  * Download the zip file
 function downloadZipFile($exportCode = NULL)
     if (!(isset($exportCode) && !empty($exportCode))) {
         $exportCode = KTUtil::arrayGet($_SESSION['zipcompression'], 'exportcode');
     $aData = KTUtil::arrayGet($_SESSION['zipcompression'], $exportCode);
     if (!empty($aData)) {
         $sZipFile = $aData['file'];
         $sTmpPath = $aData['dir'];
     } else {
         $sZipFile = $this->sZipFile;
         $sTmpPath = $this->sTmpPath;
     if (!file_exists($sZipFile)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(_kt('The zip file has not been created, if you are downloading a large number of documents
         or a large document then it may take a few minutes to finish.'));
     $mimeType = 'application/zip; charset=utf-8;';
     $fileSize = filesize($sZipFile);
     $fileName = $this->sZipFileName . '.' . $this->extension;
     KTUtil::download($sZipFile, $mimeType, $fileSize, $fileName);
     return true;
 function downloadVersion($oDocument, $iVersionId)
     //get the document
     $oContentVersion = KTDocumentContentVersion::get($iVersionId);
     $oConfig =& KTConfig::getSingleton();
     $sPath = sprintf("%s/%s", $oConfig->get('urls/documentRoot'), $this->getPath($oContentVersion));
     $sVersion = sprintf("%d.%d", $oContentVersion->getMajorVersionNumber(), $oContentVersion->getMinorVersionNumber());
     $mimeType = KTMime::getMimeTypeName($oContentVersion->getMimeTypeID());
     $fileSize = $oContentVersion->getFileSize();
     $fileName = $sVersion . '-' . $oContentVersion->getFileName();
     return KTUtil::download($sPath, $mimeType, $fileSize, $fileName);
  * Download the zip file
 function downloadZipFile($exportCode = NULL)
     if (!(isset($exportCode) && !empty($exportCode))) {
         $exportCode = KTUtil::arrayGet($_SESSION['zipcompression'], 'exportcode');
     $aData = KTUtil::arrayGet($_SESSION['zipcompression'], $exportCode);
     if (!empty($aData)) {
         $sZipFile = $aData['file'];
         $sTmpPath = $aData['dir'];
     } else {
         $sZipFile = $this->sZipFile;
         $sTmpPath = $this->sTmpPath;
     if (!file_exists($sZipFile)) {
         return PEAR::raiseError(_kt('The ZIP file can only be downloaded once - if you cancel the download, you will need to reload the page.'));
     $mimeType = 'application/zip; charset=utf-8;';
     $fileSize = filesize($sZipFile);
     $fileName = $this->sZipFileName . '.zip';
     KTUtil::download($sZipFile, $mimeType, $fileSize, $fileName);
     return true;
예제 #4
  * Method for downloading the document as a pdf.
  * @deprecated
  * @return true on success else false
 function do_pdfdownload_deprecated()
     $oDocument = $this->oDocument;
     $oStorage =& KTStorageManagerUtil::getSingleton();
     $oConfig =& KTConfig::getSingleton();
     $default = realpath(str_replace('\\', '/', KT_DIR . '/../openoffice/program'));
     putenv('ooProgramPath=' . $oConfig->get('openoffice/programPath', $default));
     $cmdpath = KTUtil::findCommand('externalBinary/python');
     // Check if openoffice and python are available
     if ($cmdpath == false || !file_exists($cmdpath) || empty($cmdpath)) {
         // Set the error messsage and redirect to view document
         $this->addErrorMessage(_kt('An error occurred generating the PDF - please contact the system administrator. Python binary not found.'));
         redirect(generateControllerLink('viewDocument', sprintf('fDocumentId=%d', $oDocument->getId())));
     //get the actual path to the document on the server
     $sPath = sprintf("%s/%s", $oConfig->get('urls/documentRoot'), $oStorage->getPath($oDocument));
     if (file_exists($sPath)) {
         // Get a tmp file
         $sTempFilename = tempnam('/tmp', 'ktpdf');
         // We need to handle Windows differently - as usual ;)
         if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
             $cmd = "\"" . $cmdpath . "\" \"" . KT_DIR . "/bin/openoffice/pdfgen.py\" \"" . $sPath . "\" \"" . $sTempFilename . "\"";
             $cmd = str_replace('/', '\\', $cmd);
             // TODO: Check for more errors here
             // SECURTIY: Ensure $sPath and $sTempFilename are safe or they could be used to excecute arbitrary commands!
             // Excecute the python script. TODO: Check this works with Windows
             $res = `"{$cmd}" 2>&1`;
         } else {
             // TODO: Check for more errors here
             // SECURTIY: Ensure $sPath and $sTempFilename are safe or they could be used to excecute arbitrary commands!
             // Excecute the python script.
             $cmd = $cmdpath . ' ' . KT_DIR . '/bin/openoffice/pdfgen.py ' . escapeshellcmd($sPath) . ' ' . escapeshellcmd($sTempFilename);
             $res = shell_exec($cmd . " 2>&1");
         // Check the tempfile exists and the python script did not return anything (which would indicate an error)
         if (file_exists($sTempFilename) && $res == '') {
             $mimetype = 'application/pdf';
             $size = filesize($sTempFilename);
             $name = substr($oDocument->getFileName(), 0, strrpos($oDocument->getFileName(), '.')) . '.pdf';
             KTUtil::download($sTempFilename, $mimetype, $size, $name);
             // Remove the tempfile
             // Create the document transaction
             $oDocumentTransaction =& new DocumentTransaction($oDocument, 'Document downloaded as PDF', 'ktcore.transactions.download', $aOptions);
             // Just stop here - the content has already been sent.
         } else {
             // Set the error messsage and redirect to view document
             $this->addErrorMessage(_kt('An error occurred generating the PDF - please contact the system administrator. ' . $res));
             redirect(generateControllerLink('viewDocument', sprintf('fDocumentId=%d', $oDocument->getId())));
     } else {
         // Set the error messsage and redirect to view document
         $this->addErrorMessage(_kt('An error occurred generating the PDF - please contact the system administrator. The path to the document did not exist.'));
         redirect(generateControllerLink('viewDocument', sprintf('fDocumentId=%d', $oDocument->getId())));