
global $modx;
$ltpCorePath = $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/likeThisPage/';
define('ltp_core_path', $modx->getOption('LTP.core_path', null, $ltpCorePath));
$LTP_classPath = ltp_core_path . 'model/LTP/';
require_once $LTP_classPath . 'LTP.class.php';
$LTP = new LTP(&$modx);
if (!$LTP instanceof LTP) {
    return 'ERROR: Could not initialise LTP class' . "\n";
$cookieScript = '';
/* setup default properties */
$tpl = $modx->getOption('tpl', $scriptProperties, 'output');
$button = $modx->getOption('button', $scriptProperties, 'Like this Article');
$already = $modx->getOption('button', $scriptProperties, 'You like this article');
$dir = $modx->getOption('dir', $scriptProperties, 'ASC');
// Get this page's resource ID
$resID = $LTP->getCurrentResourceID();
//$LTP->likeThisPage( $resID );
// Get this users uniqueID (if they done have one, create it)
$uuID = $LTP->uuID;
// Does the user like this already?
$userLikesThis = $LTP->doILikeThisPage();
// Count how many people have liked this page
$likes = $LTP->getTotalLikesForThisPage();
// Switch button based on whether user likes already
if ($userLikesThis) {
    if (substr($already, 0, 4) == "img:") {
        $btn .= '<img src="' . substr($already, 4) . '" alt="Like this Article" />';

$path_to_index = '/var/www/modx/';
define('MODX_API_MODE', true);
require_once $path_to_index . "index.php";
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
$ltpCorePath = $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/likeThisPage/';
define('ltp_core_path', $modx->getOption('LTP.core_path', null, $ltpCorePath));
$LTP_classPath = ltp_core_path . 'model/LTP/';
require_once $LTP_classPath . 'LTP.class.php';
$LTP = new LTP(&$modx);
if (!$LTP instanceof LTP) {
    return 'ERROR: Could not initialise LTP class' . "\n";
$uuID = $LTP->uuID;
$resID = $_GET["resID"];