$awaylink = JoomleagueHelperRoute::getTeamPlanRoute($this->project->slug, $guestteam->team_slug);
 } else {
     $homelink = null;
     $awaylink = null;
 $isFavTeam = in_array($hometeam->id, $this->favteams);
 $home = JoomleagueHelper::formatTeamName($hometeam, "g" . $match->id . "t" . $hometeam->id, $this->config, $isFavTeam, $homelink);
 $teamA .= '<td class="' . $class1 . '">' . $home . '</td>';
 // Check if the user wants to show the club logo or country flag
 switch ($this->config['show_logo_small']) {
     case 1:
         $teamA .= '<td class="' . $class1 . '">';
         $teamA .= ' ' . JoomleagueModelProject::getClubIconHtml($hometeam, 1);
         $teamA .= '</td>';
         $teamB .= '<td class="' . $class2 . '">';
         $teamB .= JoomleagueModelProject::getClubIconHtml($guestteam, 1) . ' ';
         $teamB .= '</td>';
     case 2:
         $teamA .= '<td class="' . $class1 . '">';
         $teamA .= Countries::getCountryFlag($hometeam->country);
         $teamA .= '</td>';
         $teamB .= '<td class="' . $class2 . '">';
         $teamB .= Countries::getCountryFlag($guestteam->country);
         $teamB .= '</td>';
     case 3:
         $teamA .= '<td class="' . $class1 . '">';
         $teamA .= JoomleagueHelper::getPictureThumb($hometeam->picture, $hometeam->name, $this->config['team_picture_width'], $this->config['team_picture_height'], 1);
         $teamA .= '</td>';
         $teamB .= '<td class="' . $class2 . '">';
			<div id="timelinetop">
echo $this->showSubstitution_Timelines1();
echo $this->showEvents_Timelines1();
if ($this->team2->logo_small == '') {
    echo '<td width="140">';
    echo $this->team2->name;
} else {
    echo '<td width="40">';
    echo JoomleagueModelProject::getClubIconHtml($this->team2, 1);
		<td id="timeline-bottom">
			<div id="timelinebottom">
echo $this->showSubstitution_Timelines2();
echo $this->showEvents_Timelines2();


<!-- END of match timeline -->
예제 #3
                $teamA = '<td align="right" valign="top" class="nowrap">';
                $teamA .= " " . JoomleagueModelProject::getClubIconHtml($home_logo[0], 1);
                $teamA .= '</td>';
                echo $teamA;
						<td class="nowrap">
            echo $home->name;
						<td class="nowrap">-</td>
            if ($this->config['show_logo'] == 1) {
                $teamB = '<td align="right" valign="top" class="nowrap">';
                $teamB .= " " . JoomleagueModelProject::getClubIconHtml($away_logo[0], 1);
                $teamB .= '</td>';
                echo $teamB;
						<td class="nowrap">
            echo $away->name;
            if ($this->config['show_referee']) {
                if (isset($game->referees) && count($game->referees) > 0) {
                    if ($this->project->teams_as_referees) {
			 <tr class="<?php 
        echo $k == 0 ? $this->config['style_class1'] : $this->config['style_class2'];
" id="event-tpidin<?php 
        echo $me->teamplayer_id;
        echo $me->in_for;
        echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
        echo '<td class="ecenter">' . $txt_tab_in . '</td>';
        echo '<td class="ecenter">' . JoomleagueModelProject::getClubIconHtml($eventteam, 1) . '</td>';
        //Subs in
        $inName = JoomleagueHelper::formatName(null, $me->firstname, $me->nickname, $me->lastname, $this->config["name_format"]);
        if ($inName != '') {
            $isFavTeam = in_array($me->team_id, explode(",", $this->project->fav_team));
            if ($this->config['event_link_player'] == 1) {
                if ($this->config['show_player_profile_link'] == 1 || $this->config['show_player_profile_link'] == 2 && $isFavTeam) {
                    $inName = JHtml::link(JoomleagueHelperRoute::getPlayerRoute($this->project->slug, $me->ptid, $me->person_id), $inName);
                if ($me->in_position != '') {
                    $inName .= '&nbsp;(' . JText::_($me->in_position) . ')';
        echo '<td>' . $inName . '</td>';
        echo '</tr>';