public function testJsonResultArrayGeneration()
     $this->tempDir = TestUtil::extractToTemp(__DIR__ . '/data/');
     $testInfo = TestInfo::fromFiles($this->tempDir . '/singlestepResults');
     $imitatedPath = $this->imitatedResultPath($testInfo->getId());
     // we need to move the results to a directory structure that equal to the real one.
     // Then, we can go into the parent directory, so the relatece "testRoot" is the same as it would be in production
     // This is important, as during XML generation, some URLs contain the test path
     mkdir($this->tempDir . $imitatedPath, 0777, true);
     rename($this->tempDir . '/singlestepResults', $this->tempDir . $imitatedPath);
     $this->orgDir = getcwd();
     $testRoot = "." . $imitatedPath;
     $testInfo = TestInfo::fromFiles($testRoot);
     $testResults = TestResults::fromFiles($testInfo);
     $jsonGenerator = new JsonResultGenerator($testInfo, "http://wpt-test-vm", new FileHandler());
     $resultArray = $jsonGenerator->resultDataArray($testResults, "loadTime");
     $this->assertThat($resultArray, new IsArraySubsetConstraint($SINGLESTEP_JSON_RESULT_ARRAY));
예제 #2
    if ($ret['statusCode'] == 200) {
        $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_SSL']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_SSL'] == 'On' ? 'https' : 'http';
        $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\');
        $urlStart = "{$protocol}://{$host}{$uri}";
        $testInfo = TestInfo::fromValues($id, $testPath, $test);
        $testResults = TestResults::fromFiles($testInfo);
        $infoFlags = getRequestInfoFlags();
        $jsonResultGenerator = new JsonResultGenerator($testInfo, $urlStart, new FileHandler(), $infoFlags, FRIENDLY_URLS);
        if (!empty($_REQUEST["multistepFormat"])) {
        if (defined("VER_WEBPAGETEST")) {
            $ret["webPagetestVersion"] = VER_WEBPAGETEST;
        $ret['data'] = $jsonResultGenerator->resultDataArray($testResults, $median_metric);
function getRequestInfoFlags()
    $getFlags = array("average" => JsonResultGenerator::WITHOUT_AVERAGE, "standard" => JsonResultGenerator::WITHOUT_STDDEV, "median" => JsonResultGenerator::WITHOUT_MEDIAN, "runs" => JsonResultGenerator::WITHOUT_RUNS, "requests" => JsonResultGenerator::WITHOUT_REQUESTS, "console" => JsonResultGenerator::WITHOUT_CONSOLE);
    $infoFlags = array();
    foreach ($getFlags as $key => $flag) {
        if (isset($_GET[$key]) && $_GET[$key] == 0) {
            $infoFlags[] = $flag;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST["basic"])) {
        $infoFlags[] = JsonResultGenerator::BASIC_INFO_ONLY;