예제 #1
 function save($array, &$queryModel, $rrule, $dryrun = false)
     $cfg =& JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // Allow plugins to check data validity
     $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeSaveEvent', array(&$array, &$rrule, $dryrun));
     // TODO do error and hack checks here
     $ev_id = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "evid", 0));
     $newevent = $ev_id == 0;
     $data = array();
     // TODO add UID to edit form
     $data["UID"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "uid", md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
     $data["X-EXTRAINFO"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "extra_info", "");
     $data["LOCATION"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "location", "");
     $data["allDayEvent"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "allDayEvent", "off");
     $data["CONTACT"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "contact_info", "");
     $data["DESCRIPTION"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "jevcontent", "");
     $data["publish_down"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "publish_down", "2006-12-12");
     $data["publish_up"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "publish_up", "2006-12-12");
     $data["SUMMARY"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "title", "");
     $data["URL"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "url", "");
     // If user is jevents can deleteall or has backend access then allow them to specify the creator
     $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     $creatorid = JRequest::getInt("jev_creatorid", 0);
     if ($creatorid > 0) {
         if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
             //$access = JAccess::check($user->id, "core.deleteall","com_jevents");
             $access = $user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_jevents');
         } else {
             // Get an ACL object
             $acl =& JFactory::getACL();
             $grp = $acl->getAroGroup($user->get('id'));
             $access = $acl->is_group_child_of($grp->name, 'Public Backend');
         if ($jevuser && $jevuser->candeleteall || $access) {
             $data["X-CREATEDBY"] = $creatorid;
     $ics_id = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "ics_id", 0);
     if ($data["allDayEvent"] == "on") {
         $start_time = "00:00";
     } else {
         $start_time = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "start_time", "08:00");
     $publishstart = $data["publish_up"] . ' ' . $start_time . ':00';
     $data["DTSTART"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishstart);
     if ($data["allDayEvent"] == "on") {
         $end_time = "00:00";
     } else {
         $end_time = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "end_time", "15:00");
     $publishend = $data["publish_down"] . ' ' . $end_time . ':00';
     if (isset($array["noendtime"]) && $array["noendtime"]) {
         $publishend = $data["publish_down"] . ' 23:59:59';
     $data["DTEND"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishend);
     // iCal for whole day uses 00:00:00 on the next day JEvents uses 23:59:59 on the same day
     list($h, $m, $s) = explode(":", $end_time . ':00');
     if ($h + $m + $s == 0 && $data["allDayEvent"] == "on" && $data["DTEND"] > $data["DTSTART"]) {
         //if (($h+$m+$s)==0 && $data["allDayEvent"]=="on" && $data["DTEND"]>=$data["DTSTART"]) {
         //$publishend = JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59',($data["DTEND"]-86400));
         $publishend = JevDate::strftime('%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59', $data["DTEND"]);
         $data["DTEND"] = JevDate::strtotime($publishend);
     $data["RRULE"] = $rrule;
     $data["MULTIDAY"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "multiday", "1");
     $data["NOENDTIME"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "noendtime", "0");
     $data["X-COLOR"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "color", "");
     $data["LOCKEVENT"] = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "lockevent", "0");
     // Add any custom fields into $data array
     foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
         if (strpos($key, "custom_") === 0) {
             $data[$key] = $value;
     $vevent = iCalEvent::iCalEventFromData($data);
     $vevent->catid = JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "catid", 0);
     if (is_array($vevent->catid)) {
     // if catid is empty then use the catid of the ical calendar
     if (is_string($vevent->catid) && $vevent->catid <= 0 || is_array($vevent->catid) && count($vevent->catid) == 0) {
         $query = "SELECT catid FROM #__jevents_icsfile WHERE ics_id={$ics_id}";
         $vevent->catid = $db->loadResult();
     $vevent->access = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "access", 0));
     if (!JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
         $vevent->access = $vevent->access > $user->aid ? $user->aid : $vevent->access;
     $vevent->state = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "state", 0));
     // Shouldn't really do this like this
     $vevent->_detail->priority = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "priority", 0));
     $frontendPublish = JEVHelper::isEventPublisher();
     if (!$frontendPublish) {
         $frontendPublish = JEVHelper::canPublishOwnEvents($ev_id);
     // Always unpublish if no Publisher otherwise publish automatically (for new events)
     // Should we always notify of new events
     $notifyAdmin = $cfg->get("com_notifyallevents", 0);
     if (!JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()) {
         if ($frontendPublish && $ev_id == 0) {
             $vevent->state = 1;
         } else {
             if (!$frontendPublish) {
                 $vevent->state = 0;
                 // In this case we send a notification email to admin
                 $notifyAdmin = true;
     $vevent->icsid = $ics_id;
     if ($ev_id > 0) {
         $vevent->ev_id = $ev_id;
     $rp_id = intval(JArrayHelper::getValue($array, "rp_id", 0));
     if ($rp_id > 0) {
         // I should be able to do this in one operation but that can come later
         $testevent = $queryModel->listEventsById(intval($rp_id), 1, "icaldb");
         if (!JEVHelper::canEditEvent($testevent)) {
             JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH'));
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $success = true;
     //echo "class = ".get_class($vevent);
     if (!$dryrun) {
         if (!$vevent->store()) {
             echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>";
             $success = false;
             JError::raiseWarning(101, JText::_('COULD_NOT_SAVE_EVENT_'));
     } else {
         // need a value for eventid to pretend we have saved the event so we can get the repetitions
         if (!isset($vevent->ev_id)) {
             $vevent->ev_id = 0;
         $vevent->rrule->eventid = $vevent->ev_id;
     // Only update the repetitions if the event edit says the reptitions will have changed or a new event
     if ($newevent || JRequest::getInt("updaterepeats", 1)) {
         $repetitions = $vevent->getRepetitions(true);
         if (!$dryrun) {
             if (!$vevent->storeRepetitions()) {
                 echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>";
                 $success = false;
                 JError::raiseWarning(101, JText::_('COULD_NOT_SAVE_REPETITIONS'));
     $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveEvent', array(&$vevent, $dryrun));
     if ($dryrun) {
         return $vevent;
     // If not authorised to publish in the frontend then notify the administrator
     if (!$dryrun && $success && $notifyAdmin && !JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()) {
         JLoader::register('JEventsCategory', JEV_ADMINPATH . "/libraries/categoryClass.php");
         $cat = new JEventsCategory($db);
         $adminuser = $cat->getAdminUser();
         $adminEmail = $adminuser->email;
         $config = new JConfig();
         $sitename = $config->sitename;
         $subject = JText::_('JEV_MAIL_ADDED') . ' ' . $sitename;
         $subject = $vevent->state == '1' ? '[Info] ' . $subject : '[Approval] ' . $subject;
         $Itemid = JEVHelper::getItemid();
         // reload the event to get the reptition ids
         $evid = intval($vevent->ev_id);
         $testevent = $queryModel->getEventById($evid, 1, "icaldb");
         $rp_id = $testevent->rp_id();
         list($year, $month, $day) = JEVHelper::getYMD();
         $uri =& JURI::getInstance(JURI::base());
         $root = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'host', 'port'));
         $modifylink = '<a href="' . $root . JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '&task=icalevent.edit&evid=' . $evid . '&rp_id=' . $rp_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . "&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}") . '"><b>' . JText::_('JEV_MODIFY') . '</b></a>' . "\n";
         $viewlink = '<a href="' . $root . JRoute::_('index.php?option=' . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . '&task=icalrepeat.detail&evid=' . $rp_id . '&Itemid=' . $Itemid . "&year={$year}&month={$month}&day={$day}&login=1") . '"><b>' . JText::_('JEV_VIEW') . '</b></a>' . "\n";
         $created_by = $user->name;
         if ($created_by == null) {
             $created_by = "Anonymous";
             if (JRequest::getString("custom_anonusername", "") != "") {
                 $created_by = JRequest::getString("custom_anonusername", "") . " (" . JRequest::getString("custom_anonemail", "") . ")";
         JEV_CommonFunctions::sendAdminMail($sitename, $adminEmail, $subject, $testevent->title(), $testevent->content(), $created_by, JURI::root(), $modifylink, $viewlink);
     if ($success) {
         return $vevent;
     return $success;
예제 #2
 function canUserEdit()
     $is_event_creator = JEVHelper::isEventCreator();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // are we authorised to do anything with this category or calendar
     $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     if ($this->_icsid > 0 && $jevuser && $jevuser->calendars != "" && $jevuser->calendars != "all") {
         $allowedcals = explode("|", $jevuser->calendars);
         if (!in_array($this->_icsid, $allowedcals)) {
             return false;
     if ($this->_catid > 0 && $jevuser && $jevuser->categories != "" && $jevuser->categories != "all") {
         $allowedcats = explode("|", $jevuser->categories);
         if (!in_array($this->_catid, $allowedcats)) {
             return false;
     // if can create events and this was created by this user then can edit (not valid for anon users)
     if ($is_event_creator && $this->isEditable() && $this->created_by() == $user->id && $user->id > 0) {
         return true;
     // if "event publisher" or "event editor" can always edit event
     if (JEVHelper::canEditEvent($this)) {
         return true;
     if (JEVHelper::canPublishEvent($this)) {
         return true;
     return false;
예제 #3
 protected function setCreatorLookup()
     // If user is jevents can deleteall or has backend access then allow them to specify the creator
     $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
         //$access = JAccess::check($user->id, "core.deleteall", "com_jevents");
         $access = $user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_jevents');
     } else {
         // Get an ACL object
         $acl =& JFactory::getACL();
         $grp = $acl->getAroGroup($user->get('id'));
         // if no valid group (e.g. anon user) then skip this.
         if (!$grp) {
         $access = $acl->is_group_child_of($grp->name, 'Public Backend');
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     if ($jevuser && $jevuser->candeleteall || $access) {
         if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
             $params =& JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
             $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0);
             // if authorised only then load from database
             if ($authorisedonly) {
                 $sql = "SELECT tl.*, ju.*  FROM #__jev_users AS tl ";
                 $sql .= " LEFT JOIN #__users as ju ON tl.user_id=ju.id ";
                 $sql .= " WHERE tl.cancreate=1";
                 $sql .= " ORDER BY ju.name ASC";
                 $users = $db->loadObjectList();
             } else {
                 $rules = JAccess::getAssetRules("com_jevents", true);
                 $creatorgroups = $rules->getData();
                 // need to merge the arrays because of stupid way Joomla checks super user permissions
                 //$creatorgroups = array_merge($creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData(), $creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData());
                 // use union orf arrays sincee getData no longer has string keys in the resultant array
                 //$creatorgroups = $creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData()+ $creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData();
                 // use union orf arrays sincee getData no longer has string keys in the resultant array
                 $creatorgroupsdata = $creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData();
                 // take the higher permission setting
                 foreach ($creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData() as $creatorgroup => $permission) {
                     if ($permission) {
                         $creatorgroupsdata[$creatorgroup] = $permission;
                 $users = array(0);
                 foreach ($creatorgroupsdata as $creatorgroup => $permission) {
                     if ($permission == 1) {
                         $users = array_merge(JAccess::getUsersByGroup($creatorgroup, true), $users);
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users where id IN (" . implode(",", array_values($users)) . ") ORDER BY name asc";
                 $users = $db->loadObjectList();
         } else {
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
             $params =& JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
             $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0);
             // if authorised only then load from database
             if ($authorisedonly) {
                 $sql = "SELECT tl.*, ju.*  FROM #__jev_users AS tl ";
                 $sql .= " LEFT JOIN #__users as ju ON tl.user_id=ju.id ";
                 $sql .= " WHERE tl.cancreate=1";
                 $sql .= " ORDER BY ju.name ASC";
                 $users = $db->loadObjectList();
             } else {
                 $params =& JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
                 $minaccess = $params->getValue("jevcreator_level", 19);
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users where gid>=" . $minaccess;
                 $sql .= " ORDER BY name ASC";
                 $users = $db->loadObjectList();
         $userOptions[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', JText::_('SELECT_USER'));
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             $userOptions[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $user->id, $user->name . " ( " . $user->username . " )");
         $creator = $this->row->created_by() > 0 ? $this->row->created_by() : (isset($jevuser) ? $jevuser->user_id : 0);
         $userlist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $userOptions, 'jev_creatorid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" ', 'value', 'text', $creator);
         $this->assignRef("users", $userlist);
예제 #4
 function csvimport()
     if (!JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()) {
         JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH'));
     // get the view
     $this->view =& $this->getView("icalevent", "html");
     // get all the raw native calendars
     $nativeCals = $this->dataModel->queryModel->getNativeIcalendars();
     // Strip this list down based on user permissions
     $jevuser =& JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     if ($jevuser && $jevuser->calendars != "" && $jevuser->calendars != "all") {
         $cals = array_keys($nativeCals);
         $allowedcals = explode("|", $jevuser->calendars);
         foreach ($cals as $calid) {
             if (!in_array($calid, $allowedcals)) {
     // only offer a choice of native calendars if it exists!
     if (count($nativeCals) > 0) {
         $icalList = array();
         $icalList[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_ICAL'), 'ics_id', 'label');
         $icalList = array_merge($icalList, $nativeCals);
         $callist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $icalList, 'ics_id', " onchange='preselectCategory(this);'", 'ics_id', 'label', 0);
         $this->view->assign('callist', $callist);
     } else {
         JError::raiseWarning(870, JText::_('INVALID_CALENDAR_STRUCTURE'));
     // Set the layout
예제 #5
     * Build HTML selection list of categories
     * @param int $catid				Selected catid
     * @param string $args				Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
     * @param string $catidList			Restriction list of categories
     * @param boolean $with_unpublished	Set true to build list with unpublished categories
     * @param boolean $require_sel		First entry: true = Choose one category, false = All categories
     * @param int $catidtop				Top level category ancestor
    public static function buildCategorySelect($catid, $args, $catidList = null, $with_unpublished = false, $require_sel = false, $catidtop = 0, $fieldname = "catid", $sectionname = JEV_COM_COMPONENT, $excludeid = false, $order = "ordering", $eventediting = false)
        // need to declare this because of bug in Joomla JHtml::_('select.options', on content pages - it loade the WRONG CLASS!
        include_once JPATH_SITE . "/libraries/cms/html/category.php";
        $t_first_entry = $require_sel ? JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG') : JText::_('JEV_EVENT_ALLCAT');
        $options = JHtml::_('category.options', $sectionname);
        /* hide second level categories
        		for ($i=0;$i<count($options);$i++){
        			if (strpos($options[$i]->text,"-")!==false){
        		$options = array_values($options);
        if ($catidList != null) {
            $cats = explode(',', $catidList);
            $count = count($options);
            for ($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++) {
                if (!in_array($options[$o]->value, $cats)) {
            $options = array_values($options);
        // translate where appropriate
        $count = count($options);
        for ($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++) {
            $options[$o]->text = strpos($options[$o]->text, "JEV_") === 0 ? JText::_($options[$o]->text) : $options[$o]->text;
        // Thanks to ssobada
        // when editing events we restrict the available list!
        $jevtask = JRequest::getString("jevtask");
        if (strpos($jevtask, "icalevent.edit") !== false || strpos($jevtask, "icalrepeat.edit") !== false) {
            $user = JFactory::getUser();
            $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
            $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0);
            if ($authorisedonly) {
                $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
                if ($jevuser) {
                    if ($jevuser->categories == "all") {
                        $cats = array();
                        foreach ($options as $opt) {
                            $cats[] = $opt->value;
                    } else {
                        if ($jevuser->categories != "") {
                            $cats = explode("|", $jevuser->categories);
                        } else {
                            if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                                // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                                $action = 'core.edit';
                                $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                                $action = 'core.edit.own';
                                $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                            } else {
                                $action = 'core.create';
                                $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                } else {
                    if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                        // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                        $action = 'core.edit';
                        $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                        $action = 'core.edit.own';
                        $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                    } else {
                        $action = 'core.create';
                        $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
            } else {
                if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                    // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                    $action = 'core.edit';
                    $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                    $action = 'core.edit.own';
                    $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                } else {
                    $action = 'core.create';
                    $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
            $dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
            $dispatcher->trigger('onGetAccessibleCategoriesForEditing', array(&$cats));
            // allow anon-user event creation through
            if (isset($user->id) && $user->id > 0) {
                $count = count($options);
                for ($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++) {
                    if (!in_array($options[$o]->value, $cats)) {
                $options = array_values($options);
            // Do we disable top level categories
            $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
            if ($params->get("blocktoplevelcategories", 0)) {
                $count = count($options);
                for ($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++) {
                    if (strpos($options[$o]->text, "-") !== 0) {
                        // Do not block if there is a child!  This is a crude test of this
                        if (array_key_exists($o + 1, $options) && strpos($options[$o + 1]->text, "-") !== 0) {
                        // If its the last one then it also has no children
                        if (!array_key_exists($o + 1, $options)) {
                        $options[$o]->disable = true;
        } else {
        // if only one category then preselect it
        if (count($options) == 1) {
            $catid = current($options)->value;
        // sort categories alphabetically
        //usort($options, function($a, $b) { return strcmp($a->text,$b->text);});
        // should we offer multi-choice categories?
        // do not use jev_com_component incase we call this from locations etc.
        $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JRequest::getCmd("option"));
        if ($eventediting && $params->get("multicategory", 0)) {
            $size = count($options) > 6 ? 6 : count($options) + 1;
			<select name="<?php 
            echo $fieldname;
[]"  id="<?php 
            echo $fieldname;
" <?php 
            echo $args;
 multiple="multiple" size="<?php 
            echo $size;
" style="width:300px;">
        } else {
			<select name="<?php 
            echo $fieldname;
" <?php 
            echo $args;
            echo $fieldname;
" >
				<option value="0"><?php 
            echo $t_first_entry;
        echo JHtml::_('select.options', $options, 'value', 'text', $catid);
        return ob_get_clean();
예제 #6
파일: icals.php 프로젝트: poorgeek/JEvents
 function importform()
     // Can only do this if can add an event
     // Must be at least an event creator to edit or create events
     $is_event_editor = JEVHelper::isEventCreator();
     if (!$is_event_editor) {
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         if ($user->id) {
             $this->setRedirect(JURI::root(), JText::_('JEV_NOTAUTH_CREATE_EVENT'));
         } else {
             $comuser = version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? "com_users" : "com_user";
             $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_("index.php?option={$comuser}&view=login"), JText::_('JEV_NOTAUTH_CREATE_EVENT'));
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
     if (!$params->get("feimport", 0)) {
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $viewType = $document->getType();
     $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $theme = JEV_CommonFunctions::getJEventsViewName();
     $view = "icals";
     $this->addViewPath($this->_basePath . '/' . "views" . '/' . $theme);
     $this->view = $this->getView($view, $viewType, $theme . "View", array('base_path' => $this->_basePath, "template_path" => $this->_basePath . '/' . "views" . '/' . $theme . '/' . $view . '/' . 'tmpl', "name" => $theme . '/' . $view));
     // Set the layout
     $this->view->assign("task", $this->_task);
     // get all the raw native calendars
     $nativeCals = $this->dataModel->queryModel->getNativeIcalendars();
     // Strip this list down based on user permissions
     $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     if ($jevuser && $jevuser->calendars != "" && $jevuser->calendars != "all") {
         $cals = array_keys($nativeCals);
         $allowedcals = explode("|", $jevuser->calendars);
         foreach ($cals as $calid) {
             if (!in_array($calid, $allowedcals)) {
     $excats = "0";
     if ($jevuser && $jevuser->categories != "" && $jevuser->categories != "all") {
         // Find which categories to exclude
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $catsql = 'SELECT id  FROM #__categories WHERE id NOT IN (' . str_replace("|", ",", $jevuser->categories) . ') AND extension="com_jevents"';
         $excats = implode(",", $db->loadColumn());
     // only offer a choice of native calendars if it exists!
     if (count($nativeCals) > 1) {
         $icalList = array();
         $icalList[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_ICAL'), 'ics_id', 'label');
         $icalList = array_merge($icalList, $nativeCals);
         $clist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $icalList, 'icsid', " onchange='preselectCategory(this);'", 'ics_id', 'label', 0);
         $this->view->assign('clistChoice', true);
         $this->view->assign('defaultCat', 0);
     } else {
         if (count($nativeCals) == 0 || !is_array($nativeCals)) {
             JError::raiseWarning(870, JText::_('INVALID_CALENDAR_STRUCTURE'));
         $icsid = current($nativeCals)->ics_id;
         $clist = '<input type="hidden" name="icsid" value="' . $icsid . '" />';
         $this->view->assign('clistChoice', false);
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
         if ($params->get("defaultcat", false)) {
             $this->view->assign('defaultCat', current($nativeCals)->catid);
         } else {
             $this->view->assign('defaultCat', 0);
     $this->view->assign('excats', $excats);
     $this->view->assign('nativeCals', $nativeCals);
     $this->view->assign('clist', $clist);
     // View caching logic -- simple... are we logged in?
     $cfg = JEVConfig::getInstance();
     $joomlaconf = JFactory::getConfig();
     $useCache = intval($cfg->get('com_cache', 0)) && $joomlaconf->get('caching', 1);
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if ($user->get('id') || !$useCache) {
     } else {
         $cache = JFactory::getCache(JEV_COM_COMPONENT, 'view');
         $cache->get($this->view, 'display');
예제 #7
  * override store function to force rrule to save too!
  * @param unknown_type $updateNulls
 function store($updateNulls = false, $overwriteCreator = false)
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     if ($this->ev_id == 0) {
         $date =& JevDate::getDate();
         $this->created = $date->toMySQL();
     if (!isset($this->created_by) || is_null($this->created_by) || $this->created_by == 0) {
         $this->created_by = $user->id;
     $this->modified_by = $user->id;
     if (!isset($this->created_by_alias) || is_null($this->created_by_alias) || $this->created_by_alias == "") {
         $this->created_by_alias = "";
     // make sure I update existing detail
     $matchingDetail = $this->matchingEventDetails();
     if (isset($matchingDetail) && isset($matchingDetail->evdet_id)) {
         $this->_detail->evdet_id = $matchingDetail->evdet_id;
     // if existing row preserve created by - unless being overwritten by authorised user
     // If user is jevents can deleteall or has backend access then allow them to specify the creator
     $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     $creatorid = JRequest::getInt("jev_creatorid", 0);
     $access = false;
     if ($user->get('id') > 0) {
         if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
             //$access = JAccess::check($user->id, "core.deleteall","com_jevents");
             $access = $user->authorise('core.deleteall', 'com_jevents');
         } else {
             // does this logged in have backend access
             // Get an ACL object
             $acl =& JFactory::getACL();
             $grp = $acl->getAroGroup($user->get('id'));
             // if no valid group (e.g. anon user) then skip this.
             if (!$grp) {
             $access = $acl->is_group_child_of($grp->name, 'Public Backend');
     if (!($jevuser && $jevuser->candeleteall || $access) || $creatorid == 0) {
         if (!is_null($this->ev_id) || $this->ev_id > 0) {
             // we can overwrite the creator if refreshing/saving an ical with specified creator
             if (isset($matchingDetail) && $matchingDetail->created_by > 0 && !$overwriteCreator) {
                 $this->created_by = $matchingDetail->created_by;
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $detailid = $this->_detail->store($updateNulls);
     if (!$detailid) {
         JError::raiseError(104, JText::_('PROBLEMS_STORING_EVENT_DETAIL'));
         echo $db->getErroMsg() . "<br/>";
         return false;
     $this->detail_id = $detailid;
     if (!parent::store($updateNulls)) {
         JError::raiseError(105, JText::_('PROBLEMS_STORING_EVENT'));
         echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>";
         return false;
     // I also need to store custom data - when we need the event itself and not just the detail
     $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
     // just incase we don't have jevents plugins registered yet
     $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onStoreCustomEvent', array(&$this));
     if (isset($this->rrule)) {
         $this->rrule->eventid = $this->ev_id;
         if ($id = $this->rrule->isDuplicate()) {
             $this->rrule->rr_id = $id;
         echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>";
     return true;
예제 #8
파일: helper.php 프로젝트: madcsaba/li-de
  * Test to see if user can delete event
  * @param unknown_type $row
  * @param unknown_type $user
  * @return unknown
 public static function canDeleteEvent($row, $user = null)
     // store in static to save repeated database calls
     static $authdata_coredeleteall = array();
     // TODO make this call a plugin
     if ($user == null) {
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
     // are we authorised to do anything with this category or calendar
     $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     if ($row->_icsid > 0 && $jevuser && $jevuser->calendars != "" && $jevuser->calendars != "all") {
         $allowedcals = explode("|", $jevuser->calendars);
         if (!in_array($row->_icsid, $allowedcals)) {
             return false;
     if ($row->_catid > 0 && $jevuser && $jevuser->categories != "" && $jevuser->categories != "all") {
         $allowedcats = explode("|", $jevuser->categories);
         if (!in_array($row->_catid, $allowedcats)) {
             return false;
         // check multi cats too
         if (JEVHelper::rowCatids($row)) {
             if (count(array_diff(JEVHelper::rowCatids($row), $allowedcats))) {
                 return false;
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
     $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 1);
     if ($authorisedonly) {
         if (!$jevuser) {
             return false;
         if (!is_null($jevuser) && $jevuser->candeleteall) {
             return true;
         } else {
             if (!is_null($jevuser) && $jevuser->candeleteown && $row->created_by() == $user->id) {
                 return true;
         return false;
     // This involes TOO many database queries in Joomla - one per category which can be a LOT
      $cats = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedCategories($user,'com_jevents', 'core.deleteall');
      if (in_array($row->_catid, $cats))
      return true;
     $key = $row->catids() ? json_encode($row->catids()) : json_encode(intval($row->catid()));
     if (!isset($authdata_coredeleteall[$key])) {
         $authdata_coredeleteall[$key] = JEVHelper::authoriseCategories('core.deleteall', $key, $user);
     if ($authdata_coredeleteall[$key]) {
         return $authdata_coredeleteall[$key];
     // can delete all?
     if (JEVHelper::isEventDeletor(true)) {
         // any category restrictions on this?
         // This involes TOO many database queries in Joomla - one per category which can be a LOT
          $cats = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedCategories($user,'com_jevents', 'core.deleteall');
          if (in_array($row->_catid, $cats))
          return true;
         $key = $row->catids() ? json_encode($row->catids()) : json_encode(intval($row->catid()));
         if (!isset($authdata_coredeleteall[$key])) {
             $authdata_coredeleteall[$key] = JEVHelper::authoriseCategories('core.deleteall', $key, $user);
         if ($authdata_coredeleteall[$key]) {
             return $authdata_coredeleteall[$key];
     // There seems to be a problem with category permissions - sometimes Joomla ACL set to yes in category but result is false!
     // fall back to being able to delete own events if a publisher
     if ($row->created_by() == $user->id) {
         $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
         if (!is_null($jevuser)) {
             return $jevuser->candeleteown;
         // if a user can publish their own then cal delete their own too
         $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
         $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 1);
         $publishown = $params->get("jevpublishown", 0);
         if (!$authorisedonly && ($publishown || JEVHelper::canPublishEvent($row, $user))) {
             return true;
     return false;
예제 #9
  * override store function to force rrule to save too!
  * @param unknown_type $updateNulls
 function store($updateNulls = false, $overwriteCreator = false)
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     if ($this->ev_id == 0) {
         $date = JevDate::getDate("+0 seconds");
         $this->created = $date->toMySQL();
     if (!isset($this->created_by) || is_null($this->created_by) || $this->created_by == 0) {
         $this->created_by = $user->id;
     $this->modified_by = $user->id;
     if (!isset($this->created_by_alias) || is_null($this->created_by_alias) || $this->created_by_alias == "") {
         $this->created_by_alias = "";
     // make sure I update existing detail
     $matchingDetail = $this->matchingEventDetails();
     if (isset($matchingDetail) && isset($matchingDetail->evdet_id)) {
         $this->_detail->evdet_id = $matchingDetail->evdet_id;
     // if existing row preserve created by - unless being overwritten by authorised user
     // If user is jevents can deleteall or has backend access then allow them to specify the creator
     $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     $creatorid = JRequest::getInt("jev_creatorid", 0);
     $access = false;
     if ($user->get('id') > 0) {
         //$access = JAccess::check($user->id, "core.deleteall","com_jevents");
         $access = $user->authorise('core.deleteall', 'com_jevents');
     if (!($jevuser && $jevuser->candeleteall || $access) || $creatorid == 0) {
         if (!is_null($this->ev_id) || $this->ev_id > 0) {
             // we can overwrite the creator if refreshing/saving an ical with specified creator
             if (isset($matchingDetail) && $matchingDetail->created_by > 0 && !$overwriteCreator) {
                 $this->created_by = $matchingDetail->created_by;
     // place private reference to created_by in event detail in case needed by plugins
     $this->_detail->_created_by = $this->created_by;
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $detailid = $this->_detail->store($updateNulls);
     if (!$detailid) {
         JError::raiseError(104, JText::_('PROBLEMS_STORING_EVENT_DETAIL'));
         echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>";
         return false;
     $this->detail_id = $detailid;
     // Keep the multiple catids for storing after this
     $catids = false;
     if (is_array($this->catid)) {
         $catids = $this->catid;
         $this->catid = $this->catid[0];
     if (!parent::store($updateNulls)) {
         JError::raiseError(105, JText::_('PROBLEMS_STORING_EVENT'));
         echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>";
         return false;
     if ($catids) {
         $pairs = array();
         $order = 0;
         foreach ($catids as $catid) {
             if ($catid == "") {
                 $catid = -1;
             } else {
                 $pairs[] = "({$this->ev_id},{$catid}, {$order})";
         $db->setQuery("DELETE FROM #__jevents_catmap where evid = " . $this->ev_id . " AND catid NOT IN (" . implode(",", $catids) . ")");
         $sql = $db->getQuery();
         $success = $db->query();
         if (count($pairs) > 0) {
             $db->setQuery("Replace into #__jevents_catmap (evid, catid, ordering) VALUES " . implode(",", $pairs));
             $sql = $db->getQuery();
             $success = $db->query();
     // I also need to store custom data - when we need the event itself and not just the detail
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     // just incase we don't have jevents plugins registered yet
     $res = $dispatcher->trigger('onStoreCustomEvent', array(&$this));
     if (isset($this->rrule)) {
         $this->rrule->eventid = $this->ev_id;
         if ($id = $this->rrule->isDuplicate()) {
             $this->rrule->rr_id = $id;
         echo $db->getErrorMsg() . "<br/>";
     return true;
예제 #10
     * Build HTML selection list of categories
     * @param int $catid				Selected catid
     * @param string $args				Additional HTML attributes for the <select> tag
     * @param string $catidList			Restriction list of categories
     * @param boolean $with_unpublished	Set true to build list with unpublished categories
     * @param boolean $require_sel		First entry: true = Choose one category, false = All categories
     * @param int $catidtop				Top level category ancestor
    function buildCategorySelect($catid, $args, $catidList = null, $with_unpublished = false, $require_sel = false, $catidtop = 0, $fieldname = "catid", $sectionname = JEV_COM_COMPONENT, $excludeid = false, $order = "ordering", $eventediting = false)
        if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
            // need to declare this because of bug in Joomla  JHtml::_('select.options', on content pages - it loade the WRONG CLASS!
            include_once JPATH_SITE . "/libraries/joomla/html/html/category.php";
            $t_first_entry = $require_sel ? JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG') : JText::_('JEV_EVENT_ALLCAT');
            $options = JHtml::_('category.options', $sectionname);
            if ($catidList != null) {
                $cats = explode(',', $catidList);
                $count = count($options);
                for ($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++) {
                    if (!in_array($options[$o]->value, $cats)) {
                $options = array_values($options);
            // Thanks to ssobada
            // when editing events we restrict the available list!
            $jevtask = JRequest::getString("jevtask");
            if (strpos($jevtask, "icalevent.edit") !== false || strpos($jevtask, "icalrepeat.edit") !== false) {
                $user = JFactory::getUser();
                $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
                $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0);
                if ($authorisedonly) {
                    $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
                    if ($jevuser) {
                        if ($jevuser->categories == "all") {
                            $cats = array();
                            foreach ($options as $opt) {
                                $cats[] = $opt->value;
                        } else {
                            if ($jevuser->categories != "") {
                                $cats = explode("|", $jevuser->categories);
                            } else {
                                if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                                    // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                                    $action = 'core.edit';
                                    $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                                    $action = 'core.edit.own';
                                    $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                                } else {
                                    $action = 'core.create';
                                    $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                    } else {
                        if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                            // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                            $action = 'core.edit';
                            $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                            $action = 'core.edit.own';
                            $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                        } else {
                            $action = 'core.create';
                            $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                } else {
                    if (JRequest::getInt("evid", 0) > 0) {
                        // TODO - this should check the creator of the event
                        $action = 'core.edit';
                        $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                        $action = 'core.edit.own';
                        $cats = array_merge($cats, $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action));
                    } else {
                        $action = 'core.create';
                        $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', $action);
                $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
                $dispatcher->trigger('onGetAccessibleCategoriesForEditing', array(&$cats));
                // allow anon-user event creation through
                if (isset($user->id)) {
                    $count = count($options);
                    for ($o = 0; $o < $count; $o++) {
                        if (!in_array($options[$o]->value, $cats)) {
                    $options = array_values($options);
            } else {
            // if only one category then preselect it
            if (count($options) == 1) {
                $catid = current($options)->value;
            // should we offer multi-choice categories?
            // do not use jev_com_component incase we call this from locations etc.
            $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JRequest::getCmd("option"));
            if ($eventediting && $params->get("multicategory", 0)) {
                $size = count($options) > 6 ? 6 : count($options) + 1;
			<select name="<?php 
                echo $fieldname;
[]" <?php 
                echo $args;
 multiple="multiple" size="<?php 
                echo $size;
            } else {
			<select name="<?php 
                echo $fieldname;
" <?php 
                echo $args;
				<option value="0"><?php 
                echo $t_first_entry;
            echo JHtml::_('select.options', $options, 'value', 'text', $catid);
            return ob_get_clean();
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        $catsql = 'SELECT c.id, c.published, c.title as ctitle,p.title as ptitle, gp.title as gptitle, ggp.title as ggptitle ' . (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0") ? ", c.lft as ordering " : ", c.ordering as ordering") . ' , p.id as pid, gp.id as gpid, ggp.id as ggpid ' . ' FROM #__categories AS c' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS p ON p.id=c.parent_id' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS gp ON gp.id=p.parent_id ' . ' LEFT JOIN #__categories AS ggp ON ggp.id=gp.parent_id ' . "WHERE c.access  " . (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '>=') ? ' IN (' . JEVHelper::getAid($user) . ')' : ' <=  ' . JEVHelper::getAid($user));
        if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.extension = ' . $db->Quote($sectionname);
        } else {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.section = ' . $db->Quote($sectionname);
        if ($with_unpublished) {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.published >= 0';
        } else {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.published = 1';
        if ($excludeid) {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.id NOT IN (' . $excludeid . ')';
        if (is_string($catidList) && strlen(trim($catidList))) {
            $catsql .= ' AND c.id IN (' . trim($catidList) . ')';
        if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
            $catsql .= " ORDER BY c.lft";
        } else {
            $catsql .= " ORDER BY c.ordering";
        //echo $db->_sql;
        $rows = $db->loadObjectList('id');
        $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
        $dispatcher->trigger('onGetCategoryData', array(&$rows));
        foreach ($rows as $key => $option) {
            if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0") && $option->pid == 1) {
                $option->pid = 0;
                $option->ptitle = null;
            $title = $option->ctitle;
            if (!is_null($option->ptitle)) {
                // this doesn't; work in Joomfish
                //$title = $option->ptitle."=>".$title;
                if (array_key_exists($option->pid, $rows)) {
                    $title = $rows[$option->pid]->ctitle . "=>" . $title;
                } else {
                    $title = $option->ptitle . "=>" . $title;
            if (!is_null($option->gptitle)) {
                // this doesn't; work in Joomfish
                //$title = $option->gptitle."=>".$title;
                if (array_key_exists($option->gpid, $rows)) {
                    $title = $rows[$option->gpid]->ctitle . "=>" . $title;
                } else {
                    $title = $option->gptitle . "=>" . $title;
            if (!is_null($option->ggptitle)) {
                // this doesn't; work in Joomfish
                //$title = $option->ggptitle."=>".$title;
                if (array_key_exists($option->ggpid, $rows)) {
                    $title = $rows[$option->ggpid]->ctitle . "=>" . $title;
                } else {
                    $title = $option->ggptitle . "=>" . $title;
             if (!is_null($option->gggptitle)){
             $title = $option->gggptitle."=>".$title;
            $rows[$key]->name = $title;
        JArrayHelper::sortObjects($rows, $order);
        $t_first_entry = $require_sel ? JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG') : JText::_('JEV_EVENT_ALLCAT');
        //$categories[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', JText::_('JEV_EVENT_CHOOSE_CATEG'), 'id', 'name' );
        $categories[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '0', $t_first_entry, 'id', 'name');
        if ($with_unpublished) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
                if ($rows[$i]->published == 0) {
                    $rows[$i]->name = $rows[$i]->name . '(' . JText::_('JEV_NOT_PUBLISHED') . ')';
        $categories = array_merge($categories, $rows);
        // if only one category then preselect it
        if (count($categories) == 2) {
            $catid = $categories[1]->id;
        $clist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $categories, $fieldname, $args, 'id', 'name', $catid);
        return $clist;
예제 #11
  * Test to see if user can delete event
  * @param unknown_type $row
  * @param unknown_type $user
  * @return unknown
 function canDeleteEvent($row, $user = null)
     // TODO make this call a plugin
     if ($user == null) {
         $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     // are we authorised to do anything with this category or calendar
     $jevuser =& JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
     if ($row->_icsid > 0 && $jevuser && $jevuser->calendars != "" && $jevuser->calendars != "all") {
         $allowedcals = explode("|", $jevuser->calendars);
         if (!in_array($row->_icsid, $allowedcals)) {
             return false;
     if ($row->_catid > 0 && $jevuser && $jevuser->categories != "" && $jevuser->categories != "all") {
         $allowedcats = explode("|", $jevuser->categories);
         if (!in_array($row->_catid, $allowedcats)) {
             return false;
     if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
         $cats = $user->getAuthorisedCategories('com_jevents', 'core.edit.state');
         if (in_array($row->_catid, $cats)) {
             return true;
     // can publish all?
     if (JEVHelper::isEventDeletor(true)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($row->created_by() == $user->id) {
             $jevuser =& JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
             if (!is_null($jevuser)) {
                 return $jevuser->candeleteown;
             // if a user can publish their own then cal delete their own too
             $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
             $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 1);
             $publishown = $params->get("jevpublishown", 0);
             if (!$authorisedonly && $publishown) {
                 return true;
     return false;
예제 #12
* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2015-2015 GWE Systems Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * @license		By negoriation with author via http://www.gwesystems.com
function ProcessJsonRequest(&$requestObject, $returnData)
    $returnData->titles = array();
    $returnData->exactmatch = false;
    ini_set("display_errors", 0);
    include_once JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_jevents/jevents.defines.php";
    $token = JSession::getFormToken();
    if (isset($requestObject->token) && $requestObject->token != $token || JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('token', '', 'string') != $token) {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - bad token.  Please refresh the page and try again.");
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    if ($user->id == 0) {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error");
    // If user is jevents can deleteall or has backend access then allow them to specify the creator
    $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
    $user = JFactory::getUser();
    //$access = JAccess::check($user->id, "core.deleteall", "com_jevents");
    $access = $user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_jevents') || $user->authorise('core.deleteall', 'com_jevents');
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    if (!($jevuser && $jevuser->candeleteall) && !$access) {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - no access");
    if ($requestObject->error) {
        return "Error";
    if (isset($requestObject->typeahead) && trim($requestObject->typeahead) !== "") {
        $returnData->result = "title is " . $requestObject->typeahead;
    } else {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - no valid argument");
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $title = JFilterInput::getInstance()->clean($requestObject->typeahead, "string");
    $text = $db->Quote('%' . $db->escape($title, true) . '%', false);
    // Remove any dodgy characters from fields
    // Only allow a to z , 0 to 9, ', " space (\\040), hyphen (\\-), underscore (\\_)
    $regex     = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\'\"\'\\40\\-\\_]/';
    $title    = preg_replace($regex, "", $title);
    $title = JString::substr($title."    ",0,4);
    if (trim($title) == "" && trim($title) == "") {
        PlgSystemGwejson::throwerror("There was an error - no valid argument");
    $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
    $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0);
    // if authorised only then load from database
    if ($authorisedonly) {
        $sql = "SELECT  ju.*  FROM #__jev_users AS tl ";
        $sql .= " LEFT JOIN #__users as ju ON tl.user_id=ju.id ";
        $sql .= " WHERE tl.cancreate=1 and ju.username LIKE ({$text}) OR ju.name LIKE ({$text}) ";
        $sql .= " ORDER BY ju.name ASC";
        $sql .= " LIMIT 500";
        $matches = $db->loadObjectList();
    } else {
        $rules = JAccess::getAssetRules("com_jevents", true);
        $creatorgroups = $rules->getData();
        // need to merge the arrays because of stupid way Joomla checks super user permissions
        //$creatorgroups = array_merge($creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData(), $creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData());
        // use union orf arrays sincee getData no longer has string keys in the resultant array
        //$creatorgroups = $creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData()+ $creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData();
        // use union orf arrays sincee getData no longer has string keys in the resultant array
        $creatorgroupsdata = $creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData();
        // take the higher permission setting
        foreach ($creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData() as $creatorgroup => $permission) {
            if ($permission) {
                $creatorgroupsdata[$creatorgroup] = $permission;
        $userids = array(0);
        foreach ($creatorgroupsdata as $creatorgroup => $permission) {
            if ($permission == 1) {
                $userids = array_merge(JAccess::getUsersByGroup($creatorgroup, true), $userids);
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users " . "where id IN (" . implode(",", array_values($userids)) . ")  and username LIKE ({$text}) OR name LIKE ({$text})  and block=0 " . "ORDER BY name asc LIMIT 500";
        $matches = $db->loadObjectList();
    if (count($matches) == 0) {
        $returnData = array();
    } else {
        $returnData = array();
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            $result = new stdClass();
            $result->title = $match->name . " (" . $match->username . ")";
            $result->creator_id = $match->id;
            $returnData[] = $result;
    return $returnData;
예제 #13
     * Method to get the field input markup.
     * @return	string	The field input markup.
     * @since	1.6
    protected function getInput()
        $maxDirectNumber = 50;
        JLoader::register('JEVHelper', JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_jevents/libraries/helper.php");
        JEVHelper::ConditionalFields($this->element, $this->form->getName());
        $creator = intval($this->value) > 0 ? intval($this->value) : (isset($user) ? $user->id : 0);
        // If user is jevents can deleteall or has backend access then allow them to specify the creator
        $jevuser = JEVHelper::getAuthorisedUser();
        $user = JFactory::getUser();
        //$access = JAccess::check($user->id, "core.deleteall", "com_jevents");
        $access = $user->authorise('core.admin', 'com_jevents') || $user->authorise('core.deleteall', 'com_jevents');
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        if ($jevuser && $jevuser->candeleteall || $access) {
            $params = JComponentHelper::getParams(JEV_COM_COMPONENT);
            $authorisedonly = $params->get("authorisedonly", 0);
            // if authorised only then load from database
            if ($authorisedonly) {
                $sql = "SELECT count(tl.id) FROM #__jev_users AS tl ";
                $sql .= " LEFT JOIN #__users as ju ON tl.user_id=ju.id ";
                $sql .= " WHERE tl.cancreate=1";
                $sql .= " ORDER BY ju.name ASC";
                $userCount = $db->loadResult();
                if ($userCount <= $maxDirectNumber) {
                    $sql = "SELECT tl.*, ju.*  FROM #__jev_users AS tl ";
                    $sql .= " LEFT JOIN #__users as ju ON tl.user_id=ju.id ";
                    $sql .= " WHERE tl.cancreate=1";
                    $sql .= " ORDER BY ju.name ASC";
                    $users = $db->loadObjectList();
            } else {
                $rules = JAccess::getAssetRules("com_jevents", true);
                $creatorgroups = $rules->getData();
                // need to merge the arrays because of stupid way Joomla checks super user permissions
                //$creatorgroups = array_merge($creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData(), $creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData());
                // use union orf arrays sincee getData no longer has string keys in the resultant array
                //$creatorgroups = $creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData()+ $creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData();
                // use union orf arrays sincee getData no longer has string keys in the resultant array
                $creatorgroupsdata = $creatorgroups["core.admin"]->getData();
                // take the higher permission setting
                foreach ($creatorgroups["core.create"]->getData() as $creatorgroup => $permission) {
                    if ($permission) {
                        $creatorgroupsdata[$creatorgroup] = $permission;
                $userids = array(0);
                foreach ($creatorgroupsdata as $creatorgroup => $permission) {
                    if ($permission == 1) {
                        $userids = array_merge(JAccess::getUsersByGroup($creatorgroup, true), $userids);
                $sql = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__users where id IN (" . implode(",", array_values($userids)) . ") and block=0 ORDER BY name asc";
                $userCount = $db->loadResult();
                if ($userCount <= $maxDirectNumber) {
                    $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users where id IN (" . implode(",", array_values($userids)) . ") and block=0 ORDER BY name asc";
                    $users = $db->loadObjectList();
            // get list of creators - if fewer than 200
            if (!isset($users)) {
                // Use Typeahead instead
                if ($userCount > $maxDirectNumber) {
                    $creatorname = "";
                    if ($creator > 0) {
                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__users where id  = {$creator}";
                        $creatorData = $db->loadObject();
                        if ($creatorData) {
                            $creatorname = $creatorData->name . " (" . $creatorData->username . ")";
					<input type="hidden" name='jev_creatorid' id='jev_creatorid' value="<?php 
                    echo $creator;
					<div id="scrollable-dropdown-menu" style="float:left">
						<input name="creatorid_notused"  id="ta_creatorid" class="jevtypeahead" placeholder="<?php 
                    echo $creatorname;
"  type="text" autocomplete="off" size="50">
                    JLoader::register('JevTypeahead', JPATH_LIBRARIES . "/jevents/jevtypeahead/jevtypeahead.php");
                    $datapath = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_jevents&ttoption=com_jevents&typeaheadtask=gwejson&file=findcreator", false);
                    //$prefetchdatapath = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_jevents&ttoption=com_jevents&typeaheadtask=gwejson&file=findcreator&prefetch=1", false);
                    JevTypeahead::typeahead('#ta_creatorid', array('remote' => $datapath, 'data_value' => 'title', 'data_id' => 'creator_id', 'field_selector' => '#jev_creatorid', 'minLength' => 2, 'limit' => 10, 'scrollable' => 1));
                    return ob_get_clean();
                return "";
            $userOptions[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '-1', JText::_('SELECT_USER'));
            foreach ($users as $user) {
                if ($user->id == 0) {
                $userOptions[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $user->id, $user->name . " ( " . $user->username . " )");
            $userlist = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $userOptions, 'jev_creatorid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" ', 'value', 'text', $creator);
            return $userlist;
        return "";