function testRun()
     $page = $this->objFromFixture('Page', 'test-page');
     $processor = new LinkCheckProcessor($page->AbsoluteLink());
  * Run the LinkCheckTask.
  * @todo Split functionality to separate methods
 public function process()
     if (class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && !SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
         echo "\r\n";
     if (!ClassInfo::hasTable('LinkCheckRun')) {
         if (!Director::is_ajax() && class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && !SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
             echo "Database has not been built. Please run dev/build first!\r\n";
         return false;
     // If there is already a LinkCheckRun that exists and is not complete,
     // don't allow a new run as it could run the server to the ground!
     // @todo we probably want some system that allows cancelling a check halfway through
     if (DataObject::get_one('LinkCheckRun', "\"IsComplete\" = 0")) {
         if (!Director::is_ajax() && class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && !SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
             echo "There is already a link check running at the moment. Please wait for it to complete before starting a new one.\r\n";
         return false;
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
     $goodLinks = 0;
     // 200-299 HTTP status codes
     $checkLinks = 0;
     // 300-399 HTTP status codes
     $brokenLinks = 0;
     // 400-599 HTTP status codes
     $pages = DataObject::get('SiteTree');
     if (!$pages) {
         return false;
     $run = new LinkCheckRun();
     // We have started a new run, create the object and write it
     $pagesChecked = 0;
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         // Skip this page if it shouldn't be checked
         if (isset(self::$exempt_classes[get_class($page)])) {
         $processor = new LinkCheckProcessor($page->AbsoluteLink());
         if (Director::is_ajax()) {
             $processor->showMessages = false;
         $results = $processor->run();
         // Memory cleanup - we don't need the processor anymore
         if ($results) {
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 if ($result['Code'] >= 200 && $result['Code'] <= 299) {
                 } elseif ($result['Code'] >= 300 && $result['Code'] <= 399) {
                 } elseif ($result['Code'] >= 400 && $result['Code'] <= 599) {
                 // If the result is "Bad" (broken), create a BrokenLink record
                 if ($result['Code'] >= 400 && $result['Code'] <= 599) {
                     $brokenLink = new BrokenLink();
                     $brokenLink->Link = substr($result['Link'], 0, 255);
                     $brokenLink->Code = $result['Code'];
                     $brokenLink->Status = substr($result['Status'], 0, 30);
                     $brokenLink->LinkCheckRunID = $run->ID;
                     $brokenLink->PageID = $page->ID;
                     // Memory cleanup
         // Memory cleanup
     // Memory cleanup
     // Mark as done - this is to indicate that the task has completed (for reporting in CMS)
     $run->FinishDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $run->IsComplete = 1;
     $run->PagesChecked = $pagesChecked;
     // Find the URL to the LinkCheckAdmin section in the CMS
     $linkcheckAdminLink = Director::absoluteBaseURL() . singleton('LinkCheckAdmin')->Link();
     // Count the number of BrokenLink records created for this run
     $runBrokenLinks = $run->BrokenLinks()->Count() ? $run->BrokenLinks()->Count() : 0;
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         return array('Date' => $run->obj('Created')->Nice(), 'LinkCheckRunID' => $run->ID);
     } elseif (Director::is_cli()) {
         if (class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
         echo "SilverStripe Link Checker results\n";
         echo "---------------------------------\n\n";
         echo "{$pagesChecked} pages were checked for broken links.\n";
         echo "{$goodLinks} links were OK.\n";
         echo "{$checkLinks} links were redirected.\n";
         echo "{$brokenLinks} links were broken, and {$runBrokenLinks} BrokenLink records were generated for them.\n\n";
         echo "LinkCheckRun ID #{$run->ID} was created with {$runBrokenLinks} BrokenLink related records.\n";
         echo "Please visit {$linkcheckAdminLink} to see which broken links were found.\n\n";
     } else {
         if (class_exists('SapphireTest', false) && SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
         echo "<h1>SilverStripe Link Checker results</h1>";
         echo '<ul>';
         echo "<li>{$pagesChecked} pages were checked for broken links.</li>";
         echo "<li>{$goodLinks} links were OK.</li>";
         echo "<li>{$checkLinks} links were redirected.</li>";
         echo "<li>{$brokenLinks} links were broken, and {$runBrokenLinks} BrokenLink records were generated for them.</li>";
         echo '</ul>';
         echo "<p>LinkCheckRun ID #{$run->ID} was created with {$runBrokenLinks} BrokenLink related records.</p>";
         echo "<p>Please visit <a href=\"{$linkcheckAdminLink}\">{$linkcheckAdminLink}</a> to see which broken links were found.</p>";