function createProductUrl($params, LiveCart $application) { $product = $params['product']; $router = $application->getRouter(); // use parent product data for child variations if (isset($product['Parent'])) { $product = $product['Parent']; } $handle = createHandleString($product['name_lang']); $urlParams = array('controller' => 'product', 'action' => 'index', 'producthandle' => $handle, 'id' => $product['ID']); if (isset($params['query'])) { $urlParams['query'] = $params['query']; } if (isset($params['context'])) { $urlParams['query'] .= (!empty($urlParams['query']) ? '&' : '') . $router->createUrlParamString($params['context']); } $url = $router->createUrl($urlParams, true); if (!empty($params['full'])) { $url = $router->createFullUrl($url); } if (!empty($params['filterChainHandle'])) { $url = $router->setUrlQueryParam($url, 'filters', $params['filterChainHandle']); } if (!empty($params['category']) && $params['category']['ID'] != $product['categoryID']) { $url = $router->setUrlQueryParam($url, 'category', $params['category']['ID']); } $router->setLangReplace($handle, 'name', $product); return $url; }
private function sendMessage(NewsletterSentMessage $sent, LiveCart $application) { $config = $application->getConfig(); $email = new Email($application); $email->setTemplate('newsletter/template'); $email->set('subject', $this->subject->get()); $email->set('htmlMessage', $this->html->get()); $email->set('text', $this->text->get()); $email->set('email', $this->text->get()); $email->setFrom($config->get('NEWSLETTER_EMAIL') ? $config->get('NEWSLETTER_EMAIL') : $config->get('MAIN_EMAIL'), $config->get('STORE_NAME')); if ($user = $sent->user->get()) { $email->setTo($user->email->get(), $user->getName()); $email->set('email', $user->email->get()); } else { if ($subscriber = $sent->subscriber->get()) { $email->setTo($subscriber->email->get()); $email->set('email', $subscriber->email->get()); } } //$sent->time->set(new ARExpressionHandle('NOW()')); $sent->save(); if ($this->status->get() == self::STATUS_NOT_SENT) { $this->status->set(self::STATUS_PARTIALLY_SENT); $this->time->set(new ARExpressionHandle('NOW()')); $this->save(); } return $email->send(); }
public function __construct(LiveCart $application) { $this->application = $application; $this->set('request', $application->getRequest()->toArray()); $this->url = $this->application->router->createFullUrl('/', null, true); $config = $this->application->getConfig(); ClassLoader::ignoreMissingClasses(); if ('SMTP' == $config->get('EMAIL_METHOD')) { $server = $config->get('SMTP_SERVER'); if (!$server) { $server = ini_get('SMTP'); } $this->connection = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($server, $config->get('SMTP_PORT')); if ($config->get('SMTP_USERNAME')) { $this->connection->setUsername($config->get('SMTP_USERNAME')); $this->connection->setPassword($config->get('SMTP_PASSWORD')); } } else { if ('FAKE' == $config->get('EMAIL_METHOD')) { $this->connection = Swift_Connection_Fake::newInstance(); } else { $this->connection = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance(); } } $this->swiftInstance = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($this->connection); $this->message = Swift_Message::newInstance(); $this->setFrom($config->get('MAIN_EMAIL'), $config->get('STORE_NAME')); ClassLoader::ignoreMissingClasses(false); }
function createNewsPostUrl($params, LiveCart $application) { $news = $params['news']; $urlParams = array('controller' => 'news', 'action' => 'view', 'handle' => createHandleString($news['title_lang']), 'id' => $news['ID']); $router = $application->getRouter(); $url = $router->createUrl($urlParams, true); if (array_key_exists('full', $params) && $params['full'] == true) { $url = $router->createFullUrl($url); } return $url; }
public static function getConfiguredRepos(LiveCart $application, $domain) { $k = 0; $repos = array(); $config = $application->getConfig(); while ($config->isValueSet('UPDATE_REPO_' . ++$k)) { $repo = $config->get('UPDATE_REPO_' . $k); if ($repo) { $repos[$repo] = new ModuleRepo($application, $repo, $domain); } } return $repos; }
public static function getCacheMethods(LiveCart $application) { $ret = array(); $tranlationHandler = $application->getLocale()->translationManager(); foreach (new DirectoryIterator(dirname(__FILE__) . '/') as $method) { if (substr($method->getFileName(), 0, 1) != '.') { $class = substr($method->getFileName(), 0, -4); if ($class != __CLASS__ && file_exists($method->getPathname())) { include_once $method->getPathname(); $tranlationHandler->setDefinition($class, call_user_func(array($class, 'getName'))); $ret[] = $class; } } } $ret = array_merge(array('FileCache'), array_diff($ret, array('FileCache'))); return $ret; }
protected function getPendingModuleUpdateStats(LiveCart $application) { $config = $application->getConfig(); // modules needing update if (!$config->isValueSet('MODULE_STATS_UPDATED') || time() - $config->get('MODULE_STATS_UPDATED') > 3600) { $config->set('MODULE_STATS_UPDATED', time()); $config->save(); $controller = new ModuleController($this->application); $controller->initRepos(); $updateResponse = $controller->index(); $modules = $updateResponse->get('sortedModules'); $config->set('MODULE_STATS_NEED_UPDATING', isset($modules['needUpdate']) ? count($modules['needUpdate']) : 0); $config->save(); foreach ($this->getConfigFiles() as $file) { $this->loadLanguageFile($file); } } }
function createProductUrl($params, LiveCart $application) { $product = $params['product']; // use parent product data for child variations if (isset($product['Parent'])) { $product = $product['Parent']; } //var_dump($product); $handle = !empty($product['URL']) ? createHandleString($product['URL']) : createHandleString($product['name_lang']); $urlParams = array('controller' => 'product', 'action' => 'index', 'producthandle' => $handle, 'id' => $product['ID']); $url = $application->getRouter()->createUrl($urlParams, true); if (!empty($params['full'])) { $url = $application->getRouter()->createFullUrl($url); } if (!empty($params['filterChainHandle'])) { $url = $application->getRouter()->setUrlQueryParam($url, 'filters', $params['filterChainHandle']); } $application->getRouter()->setLangReplace($handle, 'name', $product); return $url; }
function runApp(LiveCart $app) { static $attempts = 0; // check if we're not getting into an endless loop if (++$attempts > 5) { try { $app->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { dump_livecart_trace($e); die('error'); } } try { if ($app->isDevMode()) { try { $app->run(); } catch (Exception $e) { if (!$e instanceof HTTPStatusException) { dump_livecart_trace($e); } else { throw $e; } } } else { $app->run(); } } catch (HTTPStatusException $e) { if ($e->getController() instanceof BackendController) { $route = 'backend.err/redirect/' . $e->getStatusCode(); } else { $route = 'err/redirect/' . $e->getStatusCode(); } $app->getRouter()->setRequestedRoute($route); runApp($app); } catch (ARNotFoundException $e) { $app->getRouter()->setRequestedRoute('err/redirect/404'); runApp($app); } catch (ControllerNotFoundException $e) { $app->getRouter()->setRequestedRoute('err/redirect/404'); runApp($app); } catch (ActionNotFoundException $e) { $app->getRouter()->setRequestedRoute('err/redirect/404'); runApp($app); } catch (UnsupportedBrowserException $e) { header('Location: ' . $app->getRouter()->createUrl(array('controller' => 'err', 'action' => 'backendBrowser'))); exit; } catch (SQLException $e) { $_REQUEST['exception'] = $e; $app->getRouter()->setRequestedRoute('err/database'); runApp($app); } catch (Exception $e) { $route = 'err/redirect/500'; $app->getRouter()->setRequestedRoute($route); runApp($app); } }
public function toArray($amount = null) { $array = parent::toArray(); if (!is_null($amount)) { $array['costAmount'] = $amount; } if (!$this->application) { $this->application = ActiveRecordModel::getApplication(); } $amountCurrency = Currency::getInstanceById($array['costCurrency']); $currencies = $this->application->getCurrencySet(); // get and format prices $prices = $formattedPrices = $taxPrices = $unformattedTaxPrices = array(); foreach ($currencies as $id => $currency) { $prices[$id] = $currency->convertAmount($amountCurrency, $array['costAmount']); $formattedPrices[$id] = $currency->getFormattedPrice($prices[$id]); $unformattedTaxPrices[$id] = $currency->convertAmount($amountCurrency, $this->amountWithTax); $taxPrices[$id] = $currency->getFormattedPrice($unformattedTaxPrices[$id]); $withoutTaxPrices[$id] = $currency->convertAmount($amountCurrency, $this->amountWithoutTax); $formattedWithoutTaxPrices[$id] = $currency->getFormattedPrice($withoutTaxPrices[$id]); } $array['price'] = $prices; $array['priceWithTax'] = $unformattedTaxPrices; $array['formattedPrice'] = $formattedPrices; $array['taxPrice'] = $taxPrices; $array['priceWithoutTax'] = $withoutTaxPrices; $array['formattedPriceWithoutTax'] = $formattedWithoutTaxPrices; // shipping service name $id = $this->getServiceID(); if (is_numeric($id)) { try { $service = ShippingService::getInstanceById($id, ShippingService::LOAD_DATA); $array['ShippingService'] = $service->toArray(); } catch (ARNotFoundException $e) { return array(); } } else { $array['ShippingService'] = array('name_lang' => $this->getServiceName(), 'provider' => $this->getProviderName()); } return $array; }
/** * Adds a block to a controller layout * * Layout block is an atomic part of application which cannot be called directly * by a user. Block fills a layout which encapsulates currently executed action * (some kind of contextual menu or environment depending on application part) * * Usage (lets say it is a body of some controller action) * <code> * * // Generates output of newsListBlock() by using block/newList.tpl template (by default) * // and assigns an output to an APPLICATION_NAV template variable. * * $this->addBlock("APPLICATION_NAV", "newsList"); * * // Lets say this is some other action * $this->removeBlock("newsList"); * * </code> * * @param string $containerName Name of template variable to which content of this block will be assigned * @param string $blockName Name of block * @param string $viewName View name for block (without file extension) * @param bool $prepend Whether to add the block to the beginning of the current stack * * @see self::removeBlock() */ public final function addBlock($containerName, $blockName, $viewName = null, $prepend = false) { if (!is_array($blockName)) { $blockName = array($this, $blockName); } $viewExt = $this->application->getRenderer()->getViewExtension(); $blockMethodName = $blockName[1] . (substr($blockName[1], -5) == 'Block' ? '' : 'Block'); if (empty($viewName)) { $viewName = "block" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $blockName[1] . "." . $viewExt; } $viewPath = $viewName . (substr($viewName, -1 * (strlen($viewExt) + 1)) == '.' . $viewExt ? '' : '.' . $viewExt); /* if (!method_exists($blockName[0], $blockMethodName)) { throw new ControllerException($this, "Block $blockName[1] not found!"); } */ $entry = array("container" => $containerName, "block" => $blockMethodName, "view" => $viewPath, 'call' => array($blockName[0], $blockMethodName)); if ($prepend) { array_unshift($this->blockList, $entry); } else { $this->blockList[] = $entry; } }
function createCategoryUrl($params, LiveCart $application) { static $simpleUrlTemplate = null; // create URL template $router = $application->getRouter(); if (!$simpleUrlTemplate) { $simpleUrlTemplate = $router->createUrl(array('controller' => 'category', 'action' => 'index', 'cathandle' => '---', 'id' => 999)); $simpleUrlTemplate = strtr($simpleUrlTemplate, array(999 => '#', '---' => '|')); } $category = $params['data']; if (!isset($category['ID'])) { $category['ID'] = 1; } $handle = isset($category['name_lang']) ? createHandleString($category['name_lang']) : ''; // category names to use in other language links $router->setLangReplace($handle, 'name', $category); // no extra params, so we don't need to call the router to build the URL if (count($params) == 1) { return strtr($simpleUrlTemplate, array('#' => $category['ID'], '|' => $handle)); } $filters = array(); // remove filter (expand search) if (isset($params['removeFilter'])) { foreach ($params['filters'] as $key => $filter) { if ($filter['ID'] == $params['removeFilter']['ID']) { unset($params['filters'][$key]); } } } if (isset($params['removeFilters'])) { foreach ($params['removeFilters'] as $filter) { unset($params['filters'][$filter['ID']]); } } // get filters if (isset($params['filters'])) { foreach ($params['filters'] as $filter) { $filters[] = filterHandle($filter); } } // apply new filter (narrow search) if (!empty($params['addFilter'])) { $filters[] = filterHandle($params['addFilter']); } if (empty($handle)) { $handle = '-'; } $urlParams = array('controller' => 'category', 'action' => empty($params['action']) ? 'index' : $params['action'], 'cathandle' => $handle, 'id' => $category['ID']); if (!empty($params['query'])) { $urlParams['query'] = $params['query']; } if (!empty($params['page'])) { $urlParams['page'] = $params['page']; } if ($filters) { $urlParams['filters'] = implode(',', $filters); } if ('index' != $urlParams['action']) { unset($urlParams['cathandle']); if (isset($urlParams['filters'])) { $urlParams['query'] = 'filters=' . $urlParams['filters']; unset($urlParams['filters']); } } $url = $application->getRouter()->createUrl($urlParams, true); if (!empty($params['full'])) { $url = $application->getRouter()->createFullUrl($url); } // remove empty search query parameter return preg_replace('/[\\?&]q=$/', '', $url); }
public function getCountryList(LiveCart $application) { $countries = $application->getEnabledCountries(); asort($countries); return $countries; }
public static function getSchemaColumns($schemaName, LiveCart $application, $customColumns = array()) { $productSchema = ActiveRecordModel::getSchemaInstance($schemaName); $availableColumns = array(); foreach ($productSchema->getFieldList() as $field) { $type = ActiveGrid::getFieldType($field); if (!$type && 'ID' != $field->getName()) { continue; } $availableColumns[$schemaName . '.' . $field->getName()] = $type; } $availableColumns = array_merge($availableColumns, $customColumns); foreach ($availableColumns as $column => $type) { $availableColumns[$column] = array('name' => $application->translate($column), 'type' => $type); } // specField columns if (self::isEav($schemaName)) { $fields = EavFieldManager::getClassFieldSet($schemaName); foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldArray = $field->toArray(); if ($field->isDate()) { $type = 'date'; } else { $type = $field->isSimpleNumbers() ? 'numeric' : 'text'; } $availableColumns['eavField.' . $field->getID()] = array('name' => $fieldArray['name_lang'], 'type' => $type); } } return $availableColumns; }
<?php /** * Front controller for LiveCart scheduled tasks * * @author Integry Systems */ if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/'; } else { // retrieve base URL from configuration $url = (include dirname(__FILE__) . '/storage/configuration/url.php'); $parsed = parse_url($url['url']); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $parsed['host']; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $parsed['path']; $_SERVER['REWRITE'] = $url['rewrite']; } if (isset($_SERVER['REWRITE']) && !$_SERVER['REWRITE']) { $this->request->set('noRewrite', true); // $app->getRouter()->enableURLRewrite($_SERVER['rewrite']); } include dirname(__FILE__) . '/application/Initialize.php'; $app = new LiveCart(); if (isset($_SERVER['REWRITE'])) { // $app->getRouter()->enableURLRewrite($_SERVER['rewrite']); } $app->getCron()->process();
<?php // to get LiveCart session (that uses custom session handler) need to initialize LiveCart. error_reporting(A_ALL ^ E_STRICT); ini_set('display_errors', 0); include '../../../../application/Initialize.php'; ClassLoader::import('application.LiveCart'); ClassLoader::import('application.controller.BaseController'); $app = new LiveCart(); if (is_numeric($app->getSession()->get('User')) == false) { // no livecart session with loged in user (if getting controller will redirect) exit; } // consider user as admin if he can access: $checkAgainst = array('backend.product' => array('create', 'update', 'delete')); foreach ($checkAgainst as $controllerName => $actionNames) { foreach ($actionNames as $actionName) { $controller = $app->getControllerInstance($controllerName); $roles = $controller->getRoles(); if ($controller->user->hasAccess($roles->getRole($actionName)) == false) { // cant access exit; } } } /** * sysem config setting * @author Logan Cai (cailongqun [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] cn) * @link * @version 1.0 * @since 22/April/2007
public static function getAuthMethods(LiveCart $application) { return $application->getPluginClasses('application.model.datasync.api.auth'); }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); include '../application/Initialize.php'; ClassLoader::import('application.LiveCart'); $application = new LiveCart(); define('BUFFER', 50); ClassLoader::import('application.model.product.Product'); $languages = $application->getLanguageArray(); $default = $application->getDefaultLanguageCode(); if (!$languages) { die('No additional languages enabled'); } $count = ActiveRecordModel::getRecordCount('Product', new ARSelectFilter()); $parts = ceil($count / BUFFER); $fields = array('name', 'shortDescription', 'longDescription'); ActiveRecordModel::beginTransaction(); for ($k = 0; $k < $parts; $k++) { $filter = new ARSelectFilter(); $filter->setLimit(BUFFER, BUFFER * $k); $filter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('Product', 'ID')); $products = ActiveRecordModel::getRecordSet('Product', $filter); foreach ($products as $product) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!$product->getValueByLang($field, $default)) { foreach ($languages as $lang) { if ($value = $product->getValueByLang($field, $lang)) { $product->setValueByLang($field, $default, $value); break; }
public function getVariationData(LiveCart $app) { $variations = $this->getVariationMatrix(); if (!$variations) { return array(); } $trackInventory = $app->getConfig()->get('INVENTORY_TRACKING') != 'DISABLE'; foreach ($variations['products'] as $parentID => $products) { $variations['options'][$parentID] = array(); // filter out unavailable products foreach ($variations['products'][$parentID] as $key => &$product) { if (!$product['isEnabled'] || $trackInventory && $product['stockCount'] <= 0) { unset($variations['products'][$parentID][$key]); } } // get used variations $usedVariations = array(); foreach ($variations['products'][$parentID] as $key => &$product) { $usedVariations = array_merge($usedVariations, explode('-', $key)); } $usedVariations = array_flip($usedVariations); // prepare select options foreach ($variations['variations'][$parentID] as &$type) { $type['selectOptions'] = array(); foreach ($type['variations'] as $variation) { $var = $variation['Variation']; if (isset($usedVariations[$var['ID']])) { $type['selectOptions'][$var['ID']] = $var['name_lang']; } } $variations['options'][$parentID] = $variations['options'][$parentID] + $type['selectOptions']; } // set used variation names foreach ($variations['products'][$parentID] as $key => &$product) { $product['variationNames'] = array_intersect_key($variations['options'][$parentID], array_flip(explode('-', $key))); } } return $variations; }