/** * Determines if file requires http protocol to get contents (Not allowed) * * @param string $sUrl * @return boolean */ public function isHttpAdapterAvailable($sUrl) { return !(preg_match('#^(?:http|//)#i', $sUrl) && !JchOptimizeUrl::isInternal($sUrl) || $this->isPHPFile($sUrl)); }
/** * Callback function to correct urls in aggregated css files * * @param array $aMatches Array of all matches * @return string Correct url of images from aggregated css file */ public function _correctUrlCB($aMatches, $aUrl) { if (empty($aMatches[1]) || preg_match('#^(?:\\(|/\\*)#', $aMatches[0])) { return $aMatches[0]; } $sImageUrl = $aMatches[1]; $sCssFileUrl = empty($aUrl['url']) ? '' : $aUrl['url']; if (JchOptimizeUrl::isHttpScheme($sImageUrl)) { if ((JchOptimizeUrl::isInternal($sCssFileUrl) || $sCssFileUrl == '') && JchOptimizeUrl::isInternal($sImageUrl)) { $sImageUrl = JchOptimizeUrl::toRootRelative($sImageUrl, $sCssFileUrl); $oImageUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance($sImageUrl); $aStaticFiles = $this->params->get('pro_staticfiles', array('css', 'js', 'jpe?g', 'gif', 'png', 'ico', 'bmp', 'pdf')); unset($aStaticFiles[0]); $sStaticFiles = implode('|', $aStaticFiles); $aFontFiles = $this->fontFiles(); $sFontFiles = implode('|', $aFontFiles); if (preg_match('#\\.(?>' . $sStaticFiles . ')#', $oImageUri->getPath())) { $sImageUrl = JchOptimizeHelper::cookieLessDomain($this->params, $oImageUri->toString(array('path'))); } elseif ($this->params->get('pro_cookielessdomain_enable', '0') && preg_match('#\\.(?>' . $sFontFiles . ')#', $oImageUri->getPath())) { $oUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance(); $sImageUrl = '//' . $oUri->toString(array('host', 'port')) . $oImageUri->toString(array('path')); } } else { if (!JchOptimizeUrl::isAbsolute($sImageUrl)) { $sImageUrl = JchOptimizeUrl::toAbsolute($sImageUrl, $sCssFileUrl); } } } $sImageUrl = preg_match('#(?<!\\\\)[\\s\'"(),]#', $sImageUrl) ? '"' . $sImageUrl . '"' : $sImageUrl; return $sImageUrl; }
/** * * @param type $sPath */ protected function excludeExternalExtensions($sPath) { if (!$this->params->get('includeAllExtensions', '0')) { return !JchOptimizeUrl::isInternal($sPath) || preg_match('#' . JchPlatformExcludes::extensions() . '#i', $sPath); } return FALSE; }
/** * Get local path of file from the url if internal * If external or php file, the url is returned * * @param string $sUrl Url of file * @return string File path */ public static function getFilePath($sUrl) { $sUriPath = JchPlatformUri::base(TRUE); $oUri = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance(); $oUrl = clone JchPlatformUri::getInstance(html_entity_decode($sUrl)); //Use absolute file path if file is internal and a static file if (JchOptimizeUrl::isInternal($sUrl) && !JchOptimizeUrl::requiresHttpProtocol($sUrl)) { return JchPlatformPaths::absolutePath(str_replace($sUriPath, '', $oUrl->getPath())); } else { $scheme = $oUrl->getScheme(); if (empty($scheme)) { $oUrl->setScheme($oUri->getScheme()); } $host = $oUrl->getHost(); if (empty($host)) { $oUrl->setHost($oUri->getHost()); } $path = $oUrl->getPath(); if (!empty($path)) { if (substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') { $oUrl->setPath($sUriPath . '/' . $path); } } $sUrl = $oUrl->toString(); $query = $oUrl->getQuery(); if (!empty($query)) { parse_str($query, $args); $sUrl = str_replace($query, http_build_query($args, '', '&'), $sUrl); } return $sUrl; } }
/** * * @param type $sUrl * @return type */ public static function prepareFileValues($sFile, $sType = '', $iLen = 27) { if ($sType != 'value') { $oFile = JchPlatformUri::getInstance($sFile); if (JchOptimizeUrl::isInternal($sFile)) { $sFile = $oFile->getPath(); } else { $sFile = $oFile->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port', 'path')); } if ($sType == 'key') { return $sFile; } } $sEps = ''; if (strlen($sFile) > $iLen) { $sFile = substr($sFile, -$iLen); $sFile = preg_replace('#^[^/]*+/#', '/', $sFile); $sEps = '...'; } return $sEps . $sFile; }