예제 #1
파일: Shred.php 프로젝트: codex73/LampCMS
  * Delete all answers made by user
  * Also update questions affected by
  * deletion of those answers
  * @return object $this
 protected function deleteAnswers()
     $coll = $this->Registry->Mongo->ANSWERS;
     $cur = $coll->find(array('i_uid' => $this->Request['uid']));
     if ($cur && $cur->count() > 0) {
         foreach ($cur as $a) {
             $Question = new \Lampcms\Question($this->Registry);
             try {
                 $Answer = new Answer($this->Registry, $a);
                 $Question->by_id((int) $Answer->getQuestionId());
                  * setSaved() because we don't need auto-save feature
                  * to save each answer
                  * since all answers will be removed at end of this method
             } catch (\MongoException $e) {
                 d('Question not found by _id: ' . $a['i_qid']);
             if (!empty($a['cc'])) {
                 $this->aCountries[] = $a['cc'];
         $res = $coll->remove(array('i_uid' => $this->Request['uid']), array('safe' => true));
         d('questions removed: ' . print_r($res, 1));
     return $this;
예제 #2
  * Notify all who follows the question
  * But exclude the Viewer - whoever just added
  * the new answer or whatever
  * and exclude all who follows the Viewer because all who
  * follows the Viewer will be notified via
  * the nofityUserFollowers
  * @param int qid id of question
  * @param int excludeUid UserID of user that should NOT
  *            be notified. Usually this is in a special case of when
  *            the answer or comment owner has already been notified
  *            so now we just have to exclude the same user in case same user
  *            is also the question author.
  * @return object $this
 protected function notifyQuestionFollowers($qid = null, $excludeUid = 0)
     $viewerID = $this->Registry->Viewer->getUid();
     d('$viewerID: ' . $viewerID);
     $routerCallback = $this->Registry->Router->getCallback();
      * $qid can be passed here
      * OR in can be extracted from $this->Question
     if ($qid) {
         $Question = new \Lampcms\Question($this->Registry);
         try {
             $Question->by_id((int) $qid);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             e('Unable to create Question by _id. Exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in file: ' . $e->getFile() . ' on line: ' . $e->getLine());
             $Question = null;
     } else {
         $Question = $this->Question;
     if (null === $Question) {
         d('no $Question');
         return $this;
     $subj = 'onNewAnswer' === $this->eventName || 'onApprovedAnswer' === $this->eventName ? 'email.subject.question_answer' : 'email.subject.question_comment';
     $body = 'onNewAnswer' === $this->eventName || 'onApprovedAnswer' === $this->eventName ? 'email.body.question_answer' : 'email.body.question_comment';
     $siteUrl = $this->Registry->Ini->SITE_URL;
     $updateType = 'onNewAnswer' === $this->eventName || 'onApprovedAnswer' === $this->eventName ? 'answer' : 'comment';
     $username = '******' === $this->eventName || 'onApprovedAnswer' === $this->eventName ? $this->obj['username'] : $this->aInfo['username'];
     if ('onNewAnswer' === $this->eventName || 'onApprovedAnswer' === $this->eventName) {
         $url = $this->obj->getUrl();
     } else {
         $url = $siteUrl . '{_WEB_ROOT_}/{_viewquestion_}/{_QID_PREFIX_}' . $this->aInfo['i_qid'] . '/#c' . $this->aInfo['_id'];
         $url = $routerCallback($url);
     d('url: ' . $url);
     $content = 'onNewAnswer' !== $this->eventName ? "\n____\n" . \strip_tags($this->aInfo['b']) . "\n" : '';
     $varsBody = array('{username}' => $username, '{title}' => $this->Question['title'], '{body}' => $content, '{link}' => $url, '{site_title}' => $this->Registry->Ini->SITE_NAME, '{home}' => $this->Registry->Router->getHomePageUrl());
     $body = new TranslatableBody($body, $varsBody);
     $subj = new TranslatableSubject($subj);
     $Mailer = $this->Registry->Mailer;
      * MongoCollection USERS
      * @var object MongoCollection
     $coll = $this->collUsers;
     d('before shutdown function for question followers');
      * Get array of followers for this question
     $aFollowers = $Question['a_flwrs'];
     if (!empty($aFollowers)) {
         $func = function () use($updateType, $viewerID, $aFollowers, $subj, $body, $coll, $Mailer, $excludeUid) {
              * Remove $viewerID from aFollowers
              * Remove excludeID from aFollowers
              * Removing these userIDs from
              * the find $in condition is guaranteed to not
              * have these IDs in result and is much better
              * than adding extra $ne or $nin conditions
              * on these uids to find()
             if (false !== ($key = array_search($viewerID, $aFollowers))) {
                 array_splice($aFollowers, $key, 1);
             if (!empty($excludeUid)) {
                 if (false !== ($key = array_search($excludeUid, $aFollowers))) {
                     array_splice($aFollowers, $key, 1);
              * Find all users who follow this question
              * and
              * are not also following the Viewer
              * In case of comment we should not exclude
              * Viewer followers because Viewer followers are NOT
              * notified on user comment
             if ('comment' !== $updateType) {
                  * Condition: Find all users with _id in array of $aFollowers
                  * AND NOT FOLLOWING viewer (who is the author of this answer)
                  * because they will also be notified of this answer
                  * in a separate email that is sent to all followers of Viewer
                 $cur = $coll->find(array('_id' => array('$in' => $aFollowers), 'a_f_u' => array('$nin' => array(0 => $viewerID)), 'ne_fq' => array('$ne' => true)), array('email' => true, 'locale' => true));
             } else {
                 $cur = $coll->find(array('_id' => array('$in' => $aFollowers), 'ne_fq' => array('$ne' => true)), array('email' => true, 'locale' => true));
             $count = $cur->count();
             if ($count > 0) {
                 $Mailer->mailFromCursor($cur, $subj, $body);
     return $this;
예제 #3
  * Now update tags counter to decrease tags count
  * but ONLY if deleted item is Question
  * @return object $this;
 protected function updateTags()
     if (!$this->requested) {
         if ('QUESTIONS' === $this->collection) {
             $Question = $this->Resource;
             if (0 === $this->Resource['i_sel_ans']) {
                 d('going to remove to Unanswered tags');
         } else {
             $Question = new \Lampcms\Question($this->Registry);
             d('tags: ' . print_r($Question['a_tags'], 1));
          * Must extract uid from $this->Resource because in case
          * the resource is an answer, then the
          * $Question has different owner, thus
          * will remove user tags for the wrong user
         $uid = $this->Resource->getOwnerId();
         \Lampcms\UserTags::factory($this->Registry)->removeTags($Question, $uid);
     return $this;
  * Notify all who follows the question
  * But exclude the Viewer - whoever just added
  * the new answer or whatever
  * and exclude all who follows the Viewer because all who
  * follows the Viewer will be notified via
  * the nofityUserFollowers
  * @param int qid id of question
  * @param int excludeUid UserID of user that should NOT
  * be notified. Usually this is in a special case of when
  * the answer or comment owner has already been notified
  * so now we just have to exclude the same user in case same user
  * is also the question author.
  * @return object $this
 protected function notifyQuestionFollowers($qid = null, $excludeUid = 0)
     $viewerID = $this->Registry->Viewer->getUid();
     d('$viewerID: ' . $viewerID);
      * $qid can be passed here
      * OR in can be extracted from $this->Question
     if ($qid) {
         $Question = new \Lampcms\Question($this->Registry);
         try {
             $Question->by_id((int) $qid);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             e($e->getMessage() . ' in file: ' . $e->getFile() . ' on line: ' . $e->getLine());
             $Question = null;
     } else {
         $Question = $this->Question;
     if (null === $Question) {
         return $this;
     $updateType = 'onNewAnswer' === $this->eventName ? 'answer' : 'comment';
     $subj = sprintf(static::$QUESTION_FOLLOW_SUBJ, $updateType);
     $siteUrl = $this->Registry->Ini->SITE_URL;
     $username = '******' === $updateType ? $this->obj['username'] : $this->aInfo['username'];
     $url = 'answer' === $updateType ? $this->obj->getUrl() : $siteUrl . '/q' . $this->aInfo['i_qid'] . '/#c' . $this->aInfo['_id'];
     d('url: ' . $url);
     $content = 'comment' === $updateType ? "\n____\n" . \strip_tags($this->aInfo['b']) . "\n" : '';
     $body = vsprintf(static::$QUESTION_FOLLOW_BODY, array($username, $updateType, $this->Question['title'], $url, $siteUrl, $content));
     d('$body: ' . $body);
     $oMailer = $this->Registry->Mailer;
      * MongoCollection USERS
      * @var object MongoCollection
     $coll = $this->collUsers;
     d('before shutdown function for question followers');
      * Get array of followers for this question
     $aFollowers = $Question['a_flwrs'];
     if (!empty($aFollowers)) {
         $func = function () use($updateType, $viewerID, $aFollowers, $updateType, $subj, $body, $coll, $oMailer, $excludeUid) {
              * Remove $viewerID from aFollowers
              * Remove excludeID from aFollowers
              * Removing these userIDs from
              * the find $in condition is guaranteed to not
              * have these IDs in result and is much better
              * than adding extra $ne or $nin conditions
              * on these uids to find()
             if (false !== ($key = array_search($viewerID, $aFollowers))) {
                 array_splice($aFollowers, $key, 1);
             if (!empty($excludeUid)) {
                 if (false !== ($key = array_search($excludeUid, $aFollowers))) {
                     array_splice($aFollowers, $key, 1);
              * Find all users who follow this question
              * and
              * are not themselves the viewer (a viewer may reply to
              * own question and we don't want to notify viewer of that)
              * In case of comment we should not exclude
              * user followers because user followers are NOT
              * notified on user comment
             if ('comment' !== $updateType) {
                 $cur = $coll->find(array('_id' => array('$in' => $aFollowers), 'a_f_u' => array('$nin' => array(0 => $viewerID)), 'ne_fq' => array('$ne' => true)), array('email'));
             } else {
                 $cur = $coll->find(array('_id' => array('$in' => $aFollowers), 'ne_fq' => array('$ne' => true)), array('email'));
             $count = $cur->count();
             if ($count > 0) {
                  * Passing callback function
                  * to exclude mailing to those who
                  * opted out on Email On Followed Question
                 $oMailer->mailFromCursor($cur, $subj, $body);
                 * , function($a){
                 if(!empty($a['email']) && (!array_key_exists('e_fq', $a) || false !== $a['e_fq'])){
                 return $a['email'];
                 return null;
     return $this;