public function view() { $key = \Key::getCurrent(); if (!\Key::checkKey($key)) { return; } $tpl = array(); $allSettings = $this->settings->getAll(); foreach ($allSettings as $key => $value) { if ($value == 1) { $tpl[$key] = ""; // dummy template } } $content = \PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'addthis', 'addThis.tpl'); \Layout::add($content, 'addthis', 'DEFAULT'); }
/** * Fills in the meta description with the current key summary. */ public static function keyDescriptions() { if (!PHPWS_Settings::get('layout', 'use_key_summaries')) { return; } $key = Key::getCurrent(); if (!Key::checkKey($key, false)) { return NULL; } if (!empty($key->summary)) { $GLOBALS['Layout_Description'] =& $key->summary; } elseif (!empty($key->title)) { $GLOBALS['Layout_Description'] =& $key->title; } }
<?php /** * @author Matthew McNaney <mcnaney at gmail dot com> * @version $Id$ */ Block::show(); if (Current_User::allow('block')) { $key = Key::getCurrent(); if (Key::checkKey($key) && javascriptEnabled()) { javascript('jquery'); javascript('ckeditor'); $js_address = PHPWS_SOURCE_HTTP . 'mod/block/javascript/addblock/script.js'; Layout::addJSHeader('<script src="' . $js_address . '" type="text/javascript"></script>', 'addblock'); $modal = new \Modal('block-form-modal', '<div id="block-form-dialog"></div>', 'Add block here'); $modal->sizeLarge(); $save_button = '<button class="btn btn-success" id="save-block">Save</button>'; $modal->addButton($save_button); Layout::add((string) $modal); MiniAdmin::add('block', '<a style="cursor:pointer" data-auth-key="' . Current_User::getAuthKey() . '" data-key-id="' . $key->id . '" id="add-block"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add block here</a>'); } }
public static function permission() { if (!isset($_REQUEST['key_id'])) { return; } $key = new Key((int) $_REQUEST['key_id']); if (!Key::checkKey($key, false)) { return; } if (Current_User::isRestricted($key->module) || !$key->allowEdit()) { Current_User::disallow(); } // View permissions must be first to allow error checking // Edit will add its list to the view Users_Permission::postViewPermissions($key); Users_Permission::postEditPermissions($key); $result = $key->savePermissions(); if (isset($_POST['popbox'])) { Layout::nakedDisplay(javascript('close_refresh', array('refresh' => 0))); } else { if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) { $_SESSION['Permission_Message'] = dgettext('users', 'An error occurred.'); } else { $_SESSION['Permission_Message'] = dgettext('users', 'Permissions updated.'); } PHPWS_Core::goBack(); } }