예제 #1
" id="<?php 
                echo LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE;
" value="revoke" />
              <input type="submit" value="Revoke Authorization" />
            <hr />
            <h2 id="application">Application Information:</h2>
              <li>Application Key: 
                echo $OBJ_linkedin->getApplicationKey();
            <hr />
            <h2 id="profile">Your Profile:</h2>
                $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url)');
                if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                    $response['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                    echo "<pre>" . print_r($response['linkedin'], TRUE) . "</pre>";
예제 #2
 function test($ltype = '', $response = '', $oauth_token = '', $oauth_verfier = '')
     $this->data['success'] = FALSE;
     function oauth_session_exists()
         if (is_array($_SESSION) && array_key_exists('oauth', $_SESSION)) {
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             return FALSE;
     try {
         // include the LinkedIn class
         // start the session
         // if(!session_start()) {
         // throw new LinkedInException('This script requires session support, which appears to be disabled according to session_start().');
         // }
         // display constants
         if (isset($_REQUEST['invitation_key'])) {
             $this->data['invitation_key_val'] = $_REQUEST['invitation_key'];
         } elseif ($this->input->post('invitation_key')) {
             $this->data['invitation_key_val'] = $this->input->post('invitation_key');
         } else {
             $this->data['invitation_key_val'] = '';
         if (isset($_REQUEST['email_val'])) {
             $this->data['email_val'] = $_REQUEST['email_val'];
         } elseif ($this->input->post('email_val')) {
             $this->data['email_val'] = $this->input->post('email_val');
         } else {
             $this->data['email_val'] = '';
         $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => 'ctfw9ywn6vrm', 'appSecret' => 'T2G5ccnIfGytPAdt', 'callbackUrl' => NULL);
         define('DEMO_GROUP', '4010474');
         define('DEMO_GROUP_NAME', 'Simple LI Demo');
         define('PORT_HTTP', '80');
         define('PORT_HTTP_SSL', '443');
         // set index
         //echo "<script type='text/javascript'>console.log('@".LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE."".print_r($this->uri)."')</script>";
         //echo "<script type='text/javascript'>console.log('@".$_REQUEST[LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE]."')</script>";
         switch ($_REQUEST[LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE]) {
             case 'initiate':
                  * Handle user initiated LinkedIn connection, create the LinkedIn object.
                 // check for the correct http protocol (i.e. is this script being served via http or https)
                 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') {
                     $protocol = 'https';
                 } else {
                     $protocol = 'http';
                 // set the callback url
                 $API_CONFIG['callbackUrl'] = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != PORT_HTTP_SSL ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . LINKEDIN::_GET_TYPE . '=initiate&' . LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE . '=1';
                 $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                 // check for response from LinkedIn
                 if (!$_GET[LINKEDIN::_GET_RESPONSE]) {
                     // LinkedIn hasn't sent us a response, the user is initiating the connection
                     // send a request for a LinkedIn access token
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         // store the request token
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request'] = $response['linkedin'];
                         // redirect the user to the LinkedIn authentication/authorisation page to initiate validation.
                         header('Location: ' . LINKEDIN::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
                     } else {
                         // bad token request
                         echo "Request token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 } else {
                     // LinkedIn has sent a response, user has granted permission, take the temp access token, the user's secret and the verifier to request the user's real secret key
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['request']['oauth_token_secret'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         // the request went through without an error, gather user's 'access' tokens
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['access'] = $response['linkedin'];
                         $this->data['success'] = TRUE;
                         $this->data['status'] = TRUE;
                         $response['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                         // set the user as authorized for future quick reference
                         $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = TRUE;
                         // redirect the user back to the demo page
                         header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
                     } else {
                         // bad token access
                         echo "Access token retrieval failed:<br /><br />RESPONSE:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($response, TRUE) . "</pre><br /><br />LINKEDIN OBJ:<br /><br /><pre>" . print_r($OBJ_linkedin, TRUE) . "</pre>";
                 // nothing being passed back, display demo page
                 // check PHP version
                 if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) {
                     throw new LinkedInException('You must be running version 5.x or greater of PHP to use this library.');
                 // check for cURL
                 if (extension_loaded('curl')) {
                     $curl_version = curl_version();
                     $curl_version = $curl_version['version'];
                 } else {
                     throw new LinkedInException('You must load the cURL extension to use this library.');
                 $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] = isset($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized']) ? $_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] : FALSE;
                 if ($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] === TRUE) {
                     $OBJ_linkedin = new LinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
                 } else {
                 if ($_SESSION['oauth']['linkedin']['authorized'] === TRUE) {
                     // user is already connected
                     $application_key = $OBJ_linkedin->getApplicationKey();
                     $this->data['success'] = FALSE;
                     $response = $OBJ_linkedin->profile('~:(id,first-name,last-name,picture-url)');
                     $this->data['response'] = $response;
                     if ($response['success'] === TRUE) {
                         $this->data['success'] = TRUE;
                         $this->data['status'] = TRUE;
                         $response['linkedin'] = new SimpleXMLElement($response['linkedin']);
                         $this->data['response'] = $response['linkedin'];
                     } else {
                         $this->data['status'] = FALSE;
                         // request failed
                 } else {
                     // user isn't connected
     } catch (LinkedInException $e) {
         // exception raised by library call
     $this->data['invitation_key'] = array('name' => 'invitation_key', 'id' => 'invitation_key', 'value' => $this->data['invitation_key_val'], 'type' => 'hidden');
     $this->data['first_name'] = array('name' => 'first_name', 'id' => 'first_name', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('first_name'), 'placeholder' => 'First Name', 'required' => 'required');
     $this->data['last_name'] = array('name' => 'last_name', 'id' => 'last_name', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('last_name'), 'placeholder' => 'Last Name', 'required' => 'required');
     $this->data['email'] = array('name' => 'email', 'id' => 'email', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $this->data['email_val'], 'placeholder' => 'Email', 'required' => 'required', 'readonly' => 'readonly');
     $this->data['password'] = array('name' => 'password', 'id' => 'password', 'type' => 'password', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('password'), 'placeholder' => 'Password', 'required' => 'required');
     $this->data['password_confirm'] = array('name' => 'password_confirm', 'id' => 'password_confirm', 'type' => 'password', 'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('password_confirm'), 'placeholder' => 'Confirm Password', 'required' => 'required');
     // Render View
     //$this->load->view('auth/create_user', $this->data);
     $this->data['main_content'] = '/auth/signup';
     $this->load->view('includes/tmpl_singlebox', $this->data);