예제 #1
function registerSessionUsage($mv_session_hash, $domain, $shared_key, &$mv_session_id, &$error_message, $serviceUrl = "", $ignoreSSLWarnings = false, $cookies = null)
    // Connect to MV-ID's session security service to register a valid application session
    $client = new JsonWspClient(trim($serviceUrl) != "" ? $serviceUrl : "https://signon.mv-nordic.com/session-security/SessionSecurity/jsonwsp/description", $ignoreSSLWarnings, $cookies);
    // Send registration request
    $response = $client->CallMethod("registerSessionUsage", array("mv_session_hash" => $mv_session_hash, "domain" => $domain));
    if ($response->getJsonWspType() == JsonWspType::Response && $response->getCallResult() == JsonWspCallResult::Success) {
        // Get recieve a server-to-server nonse in order to respond to MV-ID's challenge
        $responseJson = $response->getJsonResponse();
        $result = $responseJson["result"];
        if ($result["method_result"]["res_code"] != 0) {
            $error_message = $result["method_result"]["res_msg"];
            return false;
        $nonce = $result["nonce"];
        // Build mv_session_id and store it as a cookie
        $mv_session_id = md5($mv_session_hash . $nonce . $shared_key);
        return true;
    } else {
        if ($response->getJsonWspType() == JsonWspType::Fault) {
            // Handle service fault here
            $error_message = "Service fault: " . $response->getServiceFault()->getString();
            return false;
예제 #2
 	JSONWSP PHP Client library example
 	This example demonstrates the simple nature of the jsonwsp client.
 	In the example a client object is created with a valid jsonwsp service
 	description url. The setViaProxy is used to force the client to use the
 	description url host to call service methods. Then a method call is
 	made and the result is checked and parsed.
// Include the client classes
include "../jsonwspclient.php";
// Create a new client object
$client = new JsonWspClient("http://ladonize.org/python-demos/AlbumService/jsonwsp/description", false, array("CookieName" => "CookieValue"));
// Use a proxy instead of the native service url (from the description)
// Call a service method by name and with an associative array as arguments
$response = $client->CallMethod("listBands", array("search_frase" => "Swan"));
// Check responsetype and callresult for a valid response
if ($response->getJsonWspType() == JsonWspType::Response && $response->getCallResult() == JsonWspCallResult::Success) {
    // Get the result data
    $responseJson = $response->getJsonResponse();
    $result = $responseJson["result"];
    // Output succes and the contents of the result
    echo "Valid response:<br><pre>" . print_r($result, true) . "</pre>";
} else {
    if ($response->getJsonWspType() == JsonWspType::Fault) {
        // Handle service fault here
        echo "Service fault: " . $response->getServiceFault()->getString();
    } else {
        // Other error, check callresult and jsonwsp type