예제 #1
function data_include($data, $params)
    $ret = "<p>Please enter a valid 'page_name', 'page_id' or 'content_id' to include in this page.</p>";
    // load page by page_id
    if (isset($params['page_id']) && is_numeric($params['page_id'])) {
        require_once WIKI_PKG_PATH . 'BitPage.php';
        $wp = new BitPage($params['page_id']);
        if ($wp->load()) {
            $ret = $wp->parseData($wp->mInfo);
        // load page by content_id
    } elseif (isset($params['content_id']) && is_numeric($params['content_id'])) {
        if ($obj = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($params['content_id'])) {
            $ret = $obj->parseData();
        // load page by page_name
    } elseif (isset($params['page_name'])) {
        $ret = "page_name isn't working yet, please use page_id or content_id";
    // if $ret is empty, we need to make sure there is at least a space that we get rid of the {}
    if (empty($ret)) {
        $ret = ' ';
    return $ret;
예제 #2
function data_addjstabs($data, $params)
    global $gBitSmarty;
    extract($params, EXTR_SKIP);
    $id = 1000000 * microtime();
    $html = '';
    $good = false;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 99; $i++) {
        if (isset(${'tab' . $i})) {
            if (is_numeric(${'tab' . $i})) {
                if ($obj = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject(${'tab' . $i})) {
                    $params['title'] = $obj->getTitle();
                    $html .= smarty_block_jstab($params, $obj->mInfo['parsed_data'], $gBitSmarty, '');
                    $good = True;
            } else {
                $good = false;
    if (!$good) {
        $html = tra("The plugin AddTabs requires valid parameters. Numeric content id numbers can use the parameter names 'tab1' thru 'tab99'");
    if (!empty($html)) {
        return smarty_block_jstabs(array(), $html, $gBitSmarty, '');
    } else {
        return $html;
예제 #3
function modcomments_content_store(&$pObject, &$pParamHash)
    global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser, $gModerationSystem;
    if ($pObject->mType['content_type_guid'] == 'bitcomment') {
        // load up root content since we don't have one
        $rootContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($pParamHash['root_id']);
        // hold comments for moderation - requires moderation package is installed
        if ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('moderation') && empty($_REQUEST['post_comment_id']) && !($rootContent->isOwner() || $gBitUser->isAdmin()) && ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('comments_moderate_all') || ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('comments_allow_moderation') || $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('comments_allow_owner_moderation')) && $rootContent->getPreference('moderate_comments'))) {
            // if we are enforcing moderation on the comment then change the status_id
            // prep info what we'll store in the moderation ticket
            $modMsg = tra("A comment has been submitted to ") . $rootContent->getContentTypeName() . " " . $rootContent->getTitle();
            $modDataHash = array('display_url' => $pObject->getDisplayUrl());
            if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('comments_allow_owner_moderation')) {
                $modUserId = $rootContent->mInfo['user_id'];
            } else {
                $modUserId = 2;
                //assign it to admin rather than the owner so as to prevent content owner from accessing if they should not be able to
            // register it for moderation
            $pendingModeration = $gModerationSystem->requestModeration('liberty', 'comment_post', $modUserId, NULL, 'p_liberty_edit_comments', $pObject->mContentId, $modMsg, MODERATION_PENDING, $modDataHash);
    } elseif ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('moderation') && ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('comments_allow_owner_moderation') && $pObject->hasUpdatePermission() || $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('comments_allow_moderation') && ($gBitUser->isAdmin() || $pObject->hasUserPermission('p_liberty_edit_comments')))) {
        $pObject->storePreference('moderate_comments', !empty($pParamHash['moderate_comments']) && $pParamHash['moderate_comments'] == 'y' ? $pParamHash['moderate_comments'] : NULL);
예제 #4
  * given a content_type_guid this will return an object of the proper type
  * @param the content type to be loaded
 function getLibertyClass($pContentTypeGuid)
     // We can abuse getLibertyObject to do the work
     $ret = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject('1', $pContentTypeGuid, FALSE);
     // Make sure we don't have a content_id set though.
     return $ret;
예제 #5
  * get list of all rated content
  * @param $pListHash contains array of items used to limit search results
  * @param $pListHash[sort_mode] column and orientation by which search results are sorted
  * @param $pListHash[find] search for a pigeonhole title - case insensitive
  * @param $pListHash[max_records] maximum number of rows to return
  * @param $pListHash[offset] number of results data is offset by
  * @access public
  * @return array of rated content
 function getList(&$pListHash)
     global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser, $gLibertySystem;
     $ret = $bindVars = array();
     $where = $join = $select = '';
     // set custom sorting before we call prepGetList()
     if (!empty($pListHash['sort_mode'])) {
         $order = " ORDER BY " . $this->mDb->convertSortmode($pListHash['sort_mode']) . " ";
     } else {
         // set a default sort_mode
         $order = " ORDER BY sts.`rating` DESC";
     if (!empty($pListHash['user_id'])) {
         $where .= empty($where) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND ';
         $where .= " sth.`user_id`=? ";
         $bindVars[] = $pListHash['user_id'];
         $select .= ", sth.`rating` AS `user_rating`";
         $join .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "stars_history` sth ON( sts.`content_id` = sth.`content_id` ) ";
         $order = " ORDER BY sth.`rating` DESC";
     if (!empty($pListHash['find'])) {
         $where .= empty($where) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND ';
         $where .= " UPPER( lc.`title` ) LIKE ? ";
         $bindVars[] = '%' . strtoupper($pListHash['find']) . '%';
     $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT sts.*, lch.`hits`, lch.`last_hit`, lc.`event_time`, lc.`title`,\n\t\t\tlc.`last_modified`, lc.`content_type_guid`, lc.`ip`, lc.`created` {$select}\n\t\t\tFROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "stars` sts\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content` lc ON ( lc.`content_id` = sts.`content_id` )\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content_hits` lch ON ( lc.`content_id` = lch.`content_id` )\n\t\t\t{$join} {$where} {$order}";
     $result = $this->mDb->query($query, $bindVars, $pListHash['max_records'], $pListHash['offset']);
     $stars = $gBitSystem->getConfig('stars_used_in_display', 5);
     $pixels = $stars * $gBitSystem->getConfig('stars_icon_width', 22);
     while ($aux = $result->fetchRow()) {
         $type =& $gLibertySystem->mContentTypes[$aux['content_type_guid']];
         if (empty($type['content_object'])) {
             include_once $gBitSystem->mPackages[$type['handler_package']]['path'] . $type['handler_file'];
             $type['content_object'] = new $type['handler_class']();
         if (!empty($gBitSystem->mPackages[$type['handler_package']])) {
             $aux['display_link'] = $type['content_object']->getDisplayLink($aux['title'], $aux);
             $aux['title'] = $type['content_object']->getTitleFromHash($aux);
             $aux['display_url'] = $type['content_object']->getDisplayUrl($aux);
             $aux['stars_pixels'] = $aux['rating'] * $pixels / 100;
         $ret[] = $aux;
     $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT( sts.`content_id` )\n\t\t\tFROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "stars` sts\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content` lc ON ( lc.`content_id` = sts.`content_id` )\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content_hits` lch ON ( lc.`content_id` = lch.`content_id` )\n\t\t\t{$join} {$where}";
     $pListHash['cant'] = $this->mDb->getOne($query, $bindVars);
     return $ret;
예제 #6
  * getList 
  * @param array $pListHash 
  * @access public
  * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
 function getList(&$pListHash)
     global $gLibertySystem;
     if (empty($pListHash['sort_mode'])) {
         $pListHash['sort_mode'] = 'tagpos_asc';
     $bindvars = array();
     if (!empty($pListHash['find'])) {
         $findesc = '%' . $pListHash['find'] . '%';
         $mid = " WHERE (`tagname` LIKE ?)";
         $bindvars[] = $findesc;
         if (!empty($pListHash['format_guid'])) {
             $mid = " AND `format_guid`=?";
             $bindvars[] = $pListHash['format_guid'];
     } elseif (!empty($pListHash['format_guid'])) {
         $mid = " WHERE `format_guid`=?";
         $bindvars[] = $pListHash['format_guid'];
     } else {
         $mid = '';
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "quicktags` {$mid} ORDER BY " . $this->mDb->convertSortmode($pListHash['sort_mode']);
     $result = $this->mDb->query($query, $bindvars, $pListHash['max_records'], $pListHash['offset']);
     $tmp = array();
     while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) {
         $res['iconpath'] = $res['tagicon'];
         $tmp[] = $res;
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($gLibertySystem->mPlugins as $plugin) {
         if ($plugin['plugin_type'] == 'format') {
             foreach ($tmp as $qt) {
                 if ($qt['format_guid'] == $plugin['plugin_guid']) {
                     $ret[$plugin['plugin_guid']][] = $qt;
     $pListHash["cant"] = $this->mDb->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "quicktags` {$mid}", $bindvars);
     return $ret;
예제 #7
function data_addtabs($data, $params)
    extract($params, EXTR_SKIP);
    $id = 1000000 * microtime();
    $ret = '<div class="tabpane" id="id_' . $id . '">';
    $good = false;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 99; $i++) {
        if (isset(${'tab' . $i})) {
            if (is_numeric(${'tab' . $i})) {
                if ($obj = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject(${'tab' . $i})) {
                    $ret .= '<div class="tabpage"><h4 id="tab_' . $id . '_' . $i . '" class="tab">' . $obj->getTitle() . '</h4>' . $obj->mInfo['parsed_data'] . '</div>';
                    $good = True;
            } else {
                $good = false;
    $ret .= "</div><script type=\"text/javascript\">//<![CDATA[\nsetupAllTabs()\n//]]></script>";
    if (!$good) {
        $ret = tra("The plugin AddTabs requires valid parameters. Numeric content id numbers can use the parameter names 'tab1' thru 'tab99'");
    return $ret;
예제 #8
  * Sets the reply for a given request and triggers
  * the callback to the package.
 function setModerationReply($pRequestId, $pStatus, $pReply = NULL)
     global $gBitSystem, $gBitUser;
     // Load the information
     $moderationInfo = $this->getModeration($pRequestId);
     if (!empty($moderationInfo)) {
         $isValidUser = FALSE;
         // Validate that the current user is a moderator
         if ($gBitUser->isAdmin() || $gBitUser->mUserId == $moderationInfo['moderator_user_id'] || $gBitUser->isInGroup($moderationInfo['moderator_group_id'])) {
             $isValidUser = TRUE;
             // if those checks fail then lets bother loading up the object and checking the perm if we have one
         } elseif (!empty($moderationInfo['moderator_perm_name']) && ($obj = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($moderationInfo['content_id'])) && ($obj->mType['content_type_guid'] == 'bitcomment' && $obj->getRootObj()->hasUserPermission($moderationInfo['moderator_perm_name'])) || $obj->mType['content_type_guid'] != 'bitcomment' && $obj->hasUserPermission($moderationInfo['moderator_perm_name'])) {
             $isValidUser = TRUE;
         if ($isValidUser) {
             // Some shorthands for current state
             $pkg = $moderationInfo['package'];
             $type = $moderationInfo['type'];
             $state = $moderationInfo['status'];
             // Validate that we are making a valid transition
             if (is_array($moderationInfo['transitions']) && in_array($pStatus, $moderationInfo['transitions']) || $pStatus == $moderationInfo['transitions']) {
                 $moderationInfo['last_status'] = $state;
                 $moderationInfo['status'] = $pStatus;
                 if (!empty($pReply)) {
                     $moderationInfo['reply'] = $pReply;
                 // We start the transaction now so that the update
                 // to status is bundled with package updates
                 // TODO: Set the send_email flag based on user
                 // preferences here. Should be able
                 // to set preferences for both ones for which I
                 // am the moderator as well as ones for which
                 // I am the source_user_id
                 $moderationInfo['send_email'] = TRUE;
                 // Set who is responsible next before the callback.
                 if ($moderationInfo['responsible'] == MODERATION_NEEDED) {
                     $moderationInfo['next_responsible'] = MODERATION_GIVEN;
                 } else {
                     $moderationInfo['next_responsible'] = MODERATION_NEEDED;
                 // Make the callback and check the reply from the package.
                 $result = $this->mPackages[$pkg]['callback']($moderationInfo);
                 // Do we need to send a message about this event?
                 if (!empty($moderationInfo['send_email'])) {
                     // TODO: Make a call to switchboard here
                 if ($result == TRUE) {
                     // Do the SQL dance
                     $table = BIT_DB_PREFIX . "moderation";
                     $locId = array('moderation_id' => $moderationInfo['moderation_id']);
                     if ($moderationInfo['status'] == MODERATION_DELETE) {
                         $this->mDb->query("DELETE FROM `" . $table . "` WHERE moderation_id = ? ", $locId);
                     } else {
                         $update['reply'] = $moderationInfo['reply'];
                         $update['status'] = $moderationInfo['status'];
                         $update['last_status'] = $moderationInfo['last_status'];
                         $update['responsible'] = $moderationInfo['next_responsible'];
                         $this->mDb->associateUpdate($table, $update, $locId);
                     // Now notify any observers
                     if (!empty($this->mObserved) && !empty($this->mObserved[$moderationInfo['package']])) {
                         foreach ($this->mObserved[$moderationInfo['package']] as $observer => $callback) {
                 } else {
                     // Just in case rollback any changes.
                     $gBitSystem->fatalError(tra("Error with moderation:") . $result);
             } else {
                 $gBitSystem->fatalError(tra("Attempt to change to an invalid state for moderation: ") . $pRequestId . tra(" currently in: ") . $state . tra(" going to: ") . $pStatus);
         } else {
             $gBitSystem->fatalError(tra("Unable to set moderation reply. You are not a moderator for this moderation request."));
     } else {
         $gBitSystem->fatalError(tra("Unable to set moderation reply. Moderation with id: ") . $pRequestId . tra(" could not be found."));
예제 #9
  * Liberty override to stuff content_status_id and prepares parameters with default values for any getList function
  * @param pParamHash hash of parameters for any getList() function
  * @return the link to display the page.
 public static function prepGetList(&$pListHash)
     global $gBitUser;
     if ($gBitUser->isAdmin()) {
         $pListHash['min_content_status_id'] = -9999;
     } elseif (!empty($this) && is_object($this) && $this->hasAdminPermission()) {
         $pListHash['min_content_status_id'] = -999;
     } elseif (!empty($this) && is_object($this) && $this->hasUpdatePermission()) {
         $pListHash['min_content_status_id'] = -99;
     } else {
         $pListHash['min_content_status_id'] = 1;
     if (empty($pListHash['query_cache_time'])) {
         $pListHash['query_cache_time'] = 0;
     // if sort_mode is not set then use last_modified_desc
     if (!empty($pListHash['sort_mode'])) {
         if (is_string($pListHash['sort_mode']) && strpos($pListHash['sort_mode'], 'hits_') === 0) {
             // if sort mode is hits_*, then assume liberty content
             $pListHash['sort_mode'] = 'lch.' . $pListHash['sort_mode'];
         } elseif (is_array($pListHash['sort_mode'])) {
             foreach ($pListHash['sort_mode'] as $key => $mode) {
                 if (strpos($mode, 'hits_') === 0) {
                     $pListHash['sort_mode'][$key] = 'lch.' . $mode;
     } else {
         // if sort_mode is not set then use last_modified_desc
         $pListHash['sort_mode'] = 'last_modified_desc';
     // Users without permission can only see their own content listing
     if ($gBitUser->isRegistered() && !$gBitUser->hasPermission('p_liberty_list_content')) {
         $pListHash['user_id'] = $gBitUser->mUserId;
     return parent::prepGetList($pListHash);
예제 #10
 function getList(&$pListHash)
     global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem, $gBitSmarty, $gLibertySystem;
     if (empty($_REQUEST["sort_mode"])) {
         $pListHash['sort_mode'] = 'shout_time_desc';
     $bindvars = array();
     $mid = '';
     if (!empty($pListHash['find'])) {
         $mid = " WHERE (UPPER(`shout_message`) like ?)";
         $bindvars = array('%' . strtoupper($pListHash['find']) . '%');
     if (!empty($pListHash['user_id'])) {
         $mid .= empty($mid) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND ';
         $mid .= " `shout_user_id` = ?";
         array_push($bindvars, $pListHash['user_id']);
     if (!empty($pListHash['to_user_id'])) {
         $mid .= empty($mid) ? ' WHERE ' : ' AND ';
         $mid .= " `to_user_id` = ?";
         array_push($bindvars, $pListHash['to_user_id']);
     $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT * FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "shoutbox` sh\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "users_users` uus ON (sh.`shout_user_id`=uus.`user_id`) {$mid}\n\t\t\tORDER BY " . $this->mDb->convertSortmode($pListHash['sort_mode']);
     $result = $this->mDb->query($query, $bindvars, $pListHash['max_records'], $pListHash['offset']);
     $ret = array();
     while ($res = $result->fetchRow()) {
         if (!$res["shout_user_id"]) {
             $res["shout_user_id"] = tra('Anonymous');
         // get cached version if we have it
         if (!$this->mCache->isCached($res['shout_id'], filemtime(__FILE__))) {
             // convert ampersands and other stuff to xhtml compliant entities
             $res["shout_message"] = htmlspecialchars($res["shout_message"]);
             if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('shoutbox_autolink')) {
                 $hostname = '';
                 if ($gBitSystem->getConfig('shoutbox_autolink') == 'm') {
                     //moderated URL's
                     $hostname = $gBitSystem->getConfig('kernel_server_name') ? $gBitSystem->getConfig('kernel_server_name') : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
                 // we replace urls starting with http(s)|ftp(s) to active links
                 $res["shout_message"] = preg_replace("/((http|ftp)+(s)?:\\/\\/[^<>\\s]*" . $hostname . "[^<>\\s]*)/i", "<a href=\"\\0\">\\0</a>", $res["shout_message"]);
                 // we replace also urls starting with www. only to active links
                 $res["shout_message"] = preg_replace("/(?<!http|ftp)(?<!s)(?<!:\\/\\/)(www\\." . $hostname . "[^ )\\s\r\n]*)/i", "<a href=\"http://\\0\">\\0</a>", $res["shout_message"]);
                 // we replace also urls longer than 30 chars with translantable string as link description instead the URL itself to prevent breaking the layout in some browsers (e.g. Konqueror)
                 $res["shout_message"] = preg_replace("/(<a href=\")((http|ftp)+(s)?:\\/\\/[^\"]+)(\">)([^<]){30,}<\\/a>/i", "<a href=\"\\2\">[" . tra('Link') . "]</a>", $res["shout_message"]);
             if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('shoutbox_smileys') && $gBitSystem->isPackageActive('smileys') && $gLibertySystem->isPluginActive('filtersmileys')) {
                 if ($filterfunc = $gLibertySystem->getPluginFunction('filtersmileys', 'postparse_function')) {
                     // note that we've already done the htmlspecialchars thing
                     // things like :-)) need to preceed :-)
                     $smileys = array('---&gt;' => 'arrow', '--&gt;' => 'arrow', ':-O' => 'surprised', '8-)' => 'cool', ':-|' => 'neutral', ':-/' => 'confused', ':-\\' => 'confused', ':-S' => 'confused', ';-)' => 'wink', ':-))))' => 'mrgreen', ':-)))' => 'lol', ':-))' => 'biggrin', ':-)' => 'smile', ':-((' => 'cry', ':-(' => 'sad', ':-P' => 'razz', '>:->' => 'twisted', '>:-(' => 'evil', '>:-|' => 'mad', '(?)' => 'question', '(!)' => 'exclaim');
                     foreach ($smileys as $str => $smiley) {
                         $res['shout_message'] = str_replace($str, "(:{$smiley}:)", $res['shout_message']);
                     $filterfunc($res['shout_message'], $res);
             // if not in html tag (e.g. autolink), place after every '*;' the empty span too to prevent e.g. '&amp;&amp;...'
             $res["shout_message"] = preg_replace_callback('/(\\s*)([^>]+)(<|$)/', function ($m) {
                 return $m[1] . str_replace(';', ';<span></span>', $m[2]) . $m[3];
             }, $res["shout_message"]);
             // if not in tag or on a space or doesn't contain a html entity we split all plain text strings longer than 25 chars using the empty span tag again
             $wrap_at = 25;
             $res["shout_message"] = preg_replace_callback('/(\\s*)([^\\;>\\s]{' . $wrap_at . ',})([^&]<|$)/', function ($m) {
                 return $m[1] . wordwrap($m[2], '".$wrap_at."', '<span></span>', 1) . $m[3];
             }, $res["shout_message"]);
             $this->mCache->writeCacheFile($res['shout_id'], $res['shout_message']);
         $res['shout_message'] = $this->mCache->readCacheFile($res['shout_id']);
         // work out permissions
         $res['is_editable'] = $gBitUser->isRegistered() && ($gBitUser->hasPermission('p_shoutbox_admin') || $gBitUser->getUserId() == $res['shout_user_id']);
         $res['is_deletable'] = $gBitUser->isRegistered() && ($gBitUser->hasPermission('p_shoutbox_admin') || $gBitUser->getUserId() == $res['shout_user_id'] || $gBitUser->getUserId() == $res['to_user_id']);
         $ret[] = $res;
     $query_cant = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "shoutbox` {$mid}";
     $pListHash["cant"] = $this->mDb->getOne($query_cant, $bindvars);
     return $ret;
예제 #11
        if ($conPage = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($conId)) {
            if (empty($downloadTitle)) {
                $downloadTitle = $conPage->mInfo['title'];
            $pdata = "\n<C:page:" . $conPage->mInfo['title'] . ">\n<br/>\n";
            $pdata .= $conPage->getPreview();
            $pdata = utf8_decode($pdata);
} else {
    $linkDest = array();
    foreach ($convertpages as $conId) {
        if ($conPage = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($conId)) {
            if (empty($downloadTitle)) {
                $downloadTitle = $conPage->mInfo['title'];
            $pdata .= "\n<C:page:" . $conPage->mInfo['title'] . ">\n<br/>\n";
            $pdata .= $conPage->getPreview();
            array_push($linkDest, $conPage->mInfo['title']);
            		$wikiPage = new BitPage();
            		$info = $wikiPage->mInfo;
            		//$info = $wikilib->get_page_info($page);
            		$data .= "\n<C:page:$page>\n<br/>\n";
예제 #12

 * @version $Header$
 * Copyright (c) 2008 bitweaver.org
 * All Rights Reserved. See below for details and a complete list of authors.
 * Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html for details
 * @author Will <*****@*****.**>
 * @package gmap
 * @subpackage functions
if ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('geo') && $gBitSystem->isPackageActive('gmap') && $gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('gmap_api_key')) {
    //BUG: this include causes gContent to be set which messes some things up in the gmap tpls.
    $content = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($_REQUEST['content_id']);
    $dataHash = $content->mInfo;
    // because content mInfo does not hand over the same info as contentList as below we need to complete the hash
    $dataHash['display_url'] = !empty($dataHash['display_url']) ? $dataHash['display_url'] : $content->getDisplayUrl();
    $dataHash['creator_user_id'] = !empty($dataHash['creator_user_id']) ? $dataHash['creator_user_id'] : $dataHash['user_id'];
    $dataHash['content_name'] = !empty($dataHash['content_name']) ? $dataHash['content_name'] : $content->getContentTypeName();
    $dataHash['gmap_zoom'] = $content->getPreference('gmap_zoom');
    //			$dataHash['real_name'] = !empty($dataHash['real_name'])?$dataHash['real_name']:$dataHash['creator_user'];
    $dataHash['creator_real_name'] = !empty($dataHash['creator_real_name']) ? $dataHash['creator_real_name'] : $dataHash['real_name'];
    if (empty($dataHash['modifier_real_name'])) {
        $modUser = new BitUser($dataHash['modifier_user_id']);
        $dataHash['modifier_real_name'] = $modUser->mInfo['real_name'];
예제 #13
 * @package      treasury
 * @copyright    2003-2006 bitweaver
 * @license      LGPL {@link http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html}
 * Setup
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
require_once LIBERTY_PKG_PATH . 'LibertyMime.php';
// fetch the attachment details
if (@(!BitBase::verifyId($_REQUEST['attachment_id'])) || !($attachment = LibertyMime::loadAttachment($_REQUEST['attachment_id'], $_REQUEST))) {
    $gBitSystem->fatalError(tra("The Attachment ID given is not valid"));
$gBitSmarty->assign('attachment', $attachment);
// first we need to check the permissions of the content the attachment belongs to since they inherit them
if ($gContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($attachment['content_id'])) {
    $gBitSmarty->assign('gContent', $gContent);
    if ($download_function = $gLibertySystem->getPluginFunction($attachment['attachment_plugin_guid'], 'download_function', 'mime')) {
        if ($download_function($attachment)) {
        } else {
            if (!empty($attachment['errors'])) {
                $msg = '';
                foreach ($attachment['errors'] as $error) {
                    $msg .= $error . '<br />';
            } else {
                $gBitSystem->fatalError(tra('There was an undetermined problem trying to prepare the file for download.'));
예제 #14
  * exportHtml
  * @access public
  * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
 function exportHtml()
     $ret = array();
     $toc = array();
     $this->getContentArray($this->mStructureId, $toc);
     if (count($toc)) {
         foreach ($toc as $conId) {
             if ($viewContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($conId)) {
                 $ret[] = array('type' => $viewContent->mContentTypeGuid, 'landscape' => FALSE, 'url' => $viewContent->getDisplayUrl(), 'content_id' => $viewContent->mContentId);
     return $ret;
예제 #15
 * @version $Header$
 * @package liberty
 * @subpackage functions
 * required setup
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
global $gBitSmarty, $gContent;
$error = NULL;
if (!isset($_FILES['upload'])) {
    $error = tra("No upload submitted.");
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['liberty_attachments']['content_id'])) {
    // if we have a content id then we just load up that
    if (!($gContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($_REQUEST['liberty_attachments']['content_id']))) {
        // if there is something wrong with the content id spit back an error
        $error = tra("You are attempting to upload a file to a content item that does not exist.");
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['liberty_attachments']['content_type_guid'])) {
    /* if we don't have a content id then we assume this is new content and we need to create a draft.
     * we'll pass a new content_id back to the edit form so it can make the right association later on save.
    // if we are creating new content the status must be enforced, so status recognition must be enabled
    if (!$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive("liberty_display_status")) {
        $error = tra("You must save the content to upload an attachment.");
    } elseif (!isset($gLibertySystem->mContentTypes[$_REQUEST['liberty_attachments']['content_type_guid']])) {
        $error = tra("You are attempting to upload a file to an invalid content type");
    } else {
        // load up the requested content type handler class
        $contentType = $_REQUEST['liberty_attachments']['content_type_guid'];
예제 #16
  * linkContent
  * @access public
  * @return if errors
 function linkContent($pParamHash)
     if ($this->isValid() && isset($pParamHash['content_id']) && $this->verifyId($pParamHash['content_id'])) {
         if ($this->mDb->getOne("SELECT `group_content_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_content_cnxn_map` WHERE `group_content_id`=? AND `to_content_id`=?", array($this->mContentId, $pParamHash['content_id']))) {
             $query = "UPDATE `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_content_cnxn_map` SET `to_title`= ? WHERE `group_content_id` = ? AND `to_content_id` = ? ";
         } else {
             $query = "INSERT INTO `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "groups_content_cnxn_map` ( `to_title`, `group_content_id`, `to_content_id` ) VALUES (?,?,?)";
         if (isset($pParamHash['title'])) {
             $toTitle = $pParamHash['title'];
         } else {
             $toContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($pParamHash['content_id']);
             $toTitle = $toContent->getTitle();
         $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($toTitle, $this->mContentId, $pParamHash['content_id']));
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
예제 #17

 * @version $Header$
 * @package bitweaver
global $moduleParams, $gContent, $gBitSmarty;
$gContent = NULL;
if (!empty($moduleParams)) {
$lookupHash['content_id'] = !empty($module_params['content_id']) ? $module_params['content_id'] : NULL;
if ($gContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($lookupHash['content_id'])) {
    if (!$gContent->hasViewPermission()) {
        // no perm then get rid of the content object
        $gContent = NULL;
    } else {
        // deal with the parsing
        $parseHash['format_guid'] = $gContent->mInfo['format_guid'];
        $parseHash['content_id'] = $gContent->mInfo['content_id'];
        $parseHash['user_id'] = $gContent->mInfo['user_id'];
        $parseHash['data'] = $gContent->mInfo['data'];
        $gContent->mInfo['parsed_data'] = $gContent->parseData($parseHash);
        if (!empty($moduleParams['title'])) {
            $gContent->mInfo['title'] = $moduleParams['title'];
        if (isset($moduleParams['content_type_guid'])) {
            $gBitSmarty->assign("contentType", $gContent->getContentTypeName());
예제 #18
 function getList(&$pListHash)
     global $gBitUser;
     // ====================== Private Messages ======================
     if (empty($pListHash['sort_mode'])) {
         $pListHash['sort_mode'] = 'msg_date_desc';
     $ret = $bindVars = array();
     $whereSql = '';
     $bindVars[] = $gBitUser->mUserId;
     if (!empty($pListHash['priority'])) {
         $whereSql .= " AND mm.`priority`=? ";
         $bindVars[] = $pListHash['priority'];
     if (!empty($pListHash['flag']) && !empty($pListHash['flagval'])) {
         $whereSql .= " AND mm.`{$pListHash['flag']}`=? ";
         $bindVars[] = $pListHash['flagval'];
     if (!empty($pListHash['find'])) {
         $whereSql .= " AND( UPPER( mm.`subject` ) LIKE ? OR UPPER( mm.`body` ) LIKE ? ) ";
         $bindVars[] = '%' . strtoupper($pListHash['find']) . '%';
         $bindVars[] = '%' . strtoupper($pListHash['find']) . '%';
     $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tuu.`login`, uu.`real_name`, uu.`user_id`,\n\t\t\t\tmm.*\n\t\t\tFROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "messages` mm\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "users_users` uu ON( mm.`from_user_id`=uu.`user_id` )\n\t\t\tWHERE mm.`to_user_id`=? {$whereSql}\n\t\t\tORDER BY " . $this->mDb->convertSortmode($pListHash['sort_mode']);
     $normalMessages = $this->mDb->getAll($query, $bindVars);
     // Get the total count of private messages
     $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "messages` mm WHERE mm.`to_user_id`=? {$whereSql}";
     $cant = $this->mDb->getOne($query, $bindVars);
     // ====================== Broadcast Messages ======================
     //array_unshift( $bindVars, $gBitUser->mUserId, ROOT_USER_ID, $gBitUser->mUserId );
     $bindVars = array($gBitUser->mUserId, ROOT_USER_ID, $gBitUser->mUserId);
     $whereSql = '';
     if (!empty($pListHash['priority'])) {
         $whereSql .= " AND mm.`priority`=? ";
         $bindVars[] = $pListHash['priority'];
     if (!empty($pListHash['flag']) && !empty($pListHash['flagval'])) {
         $whereSql .= " AND msm.`{$pListHash['flag']}`=? ";
         $bindVars[] = $pListHash['flagval'];
     if (!empty($pListHash['find'])) {
         $whereSql .= " AND( UPPER( mm.`subject` ) LIKE ? OR UPPER( mm.`body` ) LIKE ? ) ";
         $bindVars[] = '%' . strtoupper($pListHash['find']) . '%';
         $bindVars[] = '%' . strtoupper($pListHash['find']) . '%';
     $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tuu.`login`, uu.`real_name`, uu.`user_id`, mm.`msg_id` as `msg_id_foo`,\n\t\t\t\tmsm.*,\n\t\t\t\tmm.`msg_to`, mm.`msg_cc`, mm.`msg_bcc`, mm.`subject`, mm.`body`, mm.`hash`, mm.`msg_date`, mm.`priority`\n\t\t\tFROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "messages` mm\n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "users_users` uu ON (mm.`from_user_id` = uu.`user_id`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "messages_system_map` msm  ON (mm.`msg_id` = msm.`msg_id` AND msm.`to_user_id` = ?)\n\t\t\tWHERE mm.`to_user_id`=? AND mm.`group_id` IN (SELECT `group_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "users_groups_map` WHERE `user_id` = ?) {$whereSql}\n\t\t\tORDER BY " . $this->mDb->convertSortmode($pListHash['sort_mode']);
     $result = $this->mDb->query($query, $bindVars);
     $systemMessages = array();
     while ($aux = $result->fetchRow()) {
         $aux['is_broadcast_message'] = TRUE;
         $aux['msg_id'] = $aux['msg_id_foo'];
         // Due to the left outer join this madness is neccessary
         if ($aux['is_hidden'] != 'y') {
             $systemMessages[] = $aux;
     $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(mm.`msg_id`)\n\t\t\tFROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "messages` mm\n\t\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "messages_system_map` msm ON (mm.`msg_id` = msm.`msg_id` AND msm.`to_user_id` = ?)\n\t\t\tWHERE mm.`to_user_id`=? AND mm.`group_id` IN (SELECT `group_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "users_groups_map` WHERE `user_id` = ?) {$whereSql}";
     $cant2 = $this->mDb->getOne($query, $bindVars);
     // ====================== insane message mergin and sorting ======================
     $sort_mode = $pListHash['sort_mode'];
     $ret = array();
     $normalMessageCount = count($normalMessages);
     $systemMessageCount = count($systemMessages);
     $normalMsg = $systemMsg = NULL;
     if (strpos($sort_mode, '_asc') !== FALSE) {
         $sortType = '_asc';
         $sortKey = substr($sort_mode, 0, strlen($sort_mode) - 4);
     } else {
         $sortType = '_desc';
         $sortKey = substr($sort_mode, 0, strlen($sort_mode) - 5);
     while ($normalMessageCount > 0 || $systemMessageCount > 0) {
         if (!$normalMsg && $normalMessageCount > 0) {
             $normalMsg = array_shift($normalMessages);
         if (!$systemMsg && $systemMessageCount > 0) {
             $systemMsg = array_shift($systemMessages);
         if ($normalMessageCount == 0) {
             $ret[] = $systemMsg;
             $systemMsg = NULL;
         } elseif ($systemMessageCount == 0) {
             $ret[] = $normalMsg;
             $normalMsg = NULL;
         } elseif ($sortType == '_asc') {
             if ($normalMsg[$sortKey] < $systemMsg[$sortKey]) {
                 $ret[] = $normalMsg;
                 $normalMsg = NULL;
             } else {
                 $ret[] = $systemMsg;
                 $systemMsg = NULL;
         } else {
             if ($normalMsg[$sortKey] > $systemMsg[$sortKey]) {
                 $ret[] = $normalMsg;
                 $normalMsg = NULL;
             } else {
                 $ret[] = $systemMsg;
                 $systemMsg = NULL;
     // set some default values
     foreach ($ret as $key => $msg) {
         $msg['len'] = strlen($msg['body']);
         if (empty($msg['is_read'])) {
             $msg['is_read'] = 'n';
         if (empty($msg['subject'])) {
             $msg['subject'] = tra('none');
         $ret[$key] = $msg;
     $pListHash["cant"] = $cant + $cant2;
     return $ret;
예제 #19
  * expunge removes user and associated private data
  * @access public
  * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
 function expunge($pExpungeContent = NULL)
     global $gBitSystem;
     if (!empty($pExpungeContent)) {
         if ($pExpungeContent == 'all') {
             if ($userContent = $this->mDb->getAssoc("SELECT content_id, content_type_guid FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content` WHERE `user_id`=? AND `content_type_guid` != 'bituser'", array($this->mUserId))) {
                 foreach ($userContent as $contentId => $contentTypeGuid) {
                     if ($delContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($contentId, $contentTypeGuid)) {
     if ($this->mUserId != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
         $userTables = array('users_cnxn', 'users_watches', 'users_favorites_map', 'users_users');
         foreach ($userTables as $table) {
             $query = "DELETE FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . $table . "` WHERE `user_id` = ?";
             $result = $this->mDb->query($query, array($this->mUserId));
         $logHash['action_log']['title'] = $this->mInfo['login'];
         $this->mLogs['user_del'] = 'User deleted';
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         $gBitSystem->fatalError(tra('The anonymous user cannot be deleted'));
예제 #20
function data_attachment($pData, $pParams, $pCommonObject, $pParseHash)
    require_once LIBERTY_PKG_PATH . 'LibertyMime.php';
    // at a minimum, return blank string (not empty) so we still replace the tag
    $ret = ' ';
    // The Manditory Parameter is missing. we are not gonna trow an error, and
    // just return empty since many sites use the old style required second
    // "closing" empty tag
    if (empty($pParams['id'])) {
        return $ret;
    if (!($att = $pCommonObject->getAttachment($pParams['id'], $pParams))) {
        $ret = tra("The attachment id given is not valid.");
        return $ret;
    global $gBitSmarty, $gLibertySystem, $gContent;
    // convert parameters into display properties
    $wrapper = liberty_plugins_wrapper_style($pParams);
    // work out custom display_url if there is one
    if (@BitBase::verifyId($pParams['page_id'])) {
        // link to page by page_id
        // avoid endless loops
        require_once WIKI_PKG_PATH . 'BitPage.php';
        $wp = new BitPage($pParams['page_id']);
        if ($wp->load()) {
            $wrapper['display_url'] = $wp->getDisplayUrl();
    } elseif (@BitBase::verifyId($pParams['content_id'])) {
        // link to any content by content_id
        if ($obj = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($pParams['content_id'])) {
            $wrapper['display_url'] = $obj->getDisplayUrl();
    } elseif (!empty($pParams['page_name'])) {
        // link to page by page_name
        require_once WIKI_PKG_PATH . 'BitPage.php';
        $wp = new BitPage();
        $wrapper['display_url'] = $wp->getDisplayUrl($pParams['page_name']);
    } elseif (!empty($pParams['link']) && $pParams['link'] == 'false') {
        // no link
    } elseif (!empty($pParams['link'])) {
        // Allow the use of icon, avatar, small, medium and large to link to certain size of image directly
        if (!empty($att['thumnail_url'][$pParams['link']])) {
            $pParams['link'] = $att['thumnail_url'][$pParams['link']];
            // Allow the use of 'original' to link to original file directly
        } elseif ($pParams['link'] == 'original' && !empty($att['source_url'])) {
            $pParams['link'] = $att['source_url'];
            // Allow the use of 'download' to link to download link. this will allow us to count downloads
        } elseif ($pParams['link'] == 'download' && !empty($att['download_url'])) {
            $pParams['link'] = $att['download_url'];
            // Adjust class name if we are leaving this server
        } elseif (!strstr($pParams['link'], $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]) && strstr($pParams['link'], '//')) {
            $wrapper['href_class'] = 'class="external"';
        $wrapper['display_url'] = $pParams['link'];
    } elseif (!empty($att['display_url'])) {
        $wrapper['display_url'] = $att['display_url'];
    if (!empty($wrapper['description'])) {
        $parseHash['content_id'] = $pParseHash['content_id'];
        $parseHash['user_id'] = $pParseHash['user_id'];
        $parseHash['no_cache'] = TRUE;
        $parseHash['data'] = $wrapper['description'];
        $wrapper['description_parsed'] = $pCommonObject->parseData($parseHash);
    // pass stuff to the template
    $gBitSmarty->assign('attachment', $att);
    $gBitSmarty->assign('wrapper', $wrapper);
    $gBitSmarty->assign('thumbsize', !empty($pParams['size']) && ($pParams['size'] == 'original' || !empty($att['thumbnail_url'][$pParams['size']])) ? $pParams['size'] : 'medium');
    //Carry only these attributes to the image tags
    $width = !empty($pParams['width']) ? $pParams['width'] : '';
    $gBitSmarty->assign('width', $width);
    $height = !empty($pParams['height']) ? $pParams['height'] : '';
    $gBitSmarty->assign('height', $height);
    $mimehandler = !empty($wrapper['output']) && $wrapper['output'] == 'thumbnail' ? LIBERTY_DEFAULT_MIME_HANDLER : $att['attachment_plugin_guid'];
    $ret = $gBitSmarty->fetch($gLibertySystem->getMimeTemplate('attachment', $mimehandler));
    return $ret;
예제 #21
$moduleTitle = !empty($moduleParams['title']) ? $moduleParams['title'] : 'Recent Activity';
$userId = NULL;
if (!empty($gQueryUser->mUserId)) {
    $userId = $gQueryUser->mUserId;
$listHash = array('user_id' => $userId, 'max_records' => $moduleParams['module_rows']);
if (!empty($params['full'])) {
    $listHash['parse'] = TRUE;
$listHash['full'] = !empty($params['full']) ? $params['full'] : TRUE;
$listHash['thumb_size'] = !empty($params['thumb_size']) ? $params['thumb_size'] : 'avatar';
$listHash['show_date'] = !empty($params['show_date']) ? $params['show_date'] : TRUE;
if (!empty($params['root_content_type_guid'])) {
    $listHash['root_content_type_guid'] = $params['root_content_type_guid'];
$gBitSmarty->assign('moduleTitle', $moduleTitle);
$lcom = new LibertyComment();
$modLastComments = $lcom->getList($listHash);
$keys = array_keys($modLastComments);
foreach ($keys as $k) {
    if ($modLastComments[$k]['parent_content_type_guid'] == 'feedstatus') {
        //if comment is a reply to a status, use the poster as the object, otherwise our thumbnail will be of the content we commented on (the other user,status)
        $user = new BitUser($modLastComments[$k]['user_id']);
        $modLastComments[$k]['object'] = $user;
    } else {
        //If a comment on a piece of content, use piece of content as object in question
        $modLastComments[$k]['object'] = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($modLastComments[$k]['root_id'], $modLastComments[$k]['root_content_type_guid']);
$gBitSmarty->assign('modLastComments', $modLastComments);
예제 #22
파일: LibertyGeo.php 프로젝트: kailIII/geo
 function LibertyGeo($pContentId = NULL)
     $this->mContentId = $pContentId;
예제 #23
 * A universal helper to bookmark any content object for a user
 * Currently only accessible through ajax/json
 * Those wishing for a non-js implementation feel free to modify
 * @package users
 * required setup
require_once '../kernel/setup_inc.php';
$statusCode = 205;
$error = TRUE;
$msg = "";
if ($gBitUser->isRegistered()) {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_id']) && ($gContent = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($_REQUEST['content_id']))) {
        // verify user has access to view this content
        if ($gContent->hasViewPermission()) {
            if ($gContent->hasService(CONTENT_SERVICE_USERS_FAVS)) {
                // default action is to add the favorite
                $_REQUEST['action'] = empty($_REQUEST['action']) ? 'add' : $_REQUEST['action'];
                // add or remove
                switch ($_REQUEST['action']) {
                    case 'add':
                        $bookmarkState = 1;
                        $msg = tra('This content has been added to your favorites');
                    case 'remove':
예제 #24
 public static function has_permission($pContentType = NULL)
     global $gBitUser, $gLibertySystem;
     if (!empty($pContentType)) {
         $object = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject(1, $pContentType, FALSE);
         if (!empty($object)) {
             // Note that we can't do verify access here because
             // we are using a generic object but we can at least get a
             // basic permission check here.
             return $object->hasViewPermission(FALSE);
     return FALSE;
예제 #25
 function getRootObj()
     if (!is_object($this->mRootObj) && !empty($this->mInfo['root_id'])) {
         if ($obj = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($this->mInfo['root_id'])) {
             $this->mRootObj = $obj;
     return $this->mRootObj;
예제 #26
 function LibertyItag($pAttachementId = NULL)
     $this->mAttachementId = $pAttachementId;
예제 #27
 function LibertyTopica($pContentId = NULL)
     $this->mContentId = (int) $pContentId;
예제 #28
파일: index.php 프로젝트: bitweaver/root
require_once 'kernel/setup_inc.php';
// $gBitSystem->loadLayout() needs ACTIVE_PACKAGE
if (!$gBitSystem->isDatabaseValid()) {
} elseif (!defined('ACTIVE_PACKAGE')) {
    $bit_index = $gBitSystem->getConfig('bit_index');
    if (in_array($bit_index, array_keys($gBitSystem->mPackages)) && defined(strtoupper($bit_index) . '_PKG_PATH')) {
        define('ACTIVE_PACKAGE', constant(strtoupper($bit_index) . '_PKG_NAME'));
        $gBitSystem->mActivePackage = $bit_index;
    } else {
if (!empty($_REQUEST['content_id'])) {
    if ($obj = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($_REQUEST['content_id'])) {
        $url = $obj->getDisplayUrl();
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['highlight'])) {
            if (preg_match('/\\?/', $url)) {
                $url .= '&';
            } else {
                $url .= '?';
            $url .= 'highlight=' . $_REQUEST['highlight'];
} elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['structure_id'])) {
    include LIBERTY_PKG_PATH . 'display_structure_inc.php';
예제 #29
  * During initialisation, be sure to call our base constructors
 function __construct($pContentId = NULL)
     $this->mContentId = $pContentId;
예제 #30
     foreach ($reorder as $conId => $sortVal) {
         $newOrder[$conId] = $sortPos;
         $sortPos += 10;
 if (!empty($gContent->mItems)) {
     foreach (array_keys($gContent->mItems) as $itemConId) {
         if ($gContent->mItems[$itemConId]->getField('is_favorite') && empty($favoriteCon[$itemConId])) {
         } elseif (!$gContent->mItems[$itemConId]->getField('is_favorite') && !empty($favoriteCon[$itemConId])) {
 foreach ($_REQUEST['imagePosition'] as $contentId => $newPos) {
     if ($galleryItem = LibertyBase::getLibertyObject($contentId)) {
         if (isset($batchCon[$contentId])) {
             if (!empty($_REQUEST['batch_command'])) {
                 @(list($batchCommand, $batchParam) = @explode(':', $_REQUEST['batch_command']));
                 switch ($batchCommand) {
                     case 'delete':
                         $galleryItem = NULL;
                     case 'remove':
                         $parents = $galleryItem->getParentGalleries();
                         if ($galleryItem->isContentType(FISHEYEGALLERY_CONTENT_TYPE_GUID) || count($parents) > 1) {
                         } else {