public function testGeneral() { $link = new Link(); $link->render(); $link->add('bootstrap.css', 'style/bootstrap.css'); $link->add('slider.css', ['href' => 'style/slider.css', 'type' => 'text/css', 'rel' => 'stylesheet']); $link->addAll(['more.css' => 'style/more.css', 'more2.css' => ['href' => 'style/more2.css']]); $link->prependAll(['first0' => 'style/first0.css', 'fist1' => ['href' => 'style/first1.css', 'type' => 'text/css', 'rel' => 'stylesheet']]); $this->assertNotEmpty($link->get('more.css')); $link->remove('more.css'); $this->assertEmpty($link->get('more.css')); $link->prepend('first_of_first', 'style/bootstrap.css'); $link->prepend('first_of_first', ['href' => 'style/bootstrap.css', 'rel' => 'stylesheet']); $link->render(); }
/** * Method render * @access public * @param boolean $ajax_render [default value: false] * @return object generate html box with country flag * @since 1.0.35 */ public function render($ajax_render = false) { $lang_link = BASE_URL . $this->language . "/" . str_replace($this->getPage()->getBaseLanguageURL(), "", $this->getPage()->getCurrentURL()); $lang_link_obj = new Link($lang_link, Link::TARGET_NONE, new Picture("wsp/img/lang/" . $this->language . ".png", 24, 24, 0, Picture::ALIGN_ABSMIDDLE)); $this->object_change = false; return $lang_link_obj->render(); }
$oLnkAddJob->setCustom("idnewsletter", $idnewsletter); $oLnkAddJob->setAlt($aMsg["AddJobTitle"]); $oLnkAddJob->setContent('<img src="' . $cfg['path']['images'] . 'newsletter_dispatch_16.gif" border="0" title="' . $aMsg["AddJobTitle"] . '" alt="' . $aMsg["AddJobTitle"] . '">'); $sLnkAddJob = $oLnkAddJob->render(); } else { $sLnkAddJob = '<img src="' . $cfg['path']['images'] . 'newsletter_dispatch_16_off.gif" border="0" title="' . $aMsg["AddJobTitleOff"] . '" alt="' . $aMsg["AddJobTitleOff"] . '" />'; } $oMenu->setActions($iMenu, 'dispatch', $sLnkAddJob); } if ($perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "news_create")) { $oLnkCopy = new Link(); $oLnkCopy->setMultiLink("news", "", "news", "news_duplicate"); $oLnkCopy->setCustom("idnewsletter", $idnewsletter); $oLnkCopy->setAlt($aMsg["CopyTitle"]); $oLnkCopy->setContent('<img src="' . $cfg['path']['images'] . 'but_copy.gif" border="0" title="' . $aMsg["CopyTitle"] . '" alt="' . $aMsg["CopyTitle"] . '">'); $oMenu->setActions($iMenu, 'copy', $oLnkCopy->render()); } if ($perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "news_delete")) { $sDelete = '<a title="' . $aMsg["DelTitle"] . '" href="javascript://" onclick="showDelMsg(' . $idnewsletter . ',\'' . addslashes($sName) . '\')"><img src="' . $cfg['path']['images'] . 'delete.gif" border="0" title="' . $aMsg["DelTitle"] . '" alt="' . $aMsg["DelTitle"] . '"></a>'; $oMenu->setActions($iMenu, 'delete', $sDelete); } } // Check destination for sending test newsletter if ($_REQUEST["selTestDestination"] > 0 && $perm->have_perm_area_action($area, "news_send_test")) { $oRcpGroups = new RecipientGroupCollection(); $oRcpGroups->setWhere("idclient", $client); $oRcpGroups->setWhere("idlang", $lang); $oRcpGroups->setWhere($oRcpGroups->primaryKey, $_REQUEST["selTestDestination"]); $oRcpGroups->query(); if ($oRcpGroup = $oRcpGroups->next()) { $sSendTestTarget = sprintf(i18n("Recipient group: %s", $plugin_name), $oRcpGroup->get("groupname"));
/** * Method render * @access public * @param boolean $ajax_render [default value: false] * @return mixed * @since 1.0.35 */ public function render($ajax_render = false) { $link_obj = new Object($this->object); if ($this->picture_16 != "") { $link_obj = new Object(new Picture($this->picture_16, 16, 16, 0, Picture::ALIGN_ABSMIDDLE, $this->object), $this->object); } if (strtoupper($this->page) == "HOME") { $link_url = BASE_URL . $_SESSION['lang'] . "/"; } else { if (find($this->page, ".html") == 0) { $link_url = $this->page . ".html"; } else { $link_url = $this->page; } } if ($this->get != "") { if ($this->get[0] == "?") { $link_url .= $this->get; } else { $link_url .= "?" . $this->get; } } $html = new Link($link_url, Link::TARGET_NONE, $link_obj); if ($this->track_categ != "") { $html->setTrackEvent($this->track_categ, $this->track_action, $this->track_label); } if ($this->tagH != "") { $html->setTitleTagH($this->tagH, $this->tagH_bold); } $this->object_change = false; return $html->render(); }
function getWorkflowUsers($idworkflowitem) { global $idworkflow, $cfg; $ui = new UI_Menu(); $workflowusers = new WorkflowUserSequences(); $workflowusers->select("idworkflowitem = '{$idworkflowitem}'", "", "position ASC"); while ($workflowitem = $workflowusers->next()) { $pos = $workflowitem->get("position"); $iduser = $workflowitem->get("iduser"); $timelimit = $workflowitem->get("timelimit"); $timeunit = $workflowitem->get("timeunit"); $email = $workflowitem->get("emailnoti"); $escalation = $workflowitem->get("escalationnoti"); $timeunit = $workflowitem->get("timeunit"); $id = $workflowitem->get("idusersequence"); $moveup = new Link(); $moveup->setCLink("workflow_steps", 4, "workflow_user_up"); $moveup->setCustom("idworkflowitem", $idworkflowitem); $moveup->setCustom("idworkflow", $idworkflow); $moveup->setCustom("position", $pos); $moveup->setAlt(i18n("Move user up", "workflow")); #$moveup->setContent('<img border="0" style="padding-left: 2px" src="images/pfeil_hoch.gif">'); $moveup->setContent('<img style="padding-left: 2px" border="0" src="' . $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"] . $cfg["path"]["plugins"] . "workflow/images/no_verschieben.gif" . '">'); $movedown = new Link(); $movedown->setCLink("workflow_steps", 4, "workflow_user_down"); $movedown->setCustom("idworkflowitem", $idworkflowitem); $movedown->setCustom("idworkflow", $idworkflow); $movedown->setCustom("position", $pos); $movedown->setAlt(i18n("Move user down", "workflow")); $movedown->setContent('<img style="padding-left: 2px" border="0" src="' . $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"] . $cfg["path"]["plugins"] . "workflow/images/nu_verschieben.gif" . '">'); $deletestep = new Link(); $deletestep->setCLink("workflow_steps", 4, "workflow_user_delete"); $deletestep->setCustom("idworkflowitem", $idworkflowitem); $deletestep->setCustom("idworkflow", $idworkflow); $deletestep->setCustom("position", $pos); $deletestep->setCustom("idusersequence", $id); $deletestep->setAlt(i18n("Delete user", "workflow")); $deletestep->setContent('<img style="padding-left: 2px" border="0" src="' . $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"] . $cfg["path"]["plugins"] . "workflow/images/workflow_step_delete.gif" . '">'); $title = "{$pos}. " . getUsers($id, $iduser); $title .= formGenerateField("text", "wftimelimit" . $id, $timelimit, 3, 6); $title .= getTimeUnitSelector($id, $timeunit); $altmail = i18n("Notify this user via E-Mail", "workflow"); $altnoti = i18n("Escalate to this user via E-Mail", "workflow"); $title .= formGenerateCheckbox("wfemailnoti[" . $id . "]", "1", $email) . '<label for="wfemailnoti[' . $id . ']1"><img alt="' . $altmail . '" title="' . $altmail . '" style="padding-left: 2px" border="0" src="' . $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"] . $cfg["path"]["plugins"] . "workflow/images/workflow_email_noti.gif" . '"></label>'; $title .= formGenerateCheckbox("wfescalnoti[" . $id . "]", "1", $escalation) . '<label for="wfescalnoti[' . $id . ']1"><img alt="' . $altnoti . '" title="' . $altnoti . '" style="padding-left: 2px" border="0" src="' . $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"] . $cfg["path"]["plugins"] . "workflow/images/workflow_escal_noti.gif" . '"></label>'; $ui->setTitle($id, $title); $ui->setLink($id, NULL); if ($pos > 1) { $ui->setActions($id, "moveup", $moveup->render()); } else { $ui->setActions($id, "moveup", '<img style="padding-left: 2px" src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1">'); } if ($pos < $workflowusers->count()) { $ui->setActions($id, "movedown", $movedown->render()); } else { $ui->setActions($id, "movedown", '<img style="padding-left: 2px" src="images/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1">'); } $ui->setActions($id, "delete", $deletestep->render()); $ui->setImage($id, $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"] . $cfg["path"]["plugins"] . "workflow/images/workflow_user.gif"); } $createstep = new Link(); $createstep->setCLink("workflow_steps", 4, "workflow_create_user"); $createstep->setCustom("idworkflow", $idworkflow); $createstep->setCustom("idworkflowitem", $idworkflowitem); $ui->setLink("spacer", NULL); $ui->setTitle("create", '<input class="text_medium" type="submit" name="adduser" value="' . i18n("Add User", "workflow") . '">'); $ui->setLink("create", NULL); $content = $ui->render(false); return $content; }
public static function link($title, $href, array $attributes = array(), $params = null) { $control = new Link($title, $href, $attributes, $params); $control->setEscaper(self::$escaper); echo $control->render(); }