/** * Delete AP with rows in relative tables * @param $apId */ public static function deleteAP($apId) { $ap = Aps::model()->with('document.image')->findByPk($apId); if ($ap) { $document = $ap->document; $image = $document->image; $image->delete(); $document->delete(); ApPayments::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'AP_ID' => $apId, )); GlDistDetails::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'AP_ID' => $apId, )); // delete thumbnail $filePath = 'protected/data/thumbs/' . $ap->Document_ID . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { @unlink($filePath); } // delete library links LibraryDocs::deleteDocumentLinks($ap->Document_ID); $ap->delete(); } }
/** * Delete AR with rows in relative tables * @param $arID */ public static function deleteAR($arID) { $ar = Ars::model()->with('document.image')->findByPk($arID); if ($ar) { $document = $ar->document; $image = $document->image; $image->delete(); $document->delete(); // delete thumbnail $filePath = 'protected/data/thumbs/' . $ar->Document_ID . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { @unlink($filePath); } // delete library links LibraryDocs::deleteDocumentLinks($ar->Document_ID); $ar->delete(); } }
/** * Assign LB or GF document to subsection * @param $subsId * @param $docId * @param $access */ public static function assignLBDocumentToSubsection($subsId, $docId, $access) { $subsId = intval($subsId); $docId = intval($docId); $access = intval($access); if ($subsId > 0 && $docId > 0 && $access <= 1) { $libDoc = LibraryDocs::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $docId, 'Subsection_ID' => $subsId, )); if (!$libDoc) { $condition = new CDbCriteria(); $condition->select = 'max(Sort_Numb) as Sort_Numb'; $condition->condition = "t.Subsection_ID = '" . $subsId . "'"; $sortNumRes = LibraryDocs::model()->find($condition); if ($sortNumRes) { $sortNum = intval($sortNumRes->Sort_Numb) + 1; } else { $sortNum = 0; } $libDoc = new LibraryDocs(); $libDoc->Access_Type = $access; $libDoc->Document_ID = $docId; $libDoc->Subsection_ID = $subsId; $libDoc->Sort_Numb = $sortNum; if ($libDoc->validate()) { $libDoc->save(); } } } }
/** * Delete W9 with rows in relative tables * @param $w9Id */ public static function deleteW9($w9Id) { $w9 = W9::model()->with('document.image')->findByPk($w9Id); if ($w9) { $document = $w9->document; $documentW9s = W9::model()->findAllByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $document->Document_ID, )); if (count($documentW9s) <= 1) { $image = $document->image; if ($image) $image->delete(); $document->delete(); } // delete thumbnail $filePath = 'protected/data/thumbs/' . $w9->Document_ID . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { @unlink($filePath); } // delete library links LibraryDocs::deleteDocumentLinks($w9->Document_ID); $w9->delete(); } }
/** * Delete document with rows in relative tables * @param $documentId */ public static function deleteDocument($documentId) { $document = Documents::model()->findByPk($documentId); if ($document) { if ($document->Document_Type == self::W9) { $w9s = W9::model()->findAllByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); foreach ($w9s as $w9) { W9::deleteW9($w9->W9_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::AP) { $ap = Aps::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($ap) { Aps::deleteAP($ap->AP_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::PM) { $payment = Payments::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($payment) { Payments::deletePayment($payment->Payment_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::PO) { $po = Pos::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($po) { Pos::deletePO($po->PO_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::PC) { $pc = Pcs::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($pc) { Pcs::deletePC($pc->PC_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::AR) { $ar = Ars::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($ar) { Ars::deleteAR($ar->AR_ID); } } else if ($document->Document_Type == self::PR) { $payroll = Payrolls::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Document_ID' => $documentId, )); if ($payroll) { Payrolls::deletePayroll($payroll->Payroll_ID); } } else { $image = $document->image; $image->delete(); $document->delete(); // delete thumbnail $filePath = 'protected/data/thumbs/' . $documentId . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { @unlink($filePath); } // delete library links LibraryDocs::deleteDocumentLinks($documentId); } } }
/** * Delete Payment with rows in relative tables * @param $paymentId */ public static function deletePayment($paymentId) { $payment = Payments::model()->with('document.image')->findByPk($paymentId); if ($payment) { $document = $payment->document; $image = $document->image; $image->delete(); $document->delete(); PaymentsInvoice::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'Payment_ID' => $paymentId, )); ApPayments::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'Payment_ID' => $paymentId, )); // delete thumbnail $filePath = 'protected/data/thumbs/' . $payment->Document_ID . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { @unlink($filePath); } // delete library links LibraryDocs::deleteDocumentLinks($payment->Document_ID); $payment->delete(); } }
/** * Delete Storage with sections and subsections * @param $id */ public static function deleteStorage($id) { $storage = Storages::model()->with('sections.subsections')->findByPk($id); if ($storage) { if (count($storage->sections) > 0) { foreach($storage->sections as $section) { if (count($section->subsections)) { foreach ($section->subsections as $subsection) { LibraryDocs::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'Subsection_ID' => $subsection->Subsection_ID, )); $subsection->delete(); } } $section->delete(); } } $storage->delete(); } }
/** * Delete PO with rows in relative tables * @param $poId */ public static function deletePO($poId) { $po = Pos::model()->with('document.image')->findByPk($poId); if ($po) { $document = $po->document; $image = $document->image; $image->delete(); $document->delete(); PoDists::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'PO_ID' => $poId, )); PoDescDetail::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'PO_ID' => $poId, )); PoPmtsTraking::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'PO_ID' => $poId, )); // delete thumbnail $filePath = 'protected/data/thumbs/' . $po->Document_ID . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($filePath)) { @unlink($filePath); } // delete library links LibraryDocs::deleteDocumentLinks($po->Document_ID); $po->delete(); } }
/** * Delete subsection * @param $id */ public static function deleteSubsection($id) { $subsection = Subsections::model()->findByPk($id); LibraryDocs::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'Subsection_ID' => $subsection->Subsection_ID, )); $subsection->delete(); }
/** * Delete sub section * @param $id */ public static function deleteSubsection($section_id,$subsection_id) { $subsection = Subsections::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Subsection_ID' =>$subsection_id )); if ($subsection) { LibraryDocs::model()->deleteAllByAttributes(array( 'Subsection_ID' => $subsection->Subsection_ID, )); $subsection->delete(); } //delete section if it is now have no panels $section = Sections::model()->findByPk($section_id); if (!count($section->subsections)) { $section->delete(); } }