예제 #1
파일: Compose.php 프로젝트: sunmo/snowlotus
 * Generate the compose data package consumed by the full and quick compose screens.
 * @param Array $data
 * @param Bool $forFullCompose If full compose is set to TRUE, then continue execution and include the full Emails UI.  Otherwise
 *             the data generated is returned.
 * @param SugarBean $bean Optional - parent object with data
function generateComposeDataPackage($data, $forFullCompose = TRUE, $bean = null)
    // we will need the following:
    if (isset($data['parent_type']) && !empty($data['parent_type']) && isset($data['parent_id']) && !empty($data['parent_id']) && !isset($data['ListView']) && !isset($data['replyForward'])) {
        if (empty($bean)) {
            global $beanList;
            global $beanFiles;
            global $mod_strings;
            $parentName = '';
            $class = $beanList[$data['parent_type']];
            require_once $beanFiles[$class];
            $bean = new $class();
        if (isset($bean->full_name)) {
            $parentName = $bean->full_name;
        } elseif (isset($bean->name)) {
            $parentName = $bean->name;
        } else {
            $parentName = '';
        $parentName = from_html($parentName);
        $namePlusEmail = '';
        if (isset($data['to_email_addrs'])) {
            $namePlusEmail = $data['to_email_addrs'];
            $namePlusEmail = from_html(str_replace(" ", " ", $namePlusEmail));
        } else {
            if (isset($bean->full_name)) {
                $namePlusEmail = from_html($bean->full_name) . " <" . from_html($bean->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($bean)) . ">";
            } else {
                if (isset($bean->emailAddress)) {
                    $namePlusEmail = "<" . from_html($bean->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($bean)) . ">";
        $subject = "";
        $body = "";
        $email_id = "";
        $attachments = array();
        if ($bean->module_dir == 'Cases') {
            $subject = str_replace('%1', $bean->case_number, $bean->getEmailSubjectMacro() . " " . from_html($bean->name));
            //bug 41928
            $contact_ids = $bean->contacts->get();
            $contact = new Contact();
            foreach ($contact_ids as $cid) {
                $namePlusEmail .= empty($namePlusEmail) ? "" : ", ";
                $namePlusEmail .= from_html($contact->full_name) . " <" . from_html($contact->emailAddress->getPrimaryAddress($contact)) . ">";
        if ($bean->module_dir == 'KBDocuments') {
            require_once "modules/Emails/EmailUI.php";
            $subject = $bean->kbdocument_name;
            $article_body = str_replace('/cache/images/', $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['site_url'] . '/cache/images/', KBDocument::get_kbdoc_body_without_incrementing_count($bean->id));
            $body = from_html($article_body);
            $attachments = KBDocument::get_kbdoc_attachments_for_newemail($bean->id);
            $attachments = $attachments['attachments'];
        // if
        if ($bean->module_dir == 'Quotes' && isset($data['recordId'])) {
            $quotesData = getQuotesRelatedData($bean, $data);
            global $current_language;
            $namePlusEmail = $quotesData['toAddress'];
            $subject = $quotesData['subject'];
            $body = $quotesData['body'];
            $attachments = $quotesData['attachments'];
            $email_id = $quotesData['email_id'];
        // if
        $ret = array('to_email_addrs' => $namePlusEmail, 'parent_type' => $data['parent_type'], 'parent_id' => $data['parent_id'], 'parent_name' => $parentName, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'attachments' => $attachments, 'email_id' => $email_id);
    } else {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['ListView'])) {
            $email = new Email();
            $namePlusEmail = $email->getNamePlusEmailAddressesForCompose($_REQUEST['action_module'], explode(",", $_REQUEST['uid']));
            $ret = array('to_email_addrs' => $namePlusEmail);
        } else {
            if (isset($data['replyForward'])) {
                require_once "modules/Emails/EmailUI.php";
                $ret = array();
                $ie = new InboundEmail();
                $ie->email = new Email();
                $replyType = $data['reply'];
                $email_id = $data['record'];
                $emailType = "";
                if ($ie->email->type == 'draft') {
                    $emailType = $ie->email->type;
                $ie->email->from_addr = $ie->email->from_addr_name;
                $ie->email->to_addrs = to_html($ie->email->to_addrs_names);
                $ie->email->cc_addrs = to_html($ie->email->cc_addrs_names);
                $ie->email->bcc_addrs = $ie->email->bcc_addrs_names;
                $ie->email->from_name = $ie->email->from_addr;
                $preBodyHTML = "&nbsp;<div><hr></div>";
                if ($ie->email->type != 'draft') {
                    $email = $ie->email->et->handleReplyType($ie->email, $replyType);
                } else {
                    $email = $ie->email;
                    $preBodyHTML = "";
                // else
                if ($ie->email->type != 'draft') {
                    $emailHeader = $email->description;
                $ret = $ie->email->et->displayComposeEmail($email);
                if ($ie->email->type != 'draft') {
                    $ret['description'] = $emailHeader;
                if ($replyType == 'forward' || $emailType == 'draft') {
                    $ret = $ie->email->et->getDraftAttachments($ret);
                $return = $ie->email->et->getFromAllAccountsArray($ie, $ret);
                if ($replyType == "forward") {
                    $return['to'] = '';
                } else {
                    if ($email->type != 'draft') {
                        $return['to'] = from_html($ie->email->from_addr);
                // else
                $ret = array('to_email_addrs' => $return['to'], 'parent_type' => $return['parent_type'], 'parent_id' => $return['parent_id'], 'parent_name' => $return['parent_name'], 'subject' => $return['name'], 'body' => $preBodyHTML . $return['description'], 'attachments' => isset($return['attachments']) ? $return['attachments'] : array(), 'email_id' => $email_id, 'fromAccounts' => $return['fromAccounts']);
                // If it's a 'Reply All' action, append the CC addresses
                if ($data['reply'] == 'replyAll') {
                    $ret['cc_addrs'] = from_html($ie->email->to_addrs);
            } else {
                $ret = array('to_email_addrs' => '');
    if ($forFullCompose) {
    } else {
        return $ret;
예제 #2
    $subject = "";
    $body = "";
    $email_id = "";
    $attachments = array();
    if ($bean->module_dir == 'Cases') {
        $subject = $mod_strings['LBL_RE'] . " " . str_replace('%1', $bean->case_number, $bean->getEmailSubjectMacro() . " " . $bean->name);
    if ($bean->module_dir == 'KBDocuments') {
        require_once 'modules/KBDocuments/KBDocument.php';
        require_once "modules/Emails/EmailUI.php";
        $subject = $bean->kbdocument_name;
        $article_body = str_replace('/cache/images/', $sugar_config['site_url'] . '/cache/images/', KBDocument::get_kbdoc_body_without_incrementing_count($bean->id));
        $body = from_html($article_body);
        $attachments = KBDocument::get_kbdoc_attachments_for_newemail($bean->id);
        $attachments = $attachments['attachments'];
    // if
    if ($bean->module_dir == 'Quotes' && isset($_REQUEST['recordId'])) {
        $quotesData = getQuotesRelatedData($bean);
        global $current_language;
        $namePlusEmail = $quotesData['toAddress'];
        $subject = $quotesData['subject'];
        $body = $quotesData['body'];
        $attachments = $quotesData['attachments'];
        $email_id = $quotesData['email_id'];
    // if
    $ret = array('to_email_addrs' => $namePlusEmail, 'parent_type' => $_REQUEST['parent_type'], 'parent_id' => $_REQUEST['parent_id'], 'parent_name' => $parentName, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'attachments' => $attachments, 'email_id' => $email_id);
} else {