/** * Allows to show a feedback button on the menu */ private function showFeedback() { $confFeedback = Config::get('feedback'); if ($confFeedback['enabled'] && $confFeedback['url']) { echo "<li>"; echo " <a id='feedback' href='" . $confFeedback['url'] . "' target='_blank' data-tooltip aria-haspopup='true'"; echo " title='" . Lang::tr('User feedback form') . "'>" . Lang::tr('Feedback'); echo " </a>"; echo "</li>"; } }
/** * Format a date according to configuration * * @param integer $timestamp php timestamp to format to date or null to use current date * @param bool $with_time * * @return string formatted date */ public static function formatDate($timestamp = null, $with_time = false) { $lid = $with_time ? 'datetime_format' : 'date_format'; $dateFormat = Lang::tr($lid); if ($dateFormat == '{date_format}') { $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d'; } if ($dateFormat == '{datetime_format}') { $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; } return date($dateFormat, is_null($timestamp) ? time() : $timestamp); }
function LANG($msgCode) { return Lang::tr($msgCode); }
<?php $resources = new NotesFooterResources(); $resources->showFooterResources(); ?> <li> <ul> <li><h2>Contactez-nous</h2></li> <li><i class="fi-marker"></i>23-25, rue Daviel - 75013 PARIS</li> <?php $confFeedback = Config::get('feedback'); if ($confFeedback['enabled'] && $confFeedback['url']) { echo "<li>"; echo " <i class='fa fa-comments'></i><a id='feedback' href='" . $confFeedback['url'] . "' target='_blank' data-tooltip aria-haspopup='true'"; echo " title='" . Lang::tr('User feedback form') . "'>" . Lang::tr('Feedback'); echo " </a>"; echo "</li>"; } ?> </ul> </li> </ul> </article> </footer> <div class="footer-copyright row"> © <?php echo 'RENATER ' . date('Y') . ' - ' . Lang::tr('All rights reserved.'); ?> </div>
<?php /* * This file is part of the Notes project. * 2013 - 2015 / RENATER */ ?> <div id='container_pad_link' class='hidden'> <br/> <?php echo Lang::tr('This is the link to access your pad:'); ?> <br/><br/> <input type='text' id='current_pad_link' value='' /> </div>
<?php /* * This file is part of the Notes project. * 2013 - 2015 / RENATER */ $errorMsg = ''; $attributesGot = true; // Get error strings if (!Auth::isAuthorized()) { try { $errorMsg = Lang::tr(Auth::user()->HTTP_SHIB_IDENTITY_PROVIDER == 'urn:mace:cru.fr:federation:sac' ? 'You are connected but CRU accounts are not enabled for users from your organisation for Notes.' : 'Your organisation did not release sufficient information about you in order to use this service.'); } catch (PropertyAccessException $e) { $errorMsg = Lang::tr('Your organisation did not release sufficient information about you in order to use this service.'); $attributesGot = false; } } ?> <article class="alert-box alert radius row"> <p class="centertext"> <?php echo $errorMsg; ?> </p> </article>
/** * Format size * * @param int $bytes * * @return string */ public static function formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 1) { // Default if (!$precision || !is_numeric($precision)) { $precision = 2; } // Variants $unit = Lang::tr('size_unit')->out(); if ($unit == '{size_unit}') { $unit = 'b'; } $multipliers = array('', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T'); // Compute multiplier $bytes = max($bytes, 0); $pow = floor(($bytes ? log($bytes) : 0) / log(1024)); $pow = min($pow, count($multipliers) - 1); $bytes /= pow(1024, $pow); return round($bytes, $precision) . ' ' . $multipliers[$pow] . $unit; }
<div id='container_pad_link' class='hidden'> <br/> <?php echo Lang::tr('This is the link to access your pad:'); ?> <br/><br/> <input type='text' id='current_pad_link' value='' /> </div> <div id='container_delete_pad' class='hidden'> <br/> <?php echo Lang::tr('Are you sure you want to delete this pad ?'); ?> <br/><br/> <p style="font-weight: bold;text-align: center;"><?php echo Lang::tr('Warning!'); ?> </p> <br/> <?php echo Lang::tr('All datas will be lost, continue?'); ?> </div>--> <?php } }
<thead> <tr> <th><?php echo Lang::tr('Pad name'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo Lang::tr('Creation date'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo Lang::tr('Last update date'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo Lang::tr('Action'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </div> --> <div id="sondagesContainer" class='table-responsive row'> <div> <h4> Mes sondages ... <hr> <!-- TODO : ajouter list/table pour afficher la liste des sondages où je suis l'organisateur -->
<?php /* * This file is part of the Notes project. * 2013 - 2015 / RENATER */ ?> <div id='warning'> <h1><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> <?php echo Lang::tr('A problem happened while trying to get your pads.'); ?> </h1> <p><?php echo Lang::tr('It seems that the Etherpad application is not available for now.'); ?> </p> <p><?php $supportEmail = Config::get('support_email'); if ($supportEmail) { echo Lang::tr('If the problem persists, do not hesitate to contact '); echo " <a href='mailto:" . $supportEmail . "'>" . $supportEmail . "</a>"; } ?> </p> </div>
$config['use_application_cache'] = true; $config['auth_sp_fake_authenticated'] = true; $config['auth_sp_fake_email'] = '*****@*****.**'; $config['auth_sp_type'] = 'fake'; //$config['auth_sp_type'] = 'shibboleth'; //$config['auth_sp_shibboleth_email_attribute'] = 'HTTP_MAIL'; //$config['auth_sp_shibboleth_login_url'] = '#'; //$config['auth_sp_shibboleth_logout_url'] = '#'; $config['site_url'] = 'http://notes'; $config['wayf_url'] = 'https://discovery.renater.fr/test/WAYF'; $config['sp_handler_url'] = 'http://dev-web.renater.fr/'; $config['server_name'] = 'http://notes'; $config['email_reply_to_name'] = 'Notes'; $config['site_name'] = 'Notes'; $config["db_type"] = "mysql"; //$config['db_host'] = 'localhost'; $config['db_host'] = ''; $config['db_database'] = 'notes'; $config['db_port'] = '8889'; // database username and password $config['db_username'] = '******'; $config['db_password'] = '******'; $config['etherpad-url-pads'] = "http://dev-web.renater.fr/pad/p/"; $config['etherpad-url'] = "http://dev-web.renater.fr/pad/api/1.2.10/"; $config['etherpad-group-id'] = "g.SusPSroDjraDRae6"; $config['etherpad-apikey'] = "7fef00b5f0c28ede6e2bc912989ca7722a3aefcfa0fbe26c401e442184d4d3ea"; $config['etherpad-default-text'] = function () { return (string) Lang::tr('Welcome to ehterpad!'); }; $config['homelink_enabled_in_menu'] = true; $config['pads']['enable_instant_pad'] = true;
<?php echo Lang::tr("Docs is a collaborative editing service in real-time powered by Etherpad, for the RENATER community."); ?> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non aliquet neque, sit amet tempor leo. </p> <p class="small-12 medium-6 columns"> Pellentesque egestas neque non augue mollis finibus. Proin facilisis sit amet dolor ut ullamcorper. Vivamus sagittis nunc quis metus mollis egestas. Fusce nec sapien nec tortor consequat eleifend. Cras tempor enim et erat suscipit convallis. Nunc gravida libero arcu, nec consectetur mi maximus eget. </p> </article> <?php if (!Auth::isAuthenticated()) { ?> <article class="small-12 columns centertext"> <h3><?php echo Lang::tr("To create or manage your pads, you must be authentified."); ?> </h3> </article> <?php } ?> </main> <?php if (!Auth::isAuthenticated()) { ?> <section class="disconnected"> <article class="row "> </article> </section>
/** * Allows to show the logout button */ private function showLogoutButton() { if ($this->allRights) { echo "<li>"; echo " <a id='disconnectButton' href='#' title='" . Lang::tr('Logout') . "'><i class='fi-power'></i><label>" . Lang::tr('Logout') . "<span>(" . Auth::user()->email . ")</span></label></a>"; echo "</li>"; } }
</h1> </header> <noscript class="row" > <style> section:nth-of-type(1), #title_owned_conf,#title_invited_conf{ display:none!important; } </style> <main class="alert alert-warning"> <p><?php echo Lang::tr('Javascript is currently disabled on your browser.'); ?> </p> <p><?php echo Lang::tr('Reactivate it to manage your pads.'); ?> </p> <p><img src="<?php echo Config::get('site_url') . '/lib/images/logo_notes.png'; ?> " alt="Logo Notes"></p> <p><?php echo Lang::tr('For any additional request, you can contact the support:'); ?> <a href='mailto:support@renater.fr'>support@renater.fr</a> </p> </main> </noscript>
<?php /* * This file is part of the Notes project. * 2013 - 2015 / RENATER */ ?> <div id="open_pad" class="hidden"> <h1><?php echo Lang::tr('This pas already exists.'); ?> </h1><br/> <p><?php echo Lang::tr('Do you want to access now to this pad?'); ?> </p> </div>
<?php /* * This file is part of the Notes project. * 2013 - 2015 / RENATER */ if (!Auth::isAuthenticated()) { $wayfInstance = Config::get('wayf_url'); $host = Config::get('site_url'); $spHandlerURL = Config::get('sp_handler_url'); ?> <div id="embeddedWAYF"> <h1 ><?php echo Lang::tr('Login'); ?> </h1> <!-- EMBEDDED-WAYF-START --> <script type="text/javascript"> var target = <?php if (isset($_GET['uuid'])) { echo "'target=' + encodeURIComponent('/?uuid=" . $_GET['uuid'] . "');"; } else { echo "'';"; } ?> var wayf_URL = "<?php echo $wayfInstance; ?> ";
<?php /* * This file is part of the Notes project. * 2013 - 2015 / RENATER */ ?> <div id="pad_created" class="hidden"> <h1><?php echo Lang::tr('Pad successfully created.'); ?> </h1><br/> <p><?php echo Lang::tr('Do you want to access now to your pad?'); ?> </p> </div>
<span class="guests"></span> <input name="to" id="to" type="text" title="<?php echo Lang::tr("Guest email(s)"); ?> " value="" placeholder="<?php echo Lang::tr('Multiple email addresses separated by , or ;'); ?> " /> <span id='add_mail_btn' name='add_mail_btn' class='edit_ok fa fa-check-square-o pointer' title="<?php echo Lang::tr('Add this mail address'); ?> " data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" /> </div> <!-- GUESTS LIST --> <div id="guestListContainer"> <div id='guestDisclaimer'></div> <!--<p id=''><?php // echo Lang::tr('Select each contact you want to reinvite, or add new contacts above:') ?> </p>--> <div id='guestListRows' class='guests'>
* This file is part of the Notes project. * 2013 - 2015 / RENATER */ ?> <div id='container_delete_pad' class='hidden'> <br/> <?php echo Lang::tr('Are you sure you want to delete this pad ?'); ?> <br/><br/> <p class='warning'><?php echo Lang::tr('Warning!'); ?> </p> <br/> <?php echo Lang::tr('All datas will be lost, continue?'); ?> <br/><br/><br/> <span class='footer_comment'> <input type='checkbox' name='cb_export_pad' id='cb_export_pad' class='pointer'/> <label for='cb_export_pad'><?php echo Lang::tr('Receive a copy of the pad content by mail'); ?> </label> </span> </div>
<div class="exception"> {tr:encountered_exception} <div class="message"> <?php echo Lang::tr(Utilities::sanitizeOutput($exception->getMessage())); ?> </div> <?php if (method_exists($exception, 'getDetails')) { ?> <pre class="details"><?php echo Utilities::sanitizeOutput(print_r($exception->getDetails(), true)); ?> </pre> <?php } ?> <div class="report"> <?php if (Config::get('support_email')) { ?> {tr:you_can_report_exception_by_email} : <a href="mailto:<?php echo Config::get('support_email'); ?> ?subject=Exception <?php echo method_exists($exception, 'getUid') ? Utilities::sanitizeOutput($exception->getUid()) : ''; ?> ">{tr:report_exception}</a>