break; // // Cases tab // // // Cases tab // case 'cases': include_lcm('inc_obj_case'); // Note: If the user is looking at his/her cases, then list only those // If a user is looking at another users's cases, then list only public cases // If the admin is looking at another users's cases, then show all show_page_subtitle(_T('author_subtitle_cases', array('author' => get_person_name($author_data)), 'cases_participants')); $foo = get_date_range_fields(); echo $foo['html']; $case_list = new LcmCaseListUI(); if ($find_case_string = _request('find_case_string')) { $case_list->setSearchTerm($find_case_string); } // There is no UI for this at the moment XXX test $case_list->setDateInterval($foo['date_start'], $foo['date_end']); $case_list->setDataInt('id_author', $author); $case_list->setDataString('owner', 'my'); $case_list->start(); $case_list->printList(); $case_list->finish(); break; // // Author followups // //
} $q_dates = "SELECT DISTINCT " . lcm_query_trunc_field('date_creation', 'year') . " as year\n\t\t\tFROM lcm_case as c, lcm_case_author as a\n\t\t\tWHERE c.id_case = a.id_case AND " . $q_owner; $result = lcm_query($q_dates); while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { $sel = isSelected($prefs['case_period'] == $row['year']); echo '<option value="' . $row['year'] . '"' . $sel . '>' . _T('case_filter_period_option_year', array('year' => $row['year'])) . "</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; echo ' <button name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" class="simple_form_btn">' . _T('button_validate') . "</button>\n"; echo "</p>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; // // Show the list of cases // echo '<p class="normal_text">' . "\n"; $case_list = new LcmCaseListUI(); $case_list->setSearchTerm($find_case_string); $case_list->start(); $case_list->printList(); $case_list->finish(); echo "</p>\n"; echo '<p><a href="edit_case.php?case=0" class="create_new_lnk">' . _T('case_button_new') . "</a></p>\n"; echo '<p><a href="edit_client.php" class="create_new_lnk">' . _T('client_button_new') . "</a></p>\n"; // // List of recent follow-ups // echo '<a name="fu"></a>' . "\n"; show_page_subtitle(_T('case_subtitle_recent_followups')); echo '<p class="normal_text">' . "\n"; show_listfu_start('general'); $q = "SELECT fu.id_case, fu.id_followup, fu.date_start, fu.date_end, fu.type, fu.description, fu.case_stage,\n\t\t\tfu.hidden, a.name_first, a.name_middle, a.name_last, c.title\n\t\tFROM lcm_followup as fu, lcm_author as a, lcm_case as c \n\t\tWHERE fu.id_author = a.id_author \n\t\t AND c.id_case = fu.id_case ";