예제 #1
    public function GetInvoiceContent($invoiceid)
        global $PAYTYPES, $LMS;
        if ($result = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT d.id, d.number, d.name, d.customerid,
				d.userid, d.address, d.zip, d.city, d.countryid, cn.name AS country,
				d.ten, d.ssn, d.cdate, d.sdate, d.paytime, d.paytype, d.numberplanid,
				d.closed, d.reference, d.reason, d.divisionid,
				(SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = d.userid) AS user, n.template,
				d.div_name AS division_name, d.div_shortname AS division_shortname,
				d.div_address AS division_address, d.div_zip AS division_zip,
				d.div_city AS division_city, d.div_countryid AS division_countryid, 
				d.div_ten AS division_ten, d.div_regon AS division_regon, d.div_account AS account,
				d.div_inv_header AS division_header, d.div_inv_footer AS division_footer,
				d.div_inv_author AS division_author, d.div_inv_cplace AS division_cplace,
				c.pin AS customerpin, c.divisionid AS current_divisionid,
				c.street, c.building, c.apartment,
				c.post_street, c.post_building, c.post_apartment,
				c.post_name, c.post_address, c.post_zip, c.post_city, c.post_countryid
				FROM documents d
				JOIN customeraddressview c ON (c.id = d.customerid)
				LEFT JOIN countries cn ON (cn.id = d.countryid)
				LEFT JOIN numberplans n ON (d.numberplanid = n.id)
				WHERE d.id = ? AND (d.type = ? OR d.type = ?)', array($invoiceid, DOC_INVOICE, DOC_CNOTE))) {
            $result['bankaccounts'] = $this->db->GetCol('SELECT contact FROM customercontacts
            if (empty($result['bankaccounts'])) {
                $result['bankaccounts'] = array();
            $result['pdiscount'] = 0;
            $result['vdiscount'] = 0;
            $result['totalbase'] = 0;
            $result['totaltax'] = 0;
            $result['total'] = 0;
            if ($result['reference']) {
                $result['invoice'] = $this->GetInvoiceContent($result['reference']);
            if (!$result['division_header']) {
                $location_manager = new LMSLocationManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
                $result['division_header'] = $result['division_name'] . "\n" . $result['division_address'] . "\n" . $result['division_zip'] . ' ' . $result['division_city'] . ($result['division_countryid'] && $result['countryid'] && $result['division_countryid'] != $result['countryid'] ? "\n" . trans($location_manager->GetCountryName($result['division_countryid'])) : '') . ($result['division_ten'] != '' ? "\n" . trans('TEN') . ' ' . $result['division_ten'] : '');
            if ($result['content'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT invoicecontents.value AS value, 
						itemid, taxid, taxes.value AS taxvalue, taxes.label AS taxlabel, 
						prodid, content, count, invoicecontents.description AS description, 
						tariffid, itemid, pdiscount, vdiscount 
						FROM invoicecontents 
						LEFT JOIN taxes ON taxid = taxes.id 
						WHERE docid=? 
						ORDER BY itemid', array($invoiceid))) {
                foreach ($result['content'] as $idx => $row) {
                    if (isset($result['invoice'])) {
                        $row['value'] += $result['invoice']['content'][$idx]['value'];
                        $row['count'] += $result['invoice']['content'][$idx]['count'];
                    $result['content'][$idx]['basevalue'] = round($row['value'] / (100 + $row['taxvalue']) * 100, 2);
                    $result['content'][$idx]['total'] = round($row['value'] * $row['count'], 2);
                    $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase'] = round($result['content'][$idx]['total'] / (100 + $row['taxvalue']) * 100, 2);
                    $result['content'][$idx]['totaltax'] = round($result['content'][$idx]['total'] - $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase'], 2);
                    $result['content'][$idx]['value'] = $row['value'];
                    $result['content'][$idx]['count'] = $row['count'];
                    if (isset($result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']])) {
                        $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['base'] += $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase'];
                        $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['total'] += $result['content'][$idx]['total'];
                        $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['tax'] += $result['content'][$idx]['totaltax'];
                    } else {
                        $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['base'] = $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase'];
                        $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['total'] = $result['content'][$idx]['total'];
                        $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['tax'] = $result['content'][$idx]['totaltax'];
                        $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['taxlabel'] = $row['taxlabel'];
                    $result['totalbase'] += $result['content'][$idx]['totalbase'];
                    $result['totaltax'] += $result['content'][$idx]['totaltax'];
                    $result['total'] += $result['content'][$idx]['total'];
                    // for backward compatybility
                    $result['taxest'][$row['taxvalue']]['taxvalue'] = $row['taxvalue'];
                    $result['content'][$idx]['pkwiu'] = $row['prodid'];
                    $result['pdiscount'] += $row['pdiscount'];
                    $result['vdiscount'] += $row['vdiscount'];
            $result['pdate'] = $result['cdate'] + $result['paytime'] * 86400;
            $result['value'] = $result['total'] - (isset($result['invoice']) ? $result['invoice']['value'] : 0);
            if ($result['value'] < 0) {
                $result['value'] = abs($result['value']);
                $result['rebate'] = true;
            $result['valuep'] = round(($result['value'] - floor($result['value'])) * 100);
            $customer_manager = new LMSCustomerManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $result['customerbalance'] = $customer_manager->GetCustomerBalance($result['customerid'], $result['cdate'] + 1);
            // NOTE: don't waste CPU/mem when printing history is not set:
            if (ConfigHelper::checkValue(ConfigHelper::getConfig('invoices.print_balance_history', false))) {
                if (ConfigHelper::checkValue(ConfigHelper::getConfig('invoices.print_balance_history_save', false))) {
                    $result['customerbalancelist'] = $customer_manager->GetCustomerBalanceList($result['customerid'], $result['cdate']);
                } else {
                    $result['customerbalancelist'] = $customer_manager->GetCustomerBalanceList($result['customerid']);
                $result['customerbalancelistlimit'] = ConfigHelper::getConfig('invoices.print_balance_history_limit');
            $result['paytypename'] = $PAYTYPES[$result['paytype']];
            // for backward compat.
            $result['totalg'] = round(($result['value'] - floor($result['value'])) * 100);
            $result['year'] = date('Y', $result['cdate']);
            $result['month'] = date('m', $result['cdate']);
            $result['pesel'] = $result['ssn'];
            $result['nip'] = $result['ten'];
            if ($result['post_name'] || $result['post_address']) {
                $result['serviceaddr'] = $result['post_name'];
                if ($result['post_address']) {
                    $result['serviceaddr'] .= "\n" . $result['post_address'];
                if ($result['post_zip'] && $result['post_city']) {
                    $result['serviceaddr'] .= "\n" . $result['post_zip'] . ' ' . $result['post_city'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
예제 #2
     * Commits cash imports located in database
    public function CashImportCommit()
        global $LMS;
        $imports = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT i.*, f.idate
			FROM cashimport i
			LEFT JOIN sourcefiles f ON (f.id = i.sourcefileid)
			WHERE i.closed = 0 AND i.customerid <> 0');
        if (!empty($imports)) {
            $idate = ConfigHelper::checkConfig('finances.cashimport_use_idate');
            $icheck = ConfigHelper::checkConfig('finances.cashimport_checkinvoices');
            $finance_manager = new LMSFinanceManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $customer_manager = new LMSCustomerManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $cashimports = array();
            foreach ($imports as $import) {
                $balance['time'] = $idate ? $import['idate'] : $import['date'];
                $balance['type'] = 1;
                $balance['value'] = $import['value'];
                $balance['customerid'] = $import['customerid'];
                $balance['comment'] = $import['description'];
                $balance['importid'] = $import['id'];
                $balance['sourceid'] = $import['sourceid'];
                $balance['userid'] = 0;
                if ($import['value'] > 0 && $icheck) {
                    if ($invoices = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT x.id, x.value FROM (
						SELECT d.id,
							(SELECT SUM(value*count) FROM invoicecontents WHERE docid = d.id) +
									SELECT SUM((a.value+b.value)*(a.count+b.count)) - SUM(b.value*b.count)
									FROM documents dd
									JOIN invoicecontents a ON (a.docid = dd.id)
									JOIN invoicecontents b ON (dd.reference = b.docid AND a.itemid = b.itemid)
									WHERE dd.reference = d.id
								GROUP BY dd.reference), 0) AS value,
								FROM documents d
								WHERE d.customerid = ? AND d.type = ? AND d.closed = 0
								GROUP BY d.id, d.cdate
								SELECT d.id, dn.value, d.cdate
								FROM documents d
								JOIN debitnotecontents dn ON dn.docid = d.id
								WHERE d.customerid = ?
						) x ORDER BY x.cdate', array($balance['customerid'], DOC_INVOICE, $balance['customerid']))) {
                        foreach ($invoices as $inv) {
                            $sum += $inv['value'];
                        $bval = $customer_manager->GetCustomerBalance($balance['customerid']);
                        $value = f_round($bval + $import['value'] + $sum);
                        foreach ($invoices as $inv) {
                            $inv['value'] = f_round($inv['value']);
                            if ($inv['value'] > $value) {
                            } else {
                                // close invoice and assigned credit notes
                                $this->db->Execute('UPDATE documents SET closed = 1
									WHERE id = ? OR reference = ?', array($inv['id'], $inv['id']));
                                if ($this->syslog) {
                                    foreach (array('id', 'reference') as $key) {
                                        $docids = $this->db->GetCol('SELECT id FROM documents WHERE ' . $key . ' = ?', array($inv['id']));
                                        if (!empty($docids)) {
                                            foreach ($docids as $docid) {
                                                $args = array(SYSLOG::RES_DOC, SYSLOG::RES_CUST, 'closed' => 1);
                                                $this->syslog->AddMessage(SYSLOG::RES_DOC, SYSLOG::OPER_UPDATE, $args);
                                $value -= $inv['value'];
                $this->db->Execute('UPDATE cashimport SET closed = 1 WHERE id = ?', array($import['id']));
                if ($this->syslog) {
                    $args = array(SYSLOG::RES_CASHIMPORT => $import['id'], SYSLOG::RES_CASHSOURCE => $import['sourceid'], SYSLOG::RES_SOURCEFILE => $import['sourcefileid'], SYSLOG::RES_CUST => $import['customerid'], 'closed' => 1);
                    $this->syslog->AddMessage(SYSLOG::RES_CASHIMPORT, SYSLOG::OPER_UPDATE, $args);
                if ($this->db->GetOne('SELECT closed FROM cashimport WHERE id = ?', array($import['id']))) {
                    $cashimports[] = $import;
            $LMS->executeHook('cashimport_after_commit', array('cashimports' => $cashimports));