예제 #1
파일: Users.php 프로젝트: noikiy/amatteur
 public static function initSessionCookie($cookie)
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     $query = $db->select()->from('users', array('*', 'fullname' => "CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname)"))->where("MD5(CONCAT(user_id,'" . JO_Request::getInstance()->getDomain() . "',date_added)) = ?", (string) $cookie)->limit(1);
     $user_data = $db->fetchRow($query);
     if ($user_data && $user_data['status']) {
         $groups = unserialize($user_data['groups']);
         if (is_array($groups) && count($groups) > 0) {
             $query_group = $db->select()->from('user_groups')->where("ug_id IN (?)", new JO_Db_Expr(implode(',', array_keys($groups))));
             $fetch_all = $db->fetchAll($query_group);
             $user_data['access'] = array();
             if ($fetch_all) {
                 foreach ($fetch_all as $row) {
                     $modules = unserialize($row['rights']);
                     if (is_array($modules)) {
                         foreach ($modules as $module => $ison) {
                             foreach ($ison as $m => $on) {
                                 $user_data['access'][$module][$m] = $m;
         $db->update('users', array('last_action_datetime' => new JO_Db_Expr('NOW()'), 'ip_address' => JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp())), array('user_id = ?' => (string) $user_data['user_id']));
     //		foreach($user_data AS $key => $data) {
     //			self::{$key} = $data;
     //		}
     JO_Session::set(array('user' => $user_data));
     return $user_data;
예제 #2
파일: Boards.php 프로젝트: noikiy/amatteur
 public static function updateViewed($board_id)
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     if (!self::isViewedBoard($board_id)) {
         $db->update('boards', array('views' => new JO_Db_Expr('views+1')), array('board_id = ?' => (string) $board_id));
         $db->insert('boards_views', array('user_id' => (string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]'), 'date_added' => new JO_Db_Expr('NOW()'), 'board_id' => (string) $board_id, 'user_ip' => JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp())));
     $db->update('boards', array('total_views' => new JO_Db_Expr('total_views+1')), array('board_id = ?' => (string) $board_id));
예제 #3
 public function indexAction()
     if ($this->session->get('successfu_edite')) {
         $this->view->successfu_edite = true;
     if ($this->session->get('error_permision')) {
         $this->view->error_permision = $this->session->get('error_permision');
     $reques = $this->getRequest();
     $this->view->sort = $reques->getRequest('sort', 'ASC');
     $this->view->order = $reques->getRequest('order', 'id');
     $this->view->page_num = $page = $reques->getRequest('page', 1);
     $this->view->filter_ip_id = $reques->getQuery('filter_ip_id');
     $this->view->filete_ip = $reques->getQuery('filete_ip');
     $url = '';
     if ($this->view->filter_ip_id) {
         $url .= '&filter_ip_id=' . $this->view->filter_ip_id;
     if ($this->view->filete_ip) {
         $url .= '&filter_name=' . $this->view->filete_ip;
     $url1 = '';
     if ($this->view->sort) {
         $url1 .= '&sort=' . $this->view->sort;
     if ($this->view->order) {
         $url1 .= '&order=' . $this->view->order;
     $url2 = '&page=' . $page;
     $data = array('start' => $page * Helper_Config::get('config_admin_limit') - Helper_Config::get('config_admin_limit'), 'limit' => Helper_Config::get('config_admin_limit'), 'sort' => $this->view->sort, 'order' => $this->view->order, 'filter_id' => $this->view->filter_ip_id, 'filete_ip' => $this->view->filete_ip);
     $this->view->ip_addresss = array();
     $ip_addresss = Model_Allowips::getWords($data);
     if ($ip_addresss) {
         foreach ($ip_addresss as $ip_address) {
             $ip_address['ip_address'] = JO_Request_Server::decode_ip($ip_address['ip_address']);
             $this->view->ip_addresss[] = $ip_address;
     $this->view->sort = strtolower($this->view->sort);
     $this->view->sort_ip_address_id = $reques->getModule() . '/allowips/?order=id&sort=' . ($this->view->sort == 'asc' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC') . $url . $url2;
     $this->view->sort_ip_address = $reques->getModule() . '/allowips/?order=ip_address&sort=' . ($this->view->sort == 'asc' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC') . $url . $url2;
     $total_records = Model_Allowips::getTotalWords($data);
     $this->view->total_pages = ceil($total_records / Helper_Config::get('config_admin_limit'));
     $this->view->total_rows = $total_records;
     $pagination = new Model_Pagination();
     $pagination->setUrl($this->getRequest()->getModule() . '/allowips/?page={page}' . $url . $url1);
     $this->view->pagination = $pagination->render();
예제 #4
 public static function getTotalWords($data = array())
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     $query = $db->select()->from('users_ip_allow_admin', 'COUNT(id)')->limit(1);
     if (isset($data['filter_id']) && $data['filter_id']) {
         $query->where('id = ?', (int) $data['filter_id']);
     if (isset($data['filete_ip']) && $data['filete_ip']) {
         $query->where('ip_address LIKE ?', JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(trim($data['filete_ip'])));
     return $db->fetchOne($query);
예제 #5
파일: Events.php 프로젝트: noikiy/amatteur
 public static function eventIsReported($event_id)
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     $query = $db->select()->from('events_reports', 'COUNT(pr_id)')->where('event_id = ?', (string) $event_id)->where('checked = 0')->limit(1);
     if ((string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) {
         $query->where("user_id = '" . (string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]') . "' OR user_ip = '" . JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp()) . "'");
     } else {
         $query->where("user_ip = ?", JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp()));
     return $db->fetchOne($query);
예제 #6
 public function __construct($data)
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     try {
         $date_added = WM_Date::format(time(), 'yy-mm-dd H:i:s');
         $data['date_added'] = $date_added;
         $data['last_login'] = $date_added;
         $data['status'] = 1;
         $data['last_action_datetime'] = $date_added;
         $data['ip_address'] = JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp());
         $data['new_email'] = $data['email'];
         $data['store'] = JO_Registry::get('default_upload_method');
         if (!$data['store']) {
             $data['store'] = 'Model_Upload_Locale';
         /*$avatar = '';
         		if(isset($data['avatar']) && $data['avatar']) {
         			$avatar = $data['avatar'];
         			$data['avatar'] = '';
         $rows = Helper_Db::describeTable('users');
         $insert = array();
         $avatar = '';
         foreach ($rows as $row => $def) {
             if (isset($data[$row])) {
                 if (in_array($row, array('password', 'new_password'))) {
                     if ($data[$row]) {
                         if ($data[$row] instanceof JO_Db_Expr) {
                             $insert[$row] = $data[$row];
                         } else {
                             $insert[$row] = md5($data[$row]);
                     } else {
                         $insert[$row] = '';
                 } elseif ($row == 'avatar') {
                     $avatar = $data[$row];
                     $data[$row] = '';
                 } else {
                     $insert[$row] = $data[$row];
             } else {
                 $insert[$row] = $def;
         //create user
         $user_id = Helper_Db::create('users', $insert);
         if (!$user_id) {
             return $this;
         //upload avatar
         if ($avatar) {
             $method_for_upload = Helper_Config::get('file_upload_method');
             if ($method_for_upload) {
                 $image = call_user_func(array($method_for_upload, 'uploadUserAvatar'), $avatar, $user_id);
                 $error = call_user_func(array($method_for_upload, 'getError'));
                 if ($error) {
                     $this->error[] = $error;
                 if ($image && isset($image['image']) && $image['image']) {
                     Helper_Db::update('users', array('avatar' => $image['image'], 'store' => $image['store'], 'height' => $image['height'], 'width' => $image['width']), array('user_id = ?' => (string) $user_id));
         //create user alias
         new Model_Users_Autoseo($user_id);
         /*Helper_Db::insert('url_alias', array(
         				'query' => 'user_id=' . (string)$user_id,
         				'keyword' => $data['username'],
         				'path' => $data['username'],
         				'route' => 'users/profile'
         //add default boards
         if (is_array(Helper_Config::get('default_boards'))) {
             foreach (Helper_Config::get('default_boards') as $def) {
                 new Model_Boards_Create(array('category_id' => $def['category_id'], 'title' => $def['title'], 'user_id' => (string) $user_id));
         //set following
         $config_private_boards = Helper_Config::get('config_private_boards');
         if (isset($data['following_user']) && $data['following_user'] && $data['following_user'] != -1) {
             Helper_Db::insert('users_following_user', array('user_id' => (string) $user_id, 'following_id' => (string) $data['following_user']));
             Helper_Db::insert('users_following_user', array('user_id' => (string) $data['following_user'], 'following_id' => (string) $user_id));
             //update following user info
             Helper_Db::update('users', array('pins' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pin_id) FROM pins WHERE user_id = users.user_id ' . ($config_private_boards ? ' AND public = 1' : '') . ')'), 'boards' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT board_id) FROM boards WHERE user_id = users.user_id ' . ($config_private_boards ? ' AND public = 1' : '') . ')'), 'likes' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pin_id) FROM pins_likes WHERE user_id = users.user_id)'), 'following' => new JO_Db_Expr('( (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT following_id) FROM users_following_user WHERE user_id = users.user_id AND following_id != users.user_id LIMIT 1) + (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM users_following WHERE user_id = users.user_id AND following_id != users.user_id LIMIT 1) )'), 'followers' => new JO_Db_Expr('( (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM users_following_user WHERE following_id = users.user_id AND user_id != users.user_id LIMIT 1) + (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM users_following WHERE following_id = users.user_id AND user_id != users.user_id LIMIT 1) )')), array('user_id = ?' => (string) $data['following_user']));
         //update user info
         Helper_Db::update('users', array('pins' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pin_id) FROM pins WHERE user_id = users.user_id ' . ($config_private_boards ? ' AND public = 1' : '') . ')'), 'boards' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT board_id) FROM boards WHERE user_id = users.user_id ' . ($config_private_boards ? ' AND public = 1' : '') . ')'), 'likes' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT pin_id) FROM pins_likes WHERE user_id = users.user_id)'), 'following' => new JO_Db_Expr('( (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT following_id) FROM users_following_user WHERE user_id = users.user_id AND following_id != users.user_id LIMIT 1) + (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT following_id) FROM users_following WHERE user_id = users.user_id AND following_id != users.user_id LIMIT 1) )'), 'followers' => new JO_Db_Expr('( (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM users_following_user WHERE following_id = users.user_id AND user_id != users.user_id LIMIT 1) + (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM users_following WHERE following_id = users.user_id AND user_id != users.user_id LIMIT 1) )')), array('user_id = ?' => (string) $user_id));
         $this->user_id = $user_id;
     } catch (JO_Exception $e) {
         $this->error[] = $e->getMessage();
예제 #7
파일: Users.php 프로젝트: noikiy/amatteur
 public static function create($data)
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     $rows = self::describeTable('users');
     $date_added = WM_Date::format(time(), 'yy-mm-dd H:i:s');
     $data['date_added'] = $date_added;
     $data['status'] = 1;
     $data['last_action_datetime'] = $date_added;
     $data['ip_address'] = JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp());
     $insert = array();
     $avatar = '';
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         if (array_key_exists($row, $data)) {
             if ($row == 'avatar') {
                 if ($data[$row]) {
                     $avatar = $data[$row];
                 } else {
                     //$insert[$row] = $data[$row];
             } elseif ($row == 'password') {
                 $insert[$row] = md5($data[$row]);
             } elseif ($row == 'location') {
                 if ($data[$row] != "Introduce tu ubicación") {
                     $insert[$row] = $data[$row];
             } elseif ($row == 'firstname') {
                 $insert[$row] = self::quotesFix($data[$row]);
             } elseif ($row == 'description') {
                 $insert[$row] = self::quotesFix($data[$row]);
             } else {
                 $insert[$row] = $data[$row];
     if (!$insert) {
         return false;
     $insert['new_email'] = $insert['email'];
     $insert['store'] = JO_Registry::get('default_upload_method');
     if (!$insert['store']) {
         $insert['store'] = 'locale';
     $db->insert('users', $insert);
     $user_id = $db->lastInsertId();
     if (!$user_id) {
         return false;
     if ($avatar) {
         ///// upload images
         $front = JO_Front::getInstance();
         $request = JO_Request::getInstance();
         $upload_model = Helper_Pin::formatUploadModule(JO_Registry::get('default_upload_method'));
         $upload_model_file = $front->getModuleDirectoryWithDefault($request->getModule()) . '/' . $front->classToFilename($upload_model);
         if (!file_exists($upload_model_file)) {
             $upload_model = Helper_Pin::formatUploadModule('locale');
             $upload_model_file = $front->getModuleDirectoryWithDefault($request->getModule()) . '/' . $front->classToFilename($upload_model);
         $image = false;
         if (file_exists($upload_model_file)) {
             $image = call_user_func(array($upload_model, 'uploadUserAvatar'), $avatar, $user_id);
         if ($image) {
             $db->update('users', array('avatar' => $image['image'], 'store' => $image['store'], 'height' => $image['height'], 'width' => $image['width']), array('user_id = ?' => (string) $user_id));
     $db->insert('url_alias', array('query' => 'user_id=' . (string) $user_id, 'keyword' => $data['username'], 'path' => $data['username'], 'route' => 'users/profile'));
     $total_boards = 0;
     if (is_array(JO_Registry::forceGet('default_boards'))) {
         foreach (JO_Registry::get('default_boards') as $def) {
             $res = Model_Boards::createBoard(array('category_id' => $def['category_id'], 'title' => $def['title'], 'user_id' => (string) $user_id));
             if ($res) {
         $db->update('users', array('boards' => $total_boards), array('user_id = ?' => (string) $user_id));
     if (isset($data['delete_email']) && $data['delete_email']) {
         $db->delete('shared_content', array('email = ?' => $data['delete_email']));
     if (isset($data['delete_code']) && $data['delete_code']) {
         $db->delete('invate_facebook', array('if_id = ?' => (string) $data['delete_code']));
     if (isset($data['following_user']) && $data['following_user'] && $data['following_user'] != -1) {
         if ($db->insert('users_following_user', array('user_id' => (string) $user_id, 'following_id' => (string) $data['following_user']))) {
             /*$db->update('users', array(
             			'following' => new JO_Db_Expr('following+1')
             		), array('user_id = ?' => (string)$user_id));
             		$db->update('users', array(
             			'followers' => new JO_Db_Expr('followers+1')
             		), array('user_id = ?' => (string)$data['following_user']));*/
         if ($db->insert('users_following_user', array('user_id' => (string) $data['following_user'], 'following_id' => (string) $user_id))) {
             /*$db->update('users', array(
             			'following' => new JO_Db_Expr('following+1')
             		), array('user_id = ?' => (string)$data['following_user']));
             		$db->update('users', array(
             			'followers' => new JO_Db_Expr('followers+1')
             		), array('user_id = ?' => (string)$user_id));*/
     $db->update('users', array('boards' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT board_id) FROM boards WHERE user_id = users.user_id)'), 'following' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT following_id) FROM users_following_user WHERE user_id = users.user_id AND following_id != users.user_id)'), 'followers' => new JO_Db_Expr('(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) FROM users_following_user WHERE following_id = users.user_id AND user_id != users.user_id)')), array('user_id = ?' => (string) $user_id));
     if (isset($data['facebook_session']) && $data['facebook_session']) {
         $db->update('users', array('facebook_session' => is_array($data['facebook_session']) ? serialize($data['facebook_session']) : ''), array('user_id = ?' => (string) $user_id));
     return $user_id;
예제 #8
 public static function isViewedPin($pin_id)
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     $query = $db->select()->from('pins_views', 'COUNT(pv_id)')->where('pin_id = ?', (string) $pin_id)->limit(1);
     if ((string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) {
         $query->where("user_id = '" . (string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]') . "' OR user_ip = '" . JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp()) . "'");
     } else {
         $query->where("user_ip = ?", JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp()));
     return $db->fetchOne($query);
예제 #9
 public static function getComments2($data)
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     $is_reported = $db->select()->from('pins_reports_comments', 'COUNT(pr_id)')->where('pins_reports_comments.comment_id = pins_comments.comment_id')->where('checked = 0')->limit(1);
     if ((string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) {
         $is_reported->where("user_id = '" . (string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]') . "' OR user_ip = '" . JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp()) . "'");
     } else {
         $is_reported->where("user_ip = ?", JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp()));
     $pin_user_id = new JO_Db_Expr('(' . $db->select()->from('pins', 'user_id')->where('pin_id = pins_comments.pin_id')->limit(1) . ')');
     switch (Helper_Config::get('config_user_view')) {
         case 'username':
             $user_seo_url = new JO_Db_Expr('users.username');
         case 'firstname':
             $user_seo_url = new JO_Db_Expr('users.firstname');
         case 'fullname':
             $user_seo_url = new JO_Db_Expr('CONCAT(users.firstname, " ", users.lastname)');
     $query = $db->select()->from('pins_comments', array('*', 'is_reported' => new JO_Db_Expr('(' . $is_reported . ')')))->joinLeft('users', 'pins_comments.user_id = users.user_id', array('firstname', 'lastname', 'avatar', 'store', 'username', 'fullname' => $user_seo_url, 'pin_user_id' => $pin_user_id));
     if (isset($data['filter_pin_id'])) {
         $query->where('pins_comments.pin_id = ?', (string) $data['filter_pin_id']);
     if (isset($data['start']) && isset($data['limit'])) {
         if ($data['start'] < 0) {
             $data['start'] = 0;
         $query->limit($data['limit'], $data['start']);
     if (isset($data['sort']) && strtolower($data['sort']) == 'desc') {
         $sort = ' DESC';
     } else {
         $sort = ' ASC';
     $allow_sort = array('pins_comments.comment_id');
     if (isset($data['order']) && in_array($data['order'], $allow_sort)) {
         $query->order($data['order'] . $sort);
     } else {
         $query->order('pins_comments.comment_id' . $sort);
     return $db->fetchAll($query);
예제 #10
  * @return Ambigous <JO_Db_Select, JO_Db_Select>
 public static function getListPinsQuery()
     $db = JO_Db::getDefaultAdapter();
     $rows_pins = self::describeTable('pins', 'pin_');
     $rows_users = self::describeTable('users', 'user_');
     $rows_via = self::describeTable('users', 'via_');
     $rows_boards = self::describeTable('boards', 'board_');
     /////other rows
     $rows_pins['pin_gift'] = new JO_Db_Expr('pins.price > 0.0000');
     //$rows_boards['board_url'] = new JO_Db_Expr('('.$db->select()->from('url_alias', 'IF(`path`,`path`,`keyword`)')->where('query = CONCAT(\'board_id=\',boards.board_id)')->limit(1).')');
     switch (Helper_Config::get('config_user_view')) {
         case 'username':
             $rows_users['user_fullname'] = new JO_Db_Expr('users.username');
             $rows_via['via_fullname'] = new JO_Db_Expr('via.username');
         case 'firstname':
             $rows_users['user_fullname'] = new JO_Db_Expr('users.firstname');
             $rows_via['via_fullname'] = new JO_Db_Expr('via.firstname');
         case 'fullname':
             $rows_users['user_fullname'] = new JO_Db_Expr('CONCAT(users.firstname, " ", users.lastname)');
             $rows_via['via_fullname'] = new JO_Db_Expr('CONCAT(via.firstname, " ", via.lastname)');
     /*if(JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) {
      	 $rows_pins['following_board'] = new JO_Db_Expr('('.$db->select()->from('users_following','COUNT(users_following_id)')->where('user_id = ?', JO_Session::get('user[user_id]'))->where('following_id = pins.user_id')->where('board_id = pins.board_id')->limit(1) .')');
      	$rows_pins['following_user'] = new JO_Db_Expr('('.$db->select()->from('users_following_user', 'COUNT(ufu_id)')->where('user_id = ?', JO_Session::get('user[user_id]'))->where('following_id = pins.user_id')->limit(1).')');
      	} else {
      	$rows_pins['following_board'] = new JO_Db_Expr("'login'");
      	$rows_pins['following_user'] = new JO_Db_Expr("'login'");
     if (JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) {
         $rows_pins['pin_is_liked'] = new JO_Db_Expr('(' . $db->select()->from('pins_likes', 'COUNT(like_id)')->where('pin_id = pins.pin_id')->where('user_id = ?', JO_Session::get('user[user_id]'))->limit(1) . ')');
     } else {
         $rows_pins['pin_is_liked'] = new JO_Db_Expr("0");
     /* is reported */
     $query_is_reported = $db->select()->from('pins_reports', 'COUNT(pr_id)')->where('pin_id = pins.pin_id')->where('checked = 0')->limit(1);
     if ((string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) {
         $query_is_reported->where("user_id = '" . (string) JO_Session::get('user[user_id]') . "' OR user_ip = '" . JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp()) . "'");
     } else {
         $query_is_reported->where("user_ip = ?", JO_Request_Server::encode_ip(JO_Request::getInstance()->getClientIp()));
     $rows_pins['pin_is_reported'] = new JO_Db_Expr("(" . $query_is_reported . ")");
     $thumbs = Model_Upload_Abstract::pinThumbSizes();
     foreach ($thumbs as $size => $prefix) {
         $rows_pins['pin_thumb' . strtolower($prefix)] = new JO_Db_Expr('(' . $db->select()->from('pins_images', 'CONCAT_WS(\'|||\',image,width,height,original,mime)')->where('pin_id = pins.pin_id')->where('size = ?', $prefix)->limit(1) . ')');
     $thumbs = Model_Upload_Abstract::userThumbSizes();
     foreach ($thumbs as $size => $prefix) {
         $rows_users['user_avatar' . strtolower($prefix)] = new JO_Db_Expr('(' . $db->select()->from('users_avatars', 'CONCAT_WS(\'|||\',image,width,height,original,mime)')->where('user_id = users.user_id')->where('size = ?', $prefix)->limit(1) . ')');
     $query = $db->select()->from('pins', $rows_pins)->joinLeft('users', 'pins.user_id = users.user_id', $rows_users)->joinLeft('boards', 'pins.board_id = boards.board_id', $rows_boards)->joinLeft(array('via' => 'users'), 'pins.via = via.user_id', $rows_via);
     //for public boards
     if (Helper_Config::get('config_private_boards')) {
         if (JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) {
             $query->where('pins.user_id = ? OR IF(pins.user_id = ?, 1, pins.public)  = 1', JO_Session::get('user[user_id]'));
         } else {
             $query->where('pins.public = 1');
     return $query;