function init() { global $gorumroll; JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.curvycorners.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(THEME_DIR . "/javascripts/modern.js"); if (($gorumroll->list == "item" || $gorumroll->list == "user") && $gorumroll->method == "showdetails") { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.preload.js"); JavaScript::addOnload("\n \$('.smallpic img').preload({\n find:'small',\n replace:'large'\n });\n \$('.smallpic a').hover(function(){\n var dim = \$(this).find('img').attr('rel').split('x');\n var src = \$(this).find('img').attr('src');\n \$('.mainpic img').attr({\n src: src.replace('small','large'),\n width: dim[0],\n height: dim[1]\n });\n \$('.mainpic a').attr('href', this.href);\n },function(){});\n "); } }
function createForm($elementName = "") { global $gorumroll, $lll; $_S =& new AppSettings(); $this->cid = $gorumroll->rollid; $this->activateVariableFields(); Object::createForm($elementName); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/core.js"); // a multipleSelectionManager miatt $_S->handleCategorySelect("itemsearch-create_form"); }
function initializeSystemSettings() { global $dbHost, $dbUser, $dbUserPw, $dbName, $includeDumpJs; global $gorumroll, $speedStopWatch, $gorumview, $jQueryLib; $_GET = filterInput($_GET); $_COOKIE = filterInput($_COOKIE); $_SERVER = filterInput($_SERVER); $_FILES = filterInput($_FILES); if (class_exists("speedstat")) { $speedStopWatch = new Stopwatch(); $speedStopWatch->start(); } ini_set("session.use_cookies", 1); ini_set("session.use_only_cookies", 1); ini_set("session.use_trans_sid", 0); if (!session_id()) { session_start(); } $this->kbfu = chr(103) . chr(111) . chr(114) . chr(117) . chr(109) . chr(117) . chr(115) . chr(101) . chr(114); $this->kbfk = chr(105) . chr(115) . chr(65) . chr(100) . chr(109); $this->kbfr = chr(103) . chr(111) . chr(114) . chr(117) . chr(109) . chr(114) . chr(101) . chr(99) . chr(111) . chr(103) . chr(110) . chr(105) . chr(115) . chr(101) . chr(100); // // azert, hogy az infoTextek ne ragadjanak be: if (ini_get('register_globals')) { foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$key])) { unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } } } connectDb($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbUserPw, $dbName); authenticate(); $gorumroll = new Roll(); $gorumroll->isAction() ? include GORUM_DIR . "/gorum_action.php" : (include GORUM_DIR . "/gorum_view.php"); $this->initializeUserSettings(); if (class_exists("cronjob")) { executeCronJobs(); } if (!$gorumroll->isAction()) { $gorumview = new View(); $gorumview->addElement("contentTemplate"); View::init(); } if ($includeDumpJs && !$gorumroll->isAction()) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.dump.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/dump.js"); } $this->kbf(); }
function init() { global $curvyCorners, $jQueryLib; if (!empty($curvyCorners)) { //JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_DIR . "/js/niftycube.js"); //JavaScript::addCss(GORUM_DIR . "/js/niftyCorners.css"); //JavaScript::addOnload(" // Nifty('div.template','normal'); //"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.curvycorners.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.livequery.js"); JavaScript::addOnload("\$.noah.addCurvyCornersToPresentationDivs();"); } }
function createForm() { global $gorumroll, $jQueryLib, $fieldset_typ; JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.dimensions.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/field.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(JS_DIR . "/fieldset_form.js"); $this->cid = $gorumroll->rollid; // A deleteAll es cloneToSubcats mezoket csak akkor tesszuk ki, ha van ertelmuk: getDbCount($subcatNum, array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @category WHERE up=#cid#", $this->cid)); if (!$subcatNum || !$this->cid) { $fieldset_typ["attributes"]["cloneToSubcats"][] = "form invisible"; } getDbCount($nonFixFieldNum, array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @customfield WHERE cid=#cid# AND columnIndex LIKE 'col_%'", $this->cid)); if (!$nonFixFieldNum) { $fieldset_typ["attributes"]["deleteAll"][] = "form invisible"; } parent::createForm(); }
function ListPresentation(&$base, $typ = 0) { global $gorumroll, $jQueryLib; $this->Presentation($base, "list", $typ); $this->tableSort = G::getSetting($this->typ, "clientSideTableSort"); $this->tableFilter = G::getSetting($this->typ, "clientSideTableFilter", "enable"); $this->tableRowHighlight = G::getSetting($this->typ, "tableRowHighlight"); $this->zebraList = G::getSetting($this->typ, "zebraList"); if ($this->tableSort || $this->tableFilter || $this->tableRowHighlight) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); } if ($this->tableSort || $this->tableFilter) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/tablesort.js"); if ($this->tableFilter) { require_once GORUM_DIR . "/presentation/filter.php"; $this->tableFilter =& new Filter($this->typ); } } if ($this->tableRowHighlight) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/tablehover.js"); } }
function applyCodeBlockSubstitution($s) { $s = preg_replace_callback('/(\\<code class="[^"]+"\\>)(.*)(\\<\\/code\\>)/isU', create_function('$m', 'return $m[1].htmlspecialchars($m[2]).$m[3];'), $s, -1, $count); if ($count) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/chili/jquery.chili-2.2.js"); JavaScript::addScript('ChiliBook.recipeFolder = "' . GORUM_JS_DIR . '/jquery/chili/";'); JavaScript::addCss(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/chili/chili.css"); } return $s; }
function showSelector($what) { global $lll; $_S =& new AppSettings(); if (!$_S->{"allowSelect{$what}"}) { return ""; } $labels = array($lll["change{$what}"]); $values = array("0"); $allowedItems = explode(",", $_S->{"allowed{$what}s"}); foreach ($allowedItems as $item) { $values[$item] = $item; if (isset($lll["allowed{$what}s_{$item}"])) { $labels[$item] = $lll["allowed{$what}s_{$item}"]; } else { $labels[$item] = str_replace("_", " ", $item); } } JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/cookie.js"); $base = Controller::getBaseUrl(); JavaScript::addOnload("\$.noah.themeSelectorWidget(" . G::js($what, $base) . ")"); return GenerWidget::generSelectField("{$what}SelectorWidget", $labels, $values, "{$what}SelectorWidget", "0"); }
function initClueTip() { global $jQueryLib; JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.dimensions.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.hoverIntent.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.bgiframe.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/cluetip/jquery.cluetip.js"); }
function setupCustomListAppearance($elementName) { global $lll, $item_typ, $jQueryLib, $curvyCorners, $gorumroll; // ha tobb item list is van egy oldalon, mindegyiknek teljesen kulonbozo typeinfo-ja lehet: include "item_typ.php"; // resetting $item_typ CustomField::addCustomColumns("item"); $lll["item_search_ttitle"] = htmlspecialchars($this->listTitle); $columns = $gorumroll->list == "export" ? $this->exportFields : $this->columns; G::load($columns, "SELECT * FROM @itemfield WHERE FIND_IN_SET(id, '{$columns}')!=0"); $item = new Item(); $item_typ["listOrder"] = array(); foreach (explode(",", $this->columns) as $id) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns); $i++) { if ($columns[$i]->id == $id) { $columns[$i]->showInList = 1; if (!$columns[$i]->customListPlacement) { $item_typ["listOrder"][] = $columns[$i]->columnIndex; } $item_typ["attributes"][$columns[$i]->columnIndex][] = "list"; if ($columns[$i]->customListPlacement) { $item_typ["attributes"][$columns[$i]->columnIndex][] = "customListPlacement"; } break; } } } $item->fields =& $columns; $item->cid = $this->cid; $item->activateVariableFields(); $item->fields = 0; CustomList::getSortingSql($this->primarySort, $this->primaryDir, $this->primaryPersistent, $this->secondarySort, $this->secondaryDir, $this->secondaryPersistent); if ($specialSortAttrs = $item->getSpecialSortAttrs($this->cid ? 0 : 1, $this->cid)) { $this->query = str_replace("n.*", "n.* {$specialSortAttrs}", $this->query); } if ($this->limit) { $item_typ["limit"] = $this->limit; } if ($this->listStyle != customlist_scrollable && $gorumroll->list != "export") { $_S =& new AppSettings(); if ($this->customAdListTemplate) { $item_typ["listTemplate"] = $this->customAdListTemplate; } elseif ($_S->customAdListTemplate) { $item_typ["listTemplate"] = $_S->customAdListTemplate; } } //var_dump($item_typ); if ($this->listStyle == customlist_scrollable && $gorumroll->list != "export") { // Neheny szajton, az orientattiont egyszeruen nem tudtam a typeInfoban atvinni a // item_scrollablepresentationbe - kenytelen voltan globalba tenni: global $scrollablePlacement, $orientation; if (!isset($item_typ["listTemplate"])) { $item_typ["listTemplate"] = "scrollable_widget.tpl.php"; } $item_typ["listPresentationClassName"] = "ItemScrollablePresentation"; $params = ""; $scrollablePlacement = $elementName; if ($elementName == "customListLeft" || $elementName == "customListRight") { $item_typ["scrollableOrientation"] = $orientation = "vertical"; $scrollableParams = "vertical: true"; } else { $scrollableParams = "vertical: false"; $item_typ["scrollableOrientation"] = $orientation = "horizontal"; } if ($this->loop) { $scrollableParams .= ", loop: true"; } include_once NOAH_APP . "/item_scrollablepresentation.php"; JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.dimensions.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.scrollable.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.em.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(JS_DIR . "/scrollable.js"); JavaScript::addCss(CSS_DIR . "/scrollable.css"); JavaScript::addCss(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jscrollpane.css"); JavaScript::addOnload("\$.noah.globalScrollableOnLoad();", "scrollable"); JavaScript::addOnload("\$.noah.scrollableOnLoad(" . G::js($this->id, $elementName, $scrollableParams) . ");"); if ($this->autoScroll) { JavaScript::addOnload("\$.noah.autoscrollOnLoad(" . G::js($this->id, $elementName, $this->autoScroll) . ");"); } } }
function processContent(&$tpl) { global $lll, $gorumroll, $list2Colors, $jQueryLib; $tpl->assign("zebraDetails", $this->zebraDetails); $tpl->assign("listAndMethod", "{$gorumroll->list}-{$gorumroll->method}"); $tpl->assign("detailsMethods", ""); $class = $this->base->get_class(); $attrs = $this->typ["attributes"]; $this->base->hasGeneralRights($rights); $attributeList = isset($this->typ["order"]) ? $this->typ["order"] : array_keys($this->typ["attributes"]); $headerMethods = array(); if ($s = $this->base->showModTool($rights)) { $headerMethods[] = $s; } if ($s = $this->base->showDelTool($rights)) { $headerMethods[] = $s; } $tpl->assign("headerMethods", $headerMethods); $tpl->assign("title", sprintf($lll["detail_info"], ucfirst($lll[$class]))); $rows = $customCss = array(); $pictures = array(); $sideBarContent = array("fields" => array(), "top" => array(), "bottom" => array()); $mainPicture = ""; $picFieldExists = FALSE; foreach ($attributeList as $attr) { $val =& $this->typ["attributes"][$attr]; $valTxt = ""; $customPlacement = in_array("customDetailsPlacement", $val); if (in_array("details", $val)) { if (isset($val["customCss"])) { $customCss[$attr] = $val["customCss"]; } if (isset($val["sidebar"])) { $valTxt = $this->base->showListVal($attr); if (!$customPlacement) { $sideBarContent["fields"][] = $attr; $sideBarContent[$val["sidebar"]][] = $valTxt; } } if (in_array("section", $val)) { if (isset($lll[$attr])) { $rows[$attr] = array("separator" => $lll[$attr]); } } elseif (in_array("widecontent_details", $val)) { if (!($valTxt = $this->base->showListVal($attr))) { $valTxt = " "; } if (!$customPlacement) { $rows[$attr] = array("widecontent" => $valTxt); } } elseif (in_array("notable", $val)) { $valTxt = $this->base->showListVal($attr); if (!$customPlacement) { $rows[$attr] = array("notable" => $valTxt); } } else { if (!in_array("file", $val) || in_array("media", $val)) { $lllProp =& new LllProperties($this->base, $attr); $txt = $lllProp->getLabel(); if (($valTxt = $this->base->showListVal($attr)) === "") { $valTxt = " "; } if (!$customPlacement) { $rows[$attr] = array("label" => $txt, "value" => $valTxt); } } else { if (!$customPlacement) { $picFieldExists = TRUE; } if (in_array("pictureTag", $val)) { $valTxt = $this->base->showPicture($attr, "large"); if (!$customPlacement) { $mainPicture = $valTxt; } $valTxt = $valTxt["tag"]; } $pic = $this->base->showPicture($attr, "small"); if (!in_array("pictureTag", $val)) { $valTxt = $pic["tag"]; } if ($pic["tag"] && !$customPlacement) { $pictures[] = $pic; } } } } elseif (!in_array("section", $val)) { $valTxt = $this->base->showListVal($attr); } if (!in_array("section", $val)) { if (!stristr($attr, "password") && ($cf = $this->base->getField($attr)) !== FALSE && $cf->name) { $tpl->{$cf->name} = $valTxt; } } } if (!$picFieldExists) { $pictures = FALSE; } if (class_exists("rss")) { JavaScript::addCss(CSS_DIR . "/thickbox.css"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/thickbox.js"); } if ($picFieldExists && empty($mainPicture["tag"])) { if (count($pictures)) { $mainPicture = $pictures[0]; } else { $mainPicture["tag"] = $this->base->showEmptyPicture(); } } $tpl->assign("rows", $rows); $tpl->assign("customCss", $customCss); $tpl->assign("pictures", $pictures); $tpl->assign("sideBarContent", $sideBarContent); $tpl->assign("mainPicture", $mainPicture); }
function organizeFormAlternative() { global $gorumroll, $contentSeparator, $lll, $tA; $_S =& new AppSettings(); $contentSeparator = ""; $tA["appcategory-organize_form"] = $tA["appcategory-organize_form-alternative"]; JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.alphanumeric.js"); JavaScript::addOnload("\$('#appcategory-showhtmllist input:text').numeric();"); JavaScript::addCss(CSS_DIR . "/checkconf.css"); $lll["appcategory_ttitle"] = $lll["alwaysUseAlternativeOrganizer"]; $lll["appcategory_ttitle"] .= GenerWidget::generBoolField("alternativeOrganizer", "", $_S->alternativeOrganizer); $ctrl =& new AppController("cat/list/alternative"); $gorumroll->processMethod($ctrl, "categoryList"); }
function handleCategorySelect($tableId) { global $gorumroll, $jQueryLib; JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(JS_DIR . "/categoryselect.js"); if ($this->cascadingCategorySelectEnabled() && !$gorumroll->rollid && $gorumroll->list != "customlist") { $ctrl =& new AppController("cat/get_one_level_of_categories"); // Ajax target $url = $ctrl->makeUrl(); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.livequery.js"); JavaScript::addScript("\$JQ.noah.addNextSelectRow(" . G::js($url, "subCategory", $tableId) . ");"); JavaScript::addOnload("\$.noah.cascadingSelectOnLoad('{$tableId}');"); } elseif (!$this->cascadingCategorySelectEnabled() || $gorumroll->list == "customlist") { JavaScript::addOnload("\$.noah.simpleCategoryReload();"); } }
function generMultipleSelection($name, &$listNames, &$listValues, $selected, $listSize, $width = 0, $showRelation = "", $anyfield = "", $asmSelect = 0, $asmSelectLabel = "") { global $lll, $jQueryLib; $selected = splitByCommas($selected); if ($asmSelect) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); if (preg_match("/sortable:\\s*true/", $asmSelect)) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.dimensions.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.ui.js"); } JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.asmselect.js"); JavaScript::addCss(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.asmselect.css"); $asmSelect = preg_replace_callback("/(removeLabel|modifyLabel|addButtonLabel|modifyButtonLabel): '([^']+)'/m", create_function('$matches', 'global $lll; return $matches[1].": \'".$lll[$matches[2]]."\'";'), $asmSelect); JavaScript::addOnload("\$('#{$name}').asmSelect({$asmSelect});"); // hogy egy modify formban a kivalasztottak listajanak sorrendje ugyanaz legyen, // mint amit mar egyszer elmentettunk: if (count($selected) > 1) { $tempSelected = $selected; for ($i = 0, $helpArr = array(); $i < count($listValues); $i++) { $helpArr[$listValues[$i]] = $listNames[$i]; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($listValues); $i++) { if (in_array($listValues[$i], $selected)) { $listValues[$i] = array_shift($tempSelected); $listNames[$i] = $helpArr[$listValues[$i]]; } } } } $s = "\n<select id='{$name}' name='{$name}" . "[]' size='{$listSize}' "; if ($width > 0) { $s .= "width='{$width}' style='width:{$width}px;' "; } if ($asmSelectLabel) { $s .= "title='" . addcslashes($lll[$asmSelectLabel], "'") . "' "; } $s .= "multiple>\n"; $length = count($listValues); if ($length) { foreach ($listValues as $key => $value) { $s .= "<option value=\"" . $value . "\""; if ($showRelation) { if (isset($showRelation[$value])) { $s .= " show='{$showRelation[$value]}_rel'"; } else { $s .= " show='none'"; } } if (in_array($value, $selected)) { $s .= " selected"; } if ($anyfield == $value) { $s .= " src='any'"; } $s .= ">" . $listNames[$key] . "</option>\n"; } } else { $s .= "<option value='0'>" . $lll["emptyList"] . "</option>\n"; } $s .= "</select>\n"; return $s; }
function OverlayController($param = 0, $id = 0) { global $lll, $gorumroll; static $counter = 0; static $objects = array(); if (!$param) { return; } JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.overlay.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.livequery.js"); JavaScript::addCss(CSS_DIR . "/overlay.css"); // $ajaxTarget-be gyujtjul a load fuggveny parameteret: $text = $ajaxTarget = ""; if (is_string($param)) { $this->id = $id ? $id : "overlay_" . $counter++; $this->triggerSelector = "[rel=#{$this->id}]"; $text = isset($lll[$param]) ? $lll[$param] : $param; } elseif (is_object($param)) { $this->id = $id ? $id : "overlay_" . $counter++; $this->triggerSelector = "[rel=#{$this->id}]"; $ajaxTarget = "'" . $param->makeUrl() . "'"; } else { if (isset($param["id"])) { $this->id = $param["id"]; if (array_key_exists($this->id, $objects)) { foreach (get_object_vars($objects[$this->id]) as $attr => $value) { $this->{$attr} =& $objects[$this->id]->{$attr}; } return; } } else { $this->id = "overlay_" . $counter++; } if (isset($param["class"])) { $this->class = $param["class"]; } if (isset($param["ajaxFromHref"])) { $this->ajaxFromHref = $param["ajaxFromHref"]; } if (isset($param["ajaxFromContent"])) { $this->ajaxFromContent = $param["ajaxFromContent"]; } if (isset($param["triggerSelector"])) { $this->triggerSelector = $param["triggerSelector"]; } else { $this->triggerSelector = "[rel=#{$this->id}]"; } if (isset($param["content"])) { if (is_string($param["content"])) { if (substr($param["content"], 0, 6) == "http://") { $ajaxTarget = "'{$param['content']}'"; } elseif ($this->ajaxFromContent) { $ctrl =& new AppController($param["content"]); $ajaxTarget = "'" . $ctrl->makeUrl() . "'"; } else { $text = isset($lll[$param["content"]]) ? $lll[$param["content"]] : $param["content"]; } } elseif (is_array($param["content"])) { $text = call_user_func($param["content"]); } elseif (is_object($param["content"])) { if ($this->ajaxFromContent) { $ajaxTarget = "'" . $param["content"]->makeUrl() . "'"; } else { $gorumroll->processMethod($param["content"], $this->id); $tpl =& View::getView($this->id); $text = $tpl->__toString(); } } } if ($this->ajaxFromHref) { $ajaxTarget = "this.getTrigger().attr('href')"; } if (isset($param["expose"])) { $this->expose = $param["expose"]; } if (isset($param["closeOnClick"])) { $this->closeOnClick = $param["closeOnClick"]; } $this->closeOnClick = $this->closeOnClick ? 'true' : 'false'; if (isset($param["postponeOnloadAction"])) { $this->postponeOnloadAction = $param["postponeOnloadAction"]; } if (isset($param["speed"])) { $this->speed = $param["speed"]; } if (isset($param["top"])) { $this->top = $param["top"]; } if (isset($param["height"])) { $this->height = $param["height"]; } if (isset($param["close"])) { $this->close = $param["close"]; } if ($this->expose) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.expose.js"); $this->onBeforeLoad = "function() { \n this.getBackgroundImage().expose({\n speed: {$this->speed}, \n color: '#fff',\n closeOnClick: {$this->closeOnClick}\n }); \n /*insertionPoint*/\n }"; $this->onClose = "function() { \n \$.expose.close();\t\t\t\n /*insertionPoint*/\n }"; } } if ($ajaxTarget) { $onBeforeLoadForAjax = "\n this.getContent().find('.ajaxOverlayContent').load({$ajaxTarget}, '', function(){\n \$(this).find('.submitfooter input').eq(1).click( function() { \n \$('{$this->triggerSelector}').overlay().close(); \n return false; \n });\n }); \n /*insertionPoint*/\n "; if ($this->onBeforeLoad != 'null') { $this->onBeforeLoad = str_replace("/*insertionPoint*/", $onBeforeLoadForAjax, $this->onBeforeLoad); } else { $this->onBeforeLoad = "function() { {$onBeforeLoadForAjax} }"; } $ajaxOverlayContent = "<div class='ajaxOverlayContent'></div>"; } else { $ajaxOverlayContent = ""; } // ha parameterben erkeznek callback JS sorok, akkor azokat a fentebb definialt callback body-k utan szurjuk be az /*insertionPoint*/ helyere: foreach (array("onLoad", "onBeforeLoad", "onClose") as $callback) { if (is_array($param) && isset($param[$callback]) && $this->{$callback} != 'null') { $this->{$callback} = str_replace("/*insertionPoint*/", $param[$callback], $this->{$callback}); } elseif (is_array($param) && isset($param[$callback])) { $this->{$callback} = $param[$callback]; } elseif ($this->{$callback} != 'null') { $this->{$callback} = str_replace("/*insertionPoint*/", "", $this->{$callback}); } } // ajaxFromHref eseten, ha content-ben atadunk valamit, azt be lehet szurni az Ajax tartalom ele: $this->content = "<div id='{$this->id}' class='{$this->class}' style='height: {$this->height}px;'> \\\n <div class='close'></div>" . preg_replace("/\n|\r/", "", addcslashes($text, '"')) . "{$ajaxOverlayContent} \\\n </div>"; $this->prependAction = "\$('body').prepend(\"{$this->content}\");"; //var_dump($this->closeOnClick); $this->overlayAction = "\n \$('{$this->triggerSelector}').livequery(function(){ \$(this).overlay({\n onLoad: {$this->onLoad}, \n onBeforeLoad: {$this->onBeforeLoad}, \n onClose: {$this->onClose},\n closeOnClick: {$this->closeOnClick},\n speed: {$this->speed},\n close: '{$this->close}'\n });});\n "; if (!$this->postponeOnloadAction) { JavaScript::addOnload($this->prependAction, $this->id); JavaScript::addOnload($this->overlayAction, $this->triggerSelector); } if (!isset($objects[$this->id])) { $objects[$this->id] = $this; } }
function generTextField($attr, $val) { global $jQueryLib; $this->getTextFieldLengths($val, $inputLength, $fieldLength); if (isset($val["onkeypress"])) { JavaScript::addEvent('#' . $attr, "keypress", $val["onkeypress"]); } if (isset($val["onkeyup"])) { JavaScript::addEvent('#' . $attr, "keyup", $val["onkeyup"]); } if (isset($val["onchange"])) { JavaScript::addEvent('#' . $attr, "change", $val["onchange"]); } if (isset($val["onblur"])) { JavaScript::addEvent('#' . $attr, "blur", $val["onblur"]); } if (isset($val["default"]) && $val["default"] === "" && $this->base->{$attr} === "0") { $this->base->{$attr} = ""; } if (isset($val["masked"])) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.maskedinput.js"); JavaScript::addOnload("\n \$('#{$attr}').mask('{$val['masked']}');\n "); } if (isset($val["filterCharacters"])) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/jquery.alphanumeric.js"); JavaScript::addOnload("\n \$('#{$attr}').{$val['filterCharacters']};\n "); } return GenerWidget::generTextField("text", $attr, $this->base->{$attr}, $inputLength, $fieldLength); }
function generDateTextField($name, $value, &$attrInfo, $size = "", $maxlength = "") { global $now; if ($value->isEmpty() && in_array("defaultnow", $attrInfo)) { $display = $now->getDbFormat(); } else { $display = $value->getDbFormat(); } $jsCalendar = in_array("jscalendar", $attrInfo); $s = GenerWidget::generTextField('text', $name, $display, $size, $maxlength); if ($jsCalendar) { JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jscalendar/calendar.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jscalendar/lang/calendar-en.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jscalendar/calendar-setup.js"); JavaScript::addCss(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jscalendar/skins/aqua/theme.css"); //$s.="<button type='reset' id='trigger'>...</button>"; $s .= "<img src='" . GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jscalendar/img.gif' id='{$name}_trigger'\n style='cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid red;'\n title='Date selector'\n onmouseover=\"'red';\"\n onmouseout=\"''\" >"; $calendarDisplay = $display ? "'{$display}'" : "null"; if (!isset($attrInfo["fromyear"])) { $fromyear = $now->getYear(); } elseif ($attrInfo["fromyear"] == "now") { $fromyear = $now->getYear(); } elseif (preg_match("{now-(\\d+)}", $attrInfo["fromyear"], $matches)) { $fromyear = $now->getYear() - intval($matches[1]); } else { $fromyear = $attrInfo["fromyear"]; } if (!isset($attrInfo["toyear"])) { $toyear = $now->getYear(); } elseif ($attrInfo["toyear"] == "now") { $toyear = $now->getYear(); } elseif (preg_match("{now\\+(\\d+)}", $attrInfo["toyear"], $matches)) { $toyear = $now->getYear() + intval($matches[1]); } else { $toyear = $attrInfo["toyear"]; } $format = preg_replace("/\\b\\w\\b/", "%\$0", $attrInfo["display_format"]); // minden betu ele beteszunk egy % jelet $format = str_replace("%i", "%M", $format); $showsTime = in_array("showstime", $attrInfo) ? "true" : "false"; JavaScript::addOnload("\n Calendar.setup(\n {\n inputField : '{$name}', // ID of the input field\n ifFormat : '{$format}', // the date format\n button : '{$name}_trigger', // ID of the button\n date : {$calendarDisplay}, // initial date\n range : [{$fromyear}, {$toyear}], // range of years\n showsTime : {$showsTime}\n }\n );\n "); } return $s; }
function modifyForm() { global $gorumroll, $customfield_typ; $this->id = $gorumroll->rollid; if (!Roll::isPreviousFormSubmitInvalid()) { if ($this->load()) { handleErrorNotFound($this, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } $this->hasObjectRights($hasRight, "modify", TRUE); $this->initializeMultipleSelectionFieldsAndDefaults(); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/json.js"); JavaScript::addInclude(JS_DIR . "/propagate.js"); JavaScript::addOnload('$.noah.submitOptionValueModificationStack();'); if ($this->isFixField()) { $customfield_typ["attributes"]["values"][] = "form invisible"; } $this->generForm(); if ($this->isFixField()) { Roll::setInfoText("customfield_fixInfoText"); } }
function modifyForm() { global $itemfield_typ, $gorumroll, $lll, $jQueryLib; $this->id = $gorumroll->rollid; if (!Roll::isPreviousFormSubmitInvalid()) { $ret = $this->load(); } // hogy ezek ne legyenek a formban, mikor egy global common field-et nezunk: if ($this->isCommon && !$this->cid) { $fieldsToLeaveOut = array("detailsProperties", "showInDetails", "formProperties", "expl", "default_text", "mandatory", "allowHtml"); foreach ($fieldsToLeaveOut as $attr) { $itemfield_typ["attributes"][$attr][] = "form invisible"; } // hogy a customfield.js-ben a feltetelek jol mukodjenek: $fieldsToMakeHidden = array("type", "subType"); foreach ($fieldsToMakeHidden as $attr) { $itemfield_typ["attributes"][$attr][] = "form hidden"; } } JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . $jQueryLib); JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/"); // to center the loading animation image JavaScript::addInclude(GORUM_JS_DIR . "/jquery/field.js"); // to retrieve the form field values // Propagate into all other categories: $propagatePostfix = OverlayController::addPropagateOverlay($this->id); // Propagate into the subcategories only: if ($this->cid) { getDbCount($count, array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @category WHERE up=#cid#", $this->cid)); if ($count) { $propagatePostfix .= " " . OverlayController::addPropagateOverlay($this->id, "", "_subcat"); } } foreach (array_keys($itemfield_typ["attributes"]) as $attr) { if (!in_array($attr, array("name", "isCommon", "type", "userField"))) { if (isset($lll["itemfield_{$attr}"])) { $lll["itemfield_{$attr}"] .= $propagatePostfix; } elseif (isset($lll["customfield_{$attr}"])) { $lll["customfield_{$attr}"] .= $propagatePostfix; } } } parent::modifyForm(); }