<!-- apps/frontend/modules/job/templates/indexSuccess.php -->
<div id="jobs">
foreach ($categories as $category) {
	<div class="category_<?php 
    echo Jobeet::slugfy($category->getName());
		<div class="category">
			<div class="feed">
				<a href="">Feed</a>
    echo link_to($category, 'category', $category);

    include_partial('job/listJobs', array('jobs' => $category->getActiveJobs(sfConfig::get('app_max_jobs_on_homepage'))));

    if (($count = $category->countActiveJobs() - sfConfig::get('app_max_jobs_on_homepage')) > 0) {
		<div class="more_jobs">
 public function getLocationSlug()
     return Jobeet::slugfy($this->getLocation());
 public function getSlug()
     return Jobeet::slugfy($this->getName());

// test/unit/JobeetTest.php
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(9, new lime_output_color());
$t->is(Jobeet::slugfy('Sensio'), 'sensio', '::slugfy() converts all characters to lower case');
$t->is(Jobeet::slugfy('sensio labs'), 'sensio-labs', '::slugfy() replaces a white space by a -');
$t->is(Jobeet::slugfy('sensio   labs'), 'sensio-labs', '::slugfy() replaces several white spaces by a single -');
$t->is(Jobeet::slugfy('  sensio'), 'sensio', '::slugfy() removes - at the beginning of a string');
$t->is(Jobeet::slugfy('sensio  '), 'sensio', '::slugfy() removes - at the end of a string');
$t->is(Jobeet::slugfy('paris,france'), 'paris-france', '::slugfy() replaces non-ASCII characters by a -');
$t->is(Jobeet::slugfy(''), 'n-a', '::slugify() converts the empty string to n-a');
$t->is(Jobeet::slugfy(' - '), 'n-a', '::slugify() converts a string that only contains non-ASCII characters to n-a');
if (function_exists('iconv')) {
    $t->is(Jobeet::slugfy('Développeur Web'), 'developpeur-web', '::slugify() removes accents');
} else {
    $t->skip('::slugify() removes accents - iconv not installed');