/** * Price calculation / Get product price * * @param integer $shop_id Shop id * @param integer $product_id Product id * @param integer $product_attribute_id Product attribute id * @param integer $country_id Country id * @param integer $state_id State id * @param $zipcode * @param integer $currency_id Currency id * @param integer $group_id Group id * @param integer $quantity Quantity Required for Specific prices : quantity discount application * @param boolean $use_tax with (1) or without (0) tax * @param integer $decimals Number of decimals returned * @param boolean $only_reduction Returns only the reduction amount * @param boolean $use_reduction Set if the returned amount will include reduction * @param boolean $with_ecotax insert ecotax in price output. * @param $specific_price * @param $use_group_reduction * @param int $customer_id * @param bool $use_customer_price * @param int $cart_id * @param int $real_quantity * @internal param \variable_reference $specific_price_output If a specific price applies regarding the previous parameters, this variable is filled with the corresponding SpecificPrice object* If a specific price applies regarding the previous parameters, this variable is filled with the corresponding SpecificPrice object * @return float Product price */ public static function priceCalculation($shop_id, $product_id, $product_attribute_id, $country_id, $state_id, $zipcode, $currency_id, $group_id, $quantity, $use_tax, $decimals, $only_reduction, $use_reduction, $with_ecotax, &$specific_price, $use_group_reduction, $customer_id = 0, $use_customer_price = true, $cart_id = 0, $real_quantity = 0) { static $address = null; static $context = null; if ($address === null) { $address = new JeproshopAddressModelAddress(); } if ($context == null) { $context = JeproshopContext::getContext()->cloneContext(); } if ($shop_id !== null && $context->shop->shop_id != (int) $shop_id) { $context->shop = new JeproshopShopModelShop((int) $shop_id); } if (!$use_customer_price) { $customer_id = 0; } if ($product_attribute_id === null) { $product_attribute_id = JeproshopProductModelProduct::getDefaultAttribute($product_id); } $cache_id = $product_id . '_' . $shop_id . '_' . $currency_id . '_' . $country_id . '_' . $state_id . '_' . $zipcode . '_' . $group_id . '_' . $quantity . '_' . $product_attribute_id . '_' . ($use_tax ? '1' : '0') . '_' . $decimals . '_' . ($only_reduction ? '1' : '0') . '_' . ($use_reduction ? '1' : '0') . '_' . $with_ecotax . '_' . $customer_id . '_' . (int) $use_group_reduction . '_' . (int) $cart_id . '-' . (int) $real_quantity; // reference parameter is filled before any returns $specific_price = JeproshopSpecificPriceModelSpecificPrice::getSpecificPrice((int) $product_id, $shop_id, $currency_id, $country_id, $group_id, $quantity, $product_attribute_id, $customer_id, $cart_id, $real_quantity); if (isset(self::$_prices[$cache_id])) { return self::$_prices[$cache_id]; } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); // fetch price & attribute price $cache_id_2 = $product_id . '-' . $shop_id; if (!isset(self::$_pricesLevel2[$cache_id_2])) { $select = "SELECT product_shop." . $db->quoteName('price') . ", product_shop." . $db->quoteName('ecotax'); $from = $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_product') . " AS product INNER JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_product_shop'); $from .= " AS product_shop ON (product_shop.product_id =product.product_id AND product_shop.shop_id = " . (int) $shop_id . ")"; if (JeproshopCombinationModelCombination::isFeaturePublished()) { $select .= ", product_attribute_shop.product_attribute_id, product_attribute_shop." . $db->quoteName('price') . " AS attribute_price, product_attribute_shop.default_on"; $leftJoin = " LEFT JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_product_attribute') . " AS product_attribute ON product_attribute."; $leftJoin .= $db->quoteName('product_id') . " = product." . $db->quoteName('product_id') . " LEFT JOIN " . $db->quoteName('#__jeproshop_product_attribute_shop'); $leftJoin .= " AS product_attribute_shop ON (product_attribute_shop.product_attribute_id = product_attribute.product_attribute_id AND product_attribute_shop.shop_id = " . (int) $shop_id . ")"; } else { $select .= ", 0 as product_attribute_id"; $leftJoin = ""; } $query = $select . " FROM " . $from . $leftJoin . " WHERE product." . $db->quoteName('product_id') . " = " . (int) $product_id; $db->setQuery($query); $results = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($results as $row) { $array_tmp = array('price' => $row->price, 'ecotax' => $row->ecotax, 'attribute_price' => isset($row->attribute_price) ? $row->attribute_price : null); self::$_pricesLevel2[$cache_id_2][(int) $row->product_attribute_id] = $array_tmp; if (isset($row->default_on) && $row->default_on == 1) { self::$_pricesLevel2[$cache_id_2][0] = $array_tmp; } } } if (!isset(self::$_pricesLevel2[$cache_id_2][(int) $product_attribute_id])) { return null; } $result = self::$_pricesLevel2[$cache_id_2][(int) $product_attribute_id]; if (!$specific_price || $specific_price->price < 0) { $price = (double) $result['price']; } else { $price = (double) $specific_price->price; } // convert only if the specific price is in the default currency (id_currency = 0) if (!$specific_price || !($specific_price->price >= 0 && $specific_price->currency_id)) { $price = JeproshopTools::convertPrice($price, $currency_id); } // Attribute price if (is_array($result) && (!$specific_price || !$specific_price->product_attribute_id || $specific_price->price < 0)) { $attribute_price = JeproshopTools::convertPrice($result['attribute_price'] !== null ? (double) $result['attribute_price'] : 0, $currency_id); // If you want the default combination, please use NULL value instead if ($product_attribute_id !== false) { $price += $attribute_price; } } // Tax $address->country_id = $country_id; $address->state_id = $state_id; $address->postcode = $zipcode; $tax_manager = JeproshopTaxManagerFactory::getManager($address, JeproshopProductModelProduct::getTaxRulesGroupIdByProductId((int) $product_id, $context)); $product_tax_calculator = $tax_manager->getTaxCalculator(); // Add Tax if ($use_tax) { $price = $product_tax_calculator->addTaxes($price); } // Reduction $specific_price_reduction = 0; if (($only_reduction || $use_reduction) && $specific_price) { if ($specific_price->reduction_type == 'amount') { $reduction_amount = $specific_price->reduction; if (!$specific_price->currency_id) { $reduction_amount = JeproshopTools::convertPrice($reduction_amount, $currency_id); } $specific_price_reduction = !$use_tax ? $product_tax_calculator->removeTaxes($reduction_amount) : $reduction_amount; } else { $specific_price_reduction = $price * $specific_price->reduction; } } if ($use_reduction) { $price -= $specific_price_reduction; } // Group reduction if ($use_group_reduction) { $reduction_from_category = JeproshopGroupReductionModelGroupReduction::getValueForProduct($product_id, $group_id); if ($reduction_from_category !== false) { $group_reduction = $price * (double) $reduction_from_category; } else { // apply group reduction if there is no group reduction for this category $group_reduction = ($reduction = JeproshopGroupModelGroup::getReductionByGroupId($group_id)) != 0 ? $price * $reduction / 100 : 0; } } else { $group_reduction = 0; } if ($only_reduction) { return JeproshopTools::roundPrice($group_reduction + $specific_price_reduction, $decimals); } if ($use_reduction) { $price -= $group_reduction; } // Eco Tax if (($result['ecotax'] || isset($result['attribute_ecotax'])) && $with_ecotax) { $ecotax = $result['ecotax']; if (isset($result['attribute_ecotax']) && $result['attribute_ecotax'] > 0) { $ecotax = $result['attribute_ecotax']; } if ($currency_id) { $ecotax = JeproshopTools::convertPrice($ecotax, $currency_id); } if ($use_tax) { // reinitialize the tax manager for ecotax handling $tax_manager = JeproshopTaxManagerFactory::getManager($address, (int) JeproshopSettingModelSetting::getValue('ecotax_tax_rules_group_id')); $ecotax_tax_calculator = $tax_manager->getTaxCalculator(); $price += $ecotax_tax_calculator->addTaxes($ecotax); } else { $price += $ecotax; } } $price = JeproshopTools::roundPrice($price, $decimals); if ($price < 0) { $price = 0; } self::$_prices[$cache_id] = $price; return self::$_prices[$cache_id]; }
public static function getTaxesInformations($row, JeproshopContext $context = null) { static $address = null; if ($context === null) { $context = JeproshopContext::getContext(); } if ($address === null) { $address = new JeproshopAddressModelAddress(); } $address->country_id = (int) $context->country->country_id; $address->state_id = 0; $address->postcode = 0; $tax_manager = JeproshopTaxManagerFactory::getManager($address, JeproshopProductModelProduct::getTaxRulesGroupIdByProductId((int) $row->product_id, $context)); $row->rate = $tax_manager->getTaxCalculator()->getTotalRate(); $row->tax_name = $tax_manager->getTaxCalculator()->getTaxesName(); return $row; }
/** * Returns the product tax * * @param integer $product_id * @param integer $address_id * @param JeproshopContext $context * @return JeproshopTaxModelTax */ public static function getProductTaxRate($product_id, $address_id = null, JeproshopContext $context = null) { if ($context == null) { $context = JeproshopContext::getContext(); } $address = JeproshopAddressModelAddress::initialize($address_id); $tax_rules_id = (int) JeproshopProductModelProduct::getTaxRulesGroupIdByProductId($product_id, $context); $tax_manager = JeproshopTaxManagerFactory::getManager($address, $tax_rules_id); $tax_calculator = $tax_manager->getTaxCalculator(); return $tax_calculator->getTotalRate(); }