function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); $this->arg('list', 5, $args); $this->arg('listKey', 6, $args, 'id'); $this->arg('labelKey', 7, $args); }
function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); $this->arg('dateFormat', null, $args, "Y-m-d"); $this->arg('timezone', null, $args); //JDate::toFormat() is deprecated. CONVERT Legacy Joomla Format //Minutes : ‰M > i $this->dateFormat = str_replace("%M", "i", $this->dateFormat); //remove the % $this->dateFormat = str_replace("%", "", $this->dateFormat); }
function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); $this->arg('viewType', null, $args); $states = array('' => array('icomoon-question-sign', 'PLG_JDOM_UNDEFINED', 'both', 'default'), 1 => array('icomoon-publish', 'JPUBLISHED', 'both', 'success'), 0 => array('icomoon-unpublish', 'JUNPUBLISHED', 'both', 'danger'), 2 => array('icomoon-archive', 'JARCHIVED', 'both', 'info'), -2 => array('icomoon-trash', 'JTRASHED', 'both', 'warning')); if ($this->dataValue === null) { $this->dataValue = ''; } $state = $states[$this->dataValue]; $this->icon = $state[0]; $this->text = $this->JText($state[1]); if (empty($this->viewType)) { $this->viewType = $state[2]; } $this->color = $state[3]; }
function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); $this->arg('viewType', null, $args); $states = array('' => array('icomoon-question-sign', 'PLG_JDOM_UNDEFINED', 'both', 'default'), 1 => array('icomoon-ok', 'JYES', 'both', 'success'), 0 => array('icomoon-cancel', 'JNO', 'both', 'danger')); if ($this->dataValue === null) { $this->dataValue = ''; } $state = $states[$this->dataValue]; $this->icon = $state[0]; $this->text = $this->JText($state[1]); if (empty($this->viewType)) { $this->viewType = $state[2]; } $this->color = $state[3]; }
function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); $this->arg('indirect', null, $args, 'indirect'); $this->arg('root', null, $args); $this->arg('width', null, $args, 0); $this->arg('height', null, $args, 0); $this->arg('attrs', null, $args); $this->arg('listKey', null, $args, 'id'); $this->arg('view', null, $args); $this->arg('cid', null, $args); $this->thumb = $this->width || $this->height; if ($this->indirect === true) { $this->indirect = 'indirect'; } else { if ($this->indirect === false) { $this->indirect = 'direct'; } } }
function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); $this->arg('width', null, $args); $this->arg('height', null, $args); $this->arg('markup', null, $args, 'img'); $this->arg('src', null, $args); $this->arg('indirect', null, $args); $this->arg('root', null, $args); $this->arg('title', null, $args); $this->arg('alt', null, $args, $this->title); if (!$this->width || !$this->height) { $this->markup = 'img'; } if ($this->indirect) { $this->src = $this->indirectUrl(); } else { if ($this->root) { //If indirect is set, root is a marker $this->src = $this->fileUrl($this->root, $this->src); } } // Image loaded through a class name in a simple markup (div per default) if ($this->domClass) { if ($this->markup == 'img') { //Change the default marker $this->markup = 'div'; } } // Default IMG markup (physical image) if ($this->markup == 'img') { if ($this->src) { $this->addSelector('src', $this->src); } if ($this->width) { $this->addSelector('width', $this->width . 'px'); } if ($this->height) { $this->addSelector('height', $this->height . 'px'); } if ($this->alt) { $this->addSelector('alt', $this->JText($this->alt)); } } else { if ($this->src) { $this->addStyle('background-image', 'url(' . $this->src . ')'); } if ($this->width) { $this->addStyle('width', $this->width . 'px'); } if ($this->height) { $this->addStyle('height', $this->height . 'px'); } $this->addStyle('background-repeat', 'no-repeat'); $this->addStyle('background-position', 'center'); $this->addStyle('display', 'inline-block'); } if ($this->title) { $this->addSelector('title', $this->JText($this->title)); } }
function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); $this->arg('width', 6, $args, "20"); $this->arg('height', 7, $args, "20"); }
function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); }
function __construct($args) { parent::__construct($args); $this->arg('content', null, $args); }