예제 #1
파일: Rotate.php 프로젝트: Dulciane/jaws
  * Rotate right a image
  * @access  public
 function RotateRight()
     $post = jaws()->request->fetch(array('image', 'fromalbum'), 'post');
     //FIXME: Ugly, maybe we need to pass just the image id, also we need to create a
     //class to manage image actions(resize, rotate)
     $model = $this->gadget->model->load('Photos');
     $image = $model->GetImageEntry($post['image']);
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($image)) {
         Jaws_Header::Location(BASE_SCRIPT . '?gadget=Phoo&action=EditPhoto&image=' . $post['image'] . '&album=' . $post['fromalbum']);
     include_once JAWS_PATH . 'include/Jaws/Image.php';
     $objImage = Jaws_Image::factory();
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($objImage)) {
         $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse($objImage->getMessage(), RESPONSE_ERROR);
     } else {
         // thumb
         $objImage->load(JAWS_DATA . 'phoo/' . rawurldecode($image['thumb']));
         $res = $objImage->save();
         if (Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
             $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse($res->getMessage(), RESPONSE_ERROR);
         } else {
             // medium
             $objImage->load(JAWS_DATA . 'phoo/' . rawurldecode($image['medium']));
             $res = $objImage->save();
             if (Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
                 $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse($res->getMessage(), RESPONSE_ERROR);
             } else {
                 // original image
                 $objImage->load(JAWS_DATA . 'phoo/' . rawurldecode($image['image']));
                 $res = $objImage->save();
                 if (Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
                     $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse($res->getMessage(), RESPONSE_ERROR);
                 } else {
                     $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('GLOBAL_IMAGE_ROTATED_RIGHT'), RESPONSE_NOTICE);
     Jaws_Header::Location(BASE_SCRIPT . '?gadget=Phoo&action=EditPhoto&image=' . $post['image'] . '&album=' . $post['fromalbum']);
예제 #2
파일: Thumb.php 프로젝트: juniortux/jaws
  * Resize an image on the fly
  * FIXME: I don't know if is better to get it as a standalone function...
  * @returns binary Image resized
 function Thumb()
     $image = jaws()->request->fetch('image', 'get');
     $objImage = Jaws_Image::factory();
     if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($objImage)) {
         $result = $objImage->load(JAWS_DATA . 'phoo/import/' . $image);
         if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
             $thumbSize = explode('x', $this->gadget->registry->fetch('thumbsize'));
             $objImage->resize($thumbSize[0], $thumbSize[1]);
             $result = $objImage->display();
             if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
                 return $result;
     header('Content-type: image/png');
     return file_get_contents('gadgets/Phoo/Resources/images/logo.png');
예제 #3
파일: Avatar.php 프로젝트: Dulciane/jaws
  * Returns avatar as stream data
  * @access  public
  * @return  bool    True on success, false otherwise
 function LoadAvatar()
     $file = jaws()->request->fetch('file', 'get');
     $objImage = Jaws_Image::factory();
     if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($objImage)) {
         if (!empty($file)) {
             $file = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:]_\\.\\-]*/i", "", $file);
             $result = $objImage->load(Jaws_Utils::upload_tmp_dir() . '/' . $file, true);
             if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
                 $result = $objImage->display();
                 if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
                     return $result;
     return false;
예제 #4
파일: Menu.php 프로젝트: Dulciane/jaws
  * Returns menu image as stream data
  * @access  public
  * @return  bool    True on successful, False otherwise
 function LoadImage()
     $params = jaws()->request->fetch(array('id', 'file'), 'get');
     $objImage = Jaws_Image::factory();
     if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($objImage)) {
         if (is_null($params['file'])) {
             $model = $this->gadget->model->load('Menu');
             $result = $model->GetMenuImage($params['id']);
             if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
                 $result = $objImage->setData($result, true);
         } else {
             $params['file'] = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:]_\\.\\-]*/i", "", $params['file']);
             $result = $objImage->load(Jaws_Utils::upload_tmp_dir() . '/' . $params['file'], true);
         if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
             $result = $objImage->display();
             if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
                 return $result;
     return false;
예제 #5
파일: Menu.php 프로젝트: juniortux/jaws
  * Returns menu image as stream data
  * @access  public
  * @return  bool    True on successful, False otherwise
 function LoadImage()
     $id = (int) jaws()->request->fetch('id', 'get');
     $model = $this->gadget->model->load('Menu');
     $image = $model->GetMenuImage($id);
     if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($image)) {
         $objImage = Jaws_Image::factory();
         if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($objImage)) {
             $objImage->setData($image, true);
             $res = $objImage->display('', null, 315360000);
             // cached for 10 years!
             if (!Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
                 return $res;
     return false;
예제 #6
파일: Photos.php 프로젝트: Dulciane/jaws
  * Add a new entry
  * @access  public
  * @param   string  $user             User who is adding the photo
  * @param   array   $files            info like original name, tmp name and size
  * @param   string  $title            Title of the image
  * @param   string  $description      Description of the image
  * @param   bool    $fromControlPanel Is it called from ControlPanel?
  * @param   array   $album            Array containing the required info about the album
  * @return  mixed   Returns the ID of the new entry and Jaws_Error on error
 function NewEntry($user, $files, $title, $description, $fromControlPanel = true, $album)
     // check if it's really a uploaded file.
     /*if (is_uploaded_file($files['tmp_name'])) {
           $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO'), RESPONSE_ERROR);
           return new Jaws_Error(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO'));
     if (!preg_match("/\\.png\$|\\.jpg\$|\\.jpeg\$|\\.gif\$/i", $files['name'])) {
         $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO_EXT'), RESPONSE_ERROR);
         return new Jaws_Error(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO_EXT'));
     // Create directories
     $uploaddir = JAWS_DATA . 'phoo/' . date('Y_m_d') . '/';
     if (!is_dir($uploaddir)) {
         if (!Jaws_Utils::is_writable(JAWS_DATA . 'phoo/')) {
             $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO'), RESPONSE_ERROR);
             return new Jaws_Error(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO'));
         $new_dirs = array();
         $new_dirs[] = $uploaddir;
         $new_dirs[] = $uploaddir . 'thumb';
         $new_dirs[] = $uploaddir . 'medium';
         foreach ($new_dirs as $new_dir) {
             if (!Jaws_Utils::mkdir($new_dir)) {
                 $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO'), RESPONSE_ERROR);
                 return new Jaws_Error(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO'));
     $filename = $files['name'];
     if (file_exists($uploaddir . $files['name'])) {
         $filename = time() . '_' . $files['name'];
     $res = Jaws_Utils::UploadFiles($files, $uploaddir, 'jpg,gif,png,jpeg', false, !$fromControlPanel);
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
         $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse($res->getMessage(), RESPONSE_ERROR);
         return new Jaws_Error($res->getMessage());
     } elseif (empty($res)) {
         $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('GLOBAL_ERROR_UPLOAD_4'), RESPONSE_ERROR);
         return new Jaws_Error(_t('GLOBAL_ERROR_UPLOAD_4'));
     $filename = $res[0][0]['host_filename'];
     $uploadfile = $uploaddir . $filename;
     // Resize Image
     include_once JAWS_PATH . 'include/Jaws/Image.php';
     $objImage = Jaws_Image::factory();
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($objImage)) {
         return Jaws_Error::raiseError($objImage->getMessage());
     $thumbSize = explode('x', $this->gadget->registry->fetch('thumbsize'));
     $mediumSize = explode('x', $this->gadget->registry->fetch('mediumsize'));
     $objImage->resize($thumbSize[0], $thumbSize[1]);
     $res = $objImage->save($this->GetThumbPath($uploadfile));
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
         // Return an error if image can't be resized
         $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_RESIZE_TO_THUMB'), RESPONSE_ERROR);
         return new Jaws_Error($res->getMessage());
     $objImage->resize($mediumSize[0], $mediumSize[1]);
     $res = $objImage->save($this->GetMediumPath($uploadfile));
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($res)) {
         // Return an error if image can't be resized
         $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse($res->getMessage(), RESPONSE_ERROR);
         return new Jaws_Error(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_RESIZE_TO_MEDIUM'));
     $data = array();
     $data['user_id'] = $user;
     $data['filename'] = date('Y_m_d') . '/' . $filename;
     $data['title'] = $title;
     $data['description'] = $description;
     if ($this->gadget->registry->fetch('allow_comments') === 'true' && $album['allow_comments']) {
         $data['allow_comments'] = true;
     } else {
         $data['allow_comments'] = false;
     if ($this->gadget->registry->fetch('published') === 'true' && $this->gadget->GetPermission('ManageAlbums')) {
         $data['published'] = true;
     } else {
         $data['published'] = false;
     $jDate = Jaws_Date::getInstance();
     $createtime = Jaws_DB::getInstance()->date();
     if (function_exists('exif_read_data') && preg_match("/\\.jpg\$|\\.jpeg\$/i", $files['name']) && ($exifData = @exif_read_data($uploadfile, 1, true)) && !empty($exifData['IFD0']['DateTime']) && $jDate->ValidDBDate($exifData['IFD0']['DateTime'])) {
         $aux = explode(' ', $exifData['IFD0']['DateTime']);
         $auxdate = str_replace(':', '-', $aux[0]);
         $auxtime = $aux[1];
         $createtime = $auxdate . ' ' . $auxtime;
     $data['createtime'] = $createtime;
     $table = Jaws_ORM::getInstance()->table('phoo_image');
     $result = $table->insert($data)->exec();
     if (Jaws_Error::IsError($result)) {
         $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO'), RESPONSE_ERROR);
         return new Jaws_Error(_t('PHOO_ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_PHOTO'));
     // Lets remove the original if keep_original = false
     if ($this->gadget->registry->fetch('keep_original') == 'false') {
         if (!empty($data['filename'])) {
             Jaws_Utils::delete(JAWS_DATA . 'phoo/' . $data['filename']);
     // shout SiteActivity event
     $saParams = array();
     $saParams['action'] = 'Photo';
     $this->gadget->event->shout('SiteActivity', $saParams);
     $GLOBALS['app']->Session->PushLastResponse(_t('PHOO_PHOTO_ADDED'), RESPONSE_NOTICE);
     return $result;