/** * This is construct base of the class. * * A public constructor; initializes the variable $instanceDataBase. * */ public function __construct($instanceDataBase) { parent::__construct($instanceDataBase); LevelMainCourse::setDataOperationBusiness($instanceDataBase); LevelMainCourse::getBusiness(); LevelMainCourse::getDescriptionBusiness(); }
} }}); }); </script> <?php $action = 'LIST'; if (isset($_POST['ACTION'])) { $action = $_POST['ACTION']; } else { if (isset($_GET['ACTION'])) { $action = $_GET['ACTION']; } } $user = new User($registry[$nameDataBase]); $catalog = new LevelMainCourse($registry[$nameDataBase]); $holder = new Holder($registry[$nameDataBase]); $family = new Family($registry[$nameDataBase]); $assHolderStudent = new AssignHolderStudent($registry[$nameDataBase]); $assStudentFamily = new AssignStudentFamily($registry[$nameDataBase]); $assHolderFamily = new AssignHolderFamily($registry[$nameDataBase]); // Simplificar la ruta de propiedades $v_label = $property["pages"]["course/level_admin"]; $v_label_list = $property["pages"]["general_list"]; // Simplificar el ruteo de edicion/visualizacion $v_route_edit_preview = 'index.php?page=course/level'; // Simplificar el ruteo de insert $v_route_insert = '?page=course/level'; // Simplificar el ruteo de lista $v_route_list = 'index.php?page=course/level_admin'; switch ($action) {
} ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="col1"> <?php Forms::printLabel('Nivel Padre:'); ?> </td> <td class="col2"> <?php $object = new LevelMainCourse($db); $data_person = $object->getListLevelMainCourse(); $itemsSelect = array(); foreach ($data_person as $item) { $itemsSelect[$item['id']] = $item['level_description']; } $id_person = ''; if ($action == 'EDIT' || $action == 'PREVIEW') { $id_person = $data_teacher['fk_id_person']; } Forms::printInput('SELECT', 'pk_id_person', $id_person, '', array(), $itemsSelect); ?> </td> </tr> <tr>