예제 #1
    foreach ($audio as $path) {
        if (is_string($path) && $pluginManager->fileManager->fileExists($path, TRUE, FileManager::FILESYSTEM_PRIVATE)) {
            $name = FileManager::getBaseName($path);
            $array['name'] = $name;
            $array['click'] = new JUI\Click(JUI\Click::openMedia, 'music', $path);
            $array['longclick'] = new JUI\Click(JUI\Click::openPlugin, $pluginManager, 'remote', encode($path));
            if (empty($musicArray[strtolower($name)])) {
                $musicArray[strtolower($name)] = $array;
            } else {
                $musicArray[strtolower($name) . '_' . count($musicArray)] = $array;
    if (!empty($musicArray) && is_array($musicArray)) {
        foreach ($musicArray as $music) {
            $title = $music['name'];
            $click = $music['click'];
            $longclick = $array['longclick'];
            $list->addItem($title, $click, $longclick);
} else {
    $input = new JUI\Input('readmusic');
    $button = new JUI\Button('Musik aus Dateien einlesen (Vorgang kann etwas dauern).', TRUE);
예제 #2

if (!empty($_POST['about'])) {
    $pluginManager->setPluginStorage('about', $_POST['about']);
$jUI->add(new JUI\Heading('Über diesen Server'));
$text = new JUI\Text($pluginManager->getPluginStorage('about'));
if ($loginManager->getGroup() == LoginManager::GROUP_SERVER_ADMIN) {
    $jUI->add(new JUI\Heading('Bearbeiten', TRUE));
    $input = new JUI\Input('about');
    $jUI->add(new JUI\Button('Speichern', TRUE));
         $name = $_POST['name'];
         $loginManager->setAuthtokenName($id, $name);
     $authtokenInfo = $loginManager->getAuthtokenInfoById($id);
     if (!empty($authtokenInfo['name'])) {
         $name = $authtokenInfo['name'];
     } else {
         $name = "kein Name";
     $timestamp = $authtokenInfo['timestamp'];
     $authtoken = $authtokenInfo['authtoken'];
     $heading = new JUI\Heading('Authtoken bearbeiten');
     $input = new JUI\Input('name');
     $input->setLabel('Bezeichnung: ');
     $jUI->add("Zeitpunkt: " . $timestamp);
     $jUI->add("Authtoken: " . $authtoken);
     $submit = new JUI\Button('Speichern', TRUE);
     $delete = new JUI\Button('Authtoken entfernen');
     $delete->setClick(new JUI\Click(JUI\Click::openPlugin, $pluginManager, 'authtoken', $id . '/remove'));
 } else {
     if ($id == 'removeAll') {
         $heading = new JUI\Heading('Sind sie sich sicher, dass sie alle Authtokens löschen wollen?');
         $jUI->add('Nach der Löschung kann sich keines ihrer Endgeräte mehr mit dem Server verbinden. Sie werden auch von diesem Gerät abgemeldet. Wollen sie fortfahren?');
         $yes = new JUI\Button('Ja');
예제 #4
        $expense = new JUI\Input("expense");
    } else {
        $valueString = $entry['value'] / 100;
        $valueString = number_format($valueString, 2, '.', ',');
        $jUI->add(new JUI\Heading("Einnahme bearbeiten"));
        $name = new JUI\Input("name");
        $earning = new JUI\Input("earning");
    $date = new JUI\Input('timestamp');
    $date->setLabel('Datum: ');
    $jUI->add(new JUI\Button("Speichern", TRUE));
예제 #5
     $pNotification = new Notification($nachricht, "Nachricht von " . $loginManager->getUsername(), time() + 86400);
     $notificationManager = $pluginManager->getNotificationManager();
     $notificationManager->addNotification($pNotification, $recipient, true);
     $pluginManager->redirect($pluginManager, 'user', $recipient);
 $heading = new JUI\Heading("Chat mit " . $senderList[$recipient]['username']);
 $data = $pluginManager->getTemporary('data');
 $notifyInput = new JUI\Input('nachricht');
 $notifyInput->setLabel('Nachricht: ');
 $submitButton = new JUI\Button('Nachricht senden', TRUE);
 //$nachrichten = $pluginManager->databaseManager->getValues(Array("recipient"=>Array("value"=>$recipient, "operator"=>"=", "or"=>array("name"=>"sender","value"=>$recipient))));
 $nachrichten = $pluginManager->databaseManager->getValues(array('((`recipient`=? AND `sender`=?) OR (`recipient`=? AND `sender`=?))', 'iiii', array($recipient, $loginManager->getId(), $loginManager->getId(), $recipient)));
 if (!empty($nachrichten)) {
     foreach ($nachrichten as $nachricht) {
         $sender = $nachricht['sender'];
         $type = $nachricht['type'];
         $senderView = new JUI\Text($senderList[$sender]['username']);
         $senderView->setColor('#' . stringToColorCode($sender));
         if (!empty($type) && $type == '1') {
             $file = $nachricht['text'];
             if ($pluginManager->fileManager->fileExists('thumb/' . $file, TRUE, FileManager::FILESYSTEM_PLUGIN_PUBLIC)) {
예제 #6
 $keyDescription = new JUI\Text($value['description']);
 $keyColumn = new JUI\Table\Column();
 $row = new JUI\Table\Row();
 if ($value['type'] == "STRING") {
     $view = new JUI\Input($key);
 } else {
     if ($value['type'] == "INTEGER") {
         $view = new JUI\Input($key);
     } else {
         if ($value['type'] == "BOOLEAN") {
             $view = new JUI\Select($key);
         } else {
             if ($value['type'] == "COLOR") {
                 $view = new JUI\Color($key);
             } else {
                 if ($value['type'] == "ARRAY") {
                     $view = new JUI\Text(json_encode($value['value']));
                 } else {
                     if (is_string($value['value'])) {

if (!empty($_POST['notePassword']) && !empty($_POST['noteId'])) {
    $pluginManager->redirect($pluginManager, 'notes', $_POST['noteId'] . '/' . LoginManager::getSaltedPassword($loginManager->getUsername(), $_POST['notePassword']));
$noteId = $pluginManager->getCommand(0);
$jUI->add(new JUI\Heading("Anmeldung für Notiz"));
$idInput = new JUI\Input("noteId");
$password = new JUI\Input("notePassword");
$submit = new JUI\Button("Speichern");
$submit->setClick(new JUI\Click(JUI\Click::submit));
예제 #8
$value = $pluginManager->databaseManager->getValues(array("id" => array("operator" => "=", "value" => $id)), 1);
if (!empty($value['password']) && !empty($password)) {
    if ($value['password'] != $password) {
        $pluginManager->redirect($pluginManager, 'password', $id);
} else {
    if (!empty($value['password']) && empty($password)) {
        $pluginManager->redirect($pluginManager, 'password', $id);
$jUI->add(new JUI\Heading($value['name']));
$textarea = new JUI\Input("noteContent");
$warning = new JUI\Text("Wenn das Kennwortfeld leer gelassen wird, so wird das bisherige Kennwort benutzt.");
$passwordInput = new JUI\Input("password");
$settings = new JUI\Button("Einstellungen");
$tmpId = $id;
if (!empty($password)) {
    $tmpId = $id . '/' . $password;
$settings->setClick(new JUI\Click(JUI\Click::openPlugin, $pluginManager, 'notesettings', $tmpId));
예제 #9
    $warning = new JUI\Text('Dieser Link ist ab sofort gültig. Sollten sie ihn doch nicht gebrauchen, so empfehlen wir ihnen diesen zu löschen.');
    $input = new JUI\Input('url');
    $ok = new JUI\Button('OK');
    $ok->setClick(new JUI\Click(JUI\Click::openPlugin, $pluginManager, 'home', $folder));
} else {
    $jUI->add(new JUI\Heading('Freigabe einrichten'));
    $allowUpload = new JUI\Checkbox('allowUpload');
    $allowUpload->setLabel('Upload erlauben');
    $allowCreate = new JUI\Checkbox('allowCreate');
    $allowCreate->setLabel('Ordner erstellen erlauben');
    $allowDeeper = new JUI\Checkbox('allowDeeper');
    $allowDeeper->setLabel('Darf in Unterordner schauen');
    $input = new JUI\Input('shareFiles');
    $jUI->add(new JUI\Button('Freigeben', TRUE));
//echo $loginManager->getShareManager()->getUrl($pluginManager->getPluginName(), 'home', $folder);
예제 #10
                $name = $plugin['name'];
                if (!empty($plugin['permissions']) && is_array($plugin['permissions'])) {
                    $permissions = $plugin['permissions'];
                    $jUI->add(new JUI\Heading($name, true));
                    foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
                        $permissionId = $permission['id'];
                        $permissionName = $permission['name'];
                        $permissionDefault = $permission['default'];
                        $checkbox = new JUI\Checkbox($permissionId);
                        if (!empty($userPrivilegs[$permissionId]) && $userPrivilegs[$permissionId] == 1) {
            if ($pluginManager->getCommand(1) == "success") {
                //echo '{"type":"warning","value":"Änderungen gespeichert"},';
                $jUI->setWarning("Änderungen gespeichert");
            $hidden = new JUI\Input("userid");
            $jUI->add(new JUI\Button("Speichern", true));
예제 #11
            if (!empty($addressArray->zipcode)) {
            if (!empty($addressArray->state)) {
            if (!empty($addressArray->country)) {
        $birthday = new JUI\Input('birthday');
        $birthday->setLabel('Geburtstag: ');
        $jUI->add(new JUI\Button('Speichern', TRUE));