예제 #1
 function deleteTempFiles()
     $configuration =& JoomlapackModelRegistry::getInstance();
     $tempFiles = JoomlapackCUBETables::UnserializeVar('CUBETempFiles', array());
     foreach ($tempFiles as $fileName) {
         $file = $configuration->getTemporaryDirectory() . DS . $fileName;
         if (file_exists($file)) {
예제 #2
파일: jpa.php 프로젝트: albertobraschi/Hab
  * The most basic file transaction: add a single entry (file or directory) to
  * the archive.
  * @param bool $isVirtual If true, the next parameter contains file data instead of a file name
  * @param string $sourceNameOrData Absolute file name to read data from or the file data itself is $isVirtual is true
  * @param string $targetName The (relative) file name under which to store the file in the archive
  * @return True on success, false otherwise
  * @since 1.2.1
  * @access protected
  * @abstract 
 function _addFile($isVirtual, &$sourceNameOrData, $targetName)
     static $configuration;
     if (!$configuration) {
         jpimport('models.registry', true);
         $configuration =& JoomlapackModelRegistry::getInstance();
     // See if it's a directory
     $isDir = $isVirtual ? false : is_dir($sourceNameOrData);
     // Get real size before compression
     if ($isVirtual) {
         $fileSize = strlen($sourceNameOrData);
     } else {
         $fileSize = $isDir ? 0 : filesize($sourceNameOrData);
     // Decide if we will compress
     if ($isDir) {
         $compressionMethod = 0;
         // don't compress directories...
     } else {
         // Do we have plenty of memory left?
         $memLimit = ini_get("memory_limit");
         if (is_numeric($memLimit) && $memLimit < 0) {
             $memLimit = "";
         // 1.2a3 -- Rare case with memory_limit < 0, e.g. -1Mb!
         if ($memLimit == "" || $fileSize >= _JoomlapackPackerZIP_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD) {
             // No memory limit, or over 1Mb files => always compress up to 1Mb files (otherwise it times out)
             $compressionMethod = $fileSize <= _JoomlapackPackerZIP_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD ? 1 : 0;
         } elseif (function_exists("memory_get_usage")) {
             // PHP can report memory usage, see if there's enough available memory; Joomla! alone eats about 5-6Mb! This code is called on files <= 1Mb
             $memLimit = $this->_return_bytes($memLimit);
             $availableRAM = $memLimit - memory_get_usage();
             $compressionMethod = $availableRAM / 2.5 >= $fileSize ? 1 : 0;
         } else {
             // PHP can't report memory usage, compress only files up to 512Kb (conservative approach) and hope it doesn't break
             $compressionMethod = $fileSize <= 524288 ? 1 : 0;
     $compressionMethod = function_exists("gzcompress") ? $compressionMethod : 0;
     $storedName = $targetName;
     /* "Entity Description BLock" segment. */
     $unc_len =& $fileSize;
     // File size
     $storedName .= $isDir ? "/" : "";
     if ($compressionMethod == 1) {
         if ($isVirtual) {
             $udata =& $sourceNameOrData;
         } else {
             // Get uncompressed data
             if (function_exists("file_get_contents") && _JoomlapackPackerZIP_FORCE_FOPEN == false) {
                 $udata = @file_get_contents($sourceNameOrData);
                 // PHP > 4.3.0 saves us the trouble
             } else {
                 // Argh... the hard way!
                 $udatafp = @fopen($sourceNameOrData, "rb");
                 if (!($udatafp === false)) {
                     $udata = "";
                     while (!feof($udatafp)) {
                         // Keep-alive on file reading
                         if ($configuration->get("enableMySQLKeepalive", false)) {
                             list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
                             $endTime = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
                             if ($endTime - $this->startTime > 0.5) {
                                 $this->startTime = $endTime;
                                 JoomlapackCUBETables::WriteVar('dummy', 1);
                         $udata .= fread($udatafp, JPPACK_CHUNK);
                 } else {
                     $udata = false;
         if ($udata === FALSE) {
             // Unreadable file, skip it.
             JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_WARNING, JText::sprintf('CUBE_WARN_UNREADABLEFILE', $sourceNameOrData));
             return false;
         } else {
             // Proceed with compression
             $zdata = @gzcompress($udata);
             if ($zdata === false) {
                 // If compression fails, let it behave like no compression was available
                 $c_len =& $unc_len;
                 $compressionMethod = 0;
             } else {
                 $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2);
                 $c_len = strlen($zdata);
     } else {
         $c_len = $unc_len;
     $this->_compressedSize += $c_len;
     // Update global data
     $this->_uncompressedSize += $fileSize;
     // Update global data
     // Get file permissions
     $perms = $isVirtual ? 0777 : @fileperms($sourceNameOrData);
     // Calculate Entity Description Block length
     $blockLength = 21 + strlen($storedName);
     // Open data file for output
     $fp = @fopen($this->_dataFileName, "ab");
     if ($fp === false) {
         $this->setError("Could not open archive file '{$this->_dataFileName}' for append!");
     $this->_fwrite($fp, $this->_fileHeader);
     // Entity Description Block header
     if ($this->getError()) {
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('v', $blockLength));
     // Entity Description Block header length
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('v', strlen($storedName)));
     // Length of entity path
     $this->_fwrite($fp, $storedName);
     // Entity path
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('C', $isDir ? 0 : 1));
     // Entity type
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('C', $compressionMethod));
     // Compression method
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('V', $c_len));
     // Compressed size
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('V', $unc_len));
     // Uncompressed size
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('V', $perms));
     // Entity permissions
     /* "File data" segment. */
     if ($compressionMethod == 1) {
         // Just dump the compressed data
         $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata);
         if ($this->getError()) {
     } elseif (!$isDir) {
         if ($isVirtual) {
             $this->_fwrite($fp, $sourceNameOrData);
             if ($this->getError()) {
         } else {
             // Copy the file contents, ignore directories
             $zdatafp = @fopen($sourceNameOrData, "rb");
             if ($zdatafp === FALSE) {
                 JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_WARNING, JText::sprintf('CUBE_WARN_UNREADABLEFILE', $sourceNameOrData));
                 return false;
             } else {
                 while (!feof($zdatafp)) {
                     $zdata = fread($zdatafp, JPPACK_CHUNK);
                     $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata);
                     if ($this->getError()) {
     // ... and return TRUE = success
     return TRUE;
예제 #3
  * Returns the CRC32 of a file, selecting the more appropriate algorithm.
  * @param string $filename Absolute path to the file being processed
  * @param integer $JoomlapackPackerZIP_CHUNK_SIZE Obsoleted
  * @return integer The CRC32 in numerical form
 function crc32_file($filename, $JoomlapackPackerZIP_CHUNK_SIZE)
     static $configuration;
     if (!$configuration) {
         jpimport('models.registry', true);
         $configuration =& JoomlapackModelRegistry::getInstance();
     // Keep-alive before CRC32 calculation
     if ($configuration->get("enableMySQLKeepalive", false)) {
         list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
         $endTime = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
         if ($endTime - $this->startTime > 0.5) {
             $this->startTime = $endTime;
             JoomlapackCUBETables::WriteVar('dummy', 1);
     if (function_exists("hash_file")) {
         $res = $this->crc32_file_php512($filename);
         JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_DEBUG, "File {$filename} - CRC32 = " . dechex($res) . " [PHP512]");
     } else {
         if (function_exists("file_get_contents") && @filesize($filename) <= $JoomlapackPackerZIP_CHUNK_SIZE) {
             $res = $this->crc32_file_getcontents($filename);
             JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_DEBUG, "File {$filename} - CRC32 = " . dechex($res) . " [GETCONTENTS]");
         } else {
             $res = $this->crc32_file_php4($filename, $JoomlapackPackerZIP_CHUNK_SIZE);
             JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_DEBUG, "File {$filename} - CRC32 = " . dechex($res) . " [PHP4]");
     if ($res === FALSE) {
         $cube =& JoomlapackCUBE::getInstance();
         $cube->addWarning("File {$filename} - NOT READABLE: CRC32 IS WRONG!");
     return $res;
예제 #4
  * Adds an entry to the engine includes table
  * @param string $dottedNotation Dotted notation of class file to add to the list
 function _addEngineInclude($dottedNotation)
     if (JoomlapackCUBETables::CountVar('CUBEEngineIncludes') >= 1) {
         // There is a db entry. Load, and unserialize
         $includes = JoomlapackCUBETables::UnserializeVar('CUBEEngineIncludes');
     } else {
         // Start a new array
         $includes = array();
     // Append to the array
     $includes[] = $dottedNotation;
     // Serialize and save
     JoomlapackCUBETables::SerializeVar('CUBEEngineIncludes', $includes);
예제 #5
 function _deleteCUBEObject()
     $tmpfile = JoomlapackCUBETables::_cubeTmpFile(1);
     if (!empty($tmpfile)) {
         JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_INFO, "Removing CUBE temporary file: " . $tmpfile);
예제 #6
  * Caches the update.ini contents to database
  * @param $inidata string The update.ini data
 function _setUpdateINIcached($inidata)
     JoomlapackCUBETables::WriteVar('updateini', $inidata);
     $date = new JDate();
     JoomlapackCUBETables::SerializeVar('lastupdatecheck', $date);
예제 #7
  * The most basic file transaction: add a single entry (file or directory) to
  * the archive.
  * @param bool $isVirtual If true, the next parameter contains file data instead of a file name
  * @param string $sourceNameOrData Absolute file name to read data from or the file data itself is $isVirtual is true
  * @param string $targetName The (relative) file name under which to store the file in the archive
  * @return True on success, false otherwise
  * @since 1.2.1
  * @access protected
  * @abstract
 function _addFile($isVirtual, &$sourceNameOrData, $targetName)
     static $configuration;
     if (!$configuration) {
         jpimport('models.registry', true);
         $configuration =& JoomlapackModelRegistry::getInstance();
     // See if it's a directory
     $isDir = $isVirtual ? false : is_dir($sourceNameOrData);
     // See if it's a symlink (w/out dereference)
     $isSymlink = false;
     if ($this->_symlink_store_target) {
         $isSymlink = is_link($sourceNameOrData);
     // Get real size before compression
     if ($isVirtual) {
         $fileSize = strlen($sourceNameOrData);
     } else {
         if ($isSymlink) {
             $fileSize = strlen(@readlink($sourceNameOrData));
         } else {
             $fileSize = $isDir ? 0 : @filesize($sourceNameOrData);
     // Decide if we will compress
     if ($isDir || $isSymlink) {
         $compressionMethod = 0;
         // don't compress directories...
     } else {
         // Do we have plenty of memory left?
         $memLimit = ini_get("memory_limit");
         if (is_numeric($memLimit) && $memLimit < 0) {
             $memLimit = "";
         // 1.2a3 -- Rare case with memory_limit < 0, e.g. -1Mb!
         if ($memLimit == "" || $fileSize >= _JoomlapackPackerZIP_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD) {
             // No memory limit, or over 1Mb files => always compress up to 1Mb files (otherwise it times out)
             $compressionMethod = $fileSize <= _JoomlapackPackerZIP_COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD ? 1 : 0;
         } elseif (function_exists("memory_get_usage")) {
             // PHP can report memory usage, see if there's enough available memory; Joomla! alone eats about 5-6Mb! This code is called on files <= 1Mb
             $memLimit = $this->_return_bytes($memLimit);
             $availableRAM = $memLimit - memory_get_usage();
             $compressionMethod = $availableRAM / 2.5 >= $fileSize ? 1 : 0;
         } else {
             // PHP can't report memory usage, compress only files up to 512Kb (conservative approach) and hope it doesn't break
             $compressionMethod = $fileSize <= 524288 ? 1 : 0;
     $compressionMethod = function_exists("gzcompress") ? $compressionMethod : 0;
     $storedName = $targetName;
     /* "Entity Description BLock" segment. */
     $unc_len =& $fileSize;
     // File size
     $storedName .= $isDir ? "/" : "";
     if ($compressionMethod == 1) {
         if ($isVirtual) {
             $udata =& $sourceNameOrData;
         } else {
             // Get uncompressed data
             if (function_exists("file_get_contents") && _JoomlapackPackerZIP_FORCE_FOPEN == false) {
                 $udata = @file_get_contents($sourceNameOrData);
                 // PHP > 4.3.0 saves us the trouble
             } else {
                 // Argh... the hard way!
                 $udatafp = @fopen($sourceNameOrData, "rb");
                 if (!($udatafp === false)) {
                     $udata = "";
                     while (!feof($udatafp)) {
                         // Keep-alive on file reading
                         if ($configuration->get("enableMySQLKeepalive", false)) {
                             list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
                             $endTime = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
                             if ($endTime - $this->startTime > 0.5) {
                                 $this->startTime = $endTime;
                                 JoomlapackCUBETables::WriteVar('dummy', 1);
                         $udata .= fread($udatafp, JPPACK_CHUNK);
                 } else {
                     $udata = false;
         if ($udata === FALSE) {
             // Unreadable file, skip it.
             JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_WARNING, JText::sprintf('CUBE_WARN_UNREADABLEFILE', $sourceNameOrData));
             return false;
         } else {
             // Proceed with compression
             $zdata = @gzcompress($udata);
             if ($zdata === false) {
                 // If compression fails, let it behave like no compression was available
                 $c_len =& $unc_len;
                 $compressionMethod = 0;
             } else {
                 $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2);
                 $c_len = strlen($zdata);
     } else {
         $c_len = $unc_len;
     $this->_compressedSize += $c_len;
     // Update global data
     $this->_uncompressedSize += $fileSize;
     // Update global data
     // Get file permissions
     $perms = $isVirtual ? 0777 : @fileperms($sourceNameOrData);
     // Calculate Entity Description Block length
     $blockLength = 21 + strlen($storedName);
     // Get file type
     if (!$isDir && !$isSymlink) {
         $fileType = 1;
     } elseif ($isSymlink) {
         $fileType = 2;
     } elseif ($isDir) {
         $fileType = 0;
     // If it's a split ZIP file, we've got to make sure that the header can fit in the part
     if ($this->_useSplitZIP) {
         // Compare to free part space
         $current_part_size = @filesize($this->_dataFileName);
         $free_space = $this->_fragmentSize - ($current_part_size === false ? 0 : $current_part_size);
         if ($free_space <= $blockLength) {
             // Not enough space on current part, create new part
             if (!$this->_createNewPart()) {
                 $this->setError('Could not create new JPA part file ' . basename($this->_dataFileName));
                 return false;
     // Open data file for output
     $fp = @fopen($this->_dataFileName, "ab");
     if ($fp === false) {
         $this->setError("Could not open archive file '{$this->_dataFileName}' for append!");
     $this->_fwrite($fp, $this->_fileHeader);
     // Entity Description Block header
     if ($this->getError()) {
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('v', $blockLength));
     // Entity Description Block header length
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('v', strlen($storedName)));
     // Length of entity path
     $this->_fwrite($fp, $storedName);
     // Entity path
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('C', $fileType));
     // Entity type
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('C', $compressionMethod));
     // Compression method
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('V', $c_len));
     // Compressed size
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('V', $unc_len));
     // Uncompressed size
     $this->_fwrite($fp, pack('V', $perms));
     // Entity permissions
     /* "File data" segment. */
     if ($compressionMethod == 1) {
         if (!$this->_useSplitZIP) {
             // Just dump the compressed data
             $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata);
             if ($this->getError()) {
         } else {
             // Split ZIP. Check if we need to split the part in the middle of the data.
             $current_part_size = @filesize($this->_dataFileName);
             $free_space = $this->_fragmentSize - ($current_part_size === false ? 0 : $current_part_size);
             if ($free_space >= strlen($zdata)) {
                 // Write in one part
                 $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata);
                 if ($this->getError()) {
             } else {
                 $bytes_left = strlen($zdata);
                 while ($bytes_left > 0) {
                     $current_part_size = @filesize($this->_dataFileName);
                     $free_space = $this->_fragmentSize - ($current_part_size === false ? 0 : $current_part_size);
                     // Split between parts - Write first part
                     $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata, $free_space);
                     if ($this->getError()) {
                     // Get the rest of the data
                     $bytes_left = strlen($zdata) - $free_space;
                     if ($bytes_left > 0) {
                         // Create new part
                         if (!$this->_createNewPart()) {
                             // Die if we couldn't create the new part
                             $this->setError('Could not create new JPA part file ' . basename($this->_dataFileName));
                             return false;
                         } else {
                             // Close the old data file
                             // Open data file for output
                             $fp = @fopen($this->_dataFileName, "ab");
                             if ($fp === false) {
                                 $this->setError("Could not open archive file {$this->_dataFileName} for append!");
                                 return false;
                         $zdata = substr($zdata, -$bytes_left);
     } elseif (!$isDir && !$isSymlink) {
         if ($isVirtual) {
             if (!$this->_useSplitZIP) {
                 // Just dump the data
                 $this->_fwrite($fp, $sourceNameOrData);
                 if ($this->getError()) {
             } else {
                 // Split ZIP. Check if we need to split the part in the middle of the data.
                 $current_part_size = @filesize($this->_dataFileName);
                 $free_space = $this->_fragmentSize - ($current_part_size === false ? 0 : $current_part_size);
                 if ($free_space >= strlen($sourceNameOrData)) {
                     // Write in one part
                     $this->_fwrite($fp, $sourceNameOrData);
                     if ($this->getError()) {
                 } else {
                     $bytes_left = strlen($sourceNameOrData);
                     while ($bytes_left > 0) {
                         $current_part_size = @filesize($this->_dataFileName);
                         $free_space = $this->_fragmentSize - ($current_part_size === false ? 0 : $current_part_size);
                         // Split between parts - Write first part
                         $this->_fwrite($fp, $sourceNameOrData, $free_space);
                         if ($this->getError()) {
                         // Get the rest of the data
                         $rest_size = strlen($sourceNameOrData) - $free_space;
                         if ($rest_size > 0) {
                             // Create new part
                             if (!$this->_createNewPart()) {
                                 // Die if we couldn't create the new part
                                 $this->setError('Could not create new JPA part file ' . basename($this->_dataFileName));
                                 return false;
                             } else {
                                 // Close the old data file
                                 // Open data file for output
                                 $fp = @fopen($this->_dataFileName, "ab");
                                 if ($fp === false) {
                                     $this->setError("Could not open archive file {$this->_dataFileName} for append!");
                                     return false;
                             $zdata = substr($sourceNameOrData, -$rest_size);
                         $bytes_left = $rest_size;
                     // end while
         } else {
             // Copy the file contents, ignore directories
             $zdatafp = @fopen($sourceNameOrData, "rb");
             if ($zdatafp === FALSE) {
                 JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_WARNING, JText::sprintf('CUBE_WARN_UNREADABLEFILE', $sourceNameOrData));
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if (!$this->_useSplitZIP) {
                     while (!feof($zdatafp)) {
                         $zdata = fread($zdatafp, JPPACK_CHUNK);
                         $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata);
                         if ($this->getError()) {
                 } else {
                     // Split ZIP - Do we have enough space to host the whole file?
                     $current_part_size = @filesize($this->_dataFileName);
                     $free_space = $this->_fragmentSize - ($current_part_size === false ? 0 : $current_part_size);
                     if ($free_space >= $unc_len) {
                         // Yes, it will fit inside this part, do quick copy
                         while (!feof($zdatafp)) {
                             $zdata = fread($zdatafp, JPPACK_CHUNK);
                             $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata);
                             if ($this->getError()) {
                     } else {
                         // No, we'll have to split between parts. We'll loop until we run
                         // out of space.
                         while (!feof($zdatafp)) {
                             $current_part_size = @filesize($this->_dataFileName);
                             $free_space = $this->_fragmentSize - ($current_part_size === false ? 0 : $current_part_size);
                             // Find optimal chunk size
                             $chunk_size_primary = min(JPPACK_CHUNK, $free_space);
                             if ($chunk_size_primary <= 0) {
                                 $chunk_size_primary = max(JPPACK_CHUNK, $free_space);
                             // Calculate if we have to read some more data (smaller chunk size)
                             // and how many times we must read w/ the primary chunk size
                             $chunk_size_secondary = $free_space % $chunk_size_primary;
                             $loop_times = ($free_space - $chunk_size_secondary) / $chunk_size_primary;
                             // Read and write with the primary chunk size
                             for ($i = 1; $i <= $loop_times; $i++) {
                                 $zdata = fread($zdatafp, $chunk_size_primary);
                                 $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata);
                                 if ($this->getError()) {
                             // Read and write w/ secondary chunk size, if non-zero
                             if ($chunk_size_secondary > 0) {
                                 $zdata = fread($zdatafp, $chunk_size_secondary);
                                 $this->_fwrite($fp, $zdata);
                                 if ($this->getError()) {
                             // Create new JPA part, but only if we'll have more data to write
                             if (!feof($zdatafp)) {
                                 if (!$this->_createNewPart()) {
                                     // Die if we couldn't create the new part
                                     $this->setError('Could not create new JPA part file ' . basename($this->_dataFileName));
                                     return false;
                                 } else {
                                     // Close the old data file
                                     // Open data file for output
                                     $fp = @fopen($this->_dataFileName, "ab");
                                     if ($fp === false) {
                                         $this->setError("Could not open archive file {$this->_dataFileName} for append!");
                                         return false;
                         // end while
     } elseif ($isSymlink) {
         $this->_fwrite($fp, @readlink($sourceNameOrData));
     // ... and return TRUE = success
     return TRUE;
예제 #8
  * Write to file, defeating magic_quotes_runtime settings (pure binary write)
  * @param handle $fp Handle to a file
  * @param string $data The data to write to the file 
  * @access protected
 function _fwrite($fp, $data, $p_len = null)
     static $configuration;
     if (!$configuration) {
         jpimport('models.registry', true);
         $configuration =& JoomlapackModelRegistry::getInstance();
     if ($configuration->get("enableMySQLKeepalive", false)) {
         list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
         $endTime = (double) $usec + (double) $sec;
         if ($endTime - $this->startTime > 0.5) {
             $this->startTime = $endTime;
             JoomlapackCUBETables::WriteVar('dummy', 1);
     $len = is_null($p_len) ? strlen($data) : $p_len;
     $ret = fwrite($fp, $data, $len);
     if ($ret === FALSE) {
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #9
  * Writes a serialized copy of the $contentVariable to the database, under the packvar
  * variable name of $varName.
  * @param string $varName The packvar to create
  * @param mixed $contentVariable Any variable to serialize (e.g. object, array, other variables, etc) 
 function SerializeVar($varName, &$contentVariable)
     $serialized = serialize($contentVariable);
     JoomlapackCUBETables::WriteVar($varName, $serialized);
예제 #10
파일: cube.php 프로젝트: albertobraschi/Hab
  * Saves the CUBE object and all of its attached objects
 function save()
     JoomlapackCUBETables::SerializeVar('CUBEObject', $this);
예제 #11
  * Saves the CUBE object and all of its attached objects
 function save()
     JoomlapackLogger::WriteLog(_JP_LOG_DEBUG, "Saving CUBEObject instance");
     JoomlapackCUBETables::SerializeVar('CUBEObject', $this);