public function store() { $kit = Kits::findOrFail(Input::get('ID')); foreach ($kit->contents as $cont) { if ($cont->DamagedLogID == null && Input::has('DamagedMsg_' . $cont->ID)) { $cont->DamagedLogID = Logs::DamageReport($kit->KitType, $kit->ID, $cont->ID, base64_decode(Input::get('DamagedMsg_' . $cont->ID))); } if ($cont->MissingLogID == null && Input::has('MissingMsg_' . $cont->ID)) { $cont->MissingLogID = Logs::MissingReport($kit->KitType, $kit->ID, $cont->ID, base64_decode(Input::get('MissingMsg_' . $cont->ID))); } $cont->save(); } return "OK"; }
public function store() { $kit = Kits::findOrFail(Input::get('ID')); $kit->KitState = 2; $kit->save(); foreach ($kit->contents as $content) { if (Input::has('isMissing_' . $content->ID) && Input::get('isMissing_' . $content->ID) == '1' && $content->MissingLogID == null) { $message = Input::get('MissingID_' . $content->ID); $logID = Logs::MissingReport($kit->KitType, $kit->ID, $content->ID, $message); $content->MissingLogID = $logID; } if (Input::has('isDamaged_' . $content->ID) && Input::get('isDamaged_' . $content->ID) == '1' && $content->DamagedLogID == null) { $message = Input::get('DamagedID_' . $content->ID); $logID = Logs::DamageReport($kit->KitType, $kit->ID, $content->ID, $message); $content->DamagedLogID = $logID; } $content->save(); } if (Input::has('LogMessage') && strlen(Input::get('LogMessage')) > 0) { $message = Input::get('LogMessage'); $logNote = Logs::Note($kit->KitType, $kit->ID, NULL, $message); } return Redirect::action('recieve_kit.index'); }
public function kitDetails($kitID) { $kit = Kits::findOrFail($kitID); $bookingIDs = DB::select("(SELECT ID\n FROM Booking AS B\n WHERE B.KitID = ?\n AND B.EndDate < now()\n LIMIT 3\n )\n UNION\n (\n SELECT ID\n FROM Booking AS B\n WHERE B.KitID = ?\n AND B.EndDate >= now()\n LIMIT 3\n )\n ", array($kitID, $kitID)); $ids = array(); foreach ($bookingIDs as $id) { array_unshift($ids, $id->ID); } $bookings = Booking::whereIn("ID", $ids)->get(); // print dd($bookings->toarray()); $logs = DB::select("SELECT L.LogType, L.LogDate, KC.Name, KC. SerialNumber, L.LogMessage\n FROM Logs AS L\n INNER JOIN Kits as K ON (K.ID = L.LogKey2)\n INNER JOIN KitContents as KC ON (KC.KitID = L.LogKey2 AND KC.ID = L.LogKey3)\n WHERE K.ID = ?\n AND L.LogType in (1,2)\n ORDER BY LogDate DESC\n ", array($kitID)); return View::make("kit.kitDetails", ['kit' => $kit, 'bookings' => $bookings, 'logs' => $logs]); }