예제 #1
  * Method to execute the controller.
  * @throws RuntimeException
  * @return bool|void
 public function execute()
     // Get the application database object.
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // Get the installation database schema split into individual queries.
     switch ($db->name) {
         case 'sqlite':
             $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql(file_get_contents(dirname(JPATH_BASE) . '/database/schema/sqlite/install.sql'));
         case 'mysql':
         case 'mysqli':
             $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql(file_get_contents(dirname(JPATH_BASE) . '/database/schema/mysql/install.sql'));
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Database engine %s is not supported.', $db->name));
     // Execute the installation schema queries.
     foreach ($queries as $query) {
         if ('' == trim($query)) {
     /* @var ECR_CLASS_PREFIXApplicationWeb $application */
     $application = JFactory::getApplication();
     $application->addMessage('Your database has been created', 'success');
     JFactory::getApplication()->input->set('view', 'list');
     JLog::add('The database has been created');
  * @testdox  getInstance() returns the correct object
  * @param   string  $dbDriver      The database driver to be mocked
  * @param   string  $itemSubclass  The subclass of JSchemaChangeitem that is expected
  * @param   string  $dbFolder      The name of the folder where the stubs are located
  * @covers  JSchemaChangeitem::__construct
  * @covers  JSchemaChangeitem::getInstance
  * @dataProvider  dataGetInstance
 public function testGetInstanceReturnsTheCorrectObject($dbDriver, $itemSubclass, $dbFolder)
     $file = __DIR__ . '/stubs/' . $dbFolder . '/3.5.0-2016-03-01.sql';
     $dbo = $this->getMockDatabase($dbDriver);
     $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql(file_get_contents($file));
     $item = JSchemaChangeitem::getInstance($dbo, $file, $queries[0]);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('JSchemaChangeitem' . $itemSubclass, $item, 'The correct JSchemaChangeitem subclass was not instantiated');
	 * Tests the JDatabaseDriver::splitSql method.
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   12.1
	public function testSplitSql()
			$this->db->splitSql('SELECT * FROM #__foo;SELECT * FROM #__bar;'),
					'SELECT * FROM #__foo;',
					'SELECT * FROM #__bar;'
			'splitSql method should split a string of multiple queries into an array.'
예제 #4
 public function restore()
     if (!JSession::checkToken()) {
         $this->response->errors[] = JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN');
         $this->response->failed = 1;
     } else {
         // database
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         // Delete v3 tables
         $sql = JPATH_SITE . '/administrator/components/com_k2/uninstall.sql';
         $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql(file_get_contents($sql));
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
         // Restore v2 tables
         $tables = array('#__k2_v2_attachments', '#__k2_v2_categories', '#__k2_v2_comments', '#__k2_v2_extra_fields', '#__k2_v2_extra_fields_groups', '#__k2_v2_items', '#__k2_v2_rating', '#__k2_v2_tags', '#__k2_v2_tags_xref', '#__k2_v2_users', '#__k2_v2_user_groups');
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             $name = str_replace('#__k2_v2_', '#__k2_', $table);
             $db->setQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $db->quoteName($name));
             $db->setQuery('RENAME TABLE ' . $db->quoteName($table) . ' TO ' . $db->quoteName($name));
         // Restore component files manually to keep any custom templates
         if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2')) {
             JFolder::delete(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2');
             JFolder::move(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2_v2', JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2');
         if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2')) {
             JFolder::delete(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2');
             JFolder::move(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2_v2', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2');
         // Install K2 v2 package to restore rest extension files
         $installer = JInstaller::getInstance();
         $file = JInstallerHelper::downloadPackage('http://getk2.org/downloads/?f=K2_v2.6.9.zip');
         $config = JFactory::getConfig();
         $package = JInstallerHelper::unpack($config->get('tmp_path') . '/' . $file, true);
     echo json_encode($this->response);
     return $this;
예제 #5
  * Get array of SQL queries
  * @param   array  $sqlfiles  Array of .sql update filenames.
  * @return  array  Array of stdClass objects where:
  *                    file=filename,
  *                    update_query = text of SQL update query
  * @since   2.5
 private function getUpdateQueries(array $sqlfiles)
     // Hold results as array of objects
     $result = array();
     foreach ($sqlfiles as $file) {
         $buffer = file_get_contents($file);
         // Create an array of queries from the sql file
         $queries = $this->db->splitSql($buffer);
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             if (trim($query)) {
                 $fileQueries = new stdClass();
                 $fileQueries->file = $file;
                 $fileQueries->updateQuery = $query;
                 $result[] = $fileQueries;
     return $result;
  * Method to insert the values from the .sql file
  * @param unknown_type $tablename
  * @return boolean
 public function getInserted($tablename)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $status = true;
     //Force parsing of SQL file since Joomla! does that only in install mode, not in upgrades
     $sql = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_j2store/sql/install/mysql/' . $tablename . '.sql';
     $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql(file_get_contents($sql));
     foreach ($queries as $query) {
         $query = trim($query);
         if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
             if (!$db->execute()) {
                 $application->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)), 'error');
                 $status = false;
     return $status;
예제 #7
  * Method to process the updates for an item
  * @param   SimpleXMLElement  $schema  The XML node to process
  * @param   integer           $eid     Extension Identifier
  * @return  boolean           Result of the operations
  * @since   3.1
 public function parseSchemaUpdates(SimpleXMLElement $schema, $eid)
     $update_count = 0;
     // Ensure we have an XML element and a valid extension id
     if ($eid && $schema) {
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $schemapaths = $schema->children();
         if (count($schemapaths)) {
             $dbDriver = strtolower($db->name);
             if ($dbDriver == 'mysqli' || $dbDriver == 'pdomysql') {
                 $dbDriver = 'mysql';
             $schemapath = '';
             foreach ($schemapaths as $entry) {
                 $attrs = $entry->attributes();
                 // Assuming that the type is a mandatory attribute but if it is not mandatory then there should be a discussion for it.
                 $uDriver = strtolower($attrs['type']);
                 if ($uDriver == 'mysqli' || $uDriver == 'pdomysql') {
                     $uDriver = 'mysql';
                 if ($uDriver == $dbDriver) {
                     $schemapath = $entry;
             if (strlen($schemapath)) {
                 $files = str_replace('.sql', '', JFolder::files($this->getPath('extension_root') . '/' . $schemapath, '\\.sql$'));
                 usort($files, 'version_compare');
                 if (!count($files)) {
                     return false;
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true)->select('version_id')->from('#__schemas')->where('extension_id = ' . $eid);
                 $version = $db->loadResult();
                 // No version - use initial version.
                 if (!$version) {
                     $version = '0.0.0';
                 foreach ($files as $file) {
                     if (version_compare($file, $version) > 0) {
                         $buffer = file_get_contents($this->getPath('extension_root') . '/' . $schemapath . '/' . $file . '.sql');
                         // Graceful exit and rollback if read not successful
                         if ($buffer === false) {
                             JLog::add(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_READBUFFER'), JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
                             return false;
                         // Create an array of queries from the sql file
                         $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql($buffer);
                         if (count($queries) == 0) {
                             // No queries to process
                         // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
                         foreach ($queries as $query) {
                             $query = trim($query);
                             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                                 if (!$db->execute()) {
                                     JLog::add(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)), JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
                                     return false;
                                 } else {
                                     $queryString = (string) $query;
                                     $queryString = str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ' '), substr($queryString, 0, 80));
                                     JLog::add(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_UPDATE_LOG_QUERY', $file, $queryString), JLog::INFO, 'Update');
                 // Update the database
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true)->delete('#__schemas')->where('extension_id = ' . $eid);
                 if ($db->execute()) {
                     $query->clear()->insert($db->quoteName('#__schemas'))->columns(array($db->quoteName('extension_id'), $db->quoteName('version_id')))->values($eid . ', ' . $db->quote(end($files)));
     return $update_count;
예제 #8
  * Method to process the updates for an item
  * @param   SimpleXMLElement  $schema  The XML node to process
  * @param   integer           $eid     Extension Identifier
  * @return  boolean           Result of the operations
  * @since   11.1
 public function parseSchemaUpdates($schema, $eid)
     $files = array();
     $update_count = 0;
     // Ensure we have an XML element and a valid extension id
     if ($eid && $schema) {
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $schemapaths = $schema->children();
         if (count($schemapaths)) {
             $dbDriver = strtolower($db->name);
             if ($dbDriver == 'mysqli') {
                 $dbDriver = 'mysql';
             $schemapath = '';
             foreach ($schemapaths as $entry) {
                 $attrs = $entry->attributes();
                 if ($attrs['type'] == $dbDriver) {
                     $schemapath = $entry;
             if (strlen($schemapath)) {
                 $files = str_replace('.sql', '', JFolder::files($this->getPath('extension_root') . '/' . $schemapath, '\\.sql$'));
                 usort($files, 'version_compare');
                 if (!count($files)) {
                     return false;
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $query->select('version_id')->from('#__schemas')->where('extension_id = ' . $eid);
                 $version = $db->loadResult();
                 if ($version) {
                     // We have a version!
                     foreach ($files as $file) {
                         if (version_compare($file, $version) > 0) {
                             $buffer = file_get_contents($this->getPath('extension_root') . '/' . $schemapath . '/' . $file . '.sql');
                             // Graceful exit and rollback if read not successful
                             if ($buffer === false) {
                                 JLog::add(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_READBUFFER'), JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
                                 return false;
                             // Create an array of queries from the sql file
                             $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql($buffer);
                             if (count($queries) == 0) {
                                 // No queries to process
                             // Process each query in the $queries array (split out of sql file).
                             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                                 $query = trim($query);
                                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                                     if (!$db->execute()) {
                                         JLog::add(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)), JLog::WARNING, 'jerror');
                                         return false;
                 // Update the database
                 $query = $db->getQuery(true);
                 $query->delete()->from('#__schemas')->where('extension_id = ' . $eid);
                 if ($db->execute()) {
                     $query->columns(array($db->quoteName('extension_id'), $db->quoteName('version_id')));
                     $query->values($eid . ', ' . $db->quote(end($files)));
     return $update_count;
예제 #9
	 * Splits a string of multiple queries into an array of individual queries.
	 * @param   string  $query  Input SQL string with which to split into individual queries.
	 * @return  array  The queries from the input string separated into an array.
	 * @since   11.1
	 * @deprecated  13.1
	public static function splitSql($query)
		JLog::add('JDatabase::splitSql() is deprecated, use JDatabaseDriver::splitSql() instead.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');

		return JDatabaseDriver::splitSql($query);
예제 #10
 private function executeSQL($filename = '')
     if (is_file($filename)) {
         $buffer = file_get_contents($filename);
         if ($buffer === false) {
             return false;
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
             $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql($buffer);
         } else {
             $queries = JFactory::getDbo()->splitSql($buffer);
         if (count($queries)) {
             $db = JFactory::getDBO();
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     try {
                     } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
     return true;
예제 #11
 private function _executeSQLFiles($sql)
     if (JFile::exists($sql)) {
         $db = JFactory::getDbo();
         $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql(file_get_contents($sql));
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                 try {
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     //do nothing as customer can do this very well by going to the tools menu
예제 #12
 public function preflight($type, $parent)
     $application = JFactory::getApplication();
     $configuration = JFactory::getConfig();
     $installer = $parent->getParent();
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     // Init the upgrade flag
     $this->upgrade = false;
     // Proceed only if we are updating
     if ($type != 'install') {
         // Ensure that we are under Joomla! 3.2 or later
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.3.6', 'lt')) {
             $parent->getParent()->abort('K2 requires Joomla! 3.3.6 or later.');
             return false;
         // Get installled version
         $query = $db->getQuery(true);
         $query->select($db->quoteName('manifest_cache'))->from($db->quoteName('#__extensions'))->where($db->quoteName('name') . ' = ' . $db->quote('com_k2'));
         $manifest = json_decode($db->loadResult());
         $installedVersion = $manifest->version;
         // Detect if we need to perform an upgrade
         if (version_compare($installedVersion, '3.0.0', 'lt')) {
             // Ensure that the installed K2 version is not very old. Otherwise the update will fail.
             if (version_compare($installedVersion, '2.6.9', 'lt')) {
                 $parent->getParent()->abort('You cannot update from this version of K2. Please update first your current K2 installation to the latest 2.x series and try again.');
                 return false;
             // User is required to put the site offline while upgrading
             if (!$configuration->get('offline')) {
                 $parent->getParent()->abort('Site is not offline. Please put your site offline and try again.');
                 return false;
             // Since this is an upgrade rename all K2 2.x tables so the new ones will be created.
             $oldTables = array('#__k2_attachments', '#__k2_categories', '#__k2_comments', '#__k2_extra_fields', '#__k2_extra_fields_groups', '#__k2_items', '#__k2_rating', '#__k2_tags', '#__k2_tags_xref', '#__k2_users', '#__k2_user_groups');
             $existingTables = $db->getTableList();
             foreach ($oldTables as $oldTable) {
                 $newTable = str_replace('#__k2_', '#__k2_v2_', $oldTable);
                 $needle = str_replace('#__', $db->getPrefix(), $newTable, 1);
                 if (!in_array($needle, $existingTables)) {
                     $db->setQuery('RENAME TABLE ' . $db->quoteName($oldTable) . ' TO ' . $db->quoteName($newTable));
                     if (!$db->execute()) {
                         $parent->getParent()->abort(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_INSTALL_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                         return false;
             // Force parsing of SQL file since Joomla! does that only in install mode, not in updates
             $sql = $installer->getPath('source') . '/administrator/components/com_k2/install.sql';
             $queries = JDatabaseDriver::splitSql(file_get_contents($sql));
             foreach ($queries as $query) {
                 $query = trim($query);
                 if ($query != '' && $query[0] != '#') {
                     if (!$db->execute()) {
                         $parent->getParent()->abort(JText::sprintf('JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR', $db->stderr(true)));
                         return false;
             // Rename component files to get rid of files we don't need
             if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2')) {
                 if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2_v2')) {
                     if (!JFolder::delete(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2_v2')) {
                         $parent->getParent()->abort('Could not delete folder ' . JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2_v2. Check permissions.');
                         return false;
                 if (!JFolder::move(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2', JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2_v2')) {
                     $parent->getParent()->abort('Could not move folder ' . JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2. Check permissions.');
                     return false;
                 if (!JFolder::create(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2')) {
                     $parent->getParent()->abort('Could not create folder ' . JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2. Check permissions.');
                     return false;
                 if (!JFolder::copy(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2_v2/templates', JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2/templates')) {
                     $parent->getParent()->abort('Could not copy folder ' . JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_k2_v2/templates. Check permissions.');
                     return false;
             if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2')) {
                 if (JFolder::exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2_v2')) {
                     if (!JFolder::delete(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2_v2')) {
                         $parent->getParent()->abort('Could not delete folder ' . JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2_v2. Check permissions.');
                         return false;
                 if (!JFolder::move(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2_v2')) {
                     $parent->getParent()->abort('Could not move folder ' . JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_k2. Check permissions.');
                     return false;
             // Set a flag that this is an upgrade
             $this->upgrade = true;
예제 #13
  * Splits a string of multiple queries into an array of individual queries.
  * @param   string  $sql  Input SQL string with which to split into individual queries.
  * @return  array  The queries from the input string separated into an array.
  * @since   11.1
  * @deprecated  13.1
 public static function splitSql($sql)
     JLog::add('JDatabase::splitSql() is deprecated, use JDatabaseDriver::splitSql() instead.', JLog::NOTICE, 'deprecated');
     return JDatabaseDriver::splitSql($sql);