public function gamedata($playerID = null, $return = false) { Validate::player($playerID); //we are going to pass all data's $array = array(); //this is what we store the data in. $player = new PlayerModel(); $level = new LevelModel(); $playerLevel = new PlayerLevelModel($playerID); $store = new StoreModel(); $abModel = new ABModel(); $rankModel = new RankModel(); $array['status'] = 'ok'; $array['player'] = $player->getPlayerData(array($playerID, false)); $array['featuretests'] = $abModel->getTests($playerID); $array['scores'] = $playerLevel->load($playerID); $array['stores'] = $store->getStores(); $array['gifts'] = $player->getGifts($playerID); $array['liferequests'] = $player->getRequests($playerID); $array['levels'] = $level->getLevelData(); $array['ranks'] = $rankModel->getRanks(); $levelData = null; $tmpObject = null; if ($return) { return $array; } else { $this->printJson($array); } }
private function update() { if (isset($_POST['send'])) { $this->_model->id = $_POST['id']; if (trim($_POST['admin_pass']) == '') { $this->_model->admin_pass = $_POST['pass']; } else { if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['admin_pass'], 6, 'min')) { Tool::alertBack('警告:密码不得小于六位!'); } $this->_model->admin_pass = sha1($_POST['admin_pass']); } $this->_model->level = $_POST['level']; $this->_model->updateManage() ? Tool::alertLocation('恭喜你,修改管理员成功!', $_POST['prev_url']) : Tool::alertBack('很遗憾,修改管理员失败!'); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $this->_model->id = $_GET['id']; $_manage = $this->_model->getOneManage(); is_object($_manage) ? true : Tool::alertBack('管理员传值的id有误!'); $this->_tpl->assign('id', $_manage->id); $this->_tpl->assign('level', $_manage->level); $this->_tpl->assign('admin_user', $_manage->admin_user); $this->_tpl->assign('admin_pass', $_manage->admin_pass); $this->_tpl->assign('update', true); $this->_tpl->assign('title', '修改管理员'); $this->_tpl->assign('prev_url', PREV_URL); $_level = new LevelModel(); $this->_tpl->assign('AllLevel', $_level->getAllLevel()); } else { Tool::alertBack('非法操作!'); } }
/** * 检查用户是否升级 * 升级时加150金币coins 1个购买的币reward_points * @param $userinfo */ private function checkUserLevel($userinfo) { if (!$userinfo) { return; } $level = $userinfo->level; $experience = $userinfo->experience; $model = new LevelModel(); $new_level = $model->getLevelByExp($experience); if ($new_level != $level) { $coins = $userinfo->coins + self::UPGRADE_ADD_COIN; $reward_points = $userinfo->reward_points + self::UPGRADE_ADD_CASH; $user = new UserModel(); $user->updateUser($this->uid, array('level' => $new_level, 'coins' => $coins, 'reward_points' => $reward_points)); $userinfo->level = $new_level; $userinfo->coins = $coins; $userinfo->reward_points = $reward_points; unset($user); } return $userinfo; }
public static function dashboardWebService($acc) { $agent_id = $acc->admin_id; $mon = isset($_GET['mon']) ? addslashes($_GET['mon']) : date("n"); $y = isset($_GET['y']) ? addslashes($_GET['y']) : date("Y"); $date = new DateTime(); $date->setDate($y, $mon, 1); $ymd = $date->format('Y-m-d'); $monthNum = $mon; $dateObj = DateTime::createFromFormat('!m', $monthNum); $monthName = $dateObj->format('F'); // March $sales = AppearSales::calculatePaidSalesCount($agent_id, $mon, $y); // pr($sales); $lastmon = getFirstDayOfLastMonth($mon, $y, "n"); $lastyear = getFirstDayOfLastMonth($mon, $y, "Y"); $lastmonsales = AppearSales::calculatePaidSalesCount($agent_id, $lastmon, $lastyear); //revenue $rev = AppearSales::calculateRevenueCount($agent_id); $paid_count = AppearSales::paidCount($agent_id); $target = AppearSales::calculateTarget($paid_count); $dateObj = DateTime::createFromFormat('!m', $lastmon); $monthNameLast = $dateObj->format('F'); // March $free = AppearSales::calculateFree($agent_id, $mon, $y); $json['acc_id'] = $acc->admin_id; $json['mon'] = $mon; $json['y'] = $y; $json['cube']['target']['total'] = $target['total']; $json['cube']['target']['nr'] = $target['nr']; if ($sales->total == null) { $sales->total = 0; } if ($sales->nr == null) { $sales->nr = 0; } $json['cube']['paidsales']['total'] = $sales->total; $json['cube']['paidsales']['nr'] = $sales->nr; $json['cube']['paidsales']['mon'] = $mon; $json['cube']['paidsales']['y'] = $y; if ($lastmonsales->total == null) { $lastmonsales->total = 0; } if ($lastmonsales->nr == null) { $lastmonsales->nr = 0; } $json['cube']['lastmon_paidsales']['total'] = $lastmonsales->total; $json['cube']['lastmon_paidsales']['nr'] = $lastmonsales->nr; $json['cube']['lastmon_paidsales']['mon'] = $lastmon; $json['cube']['lastmon_paidsales']['y'] = $lastyear; $json['cube']['freebies']['total'] = $free['total']; $json['cube']['freebies']['nr'] = $free['total_free']; $json['cube']['freebies']['mon'] = $mon; $json['cube']['freebies']['y'] = $y; $json['cube']['payout']['total'] = AppearSales::calculatePayout($agent_id, $mon, $y)['total']; $json['cube']['payout']['mon'] = $mon; $json['cube']['payout']['y'] = $y; $json['cube']['revenue']['total'] = AppearSales::calculateRevenue($agent_id); $json['cube']['revenue']['paid_nr'] = $paid_count; $json['cube']['revenue']['free_nr'] = AppearSales::freeCount($agent_id); //get applied banner $bm = new BannerModel(); $arrBm = $bm->getWhere("banner_interval_begin <= {$paid_count} AND banner_interval_end >= {$paid_count} AND banner_active = 1"); // pr($arrBm); if (count($arrBm) > 0) { $selBanner = $arrBm[0]; $json['banner'][] = array("url" => $selBanner->banner_link_url, "img" => _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . $selBanner->banner_img); } //get applied level $lv = new LevelModel(); $arrLvl = $lv->getWhere("level_start<={$paid_count} AND level_end>={$paid_count} AND level_active = 1"); if (count($arrLvl) > 0) { $selLvl = $arrLvl[0]; $json['level'] = array("name" => $selLvl->level_name, "img" => _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . $selLvl->level_img); } $json['status_code'] = 1; $json['status_message'] = "Success"; echo json_encode($json); die; }
private function update() { if (isset($_POST['send'])) { $this->_model->id = $_POST['id']; if (trim($_POST['admin_pass']) == '') { $this->_model->admin_pass = $_POST['pass']; } else { if (Validate::checkLength($_POST['admin_pass'], 6, 'min')) { Tool::alertBack('password less than 6'); } $this->_model->admin_pass = md5($_POST['admin_pass']); } $this->_model->level = $_POST['level']; $this->_model->updateManage() ? Tool::alertLocation('Succeed', $_POST['prev_url']) : Tool::alertBack('You did not make any change. please click return to list'); } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $this->_model->id = $_GET['id']; is_object($this->_model->getOneManage()) ? true : Tool::alertBack('wrong id'); $this->_tpl->assign('id', $this->_model->getOneManage()->id); $this->_tpl->assign('level', $this->_model->getOneManage()->level); $this->_tpl->assign('admin_user', $this->_model->getOneManage()->admin_user); $this->_tpl->assign('admin_pass', $this->_model->getOneManage()->admin_pass); $this->_tpl->assign('update', true); $this->_tpl->assign('title', 'Update Existing Administrator'); $this->_tpl->assign('prev_url', PREV_URL); $_level = new LevelModel(); $this->_tpl->assign('AllLevel', $_level->getAllLevel()); } else { Tool::alertBack('illegal act'); } }
public function login() { IMBAuth::checkOAuth(); $username = addslashes($_POST['username']); $password = addslashes($_POST['password']); //untuk deviceModel $device_id = addslashes($_POST['device_id']); $type = addslashes($_POST['type']); $acc = new Account(); $arr = $acc->getWhere("admin_username = '******' OR admin_email ='{$username}'"); // pr($arr); if (count($arr) > 0) { $acc = $arr[0]; if ($password == $acc->admin_password) { $json['status_code'] = 1; $json['status_message'] = "Success"; $json_acc['acc_id'] = $acc->admin_id; $json_acc['username'] = $acc->admin_username; $json_acc['email'] = $acc->admin_email; $json_acc['user_token'] = md5($acc->admin_email . $acc->admin_password); $json['account'] = $json_acc; //dashboard $myid = $acc->admin_id; $kom = new KomisiModel(); $arrKom = $kom->getWhere("komisi_acc_id = '{$myid}' ORDER BY komisi_app_date ASC"); $paid = 0; $unpaid = 0; $total = 0; $free = 0; $android = 0; $androidios = 0; $totalpaketbayar = 0; $totalpaket = 0; foreach ($arrKom as $kom) { if ($kom->komisi_status == 1) { $paid += $kom->komisi_value; } else { $unpaid += $kom->komisi_value; } $total += $kom->komisi_value; if ($kom->komisi_paket_id == 1) { //free $free++; } if ($kom->komisi_paket_id == 2) { //free $android++; $totalpaketbayar++; } if ($kom->komisi_paket_id == 3) { //free $androidios++; $totalpaketbayar++; } $totalpaket++; } //get applied banner $bm = new BannerModel(); $arrBm = $bm->getWhere("banner_interval_begin <= {$totalpaketbayar} AND banner_interval_end >= {$totalpaketbayar} AND banner_active = 1"); if (count($arrBm) > 0) { $selBanner = $arrBm[0]; $json_banner['banner_img'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . $selBanner->banner_img; $json_banner['banner_link_url'] = $selBanner->banner_link_url; } //get applied level $lv = new LevelModel(); $arrLvl = $lv->getWhere("level_start<={$totalpaketbayar} AND level_end>={$totalpaketbayar} AND level_active = 1"); if (count($arrLvl) > 0) { $selLvl = $arrLvl[0]; $json_lvl['level_name'] = $selLvl->level_name; $json_lvl['level_img'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . $selLvl->level_img; } $dashboard['sales_total'] = $totalpaket; $dashboard['sales_paid'] = $totalpaketbayar; $dashboard['sales_fee'] = $free; $dashboard['sales_android'] = $android; $dashboard['sales_androidios'] = $androidios; $dashboard['money_total'] = $total; $dashboard['money_paid'] = $paid; $dashboard['money_unpaid'] = $unpaid; $dashboard['banner'] = $json_banner; $dashboard['level'] = $json_lvl; $json['dashboard'] = $dashboard; //myapps $app2acc = new App2Acc(); //AND app_active = 1 $apps = $app2acc->getWhereFromMultipleTable("ac_admin_id = '" . $acc->admin_id . "' AND ac_app_id = app_id ", array("AppAccount")); if (count($apps) > 0) { foreach ($apps as $ap) { $rr = array(); $rr['app_id'] = $ap->app_id; $rr['app_icon'] = $ap->app_icon; $rr['app_name'] = $ap->app_name; $rr['app_active'] = $ap->app_active; $rr['app_shortdes'] = $ap->app_shortdes; $rr['app_token'] = $ap->app_token; $rr['app_contract_end'] = $ap->app_contract_end; $rr['app_google_play_link'] = $ap->app_google_play_link; $rr['app_google_version'] = $ap->app_google_version; $rr['app_ios_link'] = $ap->app_ios_link; $rr['app_ios_version'] = $ap->app_ios_version; $paket = new Paket(); $paket->getByID($ap->app_paket_id); $rr['paket']['paket_id'] = $paket->paket_id; $rr['paket']['paket_name'] = $paket->paket_name; $json['apps'][] = $rr; } } else { $json['apps'] = array(); } //update the device id on deviceModelCaps $dn = new DeviceModelCapsule(); $dnquery = new DeviceModelCapsule(); // langkah 1 , device ID ada device type ada $arrs = $dnquery->getWhere("device_id = '{$device_id}' AND device_type = '{$type}'"); $dn = $arrs[0]; if ($dn->did == "") { $dn = new DeviceModelCapsule(); $dn->device_id = $device_id; $dn->device_type = $type; $dn->acc_id = $acc->admin_id; $dn->firstlogin = leap_mysqldate(); } else { //kalau device id ada, acc di update $dn->load = 1; $dn->acc_id = $acc->admin_id; } $dn->dev_lng = addslashes($_POST['lng']); $dn->dev_lat = addslashes($_POST['lat']); $dn->logindate = leap_mysqldate(); if ($dn->save()) { $json['save_device_status'] = 1; } $json['powered_by_link'] = Efiwebsetting::getData("Powered_By_Link_Caps"); echo json_encode($json); die; } else { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "Password Mismatched"; echo json_encode($json); die; } } else { $json['status_code'] = 0; $json['status_message'] = "User Not Found"; echo json_encode($json); die; } }