/** * Generates the head HTML and return the results as a string * * @param JDocumentHtml $document The document for which the head will be created * * @return string The head hTML * * @since 3.5 * @deprecated 4.0 Method code will be moved into the render method */ public function fetchHead($document) { // Convert the tagids to titles if (isset($document->_metaTags['name']['tags'])) { $tagsHelper = new JHelperTags(); $document->_metaTags['name']['tags'] = implode(', ', $tagsHelper->getTagNames($document->_metaTags['name']['tags'])); } // Trigger the onBeforeCompileHead event $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->triggerEvent('onBeforeCompileHead'); // Get line endings $lnEnd = $document->_getLineEnd(); $tab = $document->_getTab(); $tagEnd = ' />'; $buffer = ''; // Generate charset when using HTML5 (should happen first) if ($document->isHtml5()) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta charset="' . $document->getCharset() . '" />' . $lnEnd; } // Generate base tag (need to happen early) $base = $document->getBase(); if (!empty($base)) { $buffer .= $tab . '<base href="' . $base . '" />' . $lnEnd; } // Generate META tags (needs to happen as early as possible in the head) foreach ($document->_metaTags as $type => $tag) { foreach ($tag as $name => $content) { if ($type == 'http-equiv' && !($document->isHtml5() && $name == 'content-type')) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta http-equiv="' . $name . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . $lnEnd; } elseif ($type != 'http-equiv' && !empty($content)) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta ' . $type . '="' . $name . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . $lnEnd; } } } // Don't add empty descriptions $documentDescription = $document->getDescription(); if ($documentDescription) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta name="description" content="' . htmlspecialchars($documentDescription, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . $lnEnd; } // Don't add empty generators $generator = $document->getGenerator(); if ($generator) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta name="generator" content="' . htmlspecialchars($generator, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . '<title>' . htmlspecialchars($document->getTitle(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</title>' . $lnEnd; // Generate link declarations foreach ($document->_links as $link => $linkAtrr) { $buffer .= $tab . '<link href="' . $link . '" ' . $linkAtrr['relType'] . '="' . $linkAtrr['relation'] . '"'; if (is_array($linkAtrr['attribs'])) { if ($temp = ArrayHelper::toString($linkAtrr['attribs'])) { $buffer .= ' ' . $temp; } } $buffer .= ' />' . $lnEnd; } $defaultCssMimes = array('text/css'); // Generate stylesheet links foreach ($document->_styleSheets as $strSrc => $strAttr) { $buffer .= $tab . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $strSrc . '"'; if (!is_null($strAttr['mime']) && (!$document->isHtml5() || !in_array($strAttr['mime'], $defaultCssMimes))) { $buffer .= ' type="' . $strAttr['mime'] . '"'; } if (!is_null($strAttr['media'])) { $buffer .= ' media="' . $strAttr['media'] . '"'; } if (is_array($strAttr['attribs'])) { if ($temp = ArrayHelper::toString($strAttr['attribs'])) { $buffer .= ' ' . $temp; } } $buffer .= $tagEnd . $lnEnd; } // Generate stylesheet declarations foreach ($document->_style as $type => $content) { $buffer .= $tab . '<style'; if (!is_null($type) && (!$document->isHtml5() || !in_array($type, $defaultCssMimes))) { $buffer .= ' type="' . $type . '"'; } $buffer .= '>' . $lnEnd; // This is for full XHTML support. if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '/*<![CDATA[*/' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $content . $lnEnd; // See above note if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '/*]]>*/' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . '</style>' . $lnEnd; } $defaultJsMimes = array('text/javascript', 'application/javascript', 'text/x-javascript', 'application/x-javascript'); // Generate script file links foreach ($document->_scripts as $strSrc => $strAttr) { $buffer .= $tab . '<script src="' . $strSrc . '"'; if (!is_null($strAttr['mime']) && (!$document->isHtml5() || !in_array($strAttr['mime'], $defaultJsMimes))) { $buffer .= ' type="' . $strAttr['mime'] . '"'; } if ($strAttr['defer']) { $buffer .= ' defer'; if (!$document->isHtml5()) { $buffer .= '="defer"'; } } if ($strAttr['async']) { $buffer .= ' async'; if (!$document->isHtml5()) { $buffer .= '="async"'; } } $buffer .= '></script>' . $lnEnd; } // Generate scripts options $scriptOptions = $document->getScriptOptions(); if (!empty($scriptOptions)) { $buffer .= $tab . '<script type="text/javascript">' . $lnEnd; // This is for full XHTML support. if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '//<![CDATA[' . $lnEnd; } $pretyPrint = JDEBUG && defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT') ? JSON_PRETTY_PRINT : false; $jsonOptions = json_encode($scriptOptions, $pretyPrint); $jsonOptions = $jsonOptions ? $jsonOptions : '{}'; // TODO: use .extend(Joomla.optionsStorage, options) when it will be safe $buffer .= $tab . 'var Joomla = Joomla || {};' . $lnEnd; $buffer .= $tab . 'Joomla.optionsStorage = ' . $jsonOptions . ';' . $lnEnd; // See above note if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '//]]>' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . '</script>' . $lnEnd; } // Generate script declarations foreach ($document->_script as $type => $content) { $buffer .= $tab . '<script'; if (!is_null($type) && (!$document->isHtml5() || !in_array($type, $defaultJsMimes))) { $buffer .= ' type="' . $type . '"'; } $buffer .= '>' . $lnEnd; // This is for full XHTML support. if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '//<![CDATA[' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $content . $lnEnd; // See above note if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '//]]>' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . '</script>' . $lnEnd; } // Generate script language declarations. if (count(JText::script())) { $buffer .= $tab . '<script'; if (!$document->isHtml5()) { $buffer .= ' type="text/javascript"'; } $buffer .= '>' . $lnEnd; if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '//<![CDATA[' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '(function() {' . $lnEnd; $buffer .= $tab . $tab . $tab . 'Joomla.JText.load(' . json_encode(JText::script()) . ');' . $lnEnd; $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '})();' . $lnEnd; if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '//]]>' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . '</script>' . $lnEnd; } // Output the custom tags - array_unique makes sure that we don't output the same tags twice foreach (array_unique($document->_custom) as $custom) { $buffer .= $tab . $custom . $lnEnd; } return $buffer; }
/** * Generates the head HTML and return the results as a string * * @param JDocumentHtml $document The document for which the head will be created * * @return string The head hTML * * @since 3.5 * @deprecated 4.0 Method code will be moved into the render method */ public function fetchHead($document) { // Convert the tagids to titles if (isset($document->_metaTags['name']['tags'])) { $tagsHelper = new JHelperTags(); $document->_metaTags['name']['tags'] = implode(', ', $tagsHelper->getTagNames($document->_metaTags['name']['tags'])); } if ($document->getScriptOptions()) { JHtml::_('behavior.core'); } // Trigger the onBeforeCompileHead event $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app->triggerEvent('onBeforeCompileHead'); // Get line endings $lnEnd = $document->_getLineEnd(); $tab = $document->_getTab(); $tagEnd = ' />'; $buffer = ''; // Generate charset when using HTML5 (should happen first) if ($document->isHtml5()) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta charset="' . $document->getCharset() . '" />' . $lnEnd; } // Generate base tag (need to happen early) $base = $document->getBase(); if (!empty($base)) { $buffer .= $tab . '<base href="' . $base . '" />' . $lnEnd; } // Generate META tags (needs to happen as early as possible in the head) foreach ($document->_metaTags as $type => $tag) { foreach ($tag as $name => $content) { if ($type == 'http-equiv' && !($document->isHtml5() && $name == 'content-type')) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta http-equiv="' . $name . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . $lnEnd; } elseif ($type != 'http-equiv' && !empty($content)) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta ' . $type . '="' . $name . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($content, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . $lnEnd; } } } // Don't add empty descriptions $documentDescription = $document->getDescription(); if ($documentDescription) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta name="description" content="' . htmlspecialchars($documentDescription, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . $lnEnd; } // Don't add empty generators $generator = $document->getGenerator(); if ($generator) { $buffer .= $tab . '<meta name="generator" content="' . htmlspecialchars($generator, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '" />' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . '<title>' . htmlspecialchars($document->getTitle(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</title>' . $lnEnd; // Generate link declarations foreach ($document->_links as $link => $linkAtrr) { $buffer .= $tab . '<link href="' . $link . '" ' . $linkAtrr['relType'] . '="' . $linkAtrr['relation'] . '"'; if (is_array($linkAtrr['attribs'])) { if ($temp = ArrayHelper::toString($linkAtrr['attribs'])) { $buffer .= ' ' . $temp; } } $buffer .= ' />' . $lnEnd; } $defaultCssMimes = array('text/css'); // Generate stylesheet links foreach ($document->_styleSheets as $strSrc => $strAttr) { $buffer .= $tab . '<link href="' . $strSrc . '" rel="stylesheet"'; if (!is_null($strAttr['mime']) && (!$document->isHtml5() || !in_array($strAttr['mime'], $defaultCssMimes))) { $buffer .= ' type="' . $strAttr['mime'] . '"'; } if (!is_null($strAttr['media'])) { $buffer .= ' media="' . $strAttr['media'] . '"'; } if (is_array($strAttr['attribs'])) { if ($temp = ArrayHelper::toString($strAttr['attribs'])) { $buffer .= ' ' . $temp; } } $buffer .= $tagEnd . $lnEnd; } // Generate stylesheet declarations foreach ($document->_style as $type => $content) { $buffer .= $tab . '<style'; if (!is_null($type) && (!$document->isHtml5() || !in_array($type, $defaultCssMimes))) { $buffer .= ' type="' . $type . '"'; } $buffer .= '>' . $lnEnd; // This is for full XHTML support. if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '/*<![CDATA[*/' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $content . $lnEnd; // See above note if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '/*]]>*/' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . '</style>' . $lnEnd; } // Generate scripts options $scriptOptions = $document->getScriptOptions(); if (!empty($scriptOptions)) { $buffer .= $tab . '<script type="application/json" class="joomla-script-options new">'; $prettyPrint = JDEBUG && defined('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT') ? JSON_PRETTY_PRINT : false; $jsonOptions = json_encode($scriptOptions, $prettyPrint); $jsonOptions = $jsonOptions ? $jsonOptions : '{}'; $buffer .= $jsonOptions; $buffer .= '</script>' . $lnEnd; } $defaultJsMimes = array('text/javascript', 'application/javascript', 'text/x-javascript', 'application/x-javascript'); $html5NoValueAttributes = array('defer', 'async'); $mediaVersion = $document->getMediaVersion(); // Generate script file links foreach ($document->_scripts as $src => $attribs) { // Check if script uses IE conditional statements. $conditional = isset($attribs['options']) && isset($attribs['options']['conditional']) ? $attribs['options']['conditional'] : null; // Check if script uses media version. if (strpos($src, '?') === false && isset($attribs['options']) && isset($attribs['options']['version']) && $attribs['options']['version']) { $src .= '?' . ($attribs['options']['version'] === 'auto' ? $mediaVersion : $attribs['options']['version']); } $buffer .= $tab; // This is for IE conditional statements support. if (!is_null($conditional)) { $buffer .= '<!--[if ' . $conditional . ']>'; } $buffer .= '<script src="' . $src . '"'; // Add script tag attributes. foreach ($attribs as $attrib => $value) { // Don't add the 'options' attribute. This attribute is for internal use (version, conditional, etc). if ($attrib === 'options') { continue; } // Don't add type attribute if document is HTML5 and it's a default mime type. 'mime' is for B/C. if (in_array($attrib, array('type', 'mime')) && $document->isHtml5() && in_array($value, $defaultJsMimes)) { continue; } // Don't add type attribute if document is HTML5 and it's a default mime type. 'mime' is for B/C. if ($attrib === 'mime') { $attrib = 'type'; } elseif (in_array($attrib, array('defer', 'async')) && $value === true) { $value = $attrib; } // Add attribute to script tag output. $buffer .= ' ' . htmlspecialchars($attrib, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); if (!($document->isHtml5() && in_array($attrib, $html5NoValueAttributes))) { // Json encode value if it's an array. $value = !is_scalar($value) ? json_encode($value) : $value; $buffer .= '="' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"'; } } $buffer .= '></script>'; // This is for IE conditional statements support. if (!is_null($conditional)) { $buffer .= '<![endif]-->'; } $buffer .= $lnEnd; } // Generate script declarations foreach ($document->_script as $type => $content) { $buffer .= $tab . '<script'; if (!is_null($type) && (!$document->isHtml5() || !in_array($type, $defaultJsMimes))) { $buffer .= ' type="' . $type . '"'; } $buffer .= '>' . $lnEnd; // This is for full XHTML support. if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '//<![CDATA[' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $content . $lnEnd; // See above note if ($document->_mime != 'text/html') { $buffer .= $tab . $tab . '//]]>' . $lnEnd; } $buffer .= $tab . '</script>' . $lnEnd; } // Output the custom tags - array_unique makes sure that we don't output the same tags twice foreach (array_unique($document->_custom) as $custom) { $buffer .= $tab . $custom . $lnEnd; } return $buffer; }