예제 #1
 public function remove()
     if (!empty($this->model)) {
         $keyName = $this->model->primary;
         $this->model->remove(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array($keyName => $this->data[$keyName])));
예제 #2
 public function get($tag, $attr = 'content')
     $tag = trim($tag);
     $attrName = 'widget_' . $attr;
     if (empty($tag)) {
     $unlimCache = K_Cache_Manager::get('unlim');
     $blockCacheID = 'widget_' . $tag;
     if ($unlimCache->test($blockCacheID)) {
         $cacheData = $unlimCache->load($blockCacheID);
         if (isset($cacheData[$attrName])) {
             echo $cacheData[$attrName];
     } else {
         K_Loader::load('widgets', APP_PATH . '/default/model/');
         $widgetsTable = new widgetsModel();
         $widgetInfo = $widgetsTable->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('widget_tag' => $tag))->limit(1));
         if (count($widgetInfo)) {
             $unlimCache->save($blockCacheID, $widgetInfo);
             if (isset($widgetInfo[$attrName])) {
                 echo $widgetInfo[$attrName];
예제 #3
 protected function roleExistsUpdate(&$text, $fieldName)
     $result = $this->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('and' => array($fieldName => $text, 'not' => array('role_id' => $this->data['role_id'])))));
     if (count($result)) {
         $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'Роль с таким названием или ACL key уже есть в системе';
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #4
 public function indexAction()
     $commentModel = new Admin_Model_Comment();
     $this->view->comments = $commentModel->fetchAll(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('comment_status' => 'опубликован'))->order('comment_date DESC'));
     $capchaText = K_Secur::genCapchaText();
     $this->view->capacha64 = K_Secur::genCapcha($capchaText);
     K_Auth::setUserKey('capchaText', $capchaText);
     K_Auth::setUserKey('capchaTime', time());
예제 #5
 protected function ruleExistsUpdate(&$text, $fieldName)
     $result = $this->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('and' => array('tree_rule_role_id' => $this->data['tree_rule_role_id'], 'tree_rule_resource_id' => $this->data['tree_rule_resource_id'], 'tree_rule_privilege_id' => $text, 'not' => array('tree_rule_id' => $this->data['tree_rule_id'])))));
     if (count($result)) {
         $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'Доступ с таким сочетанием ресурса и привелегии уже есть в системе';
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #6
 protected function userExistsUpdate(&$text, $fieldName)
     $result = $this->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('and' => array($fieldName => $text, 'not' => array('user_id' => $this->data['user_id'])))));
     if (count($result)) {
         $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'Пользователь с таким email`ом или логином уже зарегестрирован';
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #7
 protected function blogNotExists(&$text, $fieldName)
     $blogModel = new Type_Model_Blog();
     $result = $blogModel->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('type_blog_id' => $text)));
     if ($result && count($result)) {
         return true;
     $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'NEWS_ID_ERROR';
     return false;
예제 #8
 public function delAction()
     $userModel = new Admin_Model_User();
     $user_id = intval($_POST['delusrid']);
     $userRolesModel = new Admin_Model_UserRole();
     $userRolesModel->remove(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('usrol_user_id' => $user_id)));
     $returnJson = array('error' => false, 'msg' => '<strong>OK:</strong>Пользователь удалён');
예제 #9
 protected function userTruePass(&$text, $fieldName)
     $oldPassword = md5(md5($text . K_Registry::get('Configure.salt')));
     $result = $this->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array($fieldName => $oldPassword)));
     if (!count($result)) {
         $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'неправильный действующий пароль';
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #10
 protected function clientExists(&$text, $fieldName)
     $clientModel = new Admin_Model_Client();
     $result = $clientModel->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('client_id' => $text)));
     if (count($result)) {
         return true;
     $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'Такого клиента не существует';
     return false;
예제 #11
 public function delAction()
     $roleModel = new Admin_Model_role();
     $role_id = $_POST['delroleid'];
     $userRolesModel = new Admin_Model_UserRole();
     $userRolesModel->remove(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('usrol_role_id' => $role_id)));
     $ruleModel = new Admin_Model_Rule();
     $ruleModel->remove(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('rule_role_id' => $role_id)));
     $returnJson = array('error' => false, 'msg' => '<strong>OK:</strong>Роль удалёна');
예제 #12
 public function loadAction()
     $type_form = new Admin_Model_Form();
     $form_key = $this->getParam('key');
     $form_data = $type_form->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where("type_form_id={$form_key}"));
     if ($form_data) {
         K_Loader::load('formbuilder', APP_PATH . '/plugins');
         $form_builder = new Formbuilder(unserialize($form_data['type_form_content']));
     } else {
예제 #13
 private function getNews()
     $result = array();
     $newsTable = new Default_Model_News();
     $newsList = $newsTable->find(K_Db_Select::create()->_join('authors', '`news`.`news_author_id` = `authors`.`author_id`', 'inner')->_join('categories', '`news`.`news_category_id` = `categories`.`category_id`', 'inner')->order('news_id ASC'));
     if (count($newsList)) {
         foreach ($newsList as $item) {
             $resultLink = $item->toArray();
             $resultLink['news_date'] = date('Y.m.d H:i:s', $resultLink['news_added_time']);
             $result[] = $resultLink;
     return $result;
예제 #14
 public static function costPerMounth()
     $client = new Admin_Model_Client();
     $orgClientsCountResult = $client->fetchAll(K_Db_Select::create('client_level')->where(array('client_organization' => K_Auth::getUserInfo('organization'))));
     $orgAdminsCount = 0;
     $orgUsersCount = 0;
     foreach ($orgClientsCountResult as $v) {
         if ($v['client_level'] == 'admin') {
         } else {
     return $orgAdminsCount * self::$_adminCost + $orgUsersCount * self::$_userCost;
예제 #15
 public function indexAction()
     $auth_error = false;
     //Если авторизован отпровляем в админку
     if (K_Access::acl()->isAllowed(K_Auth::getRoles(), 'admin')) {
     if (isset($_POST['btnauth'])) {
         $login = K_Arr::get($_POST, 'login', false);
         if ($login and strlen($login) < 100) {
             $password = K_Arr::get($_POST, 'password', false);
             if ($password) {
                 $password_hash = md5(md5($password . K_Registry::get('Configure.salt')));
                 $user_model = new Admin_Model_User();
                 $user_arr = $user_model->find(K_Db_Select::create()->fields('user_id, user_name, user_login , user_email')->where(array('and' => array('user_login' => $login, "user_password" => $password_hash)))->limit(1));
                 if (is_array($user_arr) && count($user_arr)) {
                     $user = $user_arr[0]->toArray();
                     $user_role = new Admin_Model_UserRole();
                     // находим все роли пользователя
                     $user_roles_arr = $user_role->fetchAssoc('role_acl_key', 'SELECT r.role_acl_key FROM (`users_roles`)inner join `role` as r on usrol_role_id=r.role_id  WHERE usrol_user_id = "' . $user['user_id'] . '"');
                     foreach ($user_roles_arr as $v) {
                         $user_roles[] = $v["role_acl_key"];
                     //Загружаем роли в класc авторизации
                     // var_dump ($user);
                     //даже если у пользователя нет ролей даём ему роль guests
                     if (!isset($user_roles)) {
                         $user_roles = array('guests');
                     K_Auth::authorize($user, $user_roles);
                 } else {
                     $auth_error = true;
             } else {
                 $auth_error = true;
         } else {
             $auth_error = true;
     $this->view->error_msg = '';
     if ($auth_error) {
         $this->view->error_msg = "Ошибка авторизации, неверный логин или пароль";
예제 #16
 public function urlTest(&$text, $fieldName)
     if (mb_strlen($text, 'UTF-8') > 255) {
         $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'Максимальный размер поля 255 символов';
         return false;
     if (mb_strlen($text, 'UTF-8') < 2) {
         $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'Минимальный размер поля 2 символа';
         return false;
     if (!$this->allowDuplicate) {
         // test on duplicate
         $result = $this->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('url_url' => $text)));
         if (count($result)) {
             $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'Найден дубликат поля';
             return false;
     return true;
예제 #17
 public function completedFormAction()
     $clientFormData = new Admin_Model_ClientFormData();
     $clientFormDataKey = $this->getParam('key');
     $data = $clientFormData->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('clientform_data_id' => $clientFormDataKey)));
     //вытягиваем структуру формы.
     $formData = Gcontroller::loadclientFormStructure($data['clientform_data_type']);
     $formStructure = json_decode($formData['form_structure']);
     $formStructure = K_Tree_Types::objectToArray($formStructure);
     //выбираем пары имя, label
     foreach ($formStructure as $v) {
         if (isset($v['values']['name']) && isset($v['values']['label'])) {
             $name = $v['values']['name'];
             $lable = $v['values']['label'];
             $fields[$name] = $lable;
     if ($data) {
         $formDataHtml = '';
         $fromDataObj = unserialize($data['clientform_data_content']);
         foreach ($fromDataObj as $k => $v) {
             if (is_array($v)) {
                 $value = implode(', ', $v);
             } else {
                 $value = $v;
             $formDataHtml .= '<tr><td>' . $fields[$k] . '</td><td>' . $value . '</td></tr>';
         $this->putAjax('<table class="table-skeleton">' . $formDataHtml . '</table>');
     } else {
예제 #18
    protected function tagsGUI()
        $this->tabs['tags'] = 'Теги';
        $tagsOptions = '';
        $tagsInputs = '';
        $tags = K_TreeQuery::crt('/blogtags/')->type('blogtag')->go();
        $blogTagsMode = new Admin_Model_BlogTag();
        $blogTags = $blogTagsMode->fetchAssoc('bt_tag_id', K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('bt_blog_id' => $this->nodeData['tree_id'])));
        $blogTagsIds = array_keys($blogTags);
        foreach ($tags as $v) {
            $tagsOptions .= '<option value="' . $v['tree_id'] . '" >' . ($v['name'] ? htmlspecialchars($v['name']) : 'Нет названия') . '</option>';
            if (in_array($v['tree_id'], $blogTagsIds)) {
                $tagsInputs .= '<input style="display:none" name="tags[]"  value="' . $v['tree_id'] . '">';
                $tagsSelOptions .= '<option value="' . $v['tree_id'] . '" >' . ($v['name'] ? htmlspecialchars($v['name']) : 'Нет названия') . '</option>';
        return <<<HTML
             <div class="b-padded mainForm"> 
                   <div id="flash-msg-nNote" class="nNote hideit" style="display: none;"><p></p></div>
             <form action="/admin/blogs/settags/" class="ajax-form" method="post">
                 <div class="rowElem noborder admin-form-row">
                                    Добавить новый тег:
                                  <div class="formRight">
                                    <input type="text" name="new-teg" id="add-new-tag-name" />
                                  <div class="fix"></div>
                                  <input type="button" value="Добавить" id="add-new-tag" class="b-button greyishBtn submitForm">
                  <div class="fix"></div>
                 <table class="sel-tags-table" >
                              <select  class="blog-tags" id="sel-tags-start" multiple="on">
                              <select name="tags[]" id="sel-tags" class="tags-select" multiple="on">
                 <div id="sel-tags-int">
                 <input type="hidden" name="this_key"  value="{$this->nodeData['tree_id']}" />
                 <input type="submit" value="Сохранить теги" id="save_button" class="b-button greyishBtn submitForm">
예제 #19
 public function exporttypeAction()
     $typeId = $this->getParam('typeid');
     $typeModel = new Admin_Model_Type();
     $typeRow = $typeModel->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('type_id' => $typeId)));
     $typeRow = $typeRow->toArray();
     $typeName = $typeRow['type_name'];
     $configArray = array('typeName' => $typeName);
     $query = new K_Db_Query();
     $typeTable = $query->q('SHOW CREATE TABLE type_' . $typeName . ';');
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     //создаём папку если такой нет.
     if (!file_exists(ROOT_PATH . '/cache/typestmp/')) {
         mkdir(ROOT_PATH . '/cache/temp/', 0777, true);
     if ($zip->open(ROOT_PATH . '/www/upload/typestmp/' . $typeName . '.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE) === true) {
         // php файлы
         $zip->addFile(ROOT_PATH . '/application/type/model/' . $typeName . '.php', $typeName . '_model.php');
         /// Добавление модели типа
         $zip->addFile(ROOT_PATH . '/application/type/controller/' . $typeName . '.php', $typeName . '_controller.php');
         /// Добавление контроллера типа
         $zip->addFile(ROOT_PATH . '/application/admin/controller/gui/' . $typeName . '.php', $typeName . '_gui.php');
         /// Добавление GUI типа
         // иконка
         $zip->addFile(ROOT_PATH . '/www/adm/img/tree/' . $typeName . '.png', $typeName . '.png');
         /// Добавление иконки типа
         // данные
         $zip->addFromString('config.json', json_encode($configArray));
         // конфигурационный файл
         $zip->addFromString('typerow.json', json_encode($typeRow));
         // строка типа из таблицы типов
         $zip->addFromString('typetable.sql', $typeTable[0]['Create Table']);
         // структура таблицы типа
     } else {
         echo 'Не могу создать архив!';
     K_Request::redirect('/upload/typestmp/' . $typeName . '.zip');
예제 #20
  * @function remove - óäàëåíèå çàïèñåé ïî óñëîâèþ where
  * @param $sql - óñëîâèå íà óäàëåíèå çàïèñåé
 public function remove($sql)
     if ($sql instanceof K_Db_Select) {
     } elseif (empty($sql)) {
         $sql = K_Db_Select::create()->from($this->name);
     $this->db->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->name . ' WHERE ' . $sql->getCompiledWhere());
예제 #21
 public static function countChilds($pid)
     $treeTable = new K_Tree_Model();
     return $treeTable->count(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('tree_pid' => $pid)));
예제 #22
    public static function add($typeName, $typeDesc, $fields, $allowedChildren, $allowedParents, $module = 'type', $generateClasses = true, $formbuilderStructure = false, $createHMVC = false, $seo = false)
        $typesTable = new K_Tree_Types_Model();
        if (!preg_match('/[a-z0-9.-]+/s', $typeName)) {
            throw new Exception('Wrong type name: ' . $typeName);
        if (!is_array($fields) || empty($fields)) {
            if (json_decode($fields) != null) {
                $fields = json_decode($fields);
                $fields = self::objectToArray($fields);
            } else {
                $fields = array();
                //throw new Exception('Cannot create empty type: '.$typeName);
        if (!is_array($allowedChildren)) {
            $allowedChildren = (array) $allowedChildren;
            foreach ($allowedChildren as $key => $value) {
                if ($value == 'Все') {
                    $allowedChildren[$key] = 'all';
                if ($value == 'Нет') {
                    $allowedChildren = array();
            //throw new Exception('Childrens must be array: '.$typeName);
        if (!is_array($allowedParents)) {
            $allowedParents = (array) $allowedParents;
            foreach ($allowedParents as $key => $value) {
                if ($value == 'Все') {
                    $allowedParents[$key] = 'all';
                if ($value == 'Нет') {
                    $allowedParents = array();
            //throw new Exception('Parents must be array: '.$typeName);
        if (!is_dir(APP_PATH . '/' . $module)) {
            throw new Exception('Wrong module directory: ' . $typeName);
        $pageExists = $typesTable->count(K_Db_Select::create()->where('`type_name` = "' . $typeName . '"'));
        if ($pageExists > 0) {
            throw new Exception('Current type already exists: ' . $typeName);
        $time = time();
        $insertIntoTypesData = array('type_name' => $typeName, 'type_desc' => $typeDesc, 'type_fields' => serialize($formbuilderStructure), 'types_module' => $module, 'type_added' => $time, 'type_modified' => $time);
        $insertId = $typesTable->save($insertIntoTypesData);
        $newTableName = 'type_' . $typeName;
        $seoFields = array('title', 'keys', 'h1', 'desc');
        $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS`' . $newTableName . '` (
			`' . $newTableName . '_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,`' . $newTableName . '_pid` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,';
        // если сео тип то добавляем поля с префиксом SEO
        foreach ($fields as $fieldId => $field) {
            if ($field['type'] == 'submit' || $field['type'] == 'reset') {
            $sql .= '`' . $newTableName . '_' . $field['values']['name'] . '` ' . self::setType($field['type'], $field['vlds']) . ' NOT NULL ,';
        // если сео тип то добавляем поля с префиксом SEO
        if ($seo) {
            foreach ($seoFields as $field) {
                $sql .= '`' . 'seo' . '_' . $field . '` VARCHAR(500) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,';
        $sql .= 'PRIMARY KEY (`' . $newTableName . '_id`)
		) ENGINE = MYISAM CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;';
        $query = new K_Db_Query();
        if ($generateClasses) {
            self::generateModel($typeName, $module);
            self::generateController($typeName, $module, $allowedChildren, $allowedParents, $fields);
            self::generateGUI($typeName, $module, $allowedChildren, $allowedParents, $fields, $seo);
        if ($createHMVC) {
            self::generateTypeBlockController($typeName, array('type' => ucfirst($typeName)));
예제 #23
  * Remove page info
  * @param Array $data   where array
 public function remove($data)
     $cacheID = null;
     if (isset($data['url_url']) && !empty($data['url_url'])) {
         $cacheID = 'url_' . md5(trim(mb_strtolower($data['url_url'], 'utf-8')));
     if (isset($data['url_params_json']) && is_array($data['url_params_json'])) {
         $data['url_params_json'] = json_encode($data['url_params_json']);
     $unlimCache = K_Cache_Manager::get('unlim');
     if (!empty($cacheID)) {
         if ($unlimCache->test($cacheID)) {
예제 #24
 protected function organizationIdNotExists(&$text, $fieldName)
     $organizationModel = new Admin_Model_Organization();
     $result = $organizationModel->fetchRow(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('organization_id' => $text)));
     if ($result && count($result)) {
         return true;
     $this->errors[$fieldName] = 'Такой организации не сеществует';
     return false;
예제 #25
 public static function onDelete($data)
     $commentModel = new Admin_Model_Comment();
     $commentModel->remove(K_Db_Select::create()->where(array('comment_new' => $data['tree_id'])));