private function fetch_logs($params = NULL)
     $locals = array('do_delete' => false, 'log_ids' => null, 'nonce' => '', 'timestamp' => '', 'PasswordDigest' => '', 'change' => '', 'limit' => 20, 'offset' => 0, 'user' => 0, 'date' => 'any', 'module' => '0', 'type' => '0', 'severity' => 'any', 'address' => '0', 'search' => '', 'do_search' => false, 'index' => 1);
     foreach ($locals as $varname => $default) {
         ${$varname} = isset($this->handler_vars[$varname]) ? $this->handler_vars[$varname] : $default;
         $this->theme->{$varname} = ${$varname};
     if ($do_delete && isset($log_ids)) {
         $okay = true;
         if (empty($nonce) || empty($timestamp) || empty($PasswordDigest)) {
             $okay = false;
         $wsse = Utils::WSSE($nonce, $timestamp);
         if ($PasswordDigest != $wsse['digest']) {
             $okay = false;
         if ($okay) {
             foreach ($log_ids as $id) {
                 $ids[] = array('id' => $id);
             $to_delete = EventLog::get(array('nolimit' => 1));
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($to_delete as $log) {
             Session::notice(_t('Deleted %d logs', array($count)));
     $this->theme->severities = LogEntry::list_severities();
     $any = array('0' => 'Any');
     $modulelist = LogEntry::list_logentry_types();
     $modules = array();
     $types = array();
     $addresses = $any;
     $ips = DB::get_column('SELECT DISTINCT(ip) FROM {log}');
     foreach ($ips as $ip) {
         $addresses[$ip] = long2ip($ip);
     $this->theme->addresses = $addresses;
     foreach ($modulelist as $modulename => $typearray) {
         $modules['0,' . implode(',', $typearray)] = $modulename;
         foreach ($typearray as $typename => $typevalue) {
             if (!isset($types[$typename])) {
                 $types[$typename] = '0';
             $types[$typename] .= ',' . $typevalue;
     $types = array_flip($types);
     $this->theme->types = array_merge($any, $types);
     $this->theme->modules = array_merge($any, $modules);
     // set up the users
     $users_temp = DB::get_results('SELECT DISTINCT username, user_id FROM {users} JOIN {log} ON {users}.id = {log}.user_id ORDER BY username ASC');
     array_unshift($users_temp, new QueryRecord(array('username' => 'All', 'user_id' => 0)));
     foreach ($users_temp as $user_temp) {
         $users[$user_temp->user_id] = $user_temp->username;
     $this->theme->users = $users;
     // set up dates.
     $dates = DB::get_column('SELECT timestamp FROM {log} ORDER BY timestamp DESC');
     $dates = array_map(create_function('$date', 'return HabariDateTime::date_create( $date )->get(\'Y-m\');'), $dates);
     array_unshift($dates, 'Any');
     $dates = array_combine($dates, $dates);
     $this->theme->dates = $dates;
     // prepare the WSSE tokens
     $this->theme->wsse = Utils::WSSE();
     $arguments = array('severity' => LogEntry::severity($severity), 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset);
     // deduce type_id from module and type
     $r_type = explode(',', substr($type, 2));
     $r_module = explode(',', substr($module, 2));
     if ($type != '0' && $module != '0') {
         $arguments['type_id'] = array_intersect($r_type, $r_module);
     } elseif ($type == '0') {
         $arguments['type_id'] = $r_module;
     } elseif ($module == '0') {
         $arguments['type_id'] = $r_type;
     if ('0' != $address) {
         $arguments['ip'] = $address;
     if ('any' != strtolower($date)) {
         list($arguments['year'], $arguments['month']) = explode('-', $date);
     if ('' != $search) {
         $arguments['criteria'] = $search;
     if ('0' != $user) {
         $arguments['user_id'] = $user;
     if (is_array($params)) {
         $arguments = array_merge($arguments, $params);
     $this->theme->logs = EventLog::get($arguments);
     $monthcts = EventLog::get(array_merge($arguments, array('month_cts' => true)));
     foreach ($monthcts as $month) {
         if (isset($years[$month->year])) {
             $years[$month->year][] = $month;
         } else {
             $years[$month->year] = array($month);
     if (isset($years)) {
         $this->theme->years = $years;
     } else {
         $this->theme->years = array();
예제 #3
	 * Insert this LogEntry data into the database
	public function insert()
		if ( isset( $this->fields['severity'] ) ) {
			$this->severity_id = LogEntry::severity( $this->fields['severity'] );
			unset( $this->fields['severity'] );
		if ( isset( $this->fields['module'] ) && isset( $this->fields['type'] ) ) {
			$this->type_id = LogEntry::type( $this->fields['module'], $this->fields['type'] );
			unset( $this->fields['module'] );
			unset( $this->fields['type'] );
		// if we're set to only log entries greater than a sertain level, make sure we're that level or higher
		if ( $this->fields['severity_id'] < Options::get( 'log_min_severity' ) ) {
		// make sure data is a string and can be stored. lots of times it's convenient to hand in an array of data values
		if ( is_array( $this->fields['data'] ) || is_object( $this->fields['data'] ) ) {
			$this->fields['data'] = serialize( $this->fields['data'] );

		Plugins::filter( 'insert_logentry', $this );
		parent::insertRecord( DB::table( 'log' ) );
		$this->id = DB::last_insert_id();
예제 #4
파일: eventlog.php 프로젝트: habari/system
  * Returns a LogEntry or EventLog array based on supplied parameters.
  * By default,fetch as many entries as pagination allows and order them in a descending fashion based on timestamp.
  * @todo Cache query results.
  * @param array $paramarray An associated array of parameters, or a querystring
  * The following keys are supported:
  * - id => an entry id or array of post ids
  * - user_id => id of the logged in user for which to return entries
  * - severity => severity level for which to return entries
  * - type_id => the numeric id or array of ids for the type of entries for which which to return entries
  * - module => a name or array of names of modules for which to return entries
  * - type => a single type name or array of type names for which to return entries
  * - ip => the IP number for which to return entries
  * - criteria => a literal search string to match entry message content or a special search
  * - day => a day of entry creation, ignored if month and year are not specified
  * - month => a month of entry creation, ignored if year isn't specified
  * - year => a year of entry creation
  * - orderby => how to order the returned entries
  * - fetch_fn => the function used to fetch data, one of 'get_results', 'get_row', 'get_value'
  * - count => return the number of entries that would be returned by this request
  * - month_cts => return the number of entries created in each month
  * - nolimit => do not implicitly set limit
  * - limit => the maximum number of entries to return, implicitly set for many queries
  * - index => 
  * - offset => amount by which to offset returned entries, used in conjunction with limit
  * - where => manipulate the generated WHERE clause
  * - return_data => set to return the data associated with the entry
  * @return array An array of LogEntry objects, or a single LogEntry object, depending on request
 public static function get($paramarray = array())
     $params = array();
     $fns = array('get_results', 'get_row', 'get_value');
     $select_ary = array();
     $select_distinct = array();
     // Put incoming parameters into the local scope
     $paramarray = Utils::get_params($paramarray);
     if ($paramarray instanceof \ArrayIterator) {
         $paramarray = $paramarray->getArrayCopy();
     $select_fields = LogEntry::default_fields();
     if (!isset($paramarray['return_data'])) {
     foreach ($select_fields as $field => $value) {
         if (preg_match('/(?:(?P<table>[\\w\\{\\}]+)\\.)?(?P<field>\\w+)(?:(?:\\s+as\\s+)(?P<alias>\\w+))?/i', $field, $fielddata)) {
             if (empty($fielddata['table'])) {
                 $fielddata['table'] = '{log}';
             if (empty($fielddata['alias'])) {
                 $fielddata['alias'] = $fielddata['field'];
         $select_ary[$fielddata['alias']] = "{$fielddata['table']}.{$fielddata['field']} AS {$fielddata['alias']}";
         $select_distinct[$fielddata['alias']] = "{$fielddata['table']}.{$fielddata['field']}";
     // Transact on possible multiple sets of where information that is to be OR'ed
     if (isset($paramarray['where']) && is_array($paramarray['where'])) {
         $wheresets = $paramarray['where'];
     } else {
         $wheresets = array(array());
     $query = Query::create('{log}');
     if (isset($paramarray['where']) && is_string($paramarray['where'])) {
     foreach ($wheresets as $paramset) {
         $where = new QueryWhere();
         $paramset = array_merge((array) $paramarray, (array) $paramset);
         if (isset($paramset['id'])) {
             $where->in('{log}.id', $paramset['id'], 'log_id', 'intval');
         if (isset($paramset['user_id'])) {
             $where->in('{log}.user_id', $paramset['user_id'], 'log_user_id', 'intval');
         if (isset($paramset['severity']) && 'any' != LogEntry::severity_name($paramset['severity'])) {
             $where->in('{log}.severity_id', $paramset['severity'], 'log_severity_id', function ($a) {
                 return LogEntry::severity($a);
         if (isset($paramset['type_id'])) {
             $where->in('{log}.type_id', $paramset['type_id'], 'log_type_id', 'intval');
         if (isset($paramset['module'])) {
             $paramset['module'] = Utils::single_array($paramset['module']);
             $qry = Query::create('{log_types}');
             $qry->where()->in('{log_types}.module', $paramset['module'], 'log_subquery_module');
             $where->in('{log}.type_id', $qry, 'log_module');
         if (isset($paramset['type'])) {
             $paramset['type'] = Utils::single_array($paramset['type']);
             $qry = Query::create('{log_types}');
             $qry->where()->in('{log_types}.type', $paramset['type'], 'log_subquery_type');
             $where->in('{log}.type_id', $qry, 'log_type');
         if (isset($paramset['ip'])) {
             $where->in('{log}.ip', $paramset['ip']);
         /* do searching */
         if (isset($paramset['criteria'])) {
             // this regex matches any unicode letters (\p{L}) or numbers (\p{N}) inside a set of quotes (but strips the quotes) OR not in a set of quotes
             preg_match_all('/(?<=")(\\w[^"]*)(?=")|([:\\w]+)/u', $paramset['criteria'], $matches);
             foreach ($matches[0] as $word) {
                 if (preg_match('%^id:(\\d+)$%i', $word, $special_crit)) {
                     $where->in('{log}.id', $special_crit[1], 'log_special_criteria');
                 } else {
                     $crit_placeholder = $query->new_param_name('criteria');
                     $where->add("( LOWER( {log}.message ) LIKE :{$crit_placeholder}", array($crit_placeholder => '%' . MultiByte::strtolower($word) . '%'));
          * Build the pubdate
          * If we've got the day, then get the date.
          * If we've got the month, but no date, get the month.
          * If we've only got the year, get the whole year.
          * @todo Ensure that we've actually got all the needed parts when we query on them
         if (isset($paramset['day']) && isset($paramset['month']) && isset($paramset['year'])) {
             $start_date = sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d', $paramset['year'], $paramset['month'], $paramset['day']);
             $start_date = DateTime::create($start_date);
             $where->add('timestamp BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date', array('start_date' => $start_date->sql, 'end_date' => $start_date->modify('+1 day -1 second')->sql));
         } elseif (isset($paramset['month']) && isset($paramset['year'])) {
             $start_date = sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d', $paramset['year'], $paramset['month'], 1);
             $start_date = DateTime::create($start_date);
             $where->add('timestamp BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date', array('start_date' => $start_date->sql, 'end_date' => $start_date->modify('+1 month -1 second')->sql));
         } elseif (isset($paramset['year'])) {
             $start_date = sprintf('%d-%02d-%02d', $paramset['year'], 1, 1);
             $start_date = DateTime::create($start_date);
             $where->add('timestamp BETWEEN :start_date AND :end_date', array('start_date' => $start_date->sql, 'end_date' => $start_date->modify('+1 year -1 second')->sql));
         // Concatenate the WHERE clauses
     // Default parameters.
     $orderby = 'timestamp DESC, id DESC';
     //		$limit = Options::get( 'pagination' );
     // Get any full-query parameters
     $paramarray = new SuperGlobal($paramarray);
     $extract = $paramarray->filter_keys('orderby', 'fetch_fn', 'count', 'month_cts', 'nolimit', 'index', 'limit', 'offset');
     foreach ($extract as $key => $value) {
         ${$key} = $value;
     if (isset($index) && is_numeric($index)) {
         $offset = (intval($index) - 1) * intval($limit);
     if (isset($fetch_fn)) {
         if (!in_array($fetch_fn, $fns)) {
             $fetch_fn = $fns[0];
     } else {
         $fetch_fn = $fns[0];
     if (isset($count)) {
         $fetch_fn = isset($paramarray['fetch_fn']) ? $fetch_fn : 'get_value';
         $orderby = null;
         $groupby = null;
         $having = null;
     // If the month counts are requested, replace the select clause
     if (isset($paramset['month_cts'])) {
         // @todo shouldn't this hand back to habari to convert to DateTime so it reflects the right timezone?
         $query->set_select('MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) AS month, YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp)) AS year, COUNT(*) AS ct');
         $groupby = 'year, month';
         if (!isset($paramarray['orderby'])) {
             $orderby = 'year, month';
     if (isset($nolimit) || isset($month_cts)) {
         $limit = null;
     // Define the LIMIT, OFFSET, ORDER BY, GROUP BY if they exist
     if (isset($limit)) {
     if (isset($offset)) {
     if (isset($orderby)) {
     if (isset($groupby)) {
     if(isset($paramarray['type'])) {
     /* All SQL parts are constructed, on to real business! */
     $results = DB::$fetch_fn($query->get(), $query->params(), 'LogEntry');
     // If the fetch callback function is not get_results,
     // return an EventLog ArrayObject filled with the results as LogEntry objects.
     if ('get_results' != $fetch_fn) {
         return $results;
     } elseif (is_array($results)) {
         $c = __CLASS__;
         $return_value = new $c($results);
         $return_value->get_param_cache = $paramarray;
         return $return_value;
예제 #5
파일: logentry.php 프로젝트: anupom/my-blog
  * Insert this LogEntry data into the database
 public function insert()
     if (isset($this->fields['severity'])) {
         $this->severity_id = LogEntry::severity($this->fields['severity']);
     if (isset($this->fields['module']) && isset($this->fields['type'])) {
         $this->type_id = LogEntry::type($this->fields['module'], $this->fields['type']);
     Plugins::filter('insert_logentry', $this);
     $this->id = DB::last_insert_id();