예제 #1
파일: User.php 프로젝트: projectesIF/Sirius
    public function search(){
        // Check permission
        $this->throwForbiddenUnless(SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Llicencies::', '::', ACCESS_READ));
        //path to zk jquery lib
        $js      = new JCSSUtil;
        $scripts = $js->scriptsMap();
        $jquery  = $scripts['jquery']['path'];
        // Omplim les llistes desplegables del fromulari
        $cursos   = ModUtil::apiFunc('Llicencies', 'user', 'getYears');
        $temes    = ModUtil::apiFunc('Llicencies', 'user', 'getTopicList');
        $subtemes = ModUtil::apiFunc('Llicencies', 'user', 'getSubtopicList');
        $tipus    = ModUtil::apiFunc('Llicencies', 'user', 'getTypeList');
        $view = Zikula_View::getInstance($this->name);
        $view->assign('jquery'  , $jquery);
        $view->assign('cursos'  , $cursos);
        $view->assign('temes'   , $temes);
        $view->assign('subtemes', $subtemes);
        $view->assign('tipus'   , $tipus);        
        $view->assign('admin'   , false);
        // Carreagr el formulari per a fer la cerca de llicències d'estudi

        return $this->view->display('Llicencies_main.tpl');
예제 #2
     * List the files in server folder
     * @author: Albert Pérez Monfort
     * @param:  args   the folder name where to list the files and subfolders
     * @return: The list of files and folders
    public function getFiles($args)
        $hook = FormUtil::getPassedValue('hook', isset($args['hook']) ? $args['hook'] : 0, 'GET');
	$editor = FormUtil::getPassedValue('editor', isset($args['editor']) ? $args['editor'] : false, 'GET');
        PageUtil::AddVar('javascript', 'modules/Files/javascript/getFiles.js');
        // get arguments
        $root = FormUtil::getPassedValue('root', isset($args['root']) ? $args['root'] : null, 'REQUEST');
        $lastFolder = isset($_SESSION['filesModuleLastFolder']) ? $_SESSION['filesModuleLastFolder'] : null;
        $folder = FormUtil::getPassedValue('folder', isset($args['folder']) ? $args['folder'] : null, 'REQUEST');
        $folder = (is_null($folder) && !is_null($lastFolder) && is_null($root)) ? $lastFolder : $folder; 
        $_SESSION['filesModuleLastFolder'] = $folder;
        $folder = str_replace("|", "/", $folder);
        // security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission( 'Files::', '::', ACCESS_ADD) || !UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
            $errorMsg = $this->__('Sorry! You have not been granted access to this page.');
            $this->view->assign('errorMsg', $errorMsg);
            $this->view->assign('external', 1);
        $oFolder = $folder;
        // gets root folder for the user
        $check = ModUtil::func('Files', 'user', 'checkingModule');
        if ($check['status'] != 'ok') {
	    $this->view->assign('check', $check);
            return $this->view->fetch('Files_user_failedConf.tpl');
        $initFolderPath = $check['initFolderPath'];

        // check if the root folder exists
            $errorMsg = $this->__('The server directory does not exist. Contact with the website administrator to solve this problem.');
            $this->view->assign('errorMsg',  $errorMsg);
            $this->view->assign('external', 1);
        // protection. User can not navigate out their root folder
        if($folder == ".." || $folder == "."){
            $errorMsg = $this->__('Invalid folder') . ': ' . $folder;
            $this->view->assign('errorMsg', $errorMsg);
            $this->view->assign('external', 1);
        // get folder name
        $folderName = str_replace($initFolderPath . '/' , '', $folder);
        $folder = $initFolderPath . '/' .  $folder;
        // users can not browser the thumbnails folders
        if(strpos($folder, '.tbn') !== false) {
            LogUtil::registerError($this->__('It is not possible to browse this folder'));
            return System::redirect(ModUtil::url('Files', 'external', 'getFiles',
                                                  array('folder' => substr($folderName, 0, strrpos($folderName, '/')))));
        // needed arguments
        // check if the folder exists
            $errorMsg = $this->__('Invalid folder').': '.$folderName;
            $this->view->assign('errorMsg',  $errorMsg);
            $this->view->assign('external', 1);
        // get user's disk use
        $userDiskUse = ModUtil::apiFunc('Files', 'user', 'get');
        $usedSpace = $userDiskUse['diskUse'];
        // get user's allowed space
        $userAllowedSpace = ModUtil::func('Files', 'user', 'getUserQuota');
        $maxDiskSpace = round($userAllowedSpace * 1024 * 1024);
        $percentage = round($usedSpace * 100 / $maxDiskSpace);
        $widthUsage = ($percentage > 100) ? 100 : $percentage;
        $usedSpaceArray = array('maxDiskSpace' => ModUtil::func('Files', 'user', 'diskUseFormat',
                                                                 array('value' => $maxDiskSpace)),
                                                                       'percentage' => $percentage,
                                'usedDiskSpace' => ModUtil::func('Files', 'user', 'diskUseFormat',
                                                                  array('value' => $usedSpace)),
                                                                        'widthUsage' => $widthUsage);
        // create output object
        $this->view = Zikula_View::getInstance('Files', false);
        // get folder files and subfolders
        $fileList = ModUtil::func('Files', 'user', 'dir_list',
                                   array('folder' => $folder,
                                         'external' => 1,
                                         'hook' => $hook,
                                         'editor' => $editor));
        $notwriteable = (!is_writable($folder)) ? true : false;
        // check if it is a public directori
        $is_public = (!file_exists($folder.'/.locked')) ? true : false ;
        $this->view->assign('publicFolder',  $is_public);
        $this->view->assign('folderPrev', substr($folderName, 0 ,  strrpos($folderName, '/')));
        $folderPath = (SecurityUtil::checkPermission( 'Files::', '::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) ? $folderName : ModUtil::getVar('Files', 'usersFolder') . '/' . strtolower(substr(UserUtil::getVar('uname'), 0 , 1)) . '/' . UserUtil::getVar('uname') . '/' .$folderName;
        $imagesArray = array();
        // get folder files and subfolders
        if(file_exists($folder . '/.tbn')) {
            $images = ModUtil::func('Files', 'user', 'dir_list',
                                array('folder' => $folder . '/.tbn',
                                      'external' => 1));
            foreach($images['file'] as $file) {
                $fileExtension = FileUtil::getExtension($file['name']);
                if(in_array(strtolower($fileExtension), array('gif','png','jpg','jpeg'))) {
                    list($width, $height) = getimagesize($folder . '/' . $file['name']);
                    list($newWidth, $newHeight) = getimagesize($folder . '/.tbn/' . $file['name']);
                    $factor = round($width/$newWidth,2);
                    $imagesArray[] = array('name' => $file['name'],
                                        'viewWidth' => $newWidth,
                                        'width' => $width,
                                        'viewHeight' => $newHeight,
                                        'height' => $height,
                                        'factor' => $factor);
		$scribite_v4 = ModUtil::getVar('Files', 'scribite_v4');
        $this->view->assign('scribite_v4', $scribite_v4);
		$scribite_v5 = ModUtil::getVar('Files', 'scribite_v5');
        $this->view->assign('scribite_v5', $scribite_v5);
		$scribite_v4_name = ModUtil::getVar('Files', 'scribite_v4_name');
        $this->view->assign('scribite_v4_name', $scribite_v4_name);
		$scribite_v5_name = ModUtil::getVar('Files', 'scribite_v5_name');
        $this->view->assign('scribite_v5_name', $scribite_v5_name);
        $defaultPublic = ModUtil::getVar('Files', 'defaultPublic');
        $this->view->assign('defaultPublic', $defaultPublic);
		$this->view->assign('editor', $editor);
        $this->view->assign('folderPath', DataUtil::formatForDisplay($folderPath));
        $this->view->assign('folderName', DataUtil::formatForDisplay($folderName));
        $this->view->assign('fileList', $fileList);
        $this->view->assign('hook', $hook);
        $this->view->assign('imagesArray', DataUtil::formatForDisplay($imagesArray));
        $this->view->assign('usedSpace',  $usedSpaceArray);
        $this->view->assign('notwriteable', $notwriteable);
        //path to zk jquery lib
        $js =new JCSSUtil;
        $scripts = $js->scriptsMap();
        $jquery = $scripts['jquery']['path'];
        return $this->view->display('Files_external_getFiles.tpl');