public function execute() { if ($this->input->getMethod() == 'POST') { $jsonInput = new JInputJSON(); $model = new Sp4kModulesProductModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($jsonInput->getArray())); $model->execute(); //initialize the model with the data we've injected $model->update(); $response = $model->item; } elseif ($this->input->getMethod() == 'GET') { if ($this->input->get('id', false) !== false) { $model = new Sp4kModulesProductModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($this->input->getArray())); $model->execute(); $model->item->config = $model->item->config; $response = $model->item; } else { $limit = $this->input->get('limit', false, 'RAW'); $filters = $this->input->get('filters', false, 'RAW'); $limit = $limit ? json_decode($limit) : null; $filters = $filters ? json_decode($filters) : null; $paging = $this->input->getBool('paging', false); $count = $this->input->getBool('count', false); $nest = $this->input->getWord('nest', false); $plugins = $this->input->getWord('plugins', false); $model = new Sp4kModulesProductModelsItems(new Joomla\Registry\Registry(['limit' => $limit, 'filters' => $filters, 'paging' => $paging, 'count' => $count, 'nest' => $nest, 'plugins' => $plugins])); $response = $model->items; } } echo json_encode($response); }
public function execute() { if ($this->input->getMethod() == 'POST') { $jsonInput = new JInputJSON(); $model = new Sp4kModulesOrderModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($jsonInput->getArray())); $model->execute(); //initialize the model with the data we've injected $model->update(); $response = $model->item; } elseif ($this->input->getMethod() == 'GET') { if ($this->input->get('id', false) !== false) { $model = new Sp4kModulesOrderModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($this->input->getArray())); $model->execute(); $response = $model->item; } else { $limit = $this->input->get('limit', false, 'RAW'); $filters = $this->input->get('filters', false, 'RAW'); $paging = $this->input->getBool('paging', false); $count = $this->input->getBool('count', false); $limit = $limit ? json_decode($limit) : null; $filters = $filters ? json_decode($filters) : null; $joins = false; if (isset($filters->orderTotal)) { if (!isset($filters->orderTotal->min) && isset($filters->orderTotal->max)) { $filters->total = ['operator' => ' <= ', 'value' => $filters->orderTotal->max, 'skipquote' => true]; } elseif (isset($filters->orderTotal->min) && !isset($filters->orderTotal->max)) { $filters->total = ['operator' => ' >= ', 'value' => $filters->orderTotal->min, 'skipquote' => true]; } elseif (isset($filters->orderTotal->min) && isset($filters->orderTotal->max)) { $filters->total = ['operator' => ' BETWEEN ', 'value' => (int) $filters->orderTotal->min . ' AND ' . (int) $filters->orderTotal->max, 'skipquote' => true]; } unset($filters->orderTotal); } if (isset($filters->orderDate)) { if (!isset($filters->orderDate->min) && isset($filters->orderDate->max) && $filters->orderDate->max > 0) { $filters->created = ['operator' => ' <= ', 'value' => $filters->orderDate->max, 'skipquote' => true]; } elseif (isset($filters->orderDate->min) && !isset($filters->orderDate->max)) { $filters->created = ['operator' => ' >= ', 'value' => $filters->orderDate->max, 'skipquote' => true]; } elseif (isset($filters->orderDate->min) && isset($filters->orderDate->max) && $filters->orderDate->max > 0) { $filters->created = ['operator' => ' BETWEEN ', 'value' => (int) $filters->orderDate->min . ' AND ' . (int) $filters->orderDate->max, 'skipquote' => true]; } unset($filters->orderDate); } if (isset($filters->parent_id)) { $joins[] = ['type' => 'inner', 'condition' => '#__sp4k_parent_items as p on p.account_id = order.account_id']; $filters->id = ['value' => $filters->parent_id, 'alias' => 'p']; unset($filters->parent_id); } $model = new Sp4kModulesOrderModelsItems(new Joomla\Registry\Registry(['limit' => $limit, 'filters' => $filters, 'paging' => $paging, 'count' => $count, 'joins' => $joins])); if ($count) { $response = []; $response['items'] = $model->items; $response['count'] = $model->count; } else { $response = $model->items; } } } echo json_encode($response); }
public function execute() { if ($this->input->getMethod() == 'POST') { $jsonInput = new JInputJSON(); $model = new Sp4kModulesCoachModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($jsonInput->getArray())); $model->execute(); //initialize the model with the data we've injected $model->update(); $response = $model->item; } elseif ($this->input->getMethod() == 'GET') { if ($this->input->get('id', false) !== false) { $model = new Sp4kModulesCoachModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($this->input->getArray())); $model->execute(); $response = $model->item; } else { $limit = $this->input->get('limit', false, 'RAW'); $filters = $this->input->get('filters', false, 'RAW'); $paging = $this->input->getBool('paging', false); $count = $this->input->getBool('count', false); $limit = $limit ? json_decode($limit) : null; $filters = $filters ? json_decode($filters) : null; $joins = false; foreach ($filters as $index => $value) { if ($value === 'any') { unset($filters->{$index}); } } if (isset($filters->driving)) { //$filters->driving = (int)$filters->driving; //cast to integer } if (isset($filters->doftw)) { foreach ($filters->doftw as $doftw) { $filters->{$doftw} = 1; } unset($filters->doftw); } if (isset($filters->role)) { if (count($filters->role) > 0) { $roleFilter = ['operator' => ' IN ', 'value' => '(' . implode(',', $filters->role) . ')']; $filters->role = $roleFilter; } else { unset($filters->role); } } $model = new Sp4kModulesCoachModelsItems(new Joomla\Registry\Registry(['limit' => $limit, 'filters' => $filters, 'paging' => $paging, 'count' => $count, 'joins' => $joins])); if ($count) { $response = []; $response['items'] = $model->items; $response['count'] = $model->count; } else { $response = $model->items; } } } echo json_encode($response); }
public function execute() { if ($this->input->getMethod() == 'POST') { $jsonInput = new JInputJSON(); $model = new Sp4kModulesAccountModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($jsonInput->getArray())); $model->execute(); //initialize the model with the data we've injected $model->update(); $response = $model->item; } elseif ($this->input->getMethod() == 'GET') { if ($this->input->get('id', false) !== false) { $model = new Sp4kModulesAccountModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($this->input->getArray())); $model->execute(); $response = $model->item; } else { $limit = $this->input->get('limit', false, 'RAW'); $limit = $limit ? json_decode($limit) : null; $filters = $this->input->get('filters', false, 'RAW'); $filters = $filters ? json_decode($filters) : null; $paging = $this->input->getBool('paging', false); $count = $this->input->getBool('count', false); $joins = false; if (isset($filters->parent_id)) { $joins[] = ['type' => 'inner', 'condition' => '#__sp4k_parent_items as p on p.account_id =']; $filters->id = ['value' => $filters->parent_id, 'alias' => 'p']; unset($filters->parent_id); } if (isset($filters->child_id)) { $joins[] = ['type' => 'inner', 'condition' => '#__sp4k_child_items as c on c.account_id =']; $filters->id = ['value' => $filters->child_id, 'alias' => 'c']; unset($filters->child_id); } $model = new Sp4kModulesAccountModelsItems(new Joomla\Registry\Registry(['limit' => $limit, 'filters' => $filters, 'paging' => $paging, 'count' => $count, 'joins' => $joins])); if ($count) { $response = []; $response['items'] = $model->items; $response['count'] = $model->count; } else { $response = $model->items; } } } echo json_encode($response); }
public function execute() { if ($this->input->getMethod() == 'POST') { $jsonInput = new JInputJSON(); $postdata = $jsonInput->getArray(); $model = new Sp4kModulesEventModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($postdata)); //$model->execute();//initialize the model with the data we've injected $model->update(); $response = $model->item; } elseif ($this->input->getMethod() == 'GET') { if ($this->input->get('id', false)) { $model = new Sp4kModulesEventModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($this->input->getArray())); $response = $model->item; } else { $model = new Sp4kModulesEventModelsItems(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($this->input->getArray())); $response = $model->items; } } echo json_encode($response); }
public function execute() { if ($this->input->getMethod() == 'POST') { $jsonInput = new JInputJSON(); $postdata = $jsonInput->getArray(); $model = new Sp4kModulesChildModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($postdata)); //$model->execute();//initialize the model with the data we've injected $model->update(); $response = $model->item; } elseif ($this->input->getMethod() == 'GET') { if ($this->input->get('id', false) !== false) { $model = new Sp4kModulesChildModelsItem(new Joomla\Registry\Registry($this->input->getArray())); $response = $model->item; } else { if ($q = $this->input->get('q', false, 'RAW')) { $stateVars = ['limit' => $this->input->get('limit', false, 'RAW'), 'paging' => $this->input->getBool('paging', false), 'count' => $this->input->getBool('count', false), 'q' => json_decode($q)]; $state = new Joomla\Registry\Registry($stateVars); } else { $limit = $this->input->get('limit', false, 'RAW'); $filters = $this->input->get('filters', false, 'RAW'); $paging = $this->input->getBool('paging', false); $count = $this->input->getBool('count', false); $limit = $limit ? json_decode($limit) : null; $filters = $filters ? json_decode($filters) : null; $state = new Joomla\Registry\Registry(['limit' => $limit, 'filters' => $filters, 'paging' => $paging, 'count' => $count]); } $model = new Sp4kModulesChildModelsItems($state); if ($count) { $response = []; $response['items'] = $model->items; $response['count'] = $model->count; } else { $response = $model->items; } } } echo json_encode($response); }